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I haven't played through PS but I have played through CoS; I know in CoS some of the stuff you can get you can't actually have until the second playthrough or later. Might be something similar at play here. Does the game reward you with card combos for stopping Squirreldemort?
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Pokota wrote:
I haven't played through PS but I have played through CoS; I know in CoS some of the stuff you can get you can't actually have until the second playthrough or later. Might be something similar at play here. Does the game reward you with card combos for stopping Squirreldemort?
Don't believe so. This is all the events I managed to find that gives combinations either from the kid or handed to you: http://i.imgur.com/hutvWdF.png The "Full Enchantment" combo is only for winning the house cup, not for killing the last boss. Things I also tried: *Playing the card matching minigame at the 5th floor club - doesn't give combo, but unlocks the minigame from the main menu *Attempting to play the Charms class minigame again - won't let you; the professor later moves out of the room as well *Pressing A everywhere - I tried and posted the maps of all rooms. Feel free to help fill in missing items, since I'm positive I may have missed things (especially for large areas) *Beating the game more than once - I'm still stuck with 2 missing combinations however *Catching your owl more than once - Doesn't seem to reward me with anything new *Returning the cursed book - Gives house points; useless in a run *Killing a snake and showing the fangs to the herbology prof - same as above.
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i don't remember the 'Repelish all', but i'm pretty sure that i get the 'SP gain' somewhere. yes, 'full enchantment' and 'Harry potter' card are the only two things that silente give you when you win the House cup. New question: But the FrogEXP works only when you have the boss fight in memory? Because in my first try i get a fight against some rats and i softlock the game when i talk with the girl. The second time with savestate i walk through the dungeon without fight and i was able to get it :/
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Gand988 wrote:
But the FrogEXP works only when you have the boss fight in memory? Because in my first try i get a fight against some rats and i softlock the game when i talk with the girl. The second time with savestate i walk through the dungeon without fight and i was able to get it :/
You mean you got another battle after the first boss, then at the train you softlocked? It's been a while, so I may be wrong, but what happened to me for that scenario was instead the girl I talked to shown in the TAS didn't gave me sickles, but the frog still appeared. I wonder what actions done beforehand change the things that happen on the train?
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Is "Herbology Class" the one in Sprout's office or is that a distinct event?nvm, the list I'm looking at is events, not "I found this".
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Looking around gamefaqs, I conclude those 2 must exist somewhere; not just in game memory. Gand988 mentioned getting "SP Gain" but not Replenish All, while http://www.gamefaqs.com/gbc/565542-harry-potter-and-the-sorcerers-stone/faqs/20834 mentions Replenish All, but not SP Gain. I think I'll play through this again, but with a script that only checks for those 2 combos. Edit: Just checked how the message and pics for the events are determined: All in System Bus 0xFFD0 - Harry's stance; 0 - Casual wear 1 - School uniform with orange background 2 - Pointing wand up 3 - Pointing wand down 4 - glitched 0xFFD1 - Message that appears below Harry With that said, I'll change the picture names of those events to reflect that Nevermind, the id is rather off compared to what you actually get. I made another folder instead with them sorted by id https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-2O13fpsnI4TXc1b2h6dDJBMDQ&usp=sharing
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So I have been playing around with that glitchy 'YES' item for a little while now. I have not really found much with it, though. I generally get crashes to occur, I have had the game reset a few times, but something that I got and have not been able to reproduce, mainly because I am doing this stuff in real time and not frame by frame, is on lake I was able to get myself to warp to the end of it, what happened was the game pulled up the pause menu and when I closed it, it started another fight and when I fled from it I was at the end of the lake. Still doing this all in real time has had me not be able to get the same exact result twice in a row for anything. I will see if I can get the warping thing done again, because that might be useful in TAS. EDIT: Now I have a save file that resets the game every time I try to open it.
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I forgot to post this, but resetting and using the card combo seems to be influenced by something. I'm not sure what that something is, other than when I stopped playing back the TAS and used cheats to give myself cards during the transfiguration class, I had to wait a different amount of time than from the run. Also similarly, for the "Yes" item, I noticed 2 things: Using it far further on (not just the lake, iirc it was during one of the night sneaking parts) gave me a different effects. Still mostly crashing however. The name of the item in battle also changes every single time you try to select an item, then press "B back to the main battle menu before using an item again. Oh, and i'm not sure, but someone posted before that the sequel's cards change after a new game+. Given how I can't seem to find 2 combos atm, I might have to try newgame +
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the sequel's cards change after a new game+
In CoS, it's not that the cards themselves change because of ng+, it's that you pick the other deck when you start over but keep what you found in the previous game. Fixed-location cards and received card combos both work off of which deck you pick at the start (like in PSS). I don't know if cards/combos are retained in PSS, as I've not completed it on my own yet. And you're guaranteed the prize card (a Harry Potter card) in CoS for completing regardless of which deck you start with, but it's effectively only available for use starting from ng+.
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Pokota wrote:
the sequel's cards change after a new game+
In CoS, it's not that the cards themselves change because of ng+, it's that you pick the other deck when you start over but keep what you found in the previous game. Fixed-location cards and received card combos both work off of which deck you pick at the start (like in PSS). I don't know if cards/combos are retained in PSS, as I've not completed it on my own yet. And you're guaranteed the prize card (a Harry Potter card) in CoS for completing regardless of which deck you start with, but it's effectively only available for use starting from ng+.
Oh. Then it's the same for this game. Nevermind. Then I'm rather lost regarding the last 2 combos.
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The 'Yes' item I feel just spits out random things into the code. I am just not sure how it is controlled, I have done numerous things, like opening the spells menu, this mostly either crashes or pulls up text saying Flipendo Uno, opening the card combo menu doesn't change a whole lot from my experiences through just opening and closing that menu, put pressing A and having the text that pops up saying you don't have the cards for that combo or scrolling through the combos seems to do other interesting things, I think that was how I got the ever resetting save file. Still unsure of a lot of things that go on, like still trying to figure out the warping to the end of lake, which I did have happen again, but the circumstances were different. I will mess with it a little more, maybe something within the realm of consistency will be found...I think that we may need to pay more attention to the names and see if there is anything there, unless that has already been looked into.
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Still haven't been able to get anything majorly new to happen. But this makes me wonder if it is possible to have a credits warp or something close, a little far-fetched, but 'Yes' with its unpredictability makes think something like that could potentially happen. Also I have found that a single green shell turtle gives me a lot of resets, more often than any other enemy combo I have gotten so far. Don't know if that might be useful to note for 100%, just thought that it was interesting.
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hi guys, so i saw that @jlun2 in the TAS wait like 4 second before using the deathwarp glitch in the 'rescue norbert' part. i was thinking if when you open the menu the frame count reset and if is possible to manipulate some fights to get more critical hit, because this will be really cool
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I was playing with the train glitch, and somehow I gained 255 of an item called "Parchment", loss 29k+ SP, fully healed, then warped to the forbidden forest when I tried talking to the kid at the far right cabin. Sadly I was not recording, so I don't have a movie of it. Also after making a new movie and casually playing through the game, I noticed despite talking to the same NPCs as the TAS, I cannot get the large sickle drop. I'll try and narrow down what changed. Edit: The earliest time delaying has any effect on the train glitch is right before entering the train and the cutscene. Delaying afterwards seems to have no effect.
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Did you check to see what the Parchment item did? I feel like it might be an item that was intended for the game that wasn't used in the final product, so it may have no effect at all. And I have not really got any time to mess around with the game in a while. The last thing that I remember having happen was using the 'Yes' item in the pause menu and was able to get a reset, but it doesn't work like it does in battle, it was like a regular reset and didn't keep things to the file. I have tried using it in boss fights to see if anything can happen there, but I haven't gotten to all boss fights to see if it does anything and I haven't spent tons of time going through each fight either. So I may go back and see if things happen there, currently working at the chickens when I get a chance to try again.
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Unrelated to glitches, but is there any information on monsters and their drops/attacks/health? Maybe the missing cards are monster-exclusive.
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Attacks and drops I don't have, but I do have a table with enemy stat table that lists health, among other things. Here is the site that it is posted on: http://sanqui.rustedlogic.net/etc/hp1/enemies.html
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SuperMonkeypotato wrote:
Attacks and drops I don't have, but I do have a table with enemy stat table that lists health, among other things. Here is the site that it is posted on: http://sanqui.rustedlogic.net/etc/hp1/enemies.html
Finally checked it; what are some of the columns mean? Ie. "Pri", "5", "psn1", "psn2", "12-17"? I'm surprised there's less enemies than I thought; at least this makes finding drops manage-able. Btw, while making an input file that plays the whole game with "Yes" item, I did this https://youtu.be/vypXDW4F5qw http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/38408442814420166 I have no idea how that works.
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I don't know what those columns mean, I would ask the person that made it, but alas they have been offline for awhile. If I ever am able to talk to then I will ask. And that was weird. I honestly have no idea what that item does.
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Don't think enemies drop card combos. Are there any "sidequests" maybe for this game I'm missing? 1. Retrieve snake fangs for herblore teacher 2. The quiditch minigame 3. Returning the cure book to library 4. The potion pages scattered around the game 5. The card match minigame on 5th Floor store at Hogwarts 6. That observatory where you can view the stars (no reward it seems but nice pic) Also, encounters are disabled for the entire school during the chicken part. Using the Yes item to smuggle chicken boss to a different file won't get you a chicken drop, but at least you get feathers (not sure what the use is though). Killing the troll "early" using the frog glitch or the above smuggle doesn't seem to do anything. Seems to be the same as other bosses when I tested using cheats. However, I'm not sure if that would be the case say, you saved before the boss, use the "Yes" item to restart, then encountered the boss on a normal enemy instead. The students right after handing in 5 chickens all cannot be talked to. Using tempest for the 2nd consecutive deathwarp gets rid of the flicker. Doesn't stop it from flickering if used to warp to end area though. Edit: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/38456719182816747 Input file that plays to the last boss, with Yes item in inventory all the way. Hope it helps testing. Seems like for that file at least, it was "easier" to skip out of battles during the Forbidden Forest section with that item.
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I am pretty sure that those are all the sidequests. I'll check later, I haven't played around with the game a lot lately. And I will look at that file when I get a chance, been busy lately.
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Been quite a while since any posts have been made here, but I am coming back to the game to see if anything can be done with the 'Yes' item. Things that I have been thinking about checking for: ACE If quest flags can be changed If spells can be added early Warps of any kind Activating some scripts (Will explain) I think that Arbitrary Code Execution is a little far-fetched, but with this item anything seems possible. Since this game is rather stable with quest flags and doesn't allow sequence breaks, quest flag changes can help skip through certain parts of the game. A place that this would be of great use, within the same area, is definitely in Forbidden Forest since there are two separate quests in there, one for going through to see a cutscene with Voldemort before having to leave back through. Skipping the first and going to the second part will basically just mean going into Forbidden Forest and leaving right away, saving about 3 minutes. Adding spells early can allow some fights to be done extremely fast since you could potentially get the highest level spells, allowing much quicker boss kills. If a death warp can be set without S&Q, that would save about 15 seconds and a menu. Being able to warp across floors or even across lake (which I have been able to do more than once at this point) would also minimize time in movement. When I say activating scripts, there is a script that I know of that was a hotfix just before the game was released where in the Potions class you could originally talk to Snape 4 times after being told to go get ingredients to help out Neville and the class would just end. This saves time in not having to leave the class, fight a snake, having to grab the Boomslang Skin off the wall in Snape's Office and get the Bettles' eyes from Hagrid's Hut, compared to the current TAS this would save almost 2 minutes. Other things that could potentially be worked out is if you can get things to pop up early, such as being able to get the potion recipes from Snape without going into his office after Herbology, minor things like this. These are just some things that I have been thinking about over the last couple of days. We have no idea what can be done with this item since it is completely unstable and, as far as we know, unpredictable.
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I wish to resync the current run to BizHawk 2.8.1 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/280808167993245707/998919177349910568/HP1.bk2 Here's what I got so far; I lost time from the giant rat boss however. If anyone can do better, please help. Unrelated, but it turns out the game jumps to WRAM (0xC0CE) every single frame in the overworld. Huh.
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This is probably more useful to post here than just on discord: RNG for encounters, items, and criticals is 0xCE04 System Bus While I'm not sure what exactly is this type of RNG, I do know that it seems to be the only determinant for criticals, so I recorded all 65,535 values possible for if it gave a critical or not, then made it display using lua: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/698993369321308240/1004226153680211968/hp1_data.lua
Language: lua

memory.usememorydomain("System Bus") client.SetGameExtraPadding(0, 0, 60, 144) local Boss = {'Malfoy','Giant Rat v2','Troll','Ogre','Purple Rabbit','Chickens','Rook','Knight Piece','Knight Piece 2','Devils Snare','Quirrell','Voldermort','Giant Rat','Knight','Easy XP'} local hp1_data = require 'hp1 data' local Critical = hp1_data.RNG local Addresses = hp1_data.Addresses --[[ Monsters in battle are offset 0xA2 of each other 0xC4B8,0xC55A,0xC5FC is HP 0xC46A,0xC50C,0xC5AE is X 0xC46D,0xC50F,0xC5B1 is Y 0xC48A,0xC52C,0xC5CE is Sprite (not ID!) This is needed since they technically don't have a "fixed" location; monster 1 can appear in top middle or bottom. All little endian ]]-- local Deck = {'Gregory the Swarmy','Justus Pilliwickle','Merwyn the Malicious','Gulliver Pokeby'} local text local read8 local read16 local read32 console.clear() if vba then text = gui.text read8 = memory.readbyteunsigned read16 = memory.readwordunsigned read32 = memory.readlongunsigned else text = gui.pixelText memory.usememorydomain("System Bus") read8 = memory.read_u8 read16 = memory.read_u16_le read32 = memory.read_u32_le end while true do local boss_id = memory.readbyte(Addresses.boss_id) local boss_name = Boss[boss_id] local yes = memory.readbyte(Addresses.yes,"WRAM") local x = read16(Addresses.x) local y = read16(Addresses.y) local text_y = 17+130 local rng = read16(Addresses.rng) local deck_id = read8(Addresses.deck_id) local game_state = read8(Addresses.game_state) % 128 local message_timer = read8(Addresses.message_timer) local in_battle = game_state >= 25 and game_state <= 33 local color = "white" text(0, text_y + (7 * 5),'Yes: '..yes) for i = 0,40 do if Critical[rng+i] == "Yes" then color = "Green" else color = "white" end text(160, 0 + 7 * (i), (rng+i)%65535 .."\t"..Critical[(rng+i)%65535],color) end if in_battle then text(0, text_y,'State: '.. game_state) --Game state for debugging text(0, text_y + 7, 'RNG: '.. rng) text(0, text_y + (7 * 2), 'X: '.. x ..' Y: '.. y) for i = 1, 3 do local monster_x = read16(Addresses.monster.x[i]) local monster_y = read16(Addresses.monster.y[i]) local monster_hp = read16(Addresses.monster.hp[i]) text(monster_x, monster_y, monster_hp) end else text(0, text_y, 'X: '.. x ..' Y: '.. y) text(0, text_y + 7, 'RNG: '.. rng) text(0, text_y + (7 * 2), 'Msg: '.. message_timer) -- The player cannot press A to continue until the countdown is finished. text(0, text_y + (7 * 3),'Deck: '..Deck[(deck_id+1)%5]) if boss_name ~= nil then text(0,75, 'Boss: '..boss_name..'('..boss_id..')') end --[[ Game state for battles: 25 - Battle transit (includes using cards) 26 - Your turn 28 - Spells 29 - Items 30 - Item used 31 - Flee 32 - Enemy attacks 33 - Select enemies and attack 34 - Win screen 42 - Cards (same if you use not in battle) 68 - Debug end]]-- text(0, text_y + (7 * 4),'State: '..read8(0xFFD2)%128) end emu.frameadvance() end
Just attack when the upper right number is green and says "Yes"
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I know a way to jump to almost any address in System Bus: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/698993369321308240/1097261539280560158/HP1_v4.bk2 1. buy a chocolate frog 2. get to the upper left of the stage by pressing start as you enter a boss fight 3. move left until 0xCABC is a value where your payload is located 4. pause the game, use frog by Right + A to jump to 0xC970, nop slide to CABB, which jumps to wherever 0xCABC pointed to 5. Credits I guess? Haven't gotten anything interesting except not crash. Crashes almost all the time however. The input file uses BizHawk 2.8. I can't figure out where to jump to do anything interesting yet; stuff such as item, card amounts, etc are all located in WRAM, so I don't know where else to go. If anyone knows, please help.