Editor, Experienced player (900)
Joined: 7/20/2011
Posts: 345
Well I figured out something that may be good or bad... You can wedge yourself into any wall whether there's a ledge or not by repeated pressing L+C or R+C at the same frame after jumping next to a wall. This can already be used to skip a large chunk of bell castle 2, as seen here: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/48056152559379330 The problem with this is that it may make certain levels become boring. I'm looking at Dr Dis Industries 2.. Which will certainly just become Wedging yourself into the wall at the very start of the stage and then falling to the boss room. The wedging will probably take.. anywhere from 800-1000 frames to execute, but will skip the entire level, including the miniboss for this stage. I guess it just comes down to whether you think that's more entertaining or not.. It's obviously faster.
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
Player (98)
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Link to video As you can see, from first 'wedge' you can get (0xC5D0400-0xC584500)=0x4BF00 more if you run with speed 0x50500. You can't get more with this speed. But you may have 0x50F00 speed, and in that case I guess result will be 0x4BF00+0x50F00-0x50500=0x4C900 - but this is not confirmed. Also, each one iteration gives 0x4600, this means, you may skip 17 of them! Sorry, I did update maps yet again. I noticed that places with teal is semitransparent where they should not be, only when I opened it with PaintDotNet. :(
Reviewer, Active player (285)
Joined: 12/14/2006
Posts: 717
http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/48313338740558231 So, I know it's been a while since I've posted, but Exonym and I have been busy on Discord shaving frames off of every level. Now we're finally at the point where we can show our fruits. Link to video Pretty much every level except for the Boardin' Zone levels has been changed in this version. We're aware that it's starting to look samey and less like gameplay, though and are already talking about making a zipless version of this game. I'd like to finish this run first before tackling that run though, but it's definitely in the backburner for future runs.
Player (98)
Joined: 12/12/2013
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Location: Russia
NICE. At last! Short setup zips are awesome. Middle time setup zips looks fine too. My subjective feeling of long time setups: Fort Redstar 3 Disco Fever 3 (two of them) Dis Industries 1, 2, 3 - all of them looks long For me, 13 shifts is long for sure.
Player (98)
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I didn't publish it here just because I was a bit lazy. But for sake of completeness, here it is: https://gist.github.com/realmonster/744ec17aab9ad711ee78a384601a2b60 Use it as kind of template.
Reviewer, Active player (285)
Joined: 12/14/2006
Posts: 717
If anyone's interested, I'm working on a 100% run of the game. Here's the first world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGyUGeyKK78 http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/63790666754878600 I've been posting more frequent updates on the Discord.