Post subject: Where perfect does not mean unbeatable
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Did you just add this? I just noticed this. Sorry if its been there a while.
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I think he added it a few days ago. I'm not sure what exactly he means by it. If something is perfect then it's unbeatable, and if it ever is beaten then it was never really perfect. I think it would be better if it said "Where unbeatable does not mean perfect".
Editor, Experienced player (805)
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Theories: 1. Rockman 2, for example, was once considered 'perfect', but now it is not. 2. A more perfect play timewise may not be as entertaining as a less perfect play (SMB3 ships.)
Player (246)
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he means that the best kind of video doesn't mean the fastest possible run, but a perfectly made entertaining video.
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FODA has the right idea, in my opinion. Of a video's qualities, certain facets may indeed be perfect. Others, however may not be and therefore [there is] room for improvement. I must also credit Arc with astute observations regarding certain games' levels which are predetermined on the most common aspect (time/ timeunits) and therefore perfection in relation to time is irrelevant. Finally, M.Fried's analysis "where unbeatable does not mean perfect" also holds much truth to me. I enjoy all the types of videos here and at other pages. I applaud the creators/players with preserving some of the best history!! :)
Editor, Active player (297)
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I quoted someone's words. Arc's theory 1 was what I meant.
Player (177)
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I suppose a more accurate motto would be "Where even if it looks perfect now, it's probably not," but that doesn't sound as good.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Former player
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where perfection is consistently beaten.
Former player
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How about "Where we never stop to look for improvements".