Post subject: Retroarch Filter Issue + Genesis Window Scaling
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Retroarch filters don't seem to work in Bizhawk (some do, but incorrectly), and I have a guess as to why. Some filters seem to load multipass filters, and Bizhawk only allows one. It's just a guess, but it may possibly be an easy fix by allowing users to load several filters instead of one. Another issue is the filters that do seem to work load incorrectly. I'm not sure what is going on with some, but others seem to scale to something other than Bizhawk's window size. I am not sure if this guess is correct though. In any case, I prefer Bizhawk over Retroarch, yet I enjoy using filters too. Is it possible to have Bizhawk load Retroarch filters correctly, and are my guesses as to why they don't work right correct? Lastly, a quick question about the Genesis' window scaling to avoid making a thread just for that. The Genesis has an interlaced mode (similar to the SNES) of 320x448, and a couple of games used it, including Sonic 2's 2 player mode, however, Bizhawk would scale the window to the new resolution every time games change video modes internally, yet it does not for this mode of the Genesis. Why is that?
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Meanwhile on the same page Pretty much your answer is there as to why it doesn't work.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Meanwhile on the same page Pretty much your answer is there as to why it doesn't work.
Huh? I saw that before making this, and there is no answer to my question there.
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(Either I didn't read this topic correctly or using part of your comment. Which is most likely true but in any case):
hegyak wrote:
BizHawk handles Filters for RetroArch but not many work.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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Spikestuff wrote:
(Either I didn't read this topic correctly. Which is most likely true but in any case):
hegyak wrote:
BizHawk handles Filters for RetroArch but not many work.
Well, I am asking why it doesn't work, and making guesses as to why it may be. I'd definitely appreciate if it can be resolved, even if it's not high priority. Also, I have another question about the Genesis resolution switch too. :\
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There's a switch somewhere in the genesis core settings that prevents window resizing. Also
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feos wrote:
There's a switch somewhere in the genesis core settings that prevents window resizing. Also
Thank you, I understand now. I hope those things can be resolved later on at some point. In the meantime though, Bizhawk is very good, and thanks to all involved with working on it.
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I reported the resolution switch issue to Gen+GX devs and got this reply: "By default, Genesis Plus GX indeed keeps generating a 320x224 screen buffer on each emulated "frame" in interlaced mode 2 because that's what original VDP does and some frontend might want to do the interlacing themselves or let host video hardware handle it if can generate interlaced video from single-field framebuffers (that's the case with the Wii for example). However, if config.render is set to 1, the emulator will render a 320x448 screen buffer in interlaced mode 2 with every other lines rendered on each emulated "frame", giving the illusion of interlaced screen. Tell Bizhawk devs they should have a look at the libretro port to see how this is done." Just thought I would report that.
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Do you mean GPU shaders, or CPU video filters?
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I mean GPU shaders such as CRT screen shaders and the like.
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I don't use BizHawk, but the CRT shader preset I like to use in RetroArch is crtglow_gauss.cgp for consoles that had S-Video or component video output, and crtglow_gauss_ntsc_3phase.cgp for NES and other composite or RF consoles; looks extremely accurate.
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Yeah, in Retroarch, I tend to use crt-lottes and crt-easymode (depends on how I feel), and sometimes the dithering shader gdapt for heavily dithered games (*cough* American developed Genesis games >_>). None of them work in Bizhawk, however.
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RaijinXBlade, please record an example move of the game that does switch to interlaced (during your movie) and back.
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Sure, I made 2 quick ones. The first is Combat Cars, and the second is Sonic 2.
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Upload them here instead, for whenever I have time for this.
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Alright, I uploaded them and changed my last post to include the link.
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RaijinXBlade, do you have a way to test state loads during interlaced mode in some official gpgx build? I get corrupted graphics in bizhawk if I rewind in that mode.
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I have Retroarch with Gen+GX. It doesn't seem to let me rewind for some reason, but I assume I can save/load states with it. I don't have a Wii, so I can't test with that. Edit: Just tried loading state in Retroarch and it works. I saved/loaded during interlaced mode and it doesn't scramble the graphics like Bizhawk does.
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bizhawk supports multipass shaders. The shaders not working for you are not working for reasons outlined in the wiki page where I explain what shaders are supported. Here are some problems 1. I'm converting CG shaders to HLSL, which is a buggy process. I should be running them as HLSL directly. 2. I'm converting CG shaders to GLSL, which is a buggy process. I should be supporting GLSLs directly. 3. The CG shaders are not the cutting edge of development anymore; theyre a legacy format. In a few years, if I fully support CG shaders, youll be saying "dang I cant use these new slang or glsl shaders") 4. The shaders are generally broken and non-conformant to their own specifications anyway, and only work in retroarch because of accidental leniency 5. Many shaders use features we don't support yet The reasons for 1-3 above are due to the shader support in bizhawk being old and retroarch having moved on a bit. Now they have an automated process for converting cg to glsl (isnt that done with cgc though?) and are wishing nobody would use CG; and eventually theyll wish nobody was using GLSL. They have a new slang shader format that I dont even know what to do with. Bizhawk is not cutting edge in this department and probably never will be. Maybe you could change to the opengl display method and have slightly higher compatibility. -------- I've fixed the savestates in interlaced mode
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Thank you, zeromus for explaining that, and for your work. My current thoughts on the shaders are "maybe it's better to leave it be for now." I am still curious about Gen+GX though.
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RaijinXBlade wrote:
I am still curious about Gen+GX though.
GPGX wasn't saving interlaced flag to states, but that might be just our version of it, and it was fixed for your libretro build.
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Ah, I see. It's funny how that seemingly more obvious bug was found when looking into something else. Thank you, feos for your work.