Since I spent so much time TASing the basement swimming for the Y run attempt, I got motivated to look at any%’s swimming. I improved the beginning by 13161 X units, and while trying to understand how to optimize exiting the water I came up with a new strategy, which is AWFULLY similar to what happened with Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. Both in SM64DS and in Tenchu, many TASes go by, many TASers go by, they all simply swim/hook-throw straight ahead, without noticing that to the side there is ground/hookable-wall. Instead of simply swimming straight ahead and jumping to land just before the door, I now swim to the right and do a tiny jump to land on the ground to the right, which allows me to run much earlier (run speed > swim/jump speed), saving 2 frames so far. This is hell to optimize so hopefully I can save at least 4f by the end of it… but I don’t know. This would be even better with Y run, but I don’t think it can save 10 frames over non-Y run which would be required for it to actually be faster. I wager it’d save at the very most 6f, so it’d still end up 2f slower of non-Y run based on our best optimizations.
Edit: 4f saved atm. :) I just noticed I even hit the ceiling at the start of the swimming and lose 2k speed but that didn’t stop me from improving on any%’s swim, lol.
Edit2: Tried optimizing the swimming as much as I could and got 15074 X better than any%, somehow. Hitting the ceiling gives me a vertical boost I guess which is worth losing the 2k speed for. This is too hard to optimize, why is this even a thing…
Hope I can get 6f saved doing the ending now.
O P T I M I Z A T I O N I saved 6 frames!!!
So door X is 3317760 and Z is -3174400 left side… which has now become useless because I now enter from the right. :p -3788800 is the right side, so it’s 614400 units wide. I’m reaching with 3311224 X and -3757129, so I’m barely touching it but I’m moving a bit too far to the left.
Edit4: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL so I changed 1 frame in the .DSM ≈ 500 frames before the door and the whole thing desyncs but… IT SAVES 4 FRAMES LOL. So I guess I saved 10 frames now. Might be able to shave a few more off if I actually TAS the thing properly instead of letting it desync into an improvement… // Oh and the improvement comes from the fact that I understood the way I did the swim exiting before was bad, so I’m redoing it atm.
Edit5: 12 frames saved. ^^ I think maybe I can get 14 but not more. I’m actually losing X speed while swimming in order to get more Z speed, the loss was only like 300 units so it shouldn’t actually matter and I really need that Z position to be on the right.
…Wow, I’m 11947 units from saving 2 more frames. :/ 3329707 X.
Edit6: I can reach on f9746 with X (3317094) but I’m far with Z (-3870059). I don’t think I can save these last 2 frames. ._. I tried so hard squeezing out every last thing… jesus christ… // Did a random attempt as my most optimized 12f saver and I get 3324998 X (7328 units away) and -3770211 Z (18589 units of leeway).
And in 10 hours of TASing I only used 799 rerecords, lol. Editing input is so much more useful… // I can’t seem to be able to jump out of the water on frame 9672 due to the swimming animation, so I guess that’s a good proof that if anything only 2 more frames can be saved.
I’m so sad, I really wanted to save those last 2 frames.
08:50.70 any% anyway,
00:01.94 cut from the published run. I actually thought it was improved more than that, that’s not even 2 seconds. welp