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Mechuyael wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm not really that good a player, and can't really help with anything. IIRC I liked Ray the best because his moves looked the coolest. Well, at least until I unlocked that guy that's a real wuss in the story but just plain rocks when you use him. Edit: I checked myself and found that out. Whoops. Sorry for the false hopes.
Its fine! XD With it I found out that this "infanite Devil mode" glitch isn't true at all XD so time wasted Ya, Ray's moves are indeed cool looking for the most part and im hoping to use them all at one point =p I also thing hes the only base charater that gets both a AoE AND a beam! XD i'llhave stage 1 done by tomarrow I think =p
Im Everywere!!!.....................................Or am I??? Current Projects: AGH on Very Hard (Alpha-Stage 1 done) GSH on Hard (Beta-Stage4 done)
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Just got around to watching the new WIP retry, lazy me. Nice work with countering the falling platforms for EXP crystals; I hadn't even thought of trying that out. And not only is the ogre fight quicker, but it looks more entertaining to boot (read: I laughed so damn hard). Looking forward to seeing how you've come along since then. Oh, and I started playing AGH again, and remember how I said that I originally thought it was possible to kill the golem boss within the time limit? Well, I was mistaken, but there's another endurance battle in stage four where you have to wait five minutes until missiles come to destroy the enemy. Naturally waiting around for five minutes doing nothing sucks, but turns out that you can destroy those spires before the five minutes are up.
lipucd wrote:
I also thing hes the only base charater that gets both a AoE AND a beam! XD
All of the base characters have AoEs, but they work differently. Ein gets some flaming swords of doom which are too unpredictable to be reliable. Hyu makes an ice pool, and anything that comes within its radius is frozen and rendered immobile, but thunder effect basically does the same thing. So basically, Ray has the best AoE in terms of damage and reliability. Also, Ray's beam is the only one that has a fixed charge time, but it can hit enemies out of the air, and again while on the way down, if you're able to time it just right. And, now, a PROTIP: Remember that if you have a status (on fire, frozen, electrocuted), anything that you touch will have that status as well. That saved my life in the gargoyle from hell fight on stage five. Have fun TASing.
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ahh! good to here from you Anon! Yup, Knew about the other endurance part ( before you go to the heavens ) and I ALWAYS beat that even on normal play so TAS is going to be a snap! =p I forgot about Ein's fire sword attack being AoE...but then again its REALY sucky >_>;;; I could say manupulated to hit were I wanted it to but ehh...too much work for such a weak attack that realy just hits 1~3 people with micore dmg ;-; Ryu's Ice attack does so little dmg hence why I forgoed him...Even with max Mind it still does little to nothng but freeze people...Good for normal play to set up long combos...not for TAS. And I didn't know that about Ray's beam...gotta try that out one day XD Zur...owned to the "Nth" degree.. Oh yes! Stage one beated again! And Im fannaly putting tags to this run - Attempts for fastest time possable - Trys to be entertaining - Takes damage to save time - Abuses game programming errors As #5 wouldn't be seen much ( due to me only knowing of one glitch as of now ) the others will ;) Glitches so far: [Mp no charge] Usaly after using up all of your MP your stuk sitting down huffing and puffing till you get a bit of MP back. Doing this time you can charge your "rage" by hitting as many buttons as you can. Though if you DON'T want to sit on your butt for a good 3~7 seconds you can ether A) Air-dash immedaly after control is given back to player ( I only think is can be done in the air >_>;; ) or B) actervate your "rage". truly though only A is a glitch as B was intended to happen >_<;;. As always improvments, ideas, aid, or just feeling about the current run are always accepted! =3 ADDED: Just compared this run to my at least 4000 frames faster then my other Alpha run with a good minute less XD
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another update...Part of stage two is done I know that at least someone is watching these...>_>;;;
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And here I am just getting finished watching the last WIP that you put out before this one. *sigh* Overall, this run is looking very nice. Just one question concerning stage 1 — in the area with the blazing fire and trees blocking your path, would it be possbile to use another lightning attack to clear the tree even quicker, or would it have drained your magic meter too much to use the attacks against Zur?
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Anon wrote:
And here I am just getting finished watching the last WIP that you put out before this one. *sigh* Overall, this run is looking very nice. Just one question concerning stage 1 — in the area with the blazing fire and trees blocking your path, would it be possbile to use another lightning attack to clear the tree even quicker, or would it have drained your magic meter too much to use the attacks against Zur?
XD Alright then i'll go at a slower pace then. =p For stage 1) Yup...I acualy could have just thundered the tree and that would have been it...IF the stupid A.I. would then jump and smack me out of it >_<;;; and it seems slight alterations doesn't fix it by much...>_>;;;....Doing my final run i'll get rid of all three trees ( but I do laugh that I was able to convince the A.I. to finish it off for me...same thing for the last wall in the cave =p ) Right now stage 2 is a slugfeast...A few parts I know could have been done better but at least I now know just how big of a difference having 4 DEF is XD The Ganru bos is going to be a pain in the arse I know that for sure...>_<;;; But at least the last part of the stage will be quick ( thank you +10 MOL boost! XD ) Ugh...tired...need sleep...see you later
Im Everywere!!!.....................................Or am I??? Current Projects: AGH on Very Hard (Alpha-Stage 1 done) GSH on Hard (Beta-Stage4 done)
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lipucd wrote:
Anon wrote:
And here I am just getting finished watching the last WIP that you put out before this one. *sigh*
XD Alright then i'll go at a slower pace then. =p
Please don't. I just suck when it comes to prioritizing. :P I'll be sure to comment on your progress on the second stage... s00n.
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I've been rather busy in college, but I'll check your WIP right now. I'll edit in my impressions. Very good! Level 2 is rather lag-heavy, but I guess that's not something that can be helped. Can't wait for you to meet that guy that just goes flying when you hit him (does he do that in super-hard mode? I don't recall).
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Mechuyael wrote:
I've been rather busy in college, but I'll check your WIP right now. I'll edit in my impressions. Very good! Level 2 is rather lag-heavy, but I guess that's not something that can be helped. Can't wait for you to meet that guy that just goes flying when you hit him (does he do that in super-hard mode? I don't recall).
Ya hes there...I think anyway...=p Stage 2 should be up by tomarrow if I can fit in a few hours of time to get it done =p
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I finally got around to seeing your stage two. (Yeah I know I suck what of it.) The first time you use your AoE attack, it seems like it would have been better to wait until there were more enemies in your radius, and then fire it off. Dunno just how more or less effective it would have been; just speaking my mind. Other than that and the immense lag (which you can't do much about, because it starts to lag on the console itself), some of the fighting seems that it could have been more polished here and there, although trying to explain which segments would cause my mind to go into immense overload and fry itself like it had just been dumped in a hot vat of grease. Good luck in the rest of your run, and here's hoping that I don't wait as long to see another one of your wips. >.>
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*due to a few things that have gotten in the way progress on this will be QUITE slow* This post is more of a "Im not dead" that a "I have stuff to show" >_<;; ...I say yes to too many things >_>;;;
Im Everywere!!!.....................................Or am I??? Current Projects: AGH on Very Hard (Alpha-Stage 1 done) GSH on Hard (Beta-Stage4 done)
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Looks like lipucd took off and dropped the run. Too bad too, because this game has potential. Yanno, despite the huge lag in some areas.
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Ive started a WIP of it with Coolkirby. We'll be using Dylan. i'll post a link to the input file as soon as I can, but I am unable to right now, it might have to wait a week or two, whenever my grounding stops.
I quit TASing.
Joined: 9/1/2012
Posts: 309 Coolkirby is working on his part now, and he'll update it when we make a bit more progress. EDIT: forgot, we're using Visual Boy Advance 24-M. ANOTHER EDIT: AW SHOOT I FORGOT THE VERIFICATION MOVIE D: well, here it is -.-' just in case, wait until the credits start before you reset, I'm not sure if it'll sync or not (Coolkirby made the verification movie, maybe I should have it record a few more empty frames before we finish the run.)
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Here is a better version of the verification movie. It runs up to the credits and then resets. Of course, our movie will be starting from a Reset with SRAM. The reset I put in just saves the viewers (and judge) time.
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For those of you who dont want to bother with the downloading of both movies at this moment: Sorry, I don't know how to embed videos in the post.
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So I've discovered a glitch with Dylan that makes chaining his airdashes a lot faster and easier overall which, combined with his powerful moveset, makes him the prime candidate for speedrunning the game. (the run is a bit slower in the beginning than the previous wip due to defeating the first enemies in a way that nets the character more soul crystals at the beginning (and because I probably didn't skip the intro as quickly as possible, either that or the later version of the emulator causes the splash screen to load a few frames later, not sure yet since I used autofire for that part) Basically, every character's airdash goes thru a startup, dash, and cooldown period. Most characters can cancel their airdashes with an aerial attack. Dylan's normal air attack (without pressing a direction) can actually be cancelled into another airdash the frame after the move is initiated (aka, following the frame the A button is pressed), and vice versa. This means he can skip the cooldown period and chain airdashes together faster than other characters. On top of that, airdash speed isn't affected by the MOB stat, and Dylan's a character with a long and fast airdash inherently, so that's more EXP for ATK and MATK for beating enemies more quickly. Another utility for this trick is that you can cancel the airdash at any time and change direction at will. This is currently more for messing around and minor adjustments, but is still noteworthy. Also if you autofire a and b on alternating frames he hovers int he air while spazzing out. XD You can see each of these things in the WIP. Edit: Also here is a viewsync comparing the old and current WIPs.
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Posts: 309
New WIP. I was considering redoing Stage 1 for optimization purposes, then something happened that resulted in me losing the movie file (Savestates no longer synced up properly), so that kinda clinched it. Overall, this is much more optimized than previously, however, I was unable to replicate the 1-spell KO against Cyclops, but I was still able to beat him faster than previously, and it admittedly looks cooler, using momentum from it's hyper activation against it. I also figured out that defeating Zur in a way that doesn't send him flying ends the stage more quickly, as you'll see in the video. Getting hit a few times to charge up my anger gauge and using a hyper ground combo ended up being the easiest way to go about this. I want to redo Zur's battle with that in mind. Comparison- Movie files: V.Movie- TAS WIP-
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Posts: 309
I realized that I wasn't mashing properly to get as much anger gauge as I could from the trees, so I fixed that and found that it gave me enough anger energy to activate hyper mode at the beginning of the Zur fight, allowing me to finish much faster. TLDR: I made a faster Zur fight. Edit: I made it even faster. Comparison: Coupled with a mistake I fixed, I do believe Stage 1 is completely optimized now!
I quit TASing.