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As an amateur at TASing, I wanted to find a game that was pretty easy to TAS. I found a homebrew Snake game for the GBA, and decided to TAS it. This run was completed on one day in two sittings. The objective was to get the maximum score (101 points) as fast as possible.
    • Note: The Snake game is Snake 1.0 by Bay Path Nintendo Club. **
Snake is a classic game in which you maneuver a snake so as to eat pellets (in this version, cherries). Each time you eat a pellet, your score goes up, but running into the snake or the wall will result in death. Also, the snake grows longer with every pellet eaten.
Helpful stats/links: Emulator: BizHawk 1.12.2
Making of the movie: Some of my struggles in this movie were when I would trap myself and would have to go back and forth in order to get the end of the snake out of my way. Some of the cherries also would spawn in areas that were already surrounded by the snake, meaning more quick maneuvers. The TAS overall, however, was relatively easy - mostly because of the simple controls (up, down, left, right).
I believe that's just about it! This is not an improvement on another movie, but it beats the only TAS I could find of this game ( ) by about nine or ten seconds.

Spikestuff: Linking the bios is a no-go as it's against the Site Rules
Noxxa: Judging.
Noxxa: I'm rejecting this run for two reasons. First off, it's significantly improvable, as TheRealThingy has shown in the discussion topic.
The second reason is going to be the game choice itself. As a homebrew, it needs to stand out or make itself notable in some way. This particular homebrew happens to have a YouTube tool-assisted video with a few million views...but that's really just it. The game is just Snake, its graphics are simplistic, it has no sound effects, the only audio is a low-quality music track that's borderline painful to listen to, and the gameplay is really just Snake in its most basic form. Flat rectangular layout, no difficulty levels, no speed increase, no bonuses, no anything that makes this game stand out from any other Snake clone ever made. It really has nothing to make it stand out as a homebrew game. As such, rejecting.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #5526: thegoldfish's GBA Snake (cgaleriu) "maximum score" in 03:36.57
Editor, Player (69)
Joined: 6/22/2005
Posts: 1049
Did you do anything to manipulate where the next cherry spawns? Since the source code is available, you should have the information necessary to do so. Also, it might be helpful to mention that this is Snake 1.0 by Calin Galeriu et al., to avoid confusion with other possible snake homebrews for the GBA.
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On an assumption, I'm going to state this can be improved. During your input you create gaps within yourself where the cherries would later spawn at and making you do another pattern in order to grab it. In terms of entertainment? No Vote.
Dacicus wrote:
Did you do anything to manipulate where the next cherry spawns?
Set RNG. You can only control it by covering a set spawn with your body.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Joined: 4/2/2017
Posts: 18
Dacicus wrote:
Did you do anything to manipulate where the next cherry spawns? Since the source code is available, you should have the information necessary to do so. Also, it might be helpful to mention that this is Snake 1.0 by Calin Galeriu et al., to avoid confusion with other possible snake homebrews for the GBA.
1. I did do a couple of maneuvers to prevent a cherry from spawning in one place by blocking it with the snake. 2. That's probably a good idea, I'll mention that
Spikestuff wrote:
On an assumption, I'm going to state this can be improved. During your input you create gaps within yourself where the cherries would later spawn at and making you do another pattern in order to grab it. In terms of entertainment? No Vote.
1. Probably. It's heavily RNG based, but there are several spots that could use improvement. 2. Yeah, I was learning that that was something to avoid. Unfortunately there were spots where I didn't leave myself enough room to cover everything and not leave gaps. Thanks guys!
Amateur TASer who uploads videos when bored on weekends. Currently improving my GBA Snake TAS.
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Saved 1622 frames.
thegoldfish wrote:
Currently improving my GBA Snake TAS.
Don't overdo it. Maximum score is not a vaultable goal. Also take a look at this.
Joined: 10/1/2008
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om, nom, nom... juicy!