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Ok, its working now, but when i load a rom it says A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it
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Jba03 wrote:
Ok, its working now, but when i load a rom it says: A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it
SNES and N64 are not supported in the OS X version. See first page for supported systems.
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What??? Then ill delete it. Its no use to me if i cant play snes games
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I've stickied this thread because of importance and not everyone using Windows and whatnot. Just a fair bit of warning: There's a fairly terrible "feature" on the forums that removes a poster's ability to edit a post that a moderator has edited, so the OP may not be able to be edited as of right now. This should be fixed as soon as I'm able to cajole an admin into doing it.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family.
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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Samsara wrote:
I've stickied this thread because of importance and not everyone using Windows and whatnot. Just a fair bit of warning: There's a fairly terrible "feature" on the forums that removes a poster's ability to edit a post that a moderator has edited, so the OP may not be able to be edited as of right now. This should be fixed as soon as I'm able to cajole an admin into doing it.
That "feature" is intentional. If someone violates a rule by linking to content that you disallow, you can edit their post to remove it. Without it, the offender could just edit the content back into their post. For what it's worth, I don't think this was worth being sticky. A bump maybe. I haven't provided a Linux build in over 4 years and probably should just edit the thread title to pretend it doesn't exist. Every time someone has expressed interest in trying to contribute changes to make Linux usable, it lasts less than a week. The macOS builds are decent if you want to play games or playback a TAS, but the user interface can be sluggish at times because it's just the Windows UI with some pieces swapped out for native. Some of the more advanced features like Lua or the hex editor are either hidden or won't really work. I had started writing a native multi-platform UI which should work better on macOS and Linux, but was blocked for a while by lack of an OpenGL control for the UI framework that it used. That seems like it may have been resolved a few months back, but I haven't resumed working on things since then. That being said, I'll continue to make sure that what works now continues to work and provide new builds whenever there's a corresponding windows release. BizHawk is the most accurate option on macOS for emulating some of the systems it supports, and I think the UI is a bit easier to use than something like retroarch. Whenever I get in the mood again, I hope I can make it even better. ------ Didn't want to bump this thread, here is a link to a Mac build of http://projects.sappharad.com/bizhawk_mac/BizHawk_mac_1.11.8.zip ------ Latest version: Didn't want to bump this thread, here is a link to a Mac build of http://projects.sappharad.com/bizhawk_mac/BizHawk_mac_1.11.9.zip
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Aloha, Seems like build has an exception: Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: Method 'Array.Empty' not found. at MonoMac.AppKit.NSApplication.Init () <0x15f780> in <filename>:0 at MonoMacWrapper.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x15df70> in <filename>:0 [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.MissingMethodException: Method 'Array.Empty' not found. at MonoMac.AppKit.NSApplication.Init () <0x15f780> in <filename>:0 at MonoMacWrapper.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x15df70> in <filename>:0 [Process completed] Tried to run older version and gives a message that says: objc[2618]: Class VCWeakObjectHolder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/ViceroyTrace.framework/Versions/A/ViceroyTrace (0xa4bc8090) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Versions/A/AVConference (0xa4bdee98). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. I tracked the message on the web but it seems obscure error message. But weirdly it runned after 5 minutes of wait time. If I repeated something that someone else said sorry I am just trying to help.
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alchemistake wrote:
Aloha, Seems like build has an exception: I tracked the message on the web but it seems obscure error message. But weirdly it runned after 5 minutes of wait time. If I repeated something that someone else said sorry I am just trying to help.
Are you saying does not run at all for you? Or did it take 5 minutes to launch and run fine? You don't say when it happens. If the latter, it's an issue with Mono. I read somewhere that Mono does some kind of font caching. It only happens once, so after that the application should work fine. There's not really anything that can be done about it at this time.
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Jba03 wrote:
Ok, its working now, but when i load a rom it says: A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it
I'm getting this same bug in and, but for all NES ROMs. (MacOS 10.12.2)
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Quick question, what framework differences are there between OSX and linux builds?
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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Chamale wrote:
Jba03 wrote:
Ok, its working now, but when i load a rom it says: A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it
I'm getting this same bug in and, but for all NES ROMs. (MacOS 10.12.2)
Works fine for me on 10.11.6, with every single NES ROM I tested, both ones for QuickNES and NESHawk. Have not tested 10.12 due to my primary machine not supporting it, but I can upgrade my 10.12 Virtual Machine and test it there. If you go to Config->Cores and turn off "NES With QuickNES" do NES games work? Edit: 10.12 also works fine for me, with a fresh download from the link in this thread. This is a fresh install of the latest macOS Sierra beta with a fresh install of Mono:
Pokota wrote:
Quick question, what framework differences are there between OSX and linux builds?
I don't understand the question. Nobody does Linux builds anymore, and I can't change the thread title or modify the first post anymore.[/img]
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Sappharad wrote:
Chamale wrote:
Jba03 wrote:
Ok, its working now, but when i load a rom it says: A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it
I'm getting this same bug in and, but for all NES ROMs. (MacOS 10.12.2)
Works fine for me on 10.11.6, with every single NES ROM I tested, both ones for QuickNES and NESHawk. Have not tested 10.12 due to my primary machine not supporting it, but I can upgrade my 10.12 Virtual Machine and test it there. If you go to Config->Cores and turn off "NES With QuickNES" do NES games work?
I turned off NES with QuickNES and it's still not working. Although, I've noticed that when I quit Bizhawk and restart it, I have to force quit it after waiting five minutes because it won't quit normally. NES with QuickNES is turned on again when I restart the program. Screenshot of the error.
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Chamale wrote:
I turned off NES with QuickNES and it's still not working. Although, I've noticed that when I quit Bizhawk and restart it, I have to force quit it after waiting five minutes because it won't quit normally.
That's a known issue, at least I've noticed it for the last few releases but keep forgetting about it. I should probably fix it in the next release. You don't need to force quit, just click the red close button on the window instead of going File->Quit or pressing command-Q. As for the error, thanks for the large screenshot. If you delete BizHawk and unzip a fresh copy, does it happen the first time you run the app or only on subsequent times running it? It may have something to do with Apple's changes to macOS 10.12 which force unsigned applications to be sandboxed, so that recent documents and other files generated internally by BizHawk can no longer be found after launching it again. This is just a theory, I'm not actually sure yet but I'll look into it.
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Sappharad wrote:
Chamale wrote:
I turned off NES with QuickNES and it's still not working. Although, I've noticed that when I quit Bizhawk and restart it, I have to force quit it after waiting five minutes because it won't quit normally.
That's a known issue, at least I've noticed it for the last few releases but keep forgetting about it. I should probably fix it in the next release. You don't need to force quit, just click the red close button on the window instead of going File->Quit or pressing command-Q. As for the error, thanks for the large screenshot. If you delete BizHawk and unzip a fresh copy, does it happen the first time you run the app or only on subsequent times running it? It may have something to do with Apple's changes to macOS 10.12 which force unsigned applications to be sandboxed, so that recent documents and other files generated internally by BizHawk can no longer be found after launching it again. This is just a theory, I'm not actually sure yet but I'll look into it.
I fixed the quitting error, thanks. Deleted and reinstalled Bizhawk, the ROM error still happens.
Joined: 2/6/2017
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When I load a rom (I have tried NES and megadrive) and then try to open Tools -> TAStudio it silently crashes and closes the app. When I run the app in a shell and do the same thing:
~/Downloads/BizHawk.app/contents/MacOS$ ./BizHawk
I get:
2017-02-06 19:40:29.464 BizHawk[20749:9608647]
Unhandled Exception:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.EntryPointNotFoundException: CreateFontIndirect
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.CustomControls.GDIRenderer:CreateFontIndirect (BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.CustomControls.GDIRenderer/LOGFONT)
  at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.CustomControls.GDIRenderer.CreateNormalHFont (System.Drawing.Font font, Int32 width) [0x0001b] in /Users/sappharad/Documents/Coding/BizHawk/BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk/CustomControls/GDIRenderer.cs:151
  at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.InputRoll..ctor () [0x0007f] in /Users/sappharad/Documents/Coding/BizHawk/BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk/CustomControls/InputRoll.cs:65
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.InputRoll:.ctor ()
  at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.TAStudio.InitializeComponent () [0x00559] in /Users/sappharad/Documents/Coding/BizHawk/BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk/tools/TAStudio/TAStudio.Designer.cs:157
  at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.TAStudio..ctor () [0x000e9] in /Users/sappharad/Documents/Coding/BizHawk/BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk/tools/TAStudio/TAStudio.cs:130
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.MonoCMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00002] in /private/tmp/source-mono-mac-4.2.0-branch/bockbuild-mono-4.2.0-branch/profiles/mono-mac-xamarin/build-root/mono-4.2.1/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:644
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
(snipped two other stack traces that I assume are the exception handler blowing up)
CreateFontIndirect appears to be defined as:
		[DllImport("gdi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
		private static extern IntPtr CreateFontIndirect(
			[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)]LOGFONT lplf
but I have no idea where gdi32.dll is supposed to live. The only files matching '*32.dll' in /usr/local are all named 'Mono.Security.Win32.dll'. Any ideas? (This is on OSX Sierra (10.12) with the osx build of BizHawk 1.11.7 and "mono: stable (bottled)" from homebrew.)
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boldwren wrote:
When I load a rom (I have tried NES and megadrive) and then try to open Tools -> TAStudio it silently crashes and closes the app.
TASStudio is not supported on macOS. It uses native Windows functionality and I'd have to re-write it. You can use the macOS builds with input recording and playback features at this time, but that's it. In general I don't disable features that are unsupported, in the chance that they might work because BizHawk has a lot of features and I don't test each and every option to see what should be disabled. I can disable the option if you'd like. TASStudio is a pretty complex feature, it probably wouldn't perform well if I did manage to get it working.
Post subject: core reboot exception/bizhawk not working
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Hi all, I have recently been trying to open up bizhawk and have been ground to a halt by this exception when rebooting core. i have no cores active but bizhawk gave me this error when trying to reboot, when pressing okay the app closes with no other errors. http://i.imgur.com/oJgHsuE.png There is also an issue when resetting the application. when i change my display settings (from +GDI to Direct9) when prompted to reset, I reopen the application again all settings are restored to default. and finally when opening up a iso or rom the application instantly crashes even though i have a bios active for the emulators functions i am using. if anyone has any ideas of how to rectify the situations to be able to let TAS again or let me know when a newer version of OSX Bizhawk is released. thankyou
I’m sorry. Really I am... I am so sorry for what I did. Forgive me.
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I've posted a preliminary macOS Build of BizHawk 1.12.0 here: http://projects.sappharad.com/bizhawk_mac/BizHawk_mac_1.12.0.zip It is compatible with macOS 10.7 to 10.11. It is NOT compatible with macOS Sierra (10.12) or newer. Well, you can run it on 10.12 and MegaDrive/Genesis games work, but NES and some others experience the previously reported problems. I attempted to fix the compatibility problems with 10.12 but my first attempt did not work. I'm calling this build preliminary because of that, but if I release an updated build the only changes I plan to make are for fixing macOS 10.12. Changes in this release that are macOS specific: - Quit option works again, you don't need to click the close box on the Window. - BizHawk config is now saved to your user profile. This means your settings, recent list, etc. will be retained in future releases. Note: Previous macOS builds were uploaded with my personal config set as the default. This meant that the VSync option was turned on instead of off, and sync was set to "Audio Throttle" instead of "Clock Throttle" which is what it defaults to when you don't have a config file. Due to the change mentioned above, if you notice screen tearing when playing games, enable VSync under Config->Speed/Skip. If you notice slight audio distortion, switch to "Audio Throttle" under the same menu. That will make it behave how it did in previous releases. I might override these defaults in the next build if you don't already have a config, because I think they're better settings if you're just downloading the emulator to play games. ---- Update for February 25th 2017: It appears that the macOS 10.12 issues are completely OS security related, and I'm still not sure how to fix them. On the machine where I was able to reproduce the problem, I downloaded Visual Studio for Mac and checked the latest code from the mono-portable branch out from GitHub. (Currently the same as the 1.12.0 release at the time I'm writing this) When built directly on the 10.12 machine that runs it, everything works completely fine. The only time you have problems is if the app is downloaded from the internet. I thought that code signing would fix that, (and the 1.12.0 release linked above is signed) but it did not, or there's some kind of validation issue. So I'm not any closer to solving the problem yet. But if you're running 10.12 and desperately want to use 1.12.0, download the source code from Github, download Visual Studio and build your own copy: https://github.com/TASVideos/BizHawk/tree/mono-portable If you run into an error with the version project (or it says svnrev.cs is missing), copy the file svnrev_template in the Version folder and name the copy "svnrev.cs". This is wrong and a bad thing to do, but it seems the events to generate that file aren't running anymore and I need to fix that again.
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thank you for the update. i will see if i can sign my own version and get it running.
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Alright, I figured out how to get BizHawk 1.12.0 working properly on macOS Sierra. Copy or move the app to your Applications folder and run it from there. No need to re-download. It works fine once you do that. This is the result of a new security mechanism in macOS 10.12, but I was able to reproduce the bug then after moving the app to the Applications folder it ran fine. In the future I just need to distribute BizHawk releases inside of a .dmg file instead of a .zip file. The purpose of the security feature is to ensure that apps which reference files not included in the app were not modified by hackers before you downloaded them. macOS can check the app itself to determine that it's legit, but it doesn't know about external cores that BizHawk tries to load like NESHawk. Those are SUPPOSED to be handled by me signing the app since the cores are inside, but I guess since BizHawk is a .NET app which loads them differently than expected it just gets confused. Once you "install" the app by moving it to the Applications folder, it assumes that any malicious files that someone might have added to the .zip didn't get moved too so it lets you run the app. Or something like that. I'm not entirely clear on how that works, but in the future it looks like distributing a signed .dmg disk image is a solution that will allow macOS to ensure the files weren't modified and everything will work properly on 10.12 then.
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oh my bloody goodness, i can't believe i didn't find this. i really appreciate your help and support. now i can get back into TASing again EDIT: is their some recommended audio setting to avoid the stuttering on play back. all other versions don't do this and when upgrading to the latest version of osxhawk it runs all choppy and my computer is a beast.
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TAG wrote:
EDIT: is their some recommended audio setting to avoid the stuttering on play back. all other versions don't do this and when upgrading to the latest version of osxhawk it runs all choppy and my computer is a beast.
The answer to that was in the post above where I released the new version. Previous releases were distributed with the default configuration that I prefer, rather than no configuration at all. The Windows version (at least the copy of 1.12.0 that I just downloaded) doesn't come with any configuration. To get the same behavior as my previous builds, turn on Audio Sync and turn on VSync and it will perform how previous releases did. Your custom configuration in 1.12.0 will carry over to future releases, because that is now saved to your user profile in macOS instead of being saved inside the app itself. So once you change those settings you won't have to do it again. In case you're wondering, the config is now saved to /Users/<yourUsernameHere>/Library/Application Support/BizHawk/config.ini Application Support is a standard directory where other programs save their config files. Library is a hidden folder, if you hold the Option key on the keyboard while the "Go" menu in the finder is open, you'll see the Library option appear in the menu.
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I don't know whats going on. i have changed the settings but am still getting stuttering and no clean audio. maybe i should delete all of the junk from my desktop and keep it ina seperate folder and see what happens EDIT: cleaned my desktop up a bit and still has massive slow down. i don't know what to do exactly but could having multiple copies open in different folders have an effect on bizhawk.?
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TAG wrote:
I don't know whats going on. i have changed the settings but am still getting stuttering and no clean audio. maybe i should delete all of the junk from my desktop and keep it ina seperate folder and see what happens
These are the settings I use: I've got no issues with those settings on my machine. I'm not aware of any changes being made to the speed sync options in the last several releases, so any difference should be settings.
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i have exactly those settings. what should i change my graphical settings too? EDIT: hmmmm so with a bit of testing 1.11.7 works at normal speed. there must be something wrong with my computer coding effecting later versions of bizhawk.
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TAG wrote:
i have exactly those settings. what should i change my graphical settings too? EDIT: hmmmm so with a bit of testing 1.11.7 works at normal speed. there must be something wrong with my computer coding effecting later versions of bizhawk.
Another thing that might have slowed it down is the rewind feature. Go into the rewind config option and disable it if it's enabled, performance may improve. ======================== (2017-04-02) Mac Build of 1.12.1 has been released: http://projects.sappharad.com/bizhawk_mac/BizHawk_mac_1.12.1.dmg Contains the same Intellivision and NES improvements as the Windows version. macOS specific improvements are: - Fixed compatibility with macOS 10.12 by distributing as a signed .dmg instead of .zip (This slightly increases the download size) - Fixed ffmpeg related stuff. MP3 CDDA for Sega CD should work again, and the AVI Writer feature should work when you pick FFMPEG MKV output. Some of the other codec options work and some don't. I suggest MKV because it does, and just use VLC to convert it to a different format if you didn't want MKV. - SNES is now supported on macOS builds.
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