Super Punch-Out!! is an arcade game by Nintendo, released in 1984. This is the exciting sequel to Nintendo's 1983 arcade hit, Punch-Out!!. The Hero must defeat five new opponents from around the world, each a champion in his respective country, to become a "global" Champion of the World. The Hero has not been idle since winning the WVBA championship. Improving on his infighting ability, the Hero now has the ability to duck underneath punches (this is achieved by pulling upward on the joystick). The game's overall speed has also been increased. All of the game's opponents have since been featured in either Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! or the Super Nintendo version of Super Punch-Out!!, or both.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator used: MAME-RR v0.139 v0.1-alpha
  • Aims for fastest game completion
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck
  • Entertains without sacrificing Frames
  • It's Punch-Out!! with Duck!

DIP Switch Settings

  • Difficulty set to Hardest
  • Time set to Shortest
  • Coinage set to Free Play
With the purse from the WVBA championship match, the Hero was finally able to afford a comb.

Tricks and Glitches

RNG manipulation is rather different in Super Punch-Out!! compared to Punch-Out!!. For the most part, it is much simpler to achieve a favorable result (e.g. Manipulate Opponent Hand Position), but in certain circumstances, it is even more complex (e.g. manipulating Dragon Chan's hand position). Character-specific abilities tend to be more complicated to manipulate than standard abilities.
Manipulate Opponent before a Fight:
After the last Frame of Punch input for a Fight has been entered, input can be entered to manipulate to manipulate the RNG for the next Fight. The first Frame of this manipulation input must be entered within 2 Frames of the last Frame of Punch input from the previous Fight, or else the RNG will not be manipulated. Likewise, any subsequent Frames of manipulation input must be entered within 2 Frames of the previous Frame of manipulation input, or else the RNG will not be manipulated beyond the previous Frame of manipulation input. The window of opportunity during which to enter manipulation input after a Fight ranges from 1 Frame after the last Frame of Punch input from the previous Fight to 1 Frame prior to the 1st Frame of Punch input from the subsequent Fight.
Manipulate Opponent Hand Position:
At the beginning of a Fight, hold Down for 3 Frames on the earliest possible Frame of movement input. This causes the Hero to lower his hand position, which in turn causes the Opponent to lower his hand position. Delay for 4 Frames. If an Opponent has just recovered from a Knockdown and the Hero's hands are already in the low position, simply delay for 3 Frames after the earliest possible Frame of movement input. Hold Up for 3 Frames and Button 1 or Button 2 for 4 Frames starting on the same Frame. After holding Up for 3 Frames, hold Down for 3 Frames. Holding Up for 3 Frames while Punch input is being entered causes the Hero to raise his hand position and Punch simultaneously. Holding Down for 3 Frames starting on the last Frame of Punch input temporarily "masks" the joystick's prior Up input, such that the Opponent perceives the Hero's hands to still be in the low position. This causes the Opponent to lower his hand position for 4 Frames. These 4 Frames provide a window of opportunity during which input can be entered in order to manipulate the Opponent to keep his hands in the low position until the Hero's Punch hits him.
Manipulate Enemy RNG:
During the first and last segment of the Fight against Dragon Chan, manipulation for Dragon Chan's hand position occurs in the reverse of what was done in Punch-Out!!. Random input is entered prior to each Punch, rather than immediately afterward.
Enter Punch input for Left Jab or Right Cross and then immediately afterward, hold Down for 3 Frames. After holding Down for 3 Frames, delay for the appropriate number of Frames, and then hold Up for 3 Frames so that the Hero's hands are in the high position when the next Punch input can be entered. The delay between holding Down for 3 Frames and holding Up for 3 Frames determines the action that the Opponent will take during the Hero's next Punch. The number of Frames of delay required is random, and may also be 0. This technique can cause an Opponent to change to the low hand position before the Hero's next Punch hits the Opponent. This is useful during the early segment of the Fight against Dragon Chan.
Manipulating the type of Spin Punch that Super Macho Man will use can be achieved by entering random input at any time up until the Frame that Super Macho Man has determined which type of Spin Punch will be used. This random input can be entered before, after, or even during Punch input.
Manipulate Referee Count:
After input for a Knockdown Punch has been entered, entering input can change the count on which an Opponent recovers from the Knockdown. Such input must be entered after the Knockdown Punch input has been entered, but before the Knockdown Punch hits the Opponent. Possible counts are 3, 5, or 7. Note that this technique does not apply to a K.O. Punch, nor can it provide a 10-count on a Knockdown Punch.


K.O. Meter:
K.O. Meter begins at the minimum value of 1. As the K.O. Meter increases, the Hero's Punch damage increases. The Hero's Punch damage increases at a rate of 1 Hit Point of damage per each 2 points of K.O. Meter, starting at K.O. Meter 3, to a maximum damage as determined by the type of Punch. The K.O. Meter increments at a rate of 1 per each 8 Frames, as determined by a global timer. When the K.O. Meter has a value of 26 or greater, the Hero can use Right Hook and Uppercut, Opponents can be Stunned for much longer, and the K.O. Meter is no longer reduced when an Opponent Blocks a Punch. Hitting the Opponent 1 time increases the K.O. Meter by 2, or by 3 if it is a hit which Stuns an Opponent. After the first hit, each subsequent hit in the sequence increases the K.O. Meter by 5, to a maximum value of 30. If this sequence is interrupted, the sequence is reset, and the Hero's next hit will increase K.O. Meter by 2, or by 3 if it is a hit which Stuns an Opponent. The sequence is interrupted if either the Hero or the Opponent Blocks or Dodges a Punch. A hit which Stuns an Opponent increases the K.O. Meter by 10, or by 3 if it is the first hit in a sequence. Right Hook/Uppercut increases the K.O. Meter by 2. Dodging a Punch on the correct Frame increases the K.O. Meter by 1. If an Opponent Blocks a Punch, the K.O. Meter is reduced by 1, unless the K.O. Meter is at 26 or higher. If an Opponent Dodges a Punch, the K.O. Meter is reduced by 2. Being hit reduces the K.O. Meter by 8-12, depending on the Opponent.
If an Opponent is hit under certain circumstances, he will be Stunned for several Frames. When an Opponent is Stunned, his Stun Timer and Stun Punch Counter are set to a value determined by the circumstances under which the Stun occurred. If the Hero hits a Stunned Opponent before the Opponent's Stun Timer has expired, the Opponent's Stun Punch Counter is reduced by 1, his Stun Timer is reset to its starting value, and the Opponent remains Stunned. This sequence can continue until the Opponent's Stun Timer has expired, or until the Opponent's Stun Punch Counter is reduced to 0. After a Stun Punch sequence has been completed, the Opponent's hands briefly remain in the low position. Through manipulation, the Opponent's hands can be forced to remain in this post-Stun lower position while the Hero uses Punches to the Opponent's head. A Stunned Opponent can not be hit by a Body Blow.
The Hero and the Opponent both begin with 112 Hit Points.
K.O. Bonus decreases by 30 once per each 8 Frames.
If the Hero Dodges a Punch and then returns to the center position at the same moment that an Opponent's Body Blow hits him, the Hero will Block the Body Blow, even if the Hero's hands are in the high position. If the Hero's hands are in the high position when this occurs, his posture will immediately return to normal after the Block posture has expired. The window of opportunity for such an event is only 2 Frames in duration.
It is possible for the Hero to use Dodge to avoid an Opponent's Punch without the game registering it as a Dodge. This occurs when a Dodge is started on an earlier Frame than the game anticipates, typically when Dodging in the same direction that an Opponent's Punch is moving (e.g. Dodging to the left to avoid an Opponent's Left Body Blow). When this occurs, using a Punch after using Dodge will not Stun an Opponent as it normally would because the Dodge has not been registered in the game's memory, even if the Opponent's Punch was successfully avoided.
If an Opponent attempts to use Left Jab, he can be Stunned with a Right Cross Counterpunch before the Opponent's Left Jab has been completed. For all other types of Punch, the Hero must Dodge the Opponent's Punch and then Punch after the Dodge has been completed in order to Stun an Opponent. It is possible to hit an Opponent before other types of Punch have been completed, but doing so does not cause Stun.
If an Opponent is scheduled to use a particular Punch in a sequence but he is unable to use that Punch on the scheduled Frame, the Opponent will immediately begin the next scheduled Punch in the sequence on the first Frame that he is able.
It is possible for the Hero's Punch "tie" with an Opponent's Punch. There are 2 types of "tie". The first type of "tie" has both the Hero and the Opponent take damage from their respective Punches, though damage and K.O. Meter decrease are halved. The second type of "tie" has both the Hero and the Opponent miss their respective Punches.
Even if the Hero does not actually do anything, Just 1 Frame of joystick or button input can manipulate the RNG.
If The Hero has sustained damage, he regains 2 Hit Points per hit against the Opponent, to a maximum of 48 Hit Points remaining.
An Opponent will act to some degree according to the Hero's hand position. For example, Dragon Chan will almost never use a Body Blow if the Hero's hand position is low.
Time does not elapse while an Opponent is moved away from the Hero.
The game allows for 1 Rematch.
Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Jr. all have a cameo in this game, sitting ringside to the right and left of the ring. Mario himself would later return to the ring as a referee in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!.

The Punches

Left Jab does from 3 to 6 Hit Points of damage, as determined by the K.O. Meter. Left Jab requires 16 Frames to hit an Opponent. Left Jab requires 26 Frames overall. If it is Blocked, Left Jab requires 44 Frames overall. Maximum rate of damage is 0.23 Hit Points per Frame.
Right Cross does from 3 to 9 Hit Points of damage, as determined by the K.O. Meter. Right Cross requires 20 Frames to hit an Opponent. When the K.O. Meter is below 50%, Right Cross requires 30 Frames overall. When the K.O. Meter is at or above 50%, Right Cross requires 32 Frames overall. If it is Blocked, Right Cross requires 49 Frames overall. Maximum rate of damage is 0.281 Hit Points per Frame.
Body Blow does from 3 to 9 Hit Points of damage, as determined by the K.O. Meter. Body Blow requires 20 Frames to hit an Opponent. When the K.O. Meter is below 50%, Left Body Blow requires 42 Frames overall. When the K.O. Meter is at or above 50%, Left Body Blow requires 42 Frames overall. When the K.O. Meter is below 50%, Right Body Blow requires 40 Frames overall. When the K.O. Meter is at or above 50%, Right Body Blow requires 40 Frames overall. If it is Blocked, Left Body Blow requires 49 Frames overall, and Right Body Blow requires 48 Frames overall. Right and Left Body Blow do the same amount of damage. Maximum rate of damage is 0.225 Hit Points per Frame.
Right Hook/Uppercut does 5, 7, 8, or 14 Hit Points of damage. Right Hook/Uppercut requires 33 Frames to hit an Opponent. Right Hook/Uppercut requires 53 Frames overall. Generally, Right Hook/Uppercut will not hit for full effect unless the Opponent is in the process of executing an action. If the Opponent is not in the process of executing an action, Right Hook/Uppercut does 7 Hit Points of damage. If the Opponent is in the process of executing an action, Right Hook/Uppercut does 14 Hit Points of damage. During the first 3 Frames when an Opponent begins a Punch, Right Hook/Uppercut does only 5 Hit Points of damage. Immediately following these 3 Frames (and for several Frames thereafter), Right Hook/Uppercut does 14 Hit Points of damage. Right Hook/Uppercut does 8 Hit Points of damage only when Counterpunching certain Opponent Punches (e.g. Vodka Drunkenski's Uppercut). Right Hook/Uppercut can not be Blocked, but it can be Dodged. The Hero is allowed to use 1 "surprise" Right Hook/Uppercut on an Opponent during a Fight. A "surprise" Right Hook/Uppercut is simply a Right Hook/Uppercut that hits an Opponent while the Opponent is not is in the process of executing an action. After an Opponent has been hit by a "surprise" Right Hook/Uppercut, the Opponent will Dodge any subsequent "surprise" Right Hook/Uppercut. Note that this does not apply to a Right Hook/Uppercut used while the Opponent is in the process of executing an action; an Opponent that has been hit by a "normal" Right Hook/Uppercut can still be hit with a "surprise" Right Hook/Uppercut. Maximum rate of damage is 0.264 Hit Points per Frame. It is the ultimate power in the universe.

Punch-Out!!-Super Punch-Out!! Differences

Left Jab requires 3 fewer Frames to hit an Opponent, and requires 4 fewer Frames overall.
Right Cross requires 4 fewer Frames to hit an Opponent.
Right Body Blow and Left Body Blow have different timing.
When the K.O. Meter is below 50%, Right Body Blow requires 3 fewer Frames to hit an Opponent, but it requires 4 fewer Frames overall. When the K.O. Meter is below 50%, Right Body Blow requires 3 fewer Frames to hit an Opponent, and requires 5 fewer Frames overall.
When the K.O. Meter is below 50%, Left Body Blow requires 3 fewer Frames to hit an Opponent, but it requires 6 more Frames overall. When the K.O. Meter is at or above 50%, Left Body Blow requires 3 fewer Frames to hit an Opponent, and requires 2 fewer Frames overall.
Right Hook and Uppercut have the same timing.
If the Player chooses Rematch, the Hero's banner displays him with a bandage over his eye.
Opponent Stun Punch Counter is fixed, rather than being adjusted by the speed of the Hero's retaliation.

Ringside Commentary

Fight No. 1: Bear Hugger

1 second of Time expires per each 31 Frames.
If Bear Hugger is knocked down 2 times without the Hero having been hit 2 times or more, the result is a K.O. Otherwise, Bear Hugger must be knocked down 3 times.
If Bear Hugger is knocked down with a normal Punch, he recovers with 38 Hit Points. If Bear Hugger is knocked down with Right Hook/Uppercut, he recovers with 16 Hit Points.
If the series of Stun Punches ends with a Left Jab or a Right Cross, Bear Hugger will switch to the high hand position for 67 Frames. This is avoided by using Right Hook instead. This allows Bear Hugger's Stun Timer to expire just before the Right Hook hits, preventing the Opponent's unfavorable hand position while maintaining as much damage output as possible.
Bear Hugger can not be damaged by Body Blow. Oddly however, he will still lower his hand position in response to the Hero lowering his hand position. Using Body Blow against Bear Hugger can cancel certain Punches.
K.O. Bonus: 33,340
Time elapsed: 0'18"78

Fight No. 2: Dragon Chan

1 second of Time expires per each 29 or 30 Frames.
If Dragon Chan is knocked down without the Hero having been hit, the result is a K.O. Otherwise, Dragon Chan requires 1 additional Knockdown per each Punch that the Opponent has landed, to a maximum of 3 Knockdowns.
Unlike the other Opponents, Dragon Chan has 4 hand positions, rather than the usual 2. In addition to the high and low hand positions, Dragon Chan also has a right hand position and a left hand position. The right hand position blocks Body Blow and Left Jab, and the left hand position blocks Body Blow and Right Jab.
At 30", Dragon Chan prepares to use Jump Kick. Fortunately, this is avoided in this TAS.
K.O. Bonus: 30,380
Time elapsed: 0'16"02

Fight No. 3: Vodka Drunkenski

1 second of Time expires per each 29 or 30 Frames.
Vodka Drunkenski must be knocked down 3 times.
As with Bald Bull in Punch-Out!!, the 3rd Opponent in Super Punch-Out!! is decidedly more challenging than the first 2. This is no churched-up NOA wannabe of the glasnost era, this is Vodka Drunkenski in all his boozy fury! And a fearsome Opponent he is: fast, powerful, and tough as iron.
If Vodka Drunkenski is knocked down for the 1st time with a normal Punch, he recovers with 88 Hit Points. If Vodka Drunkenski is knocked down with Right Hook/Uppercut, he recovers with 64 Hit Points.
If Vodka Drunkenski is knocked down for the 2nd time with a normal Punch, he recovers with 72 Hit Points. If Vodka Drunkenski is knocked down with Right Hook/Uppercut, he recovers with 48 Hit Points.
Left Jab can not be Counterpunched. Left Jab is so fast, a single Dodge or Duck can avoid 2 successive Left Jabs.
Vodka Drunkenski will attempt to use Uppercut immediately after recovering from a Knockdown. This Uppercut can be prevented by hitting Vodka Drunkenski on the appropriate Frame, or by forcing him to Block a Punch.
K.O. Bonus: 34,300
Time elapsed: 0'29"49

Fight No. 4: Great Tiger

1 second of Time expires per each 25 Frames.
If Great Tiger is knocked down 2 times without the Hero having been hit 2 times or more, the result is a K.O. Otherwise, Great Tiger must be knocked down 3 times.
If Great Tiger is knocked down with a normal Punch, he recovers with 96 Hit Points. If Great Tiger is knocked down with Right Hook/Uppercut, he recovers with 80 Hit Points.
Using Right Hook/Uppercut to Counterpunch Right Uppercut does only 7 or 8 Hit Points of damage, but using Right Hook/Uppercut to Counterpunch Left Uppercut does 14 Hit Points of damage.
Great Tiger reacts more quickly to a change in the Hero's hand position than any other Opponent. If the Hero changes his hand position, Great Tiger will change his hand position within 3 Frames (or even on the same Frame!), depending on Great Tiger's timer value when the joystick is first pressed. This makes it impossible during certain segments of the Fight to manipulate Great Tiger to keep his hands in a particular position long enough to successfully hit him.
K.O. Bonus: 34,960
Time elapsed: 0'30"68

Fight No. 5: Super Macho Man

1 second of Time expires per each 28 or 29 Frames.
Super Macho Man must be knocked down 3 times.
Super Macho Man is a lethal foe. His Double Spin Punch (accompanied by a terrifying PCM "whoosh!") is the only other Punch (aside from Bear Hugger's Double Overhand) capable of immediately knocking down the Hero. Worse yet, Super Macho Man uses it twice in a row, and can do so at will.
If Super Macho Man is knocked down for the 1st time with a normal Punch, he recovers with 104 Hit Points. If Super Macho Man is knocked down with Right Hook/Uppercut, he recovers with 96 Hit Points.
If Super Macho Man is knocked down for the 2nd time with a normal Punch, he recovers with 80 Hit Points. If Super Macho Man is knocked down with Right Hook/Uppercut, he recovers with 56 Hit Points.
Left Jab can not be Counterpunched. Left Jab is so fast, a single Dodge or Duck can avoid 2 successive Left Jabs.
At 30", Super Macho Man prepares to use Spin Punch. The Hero can not Block or Dodge Spin Punch; only Duck can avoid it. The Spin Punch can not be prevented, but the type of Spin Punch to be used can be manipulated.
Spin Punch does 42 Hit Points of damage.
Double Spin Punch will immediately knock down the Hero, regardless of the Hero's current Hit Points.
Super Macho Man can be hit as he prepares to use Spin Punch. Because Super Macho Man's hands begin in the high position for several Frames as he prepares to use Spin Punch, Body Blow can be started (and can hit) on an earlier Frame than Left Jab or Right Cross. As a result, the window during which to hit Super Macho Man with Body Blow also has a longer duration. To hit Super Macho Man with a Left Jab or Right Cross, his hands must be in the low position. Super Macho Man lowers his hand position just 1 Frame prior to moving away to begin Spin Punch. As such, the window during which to hit Super Macho Man with a Left Jab or Right Cross is only 1 Frame in duration. Note that hitting Super Macho Man as he prepares to use Spin Punch does not prevent the Spin Punch.
K.O. Bonus: 35,030
Time elapsed: 0'37"05
Final Play Score: 168,010
Final Hit Average: 99.03%

Other Comments

By popular demand! (Who am I kidding, I could do no other!) Thank you for taking an interest.

feos: Judging...!
feos: This run's situation is exactly similar to the prequel's. The winning condition is the same: you obtain the champion belt and have a party, the opponents returning endlessly afterwards (when it's already too late). The previous run got good submission feedback and rating, and this run's content is similar, so I'm also accepting this to Moons.
fsvgm777: Processing.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15909
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #5416: £e_Nécroyeur's Arcade Super Punch-Out!! in 03:17.42
Player (80)
Joined: 7/7/2008
Posts: 874
Location: Utah
I still stand by that the main character looks like a molester.
Editor, Experienced player (895)
Joined: 1/23/2008
Posts: 529
Location: Finland
I can't say I've played a lot of boxing games. Even with the in-depth movie description, I feel like some intricacies of this run are lost for me. But at least it's short 'n' violent, and the game has a nice presentation with the colorful characters and weird robot voices, so what the hey. Here's a mild 'yes' vote.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15909
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [3355] Arcade Super Punch-Out!! by £e_Nécroyeur in 03:17.42