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This is a 27411 Dolphin frames (74.62 seconds or 4477 game frames) improvement to my previous run. This run optimized both speed and entertaining elements.

Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii, a famous hack of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, is created by NewerTeam. Although it is a hack, it has a very high IGN review score and is in fact a lot more fun than the original NSMBW. The levels are carefully designed, the artwork is beautiful and new sprites are added. This run is meant to beat the game as fast as possible, which has never been done with TAS before.

General improvements

Penguin Suit: is used to slide and perform frame-perfect jumps to gain lots of speed.
Propellar Suit: the landing after flying is accurately timed in order to avoid falling. Also, the Xspeed when flying is slower than running, so this powerup is used as little as possible in horizontal levels except for helping to reach high platforms.
Boss Fights: more accurately timed combos are performed to save time.
Glitches: this run uses glithes that aren't used in the previous run to save time, for instance, the Loading Screen Glitch (explained in comments), boss fight glitches, collision detection glitches, etc.
Strategy & Route: Certain paths taken in the old run are scratched and replaced with new faster routes, like in C-1, for example. Strategies like positioning Mario in the final fight are improved to save lots of time.
Entertainment: dangerous actions are performed in many parts of the run. Glitches like the 1-Boss Fuzzy glitch (explained in comments) are used as well.

Game objectives: to beat the game as fast as possible

Emulator used: Dolphin 5.0 (Stable Release)

To play the dtm file of this movie, Dolphin's Dual Core and Idle Skipping should be disabled.


This run is meant to beat the game as fast as possible, which has never been done with TAS before. In NrSMBW, there are eight regular worlds and five hidden worlds, and by completing World C, Sky City, skips Worlds 5 and 6, which are the most time-consuminng worlds. The run also skips as many auto-scroll levels as possible, although some cannot be avoided. In this new version of the run, glitches are used to progress faster.

Stage comments: Stages that utilizes certain skill(s) or glitches will be explained. The rest of the levels are regular speedrun without special technique.

A glitch used in Worlds 2 and 3: Theoretical Time vs. Actual Time (Loading Screen Glitch). In two levels of Worlds 2 and 3, if the level is finished within a certain frames range, the delay before the Map Screen loads varies. I don't know why this happens, but I attemped to time the level end accurate enough to save time on the delay screen. This might involve slowing down intensionally in front of the flagpole or before the Boss door or in the level, or completing the level without slowing down a single frame to time the glitch.
1-Tower (new glitch discovered! for entertainment elements only) Skips 1-4. In this level, nets are replaced by honey hives. This is a vertical level, and the goal is to go up as fast as possible. During the Boss fight, Big Fuzzy is invincible while he rolls on the ground, and the fastest way to finish the fight is to hit him as soon as his rolling state is over. The collision detection for Fuzzy is a little glitchy. If you ground pound him on the right spot, you will not get hit but bounce off of him. This does not help to save time, but is definitely fun to watch.
Uses propellar suit to save time, optimized landing.
Uses Penguin Suit to swim faster
There is no ice in this level, but sliding with the penguin suit still saves time. The trick is jumping on the exact frame Mario lands during the slide, and Mario will maintain his momentum for a long time. But sliding restrics Mario's jumping height, so pressing up while jumping ends the sliding and allows Mario to do a regular jump.
Avoids hitting switches (release spicky balls) and rushing through the parhana plants with invincible time after getting hit to save a lot of time. Same boss fight.
stomp the boss as soon as he gets out of the shell
2-1, 2-2
Ice power freezes enemis and creates new ground to land on, and also defeats fire snakes, which saves a lot of time. In 2-2, the water draining down the pipes can both accelerate and decelerate Mario, so I walked on the ones that go forward and jump on the frame of landing on the ones that go backward.

2-3 (glitch used)

This level needs a fire powerup to proceed quickly. In the previous run, I changed in this level, but later I found out it's faster to change in 2-2. The loading screen glitch is used in this level.

2-Tower (glitch used)

This is a vertical level. A propellar suit is given at the beginning, and using it to fly upward saves a lot of time. This run optimized the landing so that Mario can jump or fly again immediately without falling for a long time. The boss is a thomp that smashes a layer of the floor as it tries to hit you, and the fastest way to finish him is to stand at the corner so it will hit the same spot twice in the shortest time. The loading screen glitch is used in this level.
A secret exit is located at the top of a tall cactus, leading to 2-A.
A fast route is located at the top of the level, only accesible with a propellar suit. It basically skips the entire level.

2-Castle (glitch used)

Some routes have to be opended by stepping on switches that brings enemies to live. The collision detection for the last switch that revives the thomp blocking the pipe is not accurate, creating a glitch. Standing on the edge of the platform on the left triggers the switch, thich saves about 10 frames of acceleration time. Same boss fight.
Hills that roll forward gives Mario a speed boost, so walking on them helps save time. Hills that slow Mario down can be easily avoided by jumping on the exact frame of landing on them.

3-2 (glitch used)

Uses a star at the end to run faster and save time. Loading screen glitch is used.
Another vertical level, but the second half is auto-scroll. Entering the pipe on the left saves time. In the boss figh, the location big mole is determined by a variable that stays far from Mario's location, so I have to wait till the location of the mole is set and then go and ground pound him.

3-6 (glitch used)

This is a water level, so you might think playing 3-7 might be faster, but 3-7 has a section of maze and wastes a ton of time, which makes 3-6 faster. This is the last level in the game that uses the loading screen glith.
The second half is auto-scroll.
The lst jump of a triple jump is higher than a regular jump, which can be used to reach areas without falling into water.

4-Tower (new glitch discovered! glitch used)

Another vertical level. I discovered a massive glitch in the boss fight that has never been found before. There is an about 3-5 frames range before ShyGuy becomes invincible after each stomp, and with accurate timing I was able to avoid all of his invincible time.
The secret exit in this level leads to World C, Sky City, a short world that skips Worlds 5 and 6. A wall collision detection glitch existed in version 1.0 that allowed Mario to jump through the wall and avoid all the swimming process after hitting the switch, but this glitch is fixed in the 1.11 version used in this run.
This is an unavoidable auto-scroll level.
Another vertical level. There is no boss fight.
Another unavoidable auto-scroll level. Playing with koopa shells like in SMW for stage effects.
The only non-tower vertical level in this run. In the final section, the warping into space has to be done when Mario is on a vine, so that's why I waited for the vine instead of flying up.
In space, low gravity. Mario can jump very far and proceed through the level quickly. If you do not have a propellar, you can perform a air spin to cast more distance, but I have to save my Propellar for 7-Tower.
A regular gravity vertical level. The boss fight is a space enemy from Super Mario Galaxy. Just let him hit the electricity net three times.

7-Castle: Important Explaination!

Regular Speedrun, same boss fight. You might notice that after this level, I saved my progress and returned to the title screen and re-entered the world map. The reason is there is a bug in the system here. If you do not go back to the title screen, the game crashes as soon as you complete the ship level. The re-entering action is done as fast as possible.
8-1, 8-2 Auto-scroll levels
8-Tower 1
Vertical level, no boss fight.
This is a trick the NewerTeam played on the players. This is not the final level of the game, but rather a entrance to the other half of World 8. No boss fight.
Auto-scroll level
8-6, 8-7
Uses the propellar suit that has been kept all the way to fly through big parts of the level to progress quickly.
8-Tower 2
The lava chases you upward. Uses propellar suit to progress quickly. Again, Kamek's loaction is controlled by a variable that is far from Mario's location, so I have to wait till Kamek's location is determined and then stomp him.
This level takes less time to complete than 8-9.

8-Final (Massive Optimization)

To get to the Bowser fight, you have to hit three switches in three diferrent areas. During the first phase of the fight, I used the propellar suit that I got way back in 2-Tower to fly over Bowser and hit the switch. Unlike the original NSMBW, you have to hit four switches instead of one to finish the first phase of the fight. In the second phase, you're given a clown car with a cannon, and the fight is finished after you hit Bowser 25 times. I saved three million tons of time using a different strategy in the fight. Instead of hitting Bowser from the front, I started with hitting him on the back, and I was able to make shots quickly. There is a delay before Mario can shoot again after a shot, and this time is used to position Mario for the next shot. In the last part of the fight, obstacles can block the cannon, and I had to wait until Bowser had himself exposed, but this can't be avoided anyway.

Other comments

Other than speed optimizations, entertaining elements are optimized too. Playing with enemies is done in every auto-scroll level and dangerous actions are performed. For example, this time Mario is seen playing with the weapons of the 3-Boss Mole.

I put a lot of effort into discovering the glitches and improving other parts of the run, but I also have to thank my friends who gave me feedback on my previous run, telling me what to improve and supporting my project.






















If you didn't enjoy my previous run, hope you enjoy this one.

Nach: Judging.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15443
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #5235: Unknown394's Wii Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii in 1:33:17.80
Editor, Publisher, Expert player (2608)
Joined: 10/12/2011
Posts: 6424
Location: The land down under.
I'm not going to do a time comparison, since this is over an hour long. Focusing mainly on IGT then, use your browser's find & highlight function and look for "-" to see what's slower.
Higher is better
New | Old
599 | 598
572 | 572
422 | 422
420 | 418
456 | 453
484 | 481
503 | 499
498 | 496
440 | 439
467 | 467
471 | 473 -
461 | 458
446 | 447 -
468 | 468
463 | 463
402 | 403 - You lost 1/2 IGT on New at the end by doing stuff.
466 | 463
484 | 483
470 | 471 -
630 | 626
387 | 387
445 | 445
234 | 231
416 | 415
395 | 394
490 | 490
443 | 434
445 | 443
447 | 446
628 | 623
445 | 443
414 | 413
334 | 333
448 | 445
553 | 553
522 | 515
441 | 439
671 | 669
442 | 442
693 | 693
420 | 420
408 | 407
360 | 360
240 | 240
439 | 439
676 | 670
431 | 429
422 | 420
058 | 055
323 | 319
613 | 612
557 | 549
594 | 593
679 | 679
175 | 163
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (3794)
Joined: 11/30/2014
Posts: 2823
Location: US
I still like this hack and this run, and am still voting yes, but I think it would be better served if you take more time to really go over each level and really optimize each bit of it. A TAS of this length would really take at least a month to do , and I bet you can save much more time by really studying the game. I do want to see this hack published, but it's going to take a seriously optimized and thought out run to get it there, hacks are generally given pretty harsh scrutiny. You can create a thread for this game over in the forums : EDIT: there is already a thread for this games hacks here: as was kindly pointed out to me 8D You can also post videos and input files of your progress there for feedback. In the mean time I might recommend cancelling this run, as Spikestuff points out some of your new times are slower then your old ones, which doesn't bode well. Still a good start for a first TAS though, keep improving!
Joined: 6/5/2016
Posts: 97
Location: United States
Spikestuff wrote:
I'm not going to do a time comparison, since this is over an hour long. Focusing mainly on IGT then, use your browser's find & highlight function and look for "-" to see what's slower.
Higher is better
New | Old
599 | 598
572 | 572
422 | 422
420 | 418
456 | 453
484 | 481
503 | 499
498 | 496
440 | 439
467 | 467
471 | 473 -
461 | 458
446 | 447 -
468 | 468
463 | 463
402 | 403 - You lost 1/2 IGT on New at the end by doing stuff.
466 | 463
484 | 483
470 | 471 -
630 | 626
387 | 387
445 | 445
234 | 231
416 | 415
395 | 394
490 | 490
443 | 434
445 | 443
447 | 446
628 | 623
445 | 443
414 | 413
334 | 333
448 | 445
553 | 553
522 | 515
441 | 439
671 | 669
442 | 442
693 | 693
420 | 420
408 | 407
360 | 360
240 | 240
439 | 439
676 | 670
431 | 429
422 | 420
058 | 055
323 | 319
613 | 612
557 | 549
594 | 593
679 | 679
175 | 163
In three of them the delay is used to time the Loading Screen Glitch, but I'll dive into the other one to see what's going on. Thanks for analyzing this for me.
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Skilled player (1174)
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Location: China
You are wasting time again and again, and I vote no again.
Alyosha wrote:
A TAS of this length would really take at least a month to do , and I bet you can save much more time by really studying the game.
We have told him too many times. Unfortunately, he never listen. He always take very few hours to tas.
Active player (404)
Joined: 7/11/2012
Posts: 40
Location: China
Sorry, no. And will always be no till you know the meaning of TAS. I just can't understand why you keep submitting low-quality works. Yo do improve a bit, but that's not enough. And I bet there are still many places that can be improved very easily. What we need is a perfect run, pal. Obviously it is not. You can improve your own work over and over again. Why can't you spend more time and try your best to make a good enough one? If your skills are not so high just learn more in this site or you can pick some easy games to TAS.
Luck manipulation is too difficult.
Experienced player (642)
Joined: 11/23/2013
Posts: 2223
Location: Guatemala
What we need is a perfect run, pal. Obviously it is not.
OK what the fuck. Allright, pal, I know that he is a rookie here but you gotta give the guy credit for trying to do a Wii TAS (though I do realize that this is still suboptimal and it requires more time and effort, and actually using the TAS tricks for the entire thing), and that he is willing to improve despite still not getting the hang of it yet, but come on... NOBODY can do a perfect TAS when you're very new to this, and certainly not one from a more modern platform. Also, went a bit harsh there in my opinion. Regarding the movie itself, yes. This is still rough in some places, though you're improving, that's a good start. Also to note, Mario games are expected to have very high levels of optimization when making a TAS, so it's probably not the best place to start, but it's entirely possible to learn how to TAS Mario games properly, it just requires a ton of practice. Actually, I would suggest you that next time you should make a thread about the hack, put your progress there, take your time optimizing everything you can, with of course deep knowledge about the strats used in the published run made by Soig, look for feedback and try out the suggestions from users, try actually finding new tricks that could save time, among many different things. There's tutorials for howto TAS on this site, by the way, you might wanna look for those. Overall, good 2nd attempt, but not enough to meet our quality standards, I'm sorry if I'm being a bit harsh, but I want you to understand what this site wants for runs. So, please, for the last time, don't rush through such runs like this. Don't submit them if you know they could be much better, like this one. Thanks for understanding.
Here, my YouTube channel:
Active player (404)
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Posts: 40
Location: China
Perfect may be a little exaggerated. But at least seems so. I will call Unknown394 "he". No offence if she is a girl. Hey, Kurabupengin. I totally understand if you don't wanna be so strict with a rookie. Encouragement is necessary, after all. I don't, either. That's why I didn't say those to the previous run. However there must be someone being. Let me be the bad guy otherwise he will continue what he's doing, as what mtvf1 mentioned before, wasting time. It is a long story and trust me, he will never give up. So don't worry about those words. From my perspective, this improvement is more like in a RTA way than in a TAS way. I just hope he will focus more on tricks and try his best to do or tend to do a real TAS run.
Luck manipulation is too difficult.
Experienced player (557)
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Posts: 123
Location: Republic of China
Working on: [NES] Downtown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zenin Shuugou! (J) ''2 players 100%'' Plan: [SNES] Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba (Japan) _________________ My English is pour. 
Joined: 6/5/2016
Posts: 97
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Pike wrote:
Perfect may be a little exaggerated. But at least seems so. I will call Unknown394 "he". No offence if she is a girl. Hey, Kurabupengin. I totally understand if you don't wanna be so strict with a rookie. Encouragement is necessary, after all. I don't, either. That's why I didn't say those to the previous run. However there must be someone being. Let me be the bad guy otherwise he will continue what he's doing, as what mtvf1 mentioned before, wasting time. It is a long story and trust me, he will never give up. So don't worry about those words. From my perspective, this improvement is more like in a RTA way than in a TAS way. I just hope he will focus more on tricks and try his best to do or tend to do a real TAS run.
You're right, I'll never give up. I'll get rejected three million times and then get it published. If a person gives up in front of problems, he will never succeed in anything. This is not a RTA run. The RTA record of this game is 12 minutes slower than this run. I suppose you never actually watched the run, because you vote no when you see my name, but that's all fine for me. There's plenty of other people who will watch it and give me some real suggestions.
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Unknown394 wrote:
This is not a RTA run. The RTA record of this game is 12 minutes slower than this run. I suppose you never actually watched the run, because you vote no when you see my name, but that's all fine for me. There's plenty of other people who will watch it and give me some real suggestions.
Beating the RTA record alone doesn't mean that a TAS is optimal, especially in a hack that doesn't look to be very competitive (there are four any% runs on, with times that are significantly apart from each other). But still, you're on a good way. I have a feeling that the hack itself is publishable, so all it needs is an even more polished run.
Current project: Gex 3 any% Paused: Gex 64 any% There are no N64 emulators. Just SM64 emulators with hacky support for all the other games.
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (3794)
Joined: 11/30/2014
Posts: 2823
Location: US
Well I do have some suggestions maybe you can consider. 1. The published run of NSMB Wii uses a corner boosting technique extensively. You can probably save some time here and there with this technique. 2. It looks like if you jump off a goomba while going down a slope you get a pretty good speed boost, see the published run at 1:51 to see what I mean. It looks like you can do the same thing here in level 1-1 right before the pipe to get in it quicker. 3. It looks like you don't need to get the fire flower in 1-1? You trade it off later for the helicopter and it doesn't look like it saves any time between the two points. Maybe it's for showing off or I'm missing something. 4. In 1-7 it looks like you lose penguin slide speed after a while, seems like it can be maintained a bit better, although I didn't test. You don't want to keep getting rejected runs, then you will end up with 'limited user' status and not be able to submit at all. D:
Joined: 6/5/2016
Posts: 97
Location: United States
Alyosha wrote:
Well I do have some suggestions maybe you can consider. 1. The published run of NSMB Wii uses a corner boosting technique extensively. You can probably save some time here and there with this technique. 2. It looks like if you jump off a goomba while going down a slope you get a pretty good speed boost, see the published run at 1:51 to see what I mean. It looks like you can do the same thing here in level 1-1 right before the pipe to get in it quicker. 3. It looks like you don't need to get the fire flower in 1-1? You trade it off later for the helicopter and it doesn't look like it saves any time between the two points. Maybe it's for showing off or I'm missing something. 4. In 1-7 it looks like you lose penguin slide speed after a while, seems like it can be maintained a bit better, although I didn't test. You don't want to keep getting rejected runs, then you will end up with 'limited user' status and not be able to submit at all. D:
Thanks, man, I'll look into these. Any suggestions for the other worlds? And by the way, I'm already doing frame perfect jumps with the penguin suit, since you see no sliding effect on each jump. I'll probably have to restart a slide once in a while.
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om, nom, nom... sweet!
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Posts: 97
Location: United States
This movie is cancelled because the author (me) found more improvements in the run. This time it will take quite a while before a satisfactory run will be submitted, and the author (me) will continue to collect feedback on possible improvements. Thank you for your support.
I love Nintendo