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Link to video I wonder if it would be different if you return to your house and talk to mom before doing this. lol
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Found a faster method to get to the Hall of Fame Link to video Should save close to a minute, haven't timed it yet though.
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Congrats. How did you find this new path? BTW, in case you are going to make a new any% TAS, the walking paths in current TAS around 15:00 and 21:00 seem improvable.
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Fortranm wrote:
Congrats. How did you find this new path?
I'll try to make a vid explaining how void works.
Fortranm wrote:
BTW, in case you are going to make a new any% TAS, the walking paths in current TAS around 15:00 and 21:00 seem improvable.
Yeah, I already noticed those. But thanks for reminding that! I just improved the HoF path even more! Link to video
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http://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=7770.0 Too bad I didn't see this until now. I have updated my proposed completionist route and will start working on the runs once the lua scripts are updated to include addresses for Japanese version. (I know there are now MUCH faster ways to do overworld warps in English version, but it's still a lot faster in Japanese version.)
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Fortranm wrote:
http://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=7770.0 Too bad I didn't see this until now. I have updated my proposed completionist route and will start working on the runs once the lua scripts are updated to include addresses for Japanese version. (I know there are now MUCH faster ways to do overworld warps in English version, but it's still a lot faster in Japanese version.)
Link to video Void Glitch - How to Catch Arceus in Pokemon D/P Holy shit. People finally figured out how to do this. From a brief reading, it appears the void can also mess with memory as well. I wonder would catching arbitrary pokemon be possible (eventually)?
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jlun2 wrote:
From a brief reading, it appears the void can also mess with memory as well. I wonder would catching arbitrary pokemon be possible (eventually)?
No, void glitch is a result of reading random memory, but it doesn't write anything, so executing arbitrary code doesn't seem to be a thing with it.
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http://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=7857.0 There is a post on GC about potential ACE by the same person who discovered the way to encounter Arceus, but there is no result yet.
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Fortranm wrote:
http://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=7857.0 There is a post on GC about potential ACE by the same person who discovered the way to encounter Arceus, but there is no result yet.
Yeah, that glitch is still on the works. It's Platinum and HGSS only though, since doing that tweak on DP freezes the game.
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Is anyone working om glitchless tas?
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https://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=8052.0 Just saw this. I wonder if cloning your main battle Pokemon can make certain double battles faster.
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That's pretty much how pokemon were cloned in g2. I'm rather surprised it still works in platinum. I wonder how precise this is, given how it wasn't noticed until now.
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I tried to recreate the glitch on 0.9.9, and it didn't work. The accuracy of Desmume is probably not enough to perform this kind of precise save corruption yet.
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Since there's no thread for HGSS, i just wanted to point out Facade is an available TM42 in the Goldenrod Department Store lottery (Friday only), not feasible for RTA but definitely for a TAS.
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
Since there's no thread for HGSS, i just wanted to point out Facade is an available TM42 in the Goldenrod Department Store lottery (Friday only), not feasible for RTA but definitely for a TAS.
Actually, there is a post for HGSS: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9485 I doubt paralysis abuse would work well for HGSS though. ---------------------------------------------- Link to video http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/44595031701342507 Thanks to new discoveries, I decided to continue working on the completionist run I started in early 2016. However, the goal is changed to just beating all bosses because Heatran actually won't appear before you get Nationaldex, and simply encountering all legendaries and catching them would get old really quick anyway. Arceus is caught to be the main fighter. This WIP stops after getting HM05 Surf.
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Hey, just curious. If it's possible to "magically" trigger Arceus with the void glitch, would it be possible to trigger other pokemon such as Regigagas WITHOUT needed requirements? Same with Heatran.
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jlun2 wrote:
Hey, just curious. If it's possible to "magically" trigger Arceus with the void glitch, would it be possible to trigger other pokemon such as Regigagas WITHOUT needed requirements? Same with Heatran.
Here is how it works for Arceus: https://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?topic=7770.0 The short answer is no. I suppose there is only one script that activates the Regigagas battle, and it always checks whether you have the 3 titans. Heatran actually won't appear in the room unless you have Nationaldex, and AFAIK its script cannot be activated with RETIRE (yet, at least).
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That's unfortunate. Is there a flag for the national dex? If so, I wonder could that be set in the void? Also, a potential ACE was mentioned on that forum, but it seems to have gone silent. I wonder did anything came out of it? Edit: Also someone kept mentioning various oddities with some RETIRE glitch, but no mention of how it was smuggled out of the void. I wonder if there would be anything "useful" in it?
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AFAIK, no. For the other questions, I don't really know the details either. --------------------------------------------- Link to video Now the "all bosses" run uses MKDasher's any% input up until getting the bike. This WIP contains everything after getting the bike up to entering Battle Tower.
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Because I'm planning to redo the "all bosses" run on Japanese Pearl, I edited some of MKDasher's luas for DS Pokemon games. Loadlines: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/45103536094459113 I merged the data from the ones for Pt and HGSS so this single lua auto-detects your game and supports all US Gen 4 games and JP version of D/P. RNG: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/45122848531803525 Since this one already has auto-detection, I only added support for Japanese D/P. Pokemon data: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/45104458121099441 Extension: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/45122835523452202 Both files are needed. Auto-detection and support for Japanese D/P is added. Now you can't manually change game mode anymore.
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Thanks for the Lua updates. By the way, do you have a Lua script that indicates where critical hits and misses are? I have one, though it is more of a hack of the RNG Lua script than anything else. By the way, I mentioned that mkdasher's TAS can be improved (and not just because of the quick void to hall of fame), as follows: (battle) - In general, whenever an opposing Pokemon needs two hits to defeat, sometimes it is faster to use Leer once and then an attacking move, instead of an attacking move twice. For example: Roark's Cranidos. - It is faster to manipulate the wild Starly in the tutorial fight to have a Def- nature (so you can manipulate Leer/Tackle/Scratch instead of Scratch/Growl/Scratch) but the time saved is very small and it makes it harder to manipulate for Chimchar at the same time. - It seems mkdasher's TAS takes damage in a few too many places at the beginning. Taking hits (instead of manipulating them to use moves like Growl/Leer/etc.) costs some time, more than the time saved avoiding critical hit messages. Roark's Pokemon can be defeated using Rock Smash instead of Ember. - In the Galactic Grunt double battle, manipulating Zubat to use Astonish on Turtwig and having Turtwig flinch would be best. - You can use critical Rock Smash against both Cherubi in Eterna Gym instead of a fire move, to avoid super effective messages. - Since Jupiter's Skuntank cannot be defeated in one move without using Blaze (even with Atk+ and PKRS), it is better to have Gardenia's Roserade use Magical Leaf to take Monferno down to low health. It is also faster than burning Skuntank to KO it. - From my calculations, it is better to have Atk+ for Chimchar/Monferno than Spe+. Having Atk+ allows: -- Leer and Scratch on Tristan's Starly, instead of 2x critical Scratch. -- KO in one hit on Natalie's first Bidoof (critical max range) -- Scratch on Eterna Forest Bug Catcher's Silcoon instead of Ember (critical max range) -- Rock Smash on Eterna Gym Angela's Turtwig instead of a fire move. which I think saves a little more time than the extra messages because of going second against Onix, Cranidos and Roserade (and if you need Roserade to use Magical Leaf, then that time loss doesn't even count). By the way, my calculations indicate that PKRS is of no help, so you don't need to manipulate for it. (overworld) - I think Fortranm is already aware of most of the small overworld improvements. When exiting Jubilife going north (approaching Grunt double battle), there is no need to line up your player with the grunts. You can line up your player with the professor, and it will take the same amount of time (because the auto-walking occurs during the ! delay). - There are ways to manipulate spinners and random NPCs. Random NPCs have delays lasting 32, 64, 96 or 128 frames determined by RNG, and their direction is also determined by RNG. Random spinners (trainers that look around randomly) have their timer paused whenever you run near them. It is also possible to use random NPCs to manipulate away wild encounters. I'm currently looking at doing a J version of mkdasher's run for fun, but it will take some time. I'll probably do the U version later.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Thanks for the Lua updates. By the way, do you have a Lua script that indicates where critical hits and misses are? I have one, though it is more of a hack of the RNG Lua script than anything else.
It would be very helpful if you upload your script with crit. hits and misses detection. Thank you very much.
FractalFusion wrote:
- Since Jupiter's Skuntank cannot be defeated in one move without using Blaze (even with Atk+ and PKRS), it is better to have Gardenia's Roserade use Magical Leaf to take Monferno down to low health. It is also faster than burning Skuntank to KO it.
I made Monferno get poisoned during Gardenia fight in my glitchless run because it speeds up many upcoming battles. I'm not sure if it's worthy for Jupiter fight alone.
FractalFusion wrote:
I'm currently looking at doing a J version of mkdasher's run for fun, but it will take some time. I'll probably do the U version later.
My J version "all bosses" run will have the exact same route as any% until Jubilife or after the first rival battle. We can work on this part together if you would like to. My run can probably benefit from PKRS though.
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Fortranm wrote:
It would be very helpful if you upload your script with crit. hits and misses detection. Thank you very much.
http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/45171049311956410 Red is for both critical hits and max range; blue is for 95% miss; magenta is for both red and blue. Note that crits and range and hit/miss are determined before the move message saying that Pokemon used move. Range is determined one frame after crit (2 RNG values) and hit/miss three frames after crit (5 RNG values). If you want both crit and max range, you need two red squares two apart from each other.
Fortranm wrote:
I made Monferno get poisoned during Gardenia fight in my glitchless run because it speeds up many upcoming battles. I'm not sure if it's worthy for Jupiter fight alone.
Poison takes too long just for Jupiter fight.
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Thanks a lot. RNG graphs don't scroll at all during the battle in Pt, but that's just how it works in Pt probably because the RNG doesn't scroll at all. I suppose battle RNG is independent in Plat? Would be good if that can be figured out and a line of texted added in the lua to tell about crits and ranges in the current turn. So you removed the "Next Encounter" function? I'll see if I can combine that with your script, and maybe add a new function to tell the stats of event Pokemon (starter, legendary, etc) generated via current RNG. Another thing is that in current any%, button mode is not switched to "L=A", which can save some frames during menuing.
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Fortranm wrote:
So you removed the "Next Encounter" function?
All I did was change the RNG graph. I guess you can integrate it somehow into your lua script.
Fortranm wrote:
Another thing is that in current any%, button mode is not switched to "L=A", which can save some frames during menuing.
Where could "L=A" save time? I haven't thought of it yet.
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