Rockman movie. Completed in the length of 16:57.93 at October 2nd, 2005.
It is 1:23 (83 seconds) faster than the previously submitted Rockman movie.
The making of this movie, which is v6 in my personal numbering, started in February 2005 when Finalfighter contacted me and demonstrated a ceiling-jump-wrap trick, which you will see near the end of the Cutman stage.
Before that, I was making v5, very slowly, in hopes that I will somehow be able to improve v4 by about 5 seconds.
Soon thereafter, I found out that it's actually possible to get the Magnet Beam from the Elecman stage without possessing either the Hyper Arm (Gutsman's weapon) or the Elec Beam (Elecman's weapon).
I did some testing, and found out that despite the fact that Elecman's killing takes tons of time with the regular weapon, the gain gotten by using Magnet Beam in the Gutsman stage still outweighs this loss.
Enough of the memories. Here are the plain numbers:
  • Elecman stage: Lost 781 frames.
    • In the stage, I gained 520 frames, but in the boss, I lost 1281 frames because I only had the regular weapon.
  • Iceman stage: Gained 524 frames.
  • Fireman stage: Gained 274 frames.
  • Bombman stage: Gained 368 frames.
  • Gutsman stage: Gained 1811 frames. This outbalanced the loss from the Elecman stage.
  • Cutman stage: Gained 380 frames.
  • Between-levels: Gained about 90 frames.
  • Wily1: Gained 296 frames.
  • Wily2, Wily3, Wily4: Not precisely measured.
I am very indebted to the following people for making this movie possible:
  • Blechy for pointing out that the small score balls accumulate to time
  • 4matsy for pointing out that getting 50000 points for each boss makes the movie faster
  • Highness and AngerFist for continuously whipping motivation to me
  • Feitclub, Truncated, Spider-Waffle, Boco and many others for constructive feedback
  • Morimoto for the strategy in Cutman and Iceman stages and for motivating me to start making v5 and v6
  • Finalfighter for the ceiling-jump-wrap trick, the Wily1 spikeroom zipping trick, the Wily2 Cutman rematch escape trick and many kinds of constructive feedback
  • AlphaBeta (?) for a commented disassembly of the Rockman ROM
  • Blip for movie support in FCE Ultra
As usually, the techniques that were used in this movie are mostly listed on the Rockman Tricks page. If something is not explained, please ask it in the discussion thread and it will be added if possible. Otherwise too, please comment on this movie and give feedback.
About v4, many people complained of the usage of the pause trick as a "cheap" way to kill enemies. Therefore I used it as little as possible now. It was only used as a last resort when otherwise there would be loss of time. In fact, avoiding the trick sometimes gained speed in the form of lag reduction.
Ps: I'm sure that some people would like to know. Besides the fact that this movie was played tool-assisted like every other movie on this site, the following unorthodox techniques were also used:
  • Using Nesmock and dd (standard unix tool) to copypaste sections of the movie between different versions of the movie (every single stage of this movie has been completely redone at least 3 times, when new improvements have been found).
  • Programming a robot to play some sections of the game: namely, the sections where weapon refills are acquired. It requires luck manipulation and tons of retries, and such laboursome work is best done by a robot. BisqBot also optimized the Wily3 boss battle.


Q: Why did you shoot three elec beams in Wily1?
A: To dispose of obstacles ahead. There are three blocks that can be either picked up or electrocuted away.
Q: Can't you zip through <...>?
A: Please read the Rockman Tricks page in detail to analyze whether your idea is feasible. Although it's possible that I've overlooked some possibility, most ideas just don't work, and the reasons to that are explained on that page.
Q: About drops from killed enemies...
A: The type of the drop doesn't depend on the type of enemy killed. The only thing it depends on is the "random seed", which is a number that changes 60 times in second and is affected by the number of objects on screen at each moment, the screen scrolling position and other volatile factors. The statistical chance to get a big weapon refill from a killed enemy is 2:100, regardless of the enemy (unless the enemy never drops anything, like bosses).
In this movie, I delegated most of the weapon refill acquisitions to BisqBot. Details on this can be found at this forum discussion.
Q: A jump in the Cutman stage looks like it's not as fast as possible.
A: There is delay. Rockman has to move 1 pixel to the right, or otherwise he'll miss the platform on the right when he jumps. Unfortunately Rockman starts walking slowly, and that the room is lagging heavily doesn't help at all. But it's still the fastest way in that place.
Q: What is that trick you use in Wily2, alternating between the screen edges?
A: Please read the Rockman Tricks page in detail ― it explains everything you need to know. Particularly, this trick is the "horizontal screen wrapping" phenomenon. The wall is first entered using a magnet beam, later using the "grabbing the ladder too high" trick, by pressing up+down at the top of the ladder.
Q: Why do you pause during two jumps in the Cutman stages? You're not avoiding damage there...
A: Actually I am, but the point is that the room is lagging heavily (the game is handling many onscreen objects plus the one magnet beam from previous room). Pausing gives some lag-free movement (because some collision checks aren't done during pause) at the cost of two frames, and in that room it was worth it.
Q: Why is the graphics broken at...?
A: (At Gutsman stage) Because I zip so fast that a special object, that was supposed to remap the graphics of the enemies, never activated.
A: (At Fireman stage) Because the game creators assumed that nobody will ever catch the boss's weapon while a ground flame is still active on the screen. The graphics used by the flame is remapped as the "CLEAR POINTS" text graphics.
A: (Last battle) Because the game creators assumed that nobody will ever beat Wily while the plastic pieces are still on the screen. The graphics used by those pieces get remapped as Wily's graphics.

Possible future improvements

  • Kill the flea after the refill in Wily1 in faster manner.
  • Time each and every jump so that it won't eat the 2-pixel walks, but only 1-pixel walks.
  • Don't take the second small refill in Wily1 ― it was never used.
    • Alternatively, don't take the third refill in Wily2. The gain gotten with the four beams near the end of Wily2 doesn't cover the expense of getting that refill (but then you will need the small refill).
  • New zipping tricks already found!
The biggest problem in the making of this movie has been that by the time I get one part completed, a flaw has been found in the previous one. This movie is constantly in the state of being rendered obsolete!
Even now, this submission file has already been updated three times. The original submission was 17:00.52, but it was first shortened to 16:59.47 (last battle redone), then to 16:58.97 (Elecman optimization), and then to 16:57.93 (Wily3 boss, and consequently, entire Wily4, redone ― this after the submission already receiving 30 yes-votes).

Joined: 8/25/2004
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Very well done, voted "Yes." Any idea as to why these graphical glitches occur? Along with the Iceman battle, there is also one in the Fireman battle at the very end. It's just a box of letters, but at first glance it looked as though it said "cold," but it's probably just a random mix of alphanumerics. After watching the movie, I SWEAR it says cold, like so:
But I also could be crazy. Also, how do you prevent from taking damage from the electrical beams right before the Elecman battle?
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I think it was the game switching to letters to prepare for the tally screen.
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Fro Jackson wrote:
Also, how do you prevent from taking damage from the electrical beams right before the Elecman battle? See "teleportation animation".
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Fro Jackson wrote:
After watching the movie, I SWEAR it says cold, like so:
It actually says PC OL But with mirrored letters. Like BagOfMagicFood said, it's because the game redefines the tiles to prepare tallying the score. Those are the first letters of "CLEAR" and "POINTS". It's not much different from the distorted pick-throwers in Gutsman stage (they consist of the status screen graphics: B,E,G,I,C,F,M letters, part of the 1up and power bars).
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Omega wrote:
Wow. To those not following this topic: it was just updated to 16:59 (original time being 17:01).
What was changed to improve this?
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jxq2000 wrote:
Omega wrote:
Wow. To those not following this topic: it was just updated to 16:59 (original time being 17:01).
What was changed to improve this?
The Wily battle. I had forgot an item from my TODO list: Shoot higher so that Wily (both phases) are finished with one shot. After this post, though, the Elecman stage was also changed (thanks to an idea by Boco!).
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Time for a brief run-down: Elecman's Stage: - No real comments here. Iceman's Stage: - I'm sort of torn here. You could just defeat the first two Crazy Razys with one shot each to their upper-bodies. Instead you chose to rapidly fire at their legs. I know jumping has a very slight delay to it, but still. . . Fireman's Stage: - No real comments here. Bombman's Stage: - No real comments here. Gutsman's Stage: - What the Hell did you do to those poor Pickelman robots?! Oh, I know. The same thing that happens to the Penpen Maker in Rockman 3 in Geminiman's stage. =P - . . .whoa. Never would'a thought of nuking Gutsman like that. Even though it's the same idea as with the Thunder Beam or Rolling Cutter. . . Cutman's Stage: - I don't know why you paused climbing those ladders in the Suzy-infested area. You weren't taking damage as far as I could see. I could easily be wrong, though. - I also don't know how you avoided those two spikes towards the end there, but nicely done. - And again with the Pause Weapon Glitch vs. Cutman. Dayum. Wily Fortress Stage 1: - Splendid way of clearing the grabbable blocks without much delay. - Really, really quick destruction of of the Yellow Devil. Nicely done. Wily Fortress Stage 2: - I don't even know what the Hell is going on during the later half of this part. I mean, I do, but I don't. Ya know? Either way, damned good way of dodging fights. - Isn't there a quicker way of taking care of Copy Rockman? Or is he that much like the original(game code-wise) that the pause-trick wouldn't work on him? Wily Fortress Stage 3: - Sweet Jesus, that glitch is insane. - I was initially going to mention that you could take out all of those things using just the four blocks there. . .but. . .you found a glitch that compensates for the lack of bricks. So. . . Wily Fortress Stage 4: - You spent a spare frame or two suspended in mid-air after fighting Gutsman, Hyper Bombs or not. - Dude! Psychotic method for nuking the Wily Machine! - I think I've found a good screenshot for the site now. The graphical glitch where it looks like ten Wilys are breaking off of the Wily Machine. XD General Comments: - Super-effective use of the Magnet Beam and pause glitches make this a very interesting spedrun indeed. Rockman literally flies through the game. It's astounding. Should This Movie Be Published?: Hell Yes. Reasoning for My Vote: See above. Or in short, this is a vast improvement over the original by leaps and bounds. Comments? Critique?: Nothing further than aforementioned. Anything Else?: Not that I can think of. If you need specific enemy names, though, I can give you most of them.
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Watching this movie and reading the Rockman discussions have taught me a lot about how video games work. All those tricks are quite inspiring. My suggestion for the screenshot is some frame where extreme item drop manipulation is manifested. It was very impressive to see large weapon refills rain like water. It's funny that no matter how fast Rockman moves, he always has the same relaxed face. :)
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Another possible screenshot would be in Wily Stage 2, on Cutman's screen, while Rockman is up on the top right corner before he escapes the room. It's a nice shot that would show-off a glitch that is typically used throughout the movie.
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Oh, like a "How's he going to get out of this one?" shot for people who hadn't already seen MegaRockMan jump off air?
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Both times I tried to watch the movie it desynched in Wily1's spike room. Anything I could try to remedy this? From what I saw, though, a definite yes.
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Oh, you're talking about Dr. Wily 2... While just being on the corner... I dunno, I think the screenshot needs to have a lot of action in it. I'll ponder this for a while...
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Patashu wrote:
Both times I tried to watch the movie it desynched in Wily1's spike room. Anything I could try to remedy this?
Did you watch it with USA Mega Man ROM or Japanese Rockman ROM? This movie is for the Japanese version. Although the games are extremely similar, they execute a different number of instructions on the title screen and that may carry as far as to 6 stages later where it will desync when one version lags and other doesn't.
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I wonder if i'm a failure to find glitches in games or if its just that rolling thunder, street fighter 2010, adventure island and kickmaster have no usefull glitches. yes vote.
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My god this is beyond ridiculous. And to think I had thought you couldn't iron many more frames out of this movie. Definite yes.
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Joseph Collins wrote:
Time for a brief run-down
Thank you for the feedback! > - I'm sort of torn here. You could just defeat the first two Crazy Razys with one shot each to their upper-bodies. Instead you chose to rapidly fire at their legs. I know jumping has a very slight delay to it, but still. . . I did it just for fun. > What the Hell did you do to those poor Pickelman robots[/b]?! Those poor bots got incomplete graphics because I zoomed past the event that was supposed to give them their proper graphics. > I don't know why you paused climbing those ladders in the Suzy-infested area. You weren't taking damage as far as I could see. Besides suzy-infested, the room is also lag-infested. Pausing gives lag-free motion with the cost of two frames, and in that place it was worth it. > I don't even know what the Hell is going on during the later half of this part. I zip to the next room, where I jump from the wall I just arrived from, and then at right position, I press "right" and Rockman returns immediately back to the wall he was in. Hopefully, at that point, he's at a position that the game considers "bottom of the screen" (due to the wrapping), and will scroll the window down even though Rockman is on the top of the screen. That covers it shortly :) > Isn't there a quicker way of taking care of Copy Rockman? Nope, I deliver hits to him in fastest manner possible. Using the pause trick would also be possible, but since the clone robot sweats every time it's hit, the sweat tends to accumulate when the pause trick is used and eventually it accumulates into lag, which is not nice. This is the fastest way. > You spent a spare frame or two suspended in mid-air after fighting Gutsman, Hyper Bombs or not. That's how it works.
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Okay, it works fine with the japanese ROM. What're the mechanics behind that techinque where you rapidly swapped between the left and right sides of the screen, that one you used to get the magnet beam?
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Spacecow wrote:
this is beyond ridiculous.
And it gets even more ridiculous by every iteration. This movie is constantly in the state of flux. There seems to be endless chances to do something differently. I never get the AVI done, because I find new improvements before the AVI is finished... I just redid the Wily3 boss battle (the underwater bubblebots). 58 frames was squeezed out from that battle by BisqBot, by finding the method of throwing the rocks so that they hit the targets before the target even becomes visible. The bounding box (method of comparing collisions in programming) of the bricks is very vague, and it often passes through the enemy for 1-4 frames before actually hitting. This update is completed, and the movie is finished (again), and downloadable in this very same submission in the place of the old movie.
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Patashu wrote:
What're the mechanics behind that techinque where you rapidly swapped between the left and right sides of the screen [...]?
It's all explained at the RockmanTricks page.
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A whole another second squeezed off. Will this ever end? I think I just crapped my pants. No wait, I didn't.
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Sorry, but I already looked there and couldn't find it. Is it the horizontal screen wrapping phenomenon or somewhere else on the page?
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I guess I'll just wait for some time before I'll watch it again. Yesterday I watched the 'first' version of submitted version but since it's has got improved several times I can't help thinking maybe Bisqwit even this time hurried a bit? ;) Of course this is really incredible improvement from the v4. I guess nobody could have thought it could be improved way over a minute when Bisqwit estimated about five seconds squeeze here and there. Very good job. Let's see how many improvements are yet to come for this submission before it's a final.
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I was about to complain about the lack of zipping through the wall near the end of the Fireman level, but then searched through the thread and discovered why that wasn't feasible. Anyways, obvious Yes vote from me. You've ruined this game good. XD
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Thank you for your feedback on my feedback, Bisqwit. I am now truly convinced that, while it's physically possible to get just a few more frames shaved off of this run, it might not happen for a while.
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You own the game. Obvious yes vote.