• Emulator used: Snes9x v1.43-dev (WIP timing required)
  • No warps or passwords used.
B.O.B. is about a teenage robot trying to get to his date on time, only to hit an asteroid on the way, thus crash-landing on a strange planet. Everything is his enemy, and he must get to the swirly teleport thingy at the end of each level.
My two main goals are time, and not taking a hit, because B.O.B. doesn't want to look all bruised and battered when he finally gets to his date. He also doesn't hit a single wall in the vehicle stages, because he's a safe driver. (if you've ever played this game, you'd know how stupidly hard the vehicles are to control, even in slowdown)
You pretty much have to memorize the positions of the enemies in order to not get hit, but with savestates, that made life a little easier.
I actually take damage, but this is an unavoidable bug in the game...after the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th vehicle stages, I start the next levels with slightly-less-than-full health. This is because when the timer reaches 0:00, your health starts depleting rapidly, and at the end of each level, time converts to points. I don't know why it doesn't do so for the 1st vehicle level.
I might do a "take damage to save time" run, but with no damage recoil from most of the enemies, I don't think that would be as interesting.

Bisqwit: Touching the submission in order to update the topic IDs.

DeHackEd: Enough requests to warrent processing

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #684: Ele's SNES B.O.B. in 1:14:11.50
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I dunno, considering how quickly I seem to be able to die in that game, health management would be more impressive. (watching the run now)
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You should probably mention that this needs WIP timing enabled. Watching now...
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Thanks, I'll go edit it. Snes9x v-1.43-dev doesn't have checkboxes prior to watching the movie, so I didn't know whether it needed up+down/left+right, Fake Mute desync, WIP timing, etc.
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After viewing the whole movie at 167% speed (I didn't miss anything, really), I can say that although this was a good movie that has a lot of obvious planning in it, I wouldn't publish it. It's pretty obvious that you didn't use frame advance at points where you should have (namely in between levels) and there were a few spots where it seemed that you hesitated even when it didn't mean you would be hit. Granted, this is just a few frames here and there, but in a 1.25 hour long movie, these will add up. Good movie, but slightly imperfect gameplay. Voting meh because I know it could be better, but who wants to redo such a long movie for such a small gain in time? Oh, and BOB's robot girlfriend has a nice robot ass ¬_¬
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Okay, time for an episode of The Good, the Bad, and the Nitpicky. The Good: Weapon management is teh awesome. Shows off what you have and doesn't waste ammo. The tri-shot is a little overused, I think, but whatever. No glaringly bad errors and not a boring game. The Bad: Feels like it needs more attention to detail. Things which need to be done repeatedly (jumping up a set of stairs, for example) feels like it could be done faster. The vehicle levels don't clear corners smoothly. The nitpicky: Killing stuff that doesn't need to be killed is a waste of (admittingly plentiful) ammo. item use is a little questionable; At one point you use an umbrella to start floating long before you need to. Avoiding damage sometimes feels like an unneccessary wait. Random question: Which is faster, climbing or jumping ladders? Totally random comment: Man, I had no idea the game was so long... Final verdict: Borderline yes/meh. Looks like it gets better as it goes on. Probably won't live up to most others' standards. A second time around to fix all the tiny little mistakes, with or without taking damage, would earn a more yeslike yes from me.
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Best morning in a long time. Thank you very much for doing this! I love this game! It turned out I couldn't watch it =/ Oh well. I do know how hard the vehicle levels are and if you managed them without taking damage this should be impressive.
/Walker Boh
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Ah, dammit. Desynchs for me shortly after the start of stage two. xx This makes two submissions in a row that I haven't been able to watch for one reason or another. ><
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he has the European version of the game I think.
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Well aware of that. And I got the version it stated I should. But still it desynched. Blarrr...
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use SNES9x 1.43 Not + edition. Thats what Windeu says anyway, and I know it deysncs on 1.43+
Joined: 11/13/2004
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It doesn't desync on 1.43+ just you need to use WIP timing as the description says. I just watched it with it... It's a very good movie, i like this game very much. I used to play with the genesis version which has better music and sound IMO, but the graphics is worse than snes version. Thanks Windeu this awesome speedrun!
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Another difficult game made to look easy :> Indeed nice usage of weapons, but some of the levels could clearly be done faster. Voting meh :/
Joined: 5/17/2004
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I pretty much agree with nifboy. Good use of weapons, generally well played if perhaps imprecise at times. I'd personally prefer to see with-damage, but that's naturally up to you. My main gripe, however, is that you pretty much never do pre-jumps before long falls. When doing a fall you want to complete it quickly, which means starting the fall with as much downward velocity as you can. You just walk off the ledges; jumping off so you get some initial downward velocity is much better. See any of the Megaman movies for good examples on how this works. It's still a pretty good run and I did find it entertaining in spite of its length, but the cumulation of those small misses makes it a "meh" in the end.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [420] SNES B.O.B. by Ele in 1:14:11.50
Post subject: Re: Movie published
Editor, Active player (297)
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After brief watching of the published AVI... I think I wouldn't have accepted this submission. It looks stupid, I can't spot impressive maneuvers and I can spot missed potential (such as failing to jump edges down to maximize the integral of falling speed). It's also too long for the type of unvaried content it is.
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I can understand why this might look unimpressive, but in fact, it's very impressive. This game is very hard and I really liked how the author avoided to take damage. I think however minutes can be saved if windeu decides to make a "takes damage to save time"-run. Especially the vehicle levels. They are close to impossible to do on a console if you don't memorize every corner. To sum it up: I loved the run and I think it's impressive for a first TAS, and the fact that no damage is taken. I hope windeu makes a new version though and optimizes the take-more-damage-to-save-time-part.
/Walker Boh
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Hypothetically (not saying in this case because I haven't watched the movie), can a movie publication be revoked, or are all judges desicions final?
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Truncated wrote:
are all judges desicions final?
As an unwritten rule, they're final. Until proven otherwise :P
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Allright, now the first excitement has calmed down a bit ;) I'll try to pick out what I did like and what stuff that maybe can be improved. I still think the run is impressive because windeu said he wouldn't take any damage, and he didn't. However, even with this aspect it didn't looked perfected at some parts. What I noticed most was the usage of the trampoline and the umbrella. It looked like you could have used the umbrella later in many cases where you fall down. It also looked like you could have used the trampoline a bit smother sometimes, like not falling down at all before activating the next one while blasting yourself upwards. I guess that you tried to avoid damage in pretty many cases but I doubt it was for all jumps. I also liked how you handled most ladders. Atleast when falling down, it looked pretty much optimized that you grabbed them for a few frames before impact to avoid delay and damage, but some ladders looked a bit sloppy as well =/. It was in my opinion overall good though because even if B.O.B doesn't hit the ground and receives damage, he'll still be delayed slightly because he stops briefly when landing. Climbing upwards though didn't looked that good. It appeared to be faster to jump up ladders rather than climbing them, but you didn't jump very much. I don't know about those narrow paths with, for example, fire beams on each sides. Is it possible to jump there as well? That would both save time and look better. Hmm, the vehicle levels then. I really liked how you handled those! I know how hard it is to navigate that stupid capsule with barely no sight forward and with stupid corners. However. I think you can save both time and make it look better if you take damage here. I mean, crashing into a wall/ceiling/whatever to not be forced to slow down as much while cutting corners. Also, some corners looked like they could have been taken slightly better if you uhm, moved away from the first and then cut them at a better angle. If that makes sense. As for other parts where you avoided damage I liked it overall. As I remember it it isn't worth to just bypass enemies because then the health meter would drain faster than... well fast. Thus I don't have much to complain about it there, except for some really outstanding avoiding-damage-parts such as waiting for the rocket to pass you at the end of one level. Also I think you should move forward more while fireing at evil robots and blobs and whatnot. Hmm. I liked very much how you used the shield to get punched by that red evilness to surf through parts of some levels. Nice! Last complainment is about the map before entering any level. It looked like you wasn't that accurate when pressing start (or whatever button that skips that scene, I can't remember). This alone would save you seconds. Actually, I'd rather see the whole map once, but I guess that's just a stupid request for a TAS ;) I think that was it. I loved the run but I think you can easily cut 5-10 minutes of it and make it better looking if you were to take damage and optimize those refills. I don't think it would be worth staying at those energy-refill-doors but that's maybe something to concider. I hope you make an improved version!
/Walker Boh
Joined: 7/2/2005
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Despite hating this game, I had to watch it anyway just because Windeu made it. Off to go download now. Hey nick :P
YtterbiJum, on SMB3: I've tried 20+ times and it always desyncs there. Unless, of course, Genisto meant to die, use a star on the map screen, go in a pipe, and jump around till time runs out.
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I don't think anyone's mentioned this, but one thing that really stands out to me (as being bad) is the way he starts walking - it's much faster to jump to accelerate to full speed immediately instead of slowly building up to full speed from a complete stop on the ground.
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While this is so far from perfection I wonder why it had to be published even though some people voted against it. As I haven't played this title before, I watched from the beginning about twenty minutes but then got too bored so I fast-forwarded. It's a bit too long game for a good time-attack being rather slow-paced. But since I'm not familiar with the game my opinions doesn't count that much. I just stumbled here because people wasn't sure about the submission and still it got published.