A7800Hawk: Maria timing Fix, all tests done in TAStudio (just saying because one of the game started after a few hundred frames when I closed it)
Galaga: seems to be OK, however the lag frame marking is probably isn't proper (181th frame starting the game, it's green if you don't press a button there)
Title Match Pro Wrestling NTSC:
would be OK but wrong palette and only lagframes PAL: instant crash after 1st frame
Tomcat NTSC:
would be OK slightly wrong palette (title is red) but only lagframes, PAL: instant crash
Super Skateboardin NTSC: slightly wrong palette (title is red) instant crash after bios, PAL: instant crash and no bios
Xevious NTSC: top half is rendered incorrecty, PAL: instant crash
edit: PAL fix
First of all: no pause glitch -> I'm still believe it was a bad implementation in EMU7800 and this one is the correctly working one (based on my experiences in other A7800 games). Currently only Galaga PAL has some pause issues (which already had severe issue in EMU7800) from the tested titles. Robotron 2084 has also a distinct (than other A7800 titles) pause system, where pause only happens if you don't press other buttons.
Super Skateboarding: requires to press reset to start the game (IIRC you can press any button to start the game normally)
Xevious NTSC: seems to be OK
Xevious PAL: shows something glitchy (which then drawn persistently behind the game??) after pressing start. The lag frame pattern is also incorrectly drawn but something similar.
The PAL version has a faster gameplay because of different lag pattern.
(1 means frame, 0 means lag frame)
1010101010101010101010 NTSC
1101011010110101101010 PAL