Post subject: Save state conversion
Joined: 6/28/2017
Posts: 9
Hello. I'm a team member on a Twitch game show that uses Bizhawk for our game challenges. We'd been using the bsnes Performance core for our SNES challenges. I'm wondering if there is some easy way that I'm missing to convert the save states for these challenges to another core (ideally the SNES9x core for our users that have trouble streaming and playing bsnes at the same time) Thanks for taking the time to listen and uh, sorry for bothering if this is not plausible.
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That's not possible. On the other hand, Bizhawk now supports Snes9X directly, so you could just use that.
Joined: 6/28/2017
Posts: 9
We intend to use the 9X core now, but we've got 300-someodd states that will need to be remade now. Was hoping for conversion, but I knew it was a long shot. Thanks for the quick reply!
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I'm afraid not, and savestates for the new snes core are solidly deterministic, but won't last through multiple versions of the emulator generally =/. You might consider making your challenges as movies that you make a savestate of at the end. Then, when the emulator changes, you can just replay the movie and make a new state at the end. You'd need to resync, but that's within the realm of possible.
Joined: 6/28/2017
Posts: 9
Hadn't thought of that, thanks. I will bring it up to the rest of the team.
Post subject: Re: Save state conversion
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3567)
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Nalonk wrote:
(ideally the SNES9x core for our users that have trouble streaming and playing bsnes at the same time)
The bsnes core is now about twice as fast as it was in previous BizHawk's. It might be worth a try to see if it streams okay now. (Still may not be worth the trouble if you don't need the extra accuracy)
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