- Get PrBoom-Plus
- Use .kkapture Version 1.02 and capture at 35.0 FPS
- While capturing, turn off anti-virus as it sometimes interferes with .kkapture
- Use glboom and make sure it is in window mode
- Use the follow settings in glboom-plus.cfg
demo_smoothturns 1
videomode "32bit"
use_gl_surface 1
screen_resolution "2560x1600"
usegamma 0
uncapped_framerate 1
gl_vsync 0
gl_sprite_filter 4
gl_texture_filter_anisotropic 4
hudadd_demoprogressbar 0
render_aspect 3
render_stretch_hud 1
render_multisampling 8
gl_texture_hqresize 1
gl_texture_hqresize_textures 3
gl_texture_hqresize_sprites 3
gl_texture_hqresize_patches 3
Note: You need to manually change the screen_resolution since the options are not there in the game itself
- Get the ogg sound pack of SC-55 and modify glboom-plus.cfg to use the music
- Capture twice, once for YouTube and 512kb file (2880x2160), and once for regular file and optionally high resolution file (2560x1600)
- Use AreaResize to downscale to 512kb file or regular file. Get it here:
- The resolution for 512kb file is 320x240 while the resolution for regular file is 320x200
- For YouTube, make sure you add ChangeFPS(60) to change the frame rate to 60 FPS since it is choppy at 30 FPS
Here is a comparison of downscale methods where it shows AreaResize is the best: