Post subject: YKWIFH?! #1: Slow, Laggy Computers with only 2 GB of RAM!
Joined: 5/13/2013
Posts: 180
"YKWIFH" is the acronym for a new ranting thread series I'm starting, called "You Know What I F!@#$ing Hate?!" Slow, Laggy Computers with only a minimal amount of RAM. When the lot of us need computers for one reason or another, for gaming or schoolwork/etc., we don't always have the funds necessary to get anything high end, so either a friend gives us an old one they don't need anymore or they buy one for us out of their own wallet out of generosity. The problem is, either one they do, 8 times out of 10 the result is going to be an older computer which isn't that powerfully equipped enough to do what your intended goal is. You still have to be grateful for the act alone though, they ARE doing you a favor after all. So you start doing what it is you wanted to do with this computer; game research, gaming, and other stuff like talking to your friends, but as time goes on you'll need to collect more resources while retaining your others so they can be used together for your research and experiments and shit. The problem is, the more stuff you get, whether it's small in file size or not, the more your computer/laptop starts to slow down and eventually it slows to a crawl and it just cryogenically freezes itself in doing actions as simple as clicking a button. I swear that's not a joke! There have been points in time where I've had computers that I'm working on TASes with and their are very important things I need to do with these to find out how to do them properly such as memory watches, and without warning, indication or any significant cue, it stops in time, and neither the keyboard nor the mouse will do anything other than freeze in place for whatever amount of time it feels like it. Yet the music of the game I'm TASing will continue to happily play and vent out the sound effects to indicate what's happening to my helpless protagonist(s) as I wait for my arrogant PC to get it's act together. I realize this may be because the unit in question has aged several years (or even decades) over time and as a result the RAM and CPU have not been active, but even so, the simple fact that a power source is providing electricity and it is being routed to the appliance in question and once the electrons reach that appliance it is able and ready to do its tasks, SHOULD be enough to provide you with the means to do so. Not only that but with only 2 GB of RAM you can't get far, but even so, 2D SIDESCROLLERS SHOULD NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO LAG OR FREEZE IN PLACE AT THE MOST INOPPORTUNE TIMES! [sigh]. Whew. That's a load off my chest.
A wise man once said "Damn, that's one hell of a steak."
Post subject: Re: YKWIFH?! #1: Slow, Laggy Computers with only 2 GB of RAM!
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YushiroGowa wrote:
"YKWIFH" is the acronym for [..] "You Know What I F!@#$ing Hate?!"
Ultra long posts.
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I didn't know we were Livejournal now.
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Post subject: Re: YKWIFH?! #1: Slow, Laggy Computers with only 2 GB of RAM!
Emulator Coder
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TASeditor wrote:
YushiroGowa wrote:
"YKWIFH" is the acronym for [..] "You Know What I F!@#$ing Hate?!"
Ultra long posts.
People using forums as their blog.
Post subject: Re: YKWIFH?! #1: Slow, Laggy Computers with only 2 GB of RAM!
Site Developer, Skilled player (1985)
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endrift wrote:
TASeditor wrote:
YushiroGowa wrote:
"YKWIFH" is the acronym for [..] "You Know What I F!@#$ing Hate?!"
Ultra long posts.
People using forums as their blog.
Discussion threads which are not used as a place to discuss.
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
Post subject: Re: YKWIFH?! #1: Slow, Laggy Computers with only 2 GB of RAM!
Editor, Player (69)
Joined: 6/22/2005
Posts: 1049
YushiroGowa wrote:
When the lot of us need computers for one reason or another, for gaming or schoolwork/etc.
What type of schoolwork are you doing that is freezing up your computer? It obviously doesn't have the specs to handle your gaming requirements.
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I'm kind of "taking the bait" here, but 2GB of RAM is quite a lot for general purpose computing. It won't be able to handle things like gaming or running heavy web sites, but it can do pretty much anything else. Generally the bottleneck lies in the software and operating system side (a badly setup computer can get to absurdly slow speeds). If you have some experience, you can try putting Linux on it (Xubuntu is a pretty good option for older computers while being usable) and that alone will mostly make your computer much faster, with using Wine or a virtual machine for Windows-specific applications.
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Linux tends to indeed suffer significantly less of growing larger and larger over time, although, possibly, also Windows has become better on that front as of late. Back when I had a Windows XP machine, with also Linux installed in it, I couldn't help but notice how the free space in the Windows partition was getting smaller and smaller over the months and years, even though I didn't keep adding anything to it (I just used it for games, and I uninstall all games once I'm done with them). Even after a lengthy cleanup process, the free space never got back to what it was at the very beginning. Windows just grew over time. On the other hand, Linux simply doesn't do that (at most, depending on the distro, it might keep some older versions of the kernel when it upgrades it, but usually it will do so only for a couple of them and clean up the older ones.) However, Windows might have got a bit better on that front. I don't remember the problem being so bad with Windows7, nor Windows10. There might still be some of it, but Windows10 has kept itself quite nicely under that 80G limit that it has been since the it first installed itself here. I suppose it has managed to not grow. On the other hand, Windows is probably quite a memory hog (once again something I don't think Linux is so bad at, although probably depends a bit on which window manager you are using, but probably not even then). Win10 might hog more RAM than Win7 and especially WinXP did. Windows is definitely not notorious for optimizing memory usage, and will quite happily hog hundreds of megabytes of it for the absolutely silliest of purposes. (Although, to be fair, Firefox seems to have taken a page from Microsoft's book, because it's absolutely horrendous in terms of RAM usage. I only have this page open at this moment, and it's taking a whopping 452 megabytes.)
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i thought this was the continuation of your personal story,but then i remembered the thread had another name,i recommend using linux but gaming on it was kinda limited(but then again my gaming is limited by my shitty pc so that's probably more of a bottleneck than the OS i chose lulz)
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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YushiroGowa wrote:
"YKWIFH" is the acronym for [..] "You Know What I F!@#$ing Hate?!"
Actually there's already a thing for that. YOU KNOW WHAT'S BULLSHIT I suggest you correct your acronym to the standard version that already exists.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Do you know what I hate? - People having a quasi-religious attitude towards VR. - Moderators in some online forums being complete a-holes (tasvideos is fortunately not one of those forums.) - Some developer gaining too much influence in a collaborative open source project, so much so that he essentially has sole ownership of it, and absolutely nothing is implemented without his personal approval, and this goes to his head, and that, alongside some weird and stubborn principles that are detrimental to the quality of the project, causes it to go to s**t. - The increasing attacks on free speech by western governments and many organizations. - The old media trying to attack YouTube. - The economic model of mobile games (ie. "free" to play). The fact that good old-fashioned fair way of selling products doesn't sell on those platforms. - The fact that Square Enix hates the old-style (ie. pre-10) Final Fantasy game mechanics and has been avoiding it like the plague. - Daylight saving time. - The fact that console games do not support mouse&keyboard, even though the console itself does. - The fact that you have to pay a yearly fee on consoles in order to play games online. - The fact that most people don't know the difference between Godwin's Law and Reductio ad Hitlerum. - Half-Life 2 speedruns. - The de facto monopoly of Steam. - Nvidia's greed with gsync.