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but only after bisqwit spends a year making the 30 second version
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Heh, I wonder if there's a loophole in the programming that lets you skip levels!
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Not only does it save time and look a lot cooler, it also uses a lot less beam. Wow. I sort of understand how that works, but not really. EDIT: Ignore all of this, I think I understand it better now, and that that's the only screen where it would actually work. /EDIT I'm guessing that doesn't work earlier in the bombman level because it would probably drop you off in one of those pits, though I don't know for sure. It looks like it's the same for the elecman area where you get hit and pass through a flea enemy, and in cutman's level too. In the fireman level, doing it on that screen with the two big refills would probably waste time more than save it even if it does work. And for the screen right before the tunnel, it would look like it could work (depending on how the technique works, exactly), but at the tunnel you'd end up falling to your death. Though I'm not sure where you'd restart if that happened. If you start in the tunnel, that would end up saving time, actually. And obviously this trick doesn't directly translate into anything in the gutsman or iceman levels because they have no upward screens, but I don't know how it works, so there could be some other way of making it work. I don't know how you all think of these things. All I can do is gawk in amazement, then try to sort of help by thinking of applications that are obvious and don't really help at all.
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I agree with coolbumbty's last comment. The glitches are now so over my head I can't contribute anything substantial. I'll I can do is sit here and gawk at the mpg's
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Bisqwit said earlier to make a speedrun of a non glitch run. would my non glitch run get published here if i made one on emu? ill try to get a good and clean time under 26 minutes.
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finalfighter wrote:
It is very fastest!
O_o AWESOME! Can you make it work in other stages? (I'm thinking of Fireman (probably not possible because of Lava), Cutman (probably possible) and Wily1 (probably possible)) I don't really understand how you did this, though... This is the first time it was succeeded. Ps: There goes my Bombman stage plan, out from window... But I've learned that it's good to make room for new! Dinosaurs are killed with constant rewrites. Ps2: Is someone still wondering why Finalfighter was made into a Master Ninja and nobody else?
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I have no clue what the input is, but my guess is that it requires an open top and a ladder on the bottom of the screen right below the block that you do it. Somehow you make it think you're climbing the ladder with wrapping, but I have no clue beyond that. I was surprised that it worked even with those spikes there. That's all I can tell from the video. Edit: And if the open top and a ladder from the previous screen directly below it is required, and the screen above the open top has to have land for it to work (which I'd guess), then I can't find anywhere else that this trick would help with. If the ladder wasn't needed directly below, it would work on Fireman, though it would kill you in the tunnel, I think. But it seems that it won't work that way. But considering how well Finalfighter, Morimoto and Bisqwit are at finding Rockman techniques, there could very well be a way.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Heh, I wonder if there's a loophole in the programming that lets you skip levels!
If there is a glitch to overflow objects or RAM, you could, theoretically, spawn the level-end item, which when collected, ends the level regardless whether you beat a boss or not. There's also the teleport item, which is invisible but exists in all the Wily4 teleports. When you collect it, Rockman will be teleported to another location in the stage. (I guess, the next room.) It can't be moved, but if due to some glitch it could be generated arbitrarily in previous stages...
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finalfighter wrote: I found super technique for bombmanstage. It is very fastest!
O.O!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, you, Morimoto and Bisqwit are going to make my job INSANELY difficult! I suddenly see a simple 2-3 lines of rules change into a page and a half of BANNED tactics for TG speedruns.. On the other hand, I am THOROUGHLY enjoying seeing how this game is getting morphed into the unrecognizable! I wonder what the folks at Capcom would say if someone submitted a Version 7 in AVI format [or MPEG] on a CDR and said "Our tribute to your coders skills" or something ;) Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Bisqwit wrote:
There's also the teleport item, which is invisible but exists in all the Wily4 teleports. How it works is not yet quite well known.
$10 bucks says you guys'll have it figured and bowing down to you, inside of a week. :) Not that I have $10 or could pay it ^^;; Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Holy crap, you, Morimoto and Bisqwit are going to make my job INSANELY difficult! I suddenly see a simple 2-3 lines of rules change into a page and a half of BANNED tactics for TG speedruns..
Good luck explaining what exactly is banned :P
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Vatchern wrote:
Bisqwit said earlier to make a speedrun of a non glitch run.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Holy crap, you, Morimoto and Bisqwit are going to make my job INSANELY difficult! I suddenly see a simple 2-3 lines of rules change into a page and a half of BANNED tactics for TG speedruns..
Good luck explaining what exactly is banned :P
I'm going to take a week off work and take some extremely powerful Migraine med's to get through it ^^;; Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Here's some fun... (1.1 MB) When a special weapon is in use, and Rockman gains damage, and you pause, the damage is repeated, and Rockman can levitate. With the Super Arm, the levitation can be arbitrary duration. (Discovered by Finalfighter.) Ps: Notice the accumulation of sweat and the lag it causes.
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finalfighter is crazy.. i just watched his r1bombsuper.mpg
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Rockman-gutsman-fun.avi is funny as it is a reinforced version of megaman6. Levitate can basically use any arms. (Though there is a difference at the time that is floating in the air) --It is useful in the elecman stage. --There is a useful possibility when you take the item after you fight with the boss.
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I don't see how that gutsman thingie can be useful. But I trust your word on it. :)
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Holy crap, you, Morimoto and Bisqwit are going to make my job INSANELY difficult! I suddenly see a simple 2-3 lines of rules change into a page and a half of BANNED tactics for TG speedruns..
How about you just stop banning things
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
How about you just stop banning things
Wouldn't be fair to break the tradition. It would be injustice to the previous records at that site. You are welcome to form a new glitchfest-authentic-hardware-speedrun site though.
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But injustice ROCKS!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bisqwit wrote:
finalfighter wrote:
Can you make it work in other stages? (I'm thinking of Fireman (probably not possible because of Lava), Cutman (probably possible) and Wily1 (probably possible)) I don't really understand how you did this, though... This is the first time it was succeeded.
I saw him pause for a split second. Are you invincible to spikes when you pause?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
I saw him pause for a split second. Are you invincible to spikes when you pause?
I think so. You're probably invincible to spikes while climbing too. [1] (Maybe not). Pausing allows passing through the spikes and simultaneously it also releases from the ladder Rockman thinks he's climbing. [1]: Because pausing didn't help in Wily1. Climbing is the difference.
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Highness wrote:
I don't see how that gutsman thingie can be useful. But I trust your word on it. :)
In an attempt to optimize that particular location, as demonstrated in this Finalfighter's MPG clip, , I ran BisqBot over this sequence, and to my surprise, BisqBot discovered a rather simple solution. It's about 30 frames faster than in my current movie. I'm still not sure which way is faster, though. Finalfighter's way looks (and sounds!) cooler, I have to admit.
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Hm, too bad I didn't think to make you try an extra pause when I was bugging you about that spot. I don't see why you would need to pause as many times as Finalfighter did, though. Doesn't each pause make you lose a minimum of two frames from the time between button presses? And then if you go extra high, you have to fall farther before jumping again.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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rockman-simple-solution.avi Nice. I was not able to have done with the hand. Apparently, the timing of exquisiteness. I found the new technique for firemanatage like the bombmanstage. It is very fastest too. PS. This is the version that unites two techniques. PS2. It is the idea and 3frame faster.