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The twelfth episode airs on June 11. That's when the mid-season hiatus starts. What about the thirteenth episode? Will it air alongside?
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jlun2 wrote: Eh....what?
I don't understand how that works. Single names do not fall under copyright. Trademarks cover only the use of a name in a particular context (the archetypal example given is the name "Windows", which is trademarked but only in relation to computer software; it's free to be used for products and companies in unrelated fields, such as construction). Other than those two, what else is there? Names are not patentable either.
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Please do not be angry with me for asking this. I'm not really criticizing you for liking the show. I actually watched some of it myself last night. The show is okay. Although, I must say, I loved Foster's way more than that show. I'd say my favorite character was Twilight Sparkle, because she reminded me of myself, always "studying" (with me it's doing mounds of research on useless but interesting historical or linguistic topics). But what I want to know is, why is there such a significant teenage/adult population who enjoys MLP:FiM so much that they become obsessed with it? And why is there such a significant population of "pegasisters" and "bronies"? This is something I've always wondered. Like what's super fascinating to you about the show? Is it the cuteness of the ponies? Is it the storyline? Is it the theme of friendship? What is it exactly?
* - my user page on the TASVideos site * - my YouTube channel * My Discord username is "RSY#3799".
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Ready Steady Yeti wrote:
But what I want to know is, why is there such a significant teenage/adult population who enjoys MLP:FiM so much that they become obsessed with it?
- The character design has this certain kind of cuteness that appeals to a wide audience. (I know this is not something that's usually brought up in this kind of discussion, but IMO it's one of the most significant reasons. If the character design where quite different, the show might well not have such a wide audience appeal.) - The scriptwriting is surprisingly professional and, in many cases, surprisingly deep. It's the kind of scriptwriting that appeals to little kids, but also has hidden depths. It's the kind of intelligent kid-show scriptwriting that doesn't make teenagers and adults cringe or get bored, that doesn't feel stupid, that doesn't feel like the show creators are patronizing their audience and talking down to them, like they were little kids who don't understand anything. The scriptwriting has found this extraordinary golden line where it's easy for kids and adults to like at the same time (which is often very hard to pull.) - The voice acting is superb, and what I wrote in the previous paragraph could be repeated almost verbatim here as well. - The stories are surprisingly engaging, even though they are often simplistic (after all, it's a kids show, not Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad.) There are of course good and bad episodes, but on average they tend to be quite good. - The characters are relatable. Almost no character is unlikeable, stupid or cringeworthy. - Most characters show personality flaws, and there are essentially no Mary Sue characters, which is a sign of good scriptwriting. - It helps that the creators are very fan-friendly and have embraced the fandom. (Of course this happened pretty much after the fandom formed, so it's not one of the original causes. But it still helps.) To name a few points.
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I see, very interesting. I see that the similar Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends seems to be the same way as it has likeable characters and very few that are boring or particularly unappealing. It also is aimed for kids, but is enjoyable by the family as well. Lauren Faust and Craig McCracken have done a superb job at maintaining this balance. Very intelligent people indeed.
* - my user page on the TASVideos site * - my YouTube channel * My Discord username is "RSY#3799".
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It's midnight where I live and on June 11 I see the upcoming twelfth episode, but not the thirteenth. Unless they change the schedule on that day, or have the hiatus at June 18, It's Littlest Pet Shop all over again! I mean the LPS episode Winter Wonder Wha...? was the 56th episode in production order during the last months of the Hub. But it didn't get broadcast until Discovery Family and the aforementioned episode was 66th in broadcast order. So, the synopsis of one of the episodes was fake. One of the teaser images for the current season included what looks like a racing circuit, then months later, it was announced, but then it turned to be fake. Which means the racing themed episode might of been scrapped. Hiatuses always happened after increments of 13 episode. But since it may happen after the 12th episode, would break the tradition and the 13th episode will air in Canada before the US. Stupid Zap2It. Now I won't be TASing racing games and I'm boycotting Zap2It and removing the bookmark.
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Ready Steady Yeti: There's also a bit of "practical joke that went to far" behind the whole brony thing.
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Okay, so actually now I totally get what you guys are talking about. As I continued to watch the show I got totally obsessed! I'm honestly not sure why it has such a hook to it, but it does. I understand all mentioned above, but there's something else to it that makes it unique and special. And also I'm slightly embarrassed about my new obsession and don't really want to tell anyone outside of the internet. Honestly, I'd thought at first that this show was going to be a goody two shoes little girls kinda show so to speak, but it is actually on the same level as Foster's if not even better. I feel like the name of the show "My Little Pony" could've been changed to something cooler at least though, so I wouldn't be so embarrassed about it. It can appeal easily to both masculine and feminine people quite surprisingly as it seems. It is just downright awesome and I'm glad I discovered it.
* - my user page on the TASVideos site * - my YouTube channel * My Discord username is "RSY#3799".
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It's official. After next week's episode, the show is in mid-season hiatus before showing the remaining 14 episodes of the season.
Player (13)
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Mid-season hiatus has started
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Today is Celestia Day! It it time to celebrate the longest day of the year.
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Zephyr Breeze is possibly the least likeable character in the entire series.
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Discovery Family is phasing out Strawberry Shortcake. You know what that means? More Ponies and Pets! And I think Pound Puppies is next on the chopping block. Did you know that Andrea Libman had speaking roles on Littlest Pet Shop? It's not the current incarnation, but the one from 1995. It was during the time she played a major role as the voice of Madeline, and before her initial voice acting role for My Little Pony in 2006.
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Hiatus ends at July 30. Let's celebrate!
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Well, I'm getting conflicting reports about the convention's autograph schedule this year, and the printed material does nothing to clear that up.
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ALRIGHTY So I ended up attending BronyQueue 2016 so we could get Tabitha to sign the Sisters quilt. This year's adventure started a little differently as instead of taking the train downtown on Thursday by myself, I drove my mom to the convention center as she went inside to grab the badges. And she brought a friend with. A friend who had heard things about My Little Pony, but had no idea about the true scope. She also has a hard time filtering out what she says. She had fun just grabbing badges, and she wants to go next year, but I can see her getting into some trouble if she's not careful. Which sounds fun! I was kind of surprised at seeing how many people were in full costume on Thursday. I also had the idea of bringing a four foot Darth Vader toy along to dress up, but I realized that, with how much time is going to be spent waiting in line, it wasn't going to be worth it. We couldn't have timed Saturday any better as I was literally putting coins into the ticket machine as the train pulled up. Things had shifted around from last year. The vendor market and autograph section were on the east end of the building instead of the west, and people were allowed inside before opening up, which was nice. They had us queue up on some tape before letting us into the autographs section so we could line up there instead. Thankfully we brought a camping shair for Mom to sit in. A view from inside the line. This was the autograph voucher line after roughly an hour. It was here that I had my first encounter with someone who made me seem socially well adjusted. After getting our vouchers, we immediately moved to the line for Tara Strong, as my mom had whipped up a Princess Twilight Sparkle quilt. They had a "No photos!" policy for the autograph section, which I respected, so I have no photos from that. Mom snuck a few photos of things in, though. I can only describe some of the things I saw there: -Someone with the voice and face of a middle aged man, but with boobs that were too perfect to be natural. -A heavyset person of ambiguous gender dressed as Pinkie Pie. S/he was carrying this balloon cluster (photo not mine) but eventually lost control of it, and people started bouncing it between each other like a volleyball. Keeping in mind that this happened before 10AM, they were still bouncing it around after we returned later that afternoon. They were bouncing it around for at least 10 hours. -This chick. She got in line in full costume, but after 20 minutes was back in her civvies. Before then, she kept reaching her hand into her mask's mouth, an act that amused and terrified me at the same time. -A Vinyl Scratch themed luchador who carried a cardboard MLP bookcase with him. I think he had speakers built into his socks. After getting Tara to sign the quilt, someone else in line wanted to talking to Mom about possible commissions or an etsy shop, and, shortly after getting an appluase from the line for her Royal Sisters quilt, even encouraged her to set up a vendor booth for next year. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS MOM We then hit up Tabitha's line with little incident. We got a photo voucher with her, but her handler got confused by my camera and ended up taking six photos. This was my favorite. Mom had no idea she pointed at her in that one. Tabitha was certainly an interesting one. Holy cow, was she energetic! We also got her to sign the Rarity quilt my young niece has, and she was generous enough (ha!) to throw in a signed pictured of Rarity free of charge. It was shortly after 12 when we managed to escape the line. The convention was going to hold a panel featuring all four of the main actresses at 1:30, and knowing that this was going to be a hugely popular event, we needed to get in line soon. Papa John's had a booth set up, so we picked up a couple of stale personal pizzas for $10 a piece. Hooray for venue markup! The panel was going to be hosted on literally the opposite end of the building - fourth floor of the west block - so I had plenty of photo ops on the way. A shot of the main lobby right outside the autograph section. Scootaloo! There were actually quite a few fursuiters there this year. Mom stepping out of the registration room. Note the Fluttershy/Discord couple. Fuzzy shot of a crowd of people who just yelled something. View of the lobby from above. Spitfire taking the escalator down. And a changeling following not far behind. I hope that person's neck is all right. At this point I should mention that the convention has a, "Cosplay is not consent!" rule, IE, ask before taking pictures of anyone. This was a rule I ignored with gleeful abandon because I much prefer candid photos. View of the next escalator ride up. Crowded hall shot. Fuzzy because I was moving as I took it. Fursuit couple, presumably of some OCs. Photo is dim because my camera doesn't combine zoom with flash very well. People eating lunch. At this point we reach the line for the panel. Snapped a photo of Rainbow Daft, who is surprisingly hard to see in this photo. I seem to recall seeing Pinkie Punk wandering around somewhere, but never got a photo. Here's a shot of the entire line for the panel. Waiting in line can be quite tiring, so a lot of people sat down or even took naps. That's when I spotted what is possibly the most inconsiderate photo I took. His eyes must have opened right before I took the photo, because they were closed as I was angling the shot. After he got up, he kept carressing that doll in a way that unsettled me. When they started escorting people into the hall, I swear we spent five minutes just walking through the queues. Some people took up "bro hoofing" as they passed each other. The hall for the panel was, once again, a "no photo zone." Mom still snuck in some pictures. Seated around us were Big Mac as Little Mac and some green thing in a hat I later identified as The Schmooze. The panel was quite fun. It wasn't a Q&A. Rather, Tabitha St. Germain wrote a screenplay for a hypothetical episode, and all four acted out their parts, with some extras to fill in some additional roles, like for Celestia and a really bad Spike. The premise was that Luna was going to be teaching the mane six about dreaming, but just before the first lesson, Pinkie Pie managed to crack one of the princess's teeth with a cupcake. This ended up being a huge point of anxiety for her, because Princesses are supposed to be Perfect, she is forbidden by law from using magic for her own benefit, and she has an unhealthy fear of dentists. Hilarity ensues as she tries to not talk to anyone during the lessons. Also, Luna was presented as an elephant during the dream sequence just so Fluttershy could drop a quip about, "Addressing the elephant in the room." Everyone was there for the four actresses, but the real star of the show was the dude who did the obnoxiously nasal Spike. He also did I. Yankum, The Singing Dentist, and holy crap can that guy sing! You'll have to keep an eye Bronycon's youtube channel for when they upload. Biggest gripe I had, though, was Tabitha's insistence on referencing the Equestria Girls in order justify dentists in Equestria. Totally unnecesarry. After everything was over, there was a poorly organized Q&A right after that we weren't interested in, so we go up to get in line for Ashleigh Ball, all the way back at the opposite end of the convention center, where we started. On my way out, I got a picture of King Sombra and some dalmatian pony? I dunno. Dark because of stupid zoom/flash issues. Vinyl Scratch with Luna's head because why not. S/he was doing a little dance as I took this picture. It's the weird-necked changeling with someone else! And those two with Spitfire and Derpy the paper bag wizard! The Derpy was in the autograph line with us earlier. Right as I snapped this phot of people playing Smash Bros. WiiU on a projector, someone right behind me started playing Hopes and Dreams on some portable speakers behind me. This brings me to another point: there was a not-insignificant presence of Undertale there, even though most of it was just pins and fanart for sale at the vendor market. One girl was carrying around a plate with Flowey on it, but his body was a pile of spaghetti. Yeah, sure. An oversized Twilight Sparkle doll. I'm surprised this one turned out so well, because I had to disable the flash and hold the camera extra still for a prolonged exposure while zoomed all the way in. A partial fursuiter sitting down for lunch. A brave Zebra warrior running up the steps. When we arrived at the autograph station, we had to wait a bit to get in. I wandered the vendor market briefly. EquestriaPlush had a table right as you wandered in. Everything else was, of course, fanart prints. I made a point to not go around around photographing everyone's merch, as that would be extremely rude, but My Little Raptor was too precious to pass up. Twilight Sparkle was featured just on the other side of these. Fursuiter wearing a Shing Armor jacket. This photograph freaked out my sister-in-law for some reason. I swear, Ashleigh's line took the longest. Not entirely sure why, but it took two hours to get us through. There was this one guy who had a My Little Pony sleeve tattoo on his upper arm that he seemed to be getting everyone to autograph. Rumor had it that he was going to hit up some tattoo parlor right afterward to get the autographs permanently inked onto his body. Someone in line remarked that Ashleigh looked uncomfortable with this, but was being polite anyway. He seemed to take five minutes just talking to her about it. One guy right behind us kept kvetching about how long the line was taking that was moderately amusing at first, but got old quick. Fortunately he left and took his whining with him to Tabitha's line. After waiting five and a half hours for John Delancie last year, this was child's play. And after we got Ashleigh Ball to autograph a Rainbow Dash quilt, I can now say hat I have spoken to all the major actresses of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which was pretty much the whole intent this year. Rather meh on the nerd bragging rights, but it'll score me quite a few Cool Uncle points. Andrea Libman was at a table right next to Ashleigh. There was absolutely nobody in line for the venerable Fluttershy. I briefly got her attention after getting that last autograph, but she didn't seem to remember us. Understandable, but disappointing. At this point, things were getting late, and we needed to get ready to go. Mom wanted to hit up the vendors real quick, see if there was anything she wanted. Yet another fursuiter. No clue who of though. Dinky Doo maybe? Check out the fro on this dude. Around this point, I saw two black guys dressed as Mario and Luigi. They were holding a sign saying, "Mario Bros Princess Protection Program." They depicted Mario and Luigi as ponies on this sign. Why?! Another generic crowd shot. And the crown jewels of all my photographs! This one really freaked my brother out. He was in line for autographs earlier. Glad I saw him at the vendors, because I was not leaving without his photo! Coupla wizardly types. Oh, I remember this guy from last year! And one last very boring photo of a wall. Scootaloo's riding an RC car there. One photo I failed to get was someone dressed as a Twilight Sparkled themed Master Chief. I actually did go in to get a photo of that, but a staffer decided to enforce the, "Cosplay is not consent!" rule on me. We got home around 6:30PM. I didn't get much sleep the night before, so I ended up Hindenburging my bed for several hours. And... that's pretty much it for my Bronycon experience. I got all the major autographs from people on the show. Will I go again? If I do, it's only to observe my mom's friend's behavior, and, if he's there, to get Daniel Ingram to sign my Princess Celestia edition of the show's soundtrack on vinyl. Other than that, there's not a whole lot there for me aside from people watching. But I guess it was fun in the end. Best part of this year: Absolutely flummoxing someone in line behind us by announcing that I'm really not into the show that much, and haven't even finished season 1. The idea that someone was at this event wearing this shirt but doesn't watch the show completely blew his mind.
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Seems like conventions consists mostly of waiting in lines. The joy. I don't know exactly why, but "20% cooler uncle" sounds a bit creepy.
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You wanna talk creepy, try talking to the guy I saw with a t-shirt depicting himself as a horse making out with Aloe Vera.
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Do you know what would be cool? A pony-themed ryijy.
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I would like to quickly give my review on how I remember the most recent 3 episodes. I only watched them once each. Stranger than fanfiction Was a funny story idea. I just got tired fast of that Quibble guy. Overall, I don't like the showrunners adding 'mediocre' conflict characters like Zephyr or Quibble and am more in favor of stories like No Second Prances where they reuse existing characters. The Cart before the Ponies Was an ok episode, except the adults were way too dense. I mostly enjoyed this for being a CMC focused ep. 28 Pranks Later Bad episode. The fact the whole town plays a prank on Dash is not credible to me. The bigger problem, however, is they went on with it for what felt like 10 minutes. It was crystal clear they were all pretending and they went on with it for such a long time that it got really boring. Plus I don't like asshole Dash. Remember way back in episode 5, Pinkie and Dash were pranking everyone except Fluttershy since she is too sensitive. In this ep, Dash pranks and scares Fluttershy to death and Pinkie doesn't seem to mind when Dash tells about it (? need to rewatch it)... I miss season 1 Pinkie...
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Mary Jane Begin has popped out another book. I wonder if there's any deliciously janky art in this one like her last one did.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.