Post subject: Rank your own TASes!
Editor, Expert player (2086)
Joined: 8/25/2013
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So I came up with a dumb idea for a discussion. What if the authors of a bunch of runs personally ranked their own TASes? I think it would be an interesting insight in, well, people's opinions on their work. I'll start since, whatever. This will be from worst to best, and I'll be only doing current runs. No YHTBTR today, sorry. (Note that I'm not saying to RATE your own TASes, although you can certainly do that too.)
    [*] Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro [3213] PSX Spider-Man 2: Enter: Electro by arandomgameTASer in 22:00.52 Oh joyous day, I get to talk about this game again. I don't regret doing Enter Electro, but this run wasn't the best. Too much downtime and a lack of optimization due to PSXHawk messing up analog input. I mean, SOME of the run is really good, Gangland being a highlight, but the rest of the game is not very interesting. [*] Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back [3137] SNES Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back by arandomgameTASer, Exonym & Samsara in 30:11.80 Another game with too much downtime and a lack of optimization, yay. This is by far the worst SSW game in terms of speedrunning, with lengthy boring 3D stages everywhere. This took a very long time to do, and I wouldn't do it again. [*] Ikachan [2590] Windows Ikachan "warp glitch" by arandomgameTASer in 03:31.56 My first run! Probably my worst optimized one, since I didn't know what a RAM address was when I did it. It was obsoleted by a nicovideo TASer, which is good. Not much else to say, I'm ambivalent towards it. [*] Super Aladdin [2934] NES Super Aladdin by arandomgameTASer in 05:23.37 Hey-hey! Everyone's favorite game. All jokes aside, this run isn't horrible. There's plenty of glitches and the game doesn't make my eyes bleed like most bootlegs. It does feel redundent though, since so many other Aladdin runs have already been published. [*] Pop'n Twinbee: Rainbow Bell Adventure [2807] SNES Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures "1 player" by arandomgameTASer in 21:48.71 My fastest run, but not my best run. Once you get past how fast the game is, there's not a lot of entertainment value to it. I might redo it sometime with 2 players to try and fix that, but for now it's just ok. [*] Shantae "any%" [2685] GBC Shantae by arandomgameTASer in 1:05:26.00 My third run! This one sucks though. It lays a foundation for a better improvement, certainly, but it's clear to see that I didn't understand what I was doing when I made it. Still, it's decently fast and entertaining. I don't hate it. [*] Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse "Grant path, warp glitch" [3224] NES Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse "Grant path, warp glitch" by arandomgameTASer, Samsara & Noxxa in 15:22.01 Now we're getting to the good stuff. This run is pretty much the RTA route with TAS stuff thrown in, but whatever. It's pretty fast and has a game-destroying glitch, so I like it. [*] Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken [2960] SNES Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken by arandomgameTASer in 20:35.47 An advertisement game for Japan's Disneyland I guess. It's most closely related to Rocket Knight Adventures, and it shows with its balloon mechanics. I like this one a lot, but I can recognize that it's a bit annoying. [*] The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night [2826] GBA The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night by arandomgameTASer in 25:57.76 A Spikestuff nag game. Out of all the Spyro games, this is probably the best one outside the original three, and it shows in the TAS with all the routing choices I made. Still, the game is a bit weirdly designed with the little pause every time you hit an enemy, so it feels slower paced then it actually is. [*] Spider-Man N64 [3051] N64 Spider-Man by arandomgameTASer in 25:51.70 Yeah, Spider-Man!!!! This first attempt has some flaws, but it's fast and shows how fun and broken this game can be. [*] Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "Maria Mode" [3130] Saturn Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "Maria Mode" by arandomgameTASer in 06:45.72 Despite how absolutely horrendous SaturnHawk is, I still like this movie. Maybe it's just because I like Symphony of the Night, who knows? [*] Spider-Man 3 [3158] GBA Spider-Man 3 by arandomgameTASer in 13:44.01 An improvement of 2 minutes over someone else's movie, how 'bout that? This is probably the fastest 2D Spidey, and the only one I can honestly say is a good game. [*] Shantae 100% Hey-hey, 20 minutes shaved off a really long run! I enjoy this one a lot because it cuts down on a lot of boring crap and just gets to the good stuff, like those sick nasty Spiral Kick stratz. [*] Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions "any%" [3021] DS Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions by arandomgameTASer in 26:15.10 A beat-em-up metroidvania, essentially. Any% isn't horrible, it's still incredibly fast and cool like all items is, but it's weighed down a bit by a lack of combo variety. [*] Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days [2937] DS Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days by arandomgameTASer in 2:33:37.01 A yearlong project right here. The individual missions are pretty fun to optimize, but this is definitely a game that should be watched in parts instead of all at once. The final 10 minutes are great at least. [*] Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi [2953] SNES Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi by arandomgameTASer in 23:17.12 Oh look, another ssw game. Unlike ESB, they put all the bullshit boring autoscrolling in the last 6 minutes. This run could be optimized better, but what exists now is still very fast and entertaining. [*] Kingdom Hearts Re:coded [2698] DS Kingdom Hearts Re:coded by arandomgameTASer in 1:41:02.94 My second run, and ironically my second longest one. Despite the many flaws with this run's optimization, I still enjoy it. Maybe it's just because it's Kingdom Hearts. [*] Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!! [2942] DS Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d You Steal Our Garbage?!! by arandomgameTASer in 48:44.36 What do you take when you combine Zelda II with the guys who made Shantae? This game! This game is fun, fast, and has a lot of interesting routing choices you can take. Its placement is very funny, since when I first finished it I absolutely despised it due to how long it took to make. Now, clearly, I like it a lot more. [*] Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions "all items" [3034] DS Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions "all items" by arandomgameTASer in 34:20.91 The crown jewel of all my runs, really. This is by far the best TAS I've ever done. It's fast, interesting, and funny, with a route that doesn't drag the game to a crawl like a lot of 100% TASes. This and Hey Ice King are the only TASes I can say I'm proud of.
effort on the first draft means less effort on any draft thereafter - some loser
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Honorary Mentions (group projects where I had little to no input): 20. [3137] SNES Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back by arandomgameTASer, Exonym & Samsara in 30:11.80 The small sections I did were hell to do, and then the end result wasn't even entertaining enough to make it to Moons. Damn shame. 19. [2777] NES Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II by Aglar, Randil, Alyosha, rchokler & Samsara in 07:14.32 I literally have no input in this movie. I'm only listed as a coauthor because of a frame war I ultimately lost. Sure I helped knock it down, but still... why? 18. [3124] NES Battletoads "warpless, 1 player" by feos, Alyosha & Samsara in 21:38.38 I joined this project at a bad time and had to drop out quick. My biggest contribution was inviting feos, who basically did the whole damn thing by himself since Alyosha also had to drop. Great movie, but it's not something I can be proud of creating. 17. [2923] NES Streemerz: Super Strength Emergency Squad Zeta "Streeeeemerz Mode" by adelikat, Aglar, Noxxa, Really_Tall & Samsara in 05:03.33 Streemerz as a competition was fun as hell, optimizing it was also a thing I didn't really do though. Being the official submission Resync Bitch was a bit of a pain, but it was still fun to bring down the time with all the improvements coming in. 16. [3224] NES Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse "Grant path, warp glitch" by arandomgameTASer, Samsara & Noxxa in 15:22.01 I love Castlevania a whole lot, even if I didn't have a lot to do with this movie I'm just glad I managed to get in on a Castlevania run at some point in my life. It's a good run overall, I'm pretty proud of my (small amount of) work too. Actual List (solo projects + group projects I contributed heavily to): 15. [1793] SNES Run Saber "1 player" by Samsara in 13:38.48 Garbage. A lot of what motivated me to finish it was just being so far ahead of the published run at the time, though it took me a while to realize I was only so far ahead because of all the entertainment tradeoffs used in said run. I can't help but look back on this run and despair. 14. [2554] NES Wayne's World by Samsara in 05:38.86 Fuck this game. 13. [2911] A2600 Riddle of the Sphinx by Samsara in 01:37.41 I really only submitted this because I finished it. It's not an entertaining run by any stretch of the imagination, though I think the rating is a little unfair. 12. [2962] PSX Umihara Kawase Shun by Samsara in 02:17.25 This is so low on the list because I don't feel like it's my run. It's all my input, but apart from a couple small changes in routes, it's not really mine. And yes, I'm ranking this improvement lower than... 11. [2945] PSX Umihara Kawase Shun by Samsara in 02:20.41 ...because I feel like I had more of a say in this run. It's still ultimately not much of my run, sure, but with my knowledge at the time I felt motivated by all the "improvements" I was finding over the public run I had access to. You know, the one that wasn't hidden from everyone except one dude on the forum. 10. [2240] NES Moon Crystal by Samsara in 08:35.12 This is the first TAS I actually put effort into... But it wasn't a good amount of effort. There wasn't a whole lot of research or testing done, I just kinda went in not expecting to find much over JXQ and ended up finding more than I expected. And then it was basically rendered obsolete super quickly for the dumbest reason: Me. I'm the dumbest reason. 9. [3201] SNES Majyuuou "best ending" by Samsara in 16:13.40 This wasn't a whole lot of fun to do, I'll be honest. It started out neat, but getting into things like later boss fights and all the lag reduction, it kinda turned into a hellish project that ended up not being as nice of a result as I would've liked it to be. 8. [2635] NES Treasure Master by Samsara & micro500 in 19:15.80 Not the most exciting or difficult game (in fact, it's pretty sync-stable and improvements could be easily added to any stage at any time), but for an early project of mine I think it turned out really good. It was probably the most fun I've had with a project just due to how simple it was: I actually hashed out 15 minutes of the run in one straight 8-hour session. Best part of the run was finding that huge Prize World skip (and even finding a TAS-only part 2 for the skip that makes it save way more time). If I hadn't found that, this would've been lower. 7. [3168] NES Gimmick! by Aglar, Hotarubi & Samsara in 04:24.61 Look back to the Umihara Kawase Shun comments and you'll understand why this is lower than most people think it should be. It's just barely enough of "my run" to classify it under something I feel like I worked on, but I can't really be too proud of it because the movie's overall a huge copout. If I redo best ending, it'll be 100% my input, and it'll probably be first on this list in the future... But for now, any% sits here. 6. [3018] Genesis Earnest Evans by Samsara in 07:36.54 5. [2987] PCE Splatterhouse by Samsara in 12:15.72 It's clunkier than Wanpaku Graffiti and I think people are overrating it. My entertainment stuff only got really good in Stage 4 and onward. Still, it was a fun run, I like watching it back from time to time, and it does at least have the bonus of syncing across two different game versions, which is Real Nice, Yo. 4. [2915] NES Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti "best ending" by Samsara in 19:11.24 This run kinda influenced my entertainment choices for all of my future runs. I'm super happy with how those sections turned out. It's just a shame that the last two minutes is dedicated to a single, terrible boss. I feel like the run would've been much better received without that. 3. [2823] SNES Umihara Kawase "sightseeing" by Alyosha, ars4326 & Samsara in 11:44.77 This would be higher up if I hadn't taken a month away from the project almost immediately after starting. I'm a flake. I know. Even though a lot of this run is based off of the efforts of the same Umihara TASer whose work I used for Shun, this was definitely the most unique Umihara run of the lot, where some stages actually used unique strategies and optimizations that made it all look different. Problem is: It's improvable. Using that same TASer's new strategies. You can tell why I hate Umihara TASing. Fun fact: I believe this is the first published run that was primarily made using (an at-the-time extremely buggy, beta) TAStudio. So there's that piece of history for ya! 2. [2933] GG Coca Cola Kid by Samsara, ars4326 & dekutony in 08:26.47 Daaaaaamn, I'm proud of this and how it turned out. It's the closest I'll ever get to Sonic TASing, the group work was excellent, and thankfully none of it was too overly difficult. 1. [2908] SNES Run Saber "1 player" by Samsara in 13:05.27 This was basically absolving myself of my TASing sins, going back to my oldest and worst run and destroying it in every possible way. Much better optimization, new tricks, more entertainment, and god just look at that screenshot. It's a masterpiece. This is the run I would show people if anyone I knew outside of the site ever asked me about my TASes. But then again, that's probably going to change before the end of the year.
TASvideos Admin and acting Senior Judge 💙 Currently unable to dedicate a lot of time to the site, taking care of family.
warmCabin wrote:
You shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get into this hobby.
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I have made so many runs and I have different opinions on each of them so I'm going to do my ranking a little differently. BAD... GBA Kirby & The Amazing Mirror "100%" in 58:10 This was a nice project and I'm very proud I could successfully route-plan the game. But by now it's outdated, there are numerous possible improvements and there is one silly mistake that I look back to in shame (inhaling 2 bomb enemies to mix for bomb ability). GB Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions in 01:29 The previous run was done by me but this one was mostly done by Scepheo. I only did the final boss for him so I don't feel very attached to this run as a result and there is potential for further improvements (see the forum topic). The fact this is ranked under "BAD" doesn't mean this run is bad, but I just don't really feel like it's my own work. I'm, however, proud to have found the out of bounds glitch in this game that made this run possible in the first place. DS Kirby Squeak Squad "any%" in 36:40 I kind of rushed through this game so there are possible small improvements all over the place. While not really something I could have known about or prevented, I feel especially bad that this run used the "slide on air" bug at each stage beginning which seems to be possible only on emulator. I still don't know the exact conditions why the bug sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. SGB Wario Land 2 in 06:32 In retrospect, I regret that we switched from GBC to the inferior SGB version for this game. The route only seems to work on SGB, but I think I would have prefered to stay on the GBC version. Who knows, maybe now that out of bounds exits have been studied much better, the run can be done nearly equally fast on the GBC version? GB Tennis in 04:51 Boring run. GBA Stuart Little 2 in 22:58 I had high hopes for this run but it ended up being so auto-scroller heavy and a time-saving bug I had found had scrambled the graphics during two stages. So despite being pretty much perfectly optimized and abusing time-saving glitches all over the place, this run ended up being shit entertainment-wise. OK GB The Smurfs in 08:28 This is a well optimized run but a side-effect of hex-editing meant that a bird wasn't killed in Level 7 and I feel bad about it to this day. GB Master Karateka in 02:39 I'm glad how this run turned out. But I can't help but think that some parts can still be improved, specifically the parts where I could not switch to running stance because of the presence of enemies (like at the final boss, I was forced to stay in fighting stance). Aside from that, this was only a small project and I finished it in one day. GB Kung-Fu Master in 03:29 This is well optimized but I think it can still be improved. I'm not happy I couldn't use a bomb on the final boss in this run like the previous run did. GB Kid Niki in 08:49 Well optimized. I think there is one very slight possible improvement with one of the jumps in the second level or so but aside from that, no known improvements. GB Super Mario Land in 12:08 I hate TASing this game. It's very tedious to manage how many fireball shots you can do without losing time, and to manipulate the bonus games. I'm glad I could push this game so far, thanks to some clever strategies I came up with such as getting fire flower before bonus games to shorten the time spent on said bonus games. The run was done on VBA and should be redone on Gambatte-core (which might entail some time loss due to emulation differences which would be a shame). Aside from all this, the run could still be improved by a few frames by better bonus game manipulation but it would mean spending hundreds of hours on trial-and-error testing. nopenopenope. GB Kirby's Dream Land in 08:44 I'm glad I could push the time for this game this low but it can still be improved. I'm feeling bad about the Dedede fight because I didn't spend much time on it as I just wanted to finish and submit the run already at the time. TASing this game is, much like SML, tedious due to heavy lag reduction that needs to be done. GB Bubble Ghost in 04:44 I'm glad I found a useful bug for this game recently. However, it turned out the way I performed the bug can be improved by a few frames on each occasion so I'm a little disappointed. GB Volley Fire in 09:28 This run is ok. GB Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins "game end glitch" in 00:41 I spent a very long time on this game investigating the pause glitch and it had finally paid off. This is the only time I managed an ACE run and I'm happy about it. What's holding this from being listed in the "GOOD" section is that I don't feel like the run itself was a project I liked working on. It was done pretty much in a day or two, and the run itself isn't something I like going back to to watch it (it's more a proof of concept than an amazing run). Also, I wish I could have triggered the ACE bug with a single pause instead of relying on multiple pauses. It makes it look suboptimal. GB The Adventures of Star Saver in 08:39 Some possible improvements but the run is quite ok. GBA Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku in 13:46 I hated TASing the battles. It has been a big ball of trial-and-error, especially the Ginyu Force... I'm not even thinking about TASing that part ever again. It looks pretty cool in the end, but working on this run wasn't pleasant. GB Gremlins 2: The New Batch in 06:47 At the time of this writing, this run is perfect. But it's not a run I like to go watch sometime, the game is actually kind of boring and I didn't particularly like working on this game. GOOD! GBA Kirby & The Amazing Mirror in 23:27 This is a well optimized run and doesn't really have any substantial possible improvements (aside from some RNG-dependent strats you can't really manipulate). I'm happy that I could find some interesting boss strats. GB Trip World in 05:10 This is definitely one of the finest TASes I've done. I spent a lot of time and came up with some insane wall clipping techniques. The run itself looks pretty good and I like to watch it myself from time to time. GBC Survival Kids "Ending 8" in 27:58 This run has a number of possible improvements. But I feel especially attached to this run for some reason. I investigated the game a lot and came up with what I think is the best route / item management for this run. When the run enters the ruins, there is a part where I nearly run out of health, which is my favorite part of the run. I always love it when TAS barely escapes death like that.
Post subject: A list of just Fighting Games?
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Mainly because I'm dubbed the one who just does Fighter TASes I'll do a list of my fighters. I'll come back to this thread later and do another post of my non-fighter TASes. The Fighters - Current Only. 8. [3157] PSX Tekken by Spikestuff in 01:38.92 Ranking this and 7th was a bit hard. I didn't like how I did either of them and I don't think I'll ever go back to this one. The first Tekken is the most annoying out of all of them, which is why this is probably receiving negative bias out of everything. There was only 1 character (Gun Jack) that had a 1 hit KO which was majority of the time unreliable on this Ultra Hard difficulty. Anna was solely chosen because of my experimentation and discovery of what she can do on Tekken 3, Hunting Swan, a move that was thankfully in the first game and was much safer to execute than Dark Greeting. This and the obsoleted one which isn't on this list would never be something I enjoyed making as I hated actually making this. This is probably one of my least favourite TASes I will ever produce. 7. [3105] N64 Fighters Destiny by Spikestuff in 01:43.07 This TAS has many problems with it, and it isn't one I ever like looking back at. It's just there. 6. [3240] GBA Guilty Gear X: Advance Edition by Spikestuff in 04:12.41 An average TAS with the worst Soundtrack. 5. [3167] N64 Fighter Destiny 2 by Spikestuff in 01:39.97 Finding the pause buffing near the end of fights was a great safety net, I was actually ecstatic that I had to redo this game. I hated how I produced it originally as of the minor things I had to wait and time but having it done the way it is in the end will always be my happy little accomplishment. Also, finding out the IGT clock is actually broken was great fun (FOCUSING ON IGT IS BULLSHIT AND IT CAN DIE IN A FIRE). 4. [2988] PSX Tekken 2 by NhatNM & Spikestuff in 01:42.00 This is what I always come back to just to watch. Tekken 2 is dependent on one thing. Your actions and nothing more. It's Tekken 1 & Advanced however the charm that I think comes out is that your movement needs to be more planned especially with a character that is the easiest to counter attack even though he is the fastest, he's always coming at you with great risk. Serious thanks to N?K to this aswell, he was much more dedicated on this project compared to me, so drowning doing over and over. 3. [3192] PSX Soul Blade by Spikestuff in 03:06.82 Controlling the uncontrollable of that, also known as counterattacking. Compared to Yoshimitsu's straight up KO and a 30fps game where I have less windows. 2. [2943] PSX Tekken 3 by Spikestuff in 02:21.17 This would be number one. However, due to the fact that I was able to make a faster (and my opinion, can be turned into a more entertaining TAS since less downtime). The history behind it is what I will always love about it. It went from something that was unknown, which was manipulating the AI that was found by complete accident. Then it was done on psxjin with the amazing inaccuracies that came with it, however dealing out the fastest ingame fighter produced. Which ended on Octoshock which showed that emulation has come a long way since the beginning these fixes caused me to actually be curious about each character. 1. [3112] WSWAN Guilty Gear Petit 2 by Spikestuff in 02:30.88 This one was oddly fun to make (and being able to fine tune at submission) I think it's mainly just that I had no control during my charge that kept me curious on will I get hit? I did learn that you can control what characters you'd have to fight (avoiding to fight Faust was the biggest timesave).
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.