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Player (71)
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Could someone add the hex values for every button press + analog stick to the Emulator pages " How do I play a *.m64 file?" please? http://tasvideos.org/FAQ.html#emulators_ Would be very helpful in order to develop some parser or movie editor lator on, like the ones for gens. :)
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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What, you mean http://tasvideos.org/M64.html ? It's already on there...
Player (71)
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WTF! Magic. I must have gone blind or something like that, because I looked over and over and coulden't see m64. Weird. Oh well. Thanks. :)
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Oh, no you're not blind; the link was invisible until just now, although that page existed beforehand. I added bmglib.dll, btw, so if it's still complaining about it missing for anyone, re-download v6 and it should stop complaining.
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nitsuja wrote:
What, you mean http://tasvideos.org/M64.html ? It's already on there...
Inconsistency: Offset 0x20: Bit 0, Bit 4 and Bit 8?
Joined: 2/16/2005
Posts: 462
Yeah that did look a little weird. Ohh wasn't there also an N64 microphone? I don't suppose we're going to see support for that though :) Something else I thought might be useful in the movie format is a "director's commentary" section which would be a set of text in the movie format tagged with start and end frames of when the text should be displayed. Im not sure how much use it would get but it could be neat to embed explanations of what glitches are used or why a path is avoided. Just throwing it out there.
This signature is much better than its previous version.
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asteron wrote:
Yeah that did look a little weird.
Actually this has been answered already. Bisqwit wrote that description from my format header and I think it's accurate. There's no support for weird peripherals, sorry. Especially not a microphone - would the sound stream go in the movie or something?
asteron wrote:
Something else I thought might be useful in the movie format is a "director's commentary" section which would be a set of text in the movie format tagged with start and end frames of when the text should be displayed.
Hmm... well I don't even know how to display text so I wouldn't be able to put it to much use as things are now. (Actually, I guess I could dedicate a new window to it....) I don't think I'll bother with doing this anytime soon, but it's not a bad idea - hasn't this been done for some AVIs outside of the game?
Player (208)
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Now, since emulation accuracy can vary among different plugins, should there be some kind of restriction on how accurate a plugin has to be before an AVI can be made out of a movie? Should we tolerate some small glitches?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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We already tolerate small graphics/sound glitches due to the emulator on other consoles. However, I think we should aim for getting the best accuracy that anyone is able to get with the same emulator and game as being what is captured to AVI. If it's unavoidable that one of the characters looks weird or one of the levels is too dark or one of the enemies is invisible or all the special effects are too bright/loud, I would say that's a small enough glitch to forgive (until better emulator support is available for it), but if the game is obviously screwed up for more than a very short part of it (all level graphics are missing, main character is upside-down, collision detection is broken (plugins won't cause this, btw), etc.) then it's probably not acceptable. I can't think of any way to avoid deciding it on a case-by-case basis, but on the other hand I think the right decision should be pretty clear (like the above examples) for most games.
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What about timing? Are there times when one plugin causes lag and another doesn't?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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The plugins don't seem to affect timing/lag at all. They can easily affect how much your computer lags when it renders the game, but they will not change how much time goes by inside the game or how many frames it generates. If we're suspicious that the plugin is having some effect on it, we can always try playing back the movie with different plugins to make sure it still stays synchronized.
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I can't seem to be able to dl the v6 of the emulator. Something wrong with the hosts. But luckily I found it from my hardrive after doing some searching. Just though to inform since not everyone has it already. I also had some trouble when I tried the v6 but now I have reinstalled Windows XP so I can't tell what it exactly said. Something about some .dll. I'm going to try the v6 now (or maybe tomorrow) and inform if I'll have the same problem. I had before finnish WinXP and now english so there might be some slight difference that some strange way could effect it but we'll see that.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Try downloading it now. (The links got screwed up somehow. Note that the mirror download is faster, if you can tolerate rapidshare.) When I first uploaded v6 it was missing a .dll file, but I fixed that later, so you will probably still get the missing DLL error unless you re-download v6. I don't think it has to do with your version of windows.
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Okey, thanks nitsuja. Now it's dl'ing just fine.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Should I use RawData in input settings or not, or does it even matter anymore? [edit]: I also seem to have some trouble with the Read-Only & Read+Write. I can't save or load because of that. And you can imagine how hard it is to make a TAS without saves :)
Which run should I encode next? :)
Emulator Coder, Former player
Joined: 7/14/2004
Posts: 250
Any chance of you posting a download link for the program EXE only? Or possibly a plain archive instead of a self-extractor? It's been getting rather annoying having to download that huge file (especially when it's through rapidshare and I have to wait 30 seconds for it to START), extract it, rename the EXE (I don't keep the non-rerecord version), copy it on top of the old one, then delete everything else (since nothing else changes between releases)...
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Location: Turku, Finland
Okey, I just solved the problem which I had with read-only/read+write (atleast partially). The quick key for read-only/read+write is in C, which I use also for save state1. So that explains why I couldn't save (or load that slot). But the question is, Can I change the quick key for read-only/read+write somewhere? And I'd also like an answer to the RawData question :) [edit]: Okeyy... the problem seems to be in the Hotkeys menu. When I set a key for 'Save State 1', it sets the key for read-only/read+write. And when I set a key for 'Load State 1', it sets a key for Save State 10. So now that I have found this, there isn't actually any problems that affects me, because I use the save/load slots 2-5 (since the 1 slots doesn't work the way they are supposed). Just though to mention this in case nitsuja wants to do somethin to this.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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OK, the EXE can be made separate. I mostly just put v7 up to see if the people who were having desync and frame advance problems could verify that it fixed them. The read-only toggle hotkey isn't finished in that it's not yet in the dialog so you have to edit it at the bottom of your mupen64.cfg file, and apparently there's an alignment bug with the cfg file saving that affects it. Also, you should turn off "Raw Data" for now. It shouldn't matter, but apparently there is some code elsewhere that is still affected by it, so until that's fixed you might get desyncs if you leave it on.
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Thanks. I guess I'll have to start again the run since I had RawData turned on.. Well, I wasn't that far so it really doesn't matter. Btw, any of the video plugins that comes with v6 doesn't work properly with Glover. There are some minor graphical bugs with each plugin. Some are a bit different than other, but they are there. So it may be good idea to add some other video plugins to the packet and remove the old versions since there are currently two versions of some plugins. I'm just saying that Glover will not be the only game/rom that doesn't work perfectly with the plugins that are now included in the package.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Maza wrote:
I guess I'll have to start again the run since I had RawData turned on.. Well, I wasn't that far so it really doesn't matter.
You don't have to start anything over unless it desyncs on playback when you turn it off.
Maza wrote:
There are some minor graphical bugs with each plugin. Some are a bit different than other, but they are there.
Like what? (I haven't tried running this game yet.) Do you know of specific plugins that work better for it? Also, most graphics plugins have a lot of options to fiddle with; I bet some of the graphical glitches would go away by changing the right options, for some of the plugins.
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Changelogs please! They don't have to be technical or exceedingly detailed, but knowing what's changed under the hood would be nice.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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New version: v8 Changes since v6: - fixed Recent ROMs menu - fixed Open command to work consistently when a ROM is already running - fixed hotkey configuration save alignment bug - fixed display of save slot numbers - fixed a frame advance problem some people were having - fixed a possible race condition on starting recording from start - added new hotkeys to configure: toggle read-only, play movie, record movie, stop playing/recording movie - added checkmarks for Pause and Read-Only menu items to show their current states - made it possible to change the author and description info from the movie playback dialog (must re-record to save it) - made it work normally to assign spacebar to a hotkey - made hotkeys actually show up in the menus, as the correct keys even after you've configured them - made the ROM list auto-populate when you Open a ROM, for people who wouldn't bother setting their ROM directories - made it less likely that your mupen64.ini file will become corrupted on exiting the emulator - made fast-forward a little faster - changed input display of analog sticks to show numbers, with 99 being the maximum
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*whistles* Man. The list of stuff this thing needs is massive if it wants to even get to PJ64's level. x.x; At least PJ doesn't totally hijack my PC to the point where I have to use ctrl-alt-del to close it. The N64 should not be this impossible to make an emulator for. >< Looks like anything made on this one, I'll just hafta wait for AVI versions of. Bleh.
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Uh, could you give part of that list or something? The only thing I know of that this can't emulate that PJ64 can is Blast Corps, and both PJ64 and 1964 emulate that game incorrectly anyway. And graphics/sound issues are shared across all these emulators because the plugins are shared. The GUI is annoying, but that doesn't seem like what you mean...
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