Kinda late, but since I got stuck in Telefang 2, I decided to check which day 2 route is faster. I made an unoptimized playthrough and got:
09:38.33 (34700 frames) to reach end using house path
07:11.67 (25900 frames) to reach end using subway path
The reason for the time saved is due to the sequence break with the guard regret. I will upload a vid of what I meant. I can check which day 3 (hotel/karaoke club) path is faster later.
08:41.67 (31300 frames) to reach end using hotel path
06:51.67 (24700 frames) to reach end using karaoke club
Last branch:
07:43.17 (27790 frames) to reach end using Kenta's grave path.
08:54.83 (32090 frames) to reach end using Naoki's grave path.
Edit2: I found out that the hotel level's basement has 3 regrets possible. Since a bunch of X/Y positions are hard for me (and probably others) to visualize, I made a script that tries to display where the enemies are, along with their direction, relative to the player being center:
Download namelessdisplay.luaLanguage: lua
player = {x = 0x21347FC, y = 0x2134804, camx = 0x2134820, camy = 0x2134822} --camx in terms of upright view; same for camy. so camx looks up/down
regret = 0x2133828
local centerx = 127
local centery = 96
local abs = math.abs
These are not needed, since they are all offset by each other. Here for reference:
regret1 = {x = 0x2133828, y = 0x2133830, destx = 0x21338B8, desty = 0x21338C0, angle = 0x213384C}
regret2 = {x = 0x2133AD8, y = 0x2133AE0, destx = 0x2133B68, desty = 0x2133B70, angle = 0x2133AFC}
regret3= {x = 0x2133D88, y = 0x2133D90, angle = 0x2133DAC}
regret4= {x = 0x2134038, y = 0x2134040, angle = 0x213405C}
--the following when moving forward
--camy = 12.000 x decreases
--camy = 4.000 x increases; 0 degrees?
--camy = 8.000 y decreases
--camy = 0.000 y increases (this is same as 16); so this means 270 degrees
--Declarations here
GetStats by FatRatKnight
local function GetStats(addr,o)
o = o or {} --Construct a table if we didn't get one
o.X = memory.readlongsigned(addr)/4096.0
o.Y = memory.readlongsigned(addr+0x8)/4096.0
o.destX = memory.readlongsigned(addr+0x90)/4096.0
o.destY = memory.readlongsigned(addr+0x98)/4096.0
o.Angle = memory.readlongsigned(addr+0x24)/4096.0
--... And so on
return o
function to_Radian(cam)
local short = 65535/4096.0 --short to 20.12 format
local radian = short/math.rad(360) --Divide this to convert to radians
return (cam/radian)-math.rad(90) --Apparently to make "0" point up
--function to return coords based on their position
function return_coords_x(player_x, enemy_x, enemy_diffx)
if player_x == enemy_x then
return centerx
if player_x <enemy_x> enemy_x then --Enemy is to the left of player
return centerx - enemy_diffx
function return_coords_y(player_y, enemy_y, enemy_diffy)
if player_y == enemy_y then
return centery
if player_y <enemy_y> enemy_y then --Enemy is "below" player (lower y == higher up in screen)
return centery + enemy_diffy
--returns difference depending on conditions
function difference(num1, num2)
if num1 <0>= 0 then
return abs(num1 - num2)
elseif num1 >= 0 and num2 < 0 then
return abs(num2 - num1)
return abs(abs(num1) - abs(num2))
function display()
local Enemy = {}
local playerx = memory.readlongsigned(player.x)/4096.0
local playery = memory.readlongsigned(player.y)/4096.0
local playercamx = memory.readshort(player.camx)/4096.0
local playercamy = memory.readshort(player.camy)/4096.0
local regret_difx
local regret_dify
--for their target destination coords
local regret_difx_dest
local regret_dify_dest
local directionx = 20*math.cos(to_Radian(playercamy))+centerx
local directiony = 20*math.sin(to_Radian(playercamy))+centery
local regret_color = "white"
for i= 1, 3 do
Enemy[i] = GetStats(regret + (i-1)*0x2B0) --i-1 for 1 offset array with 0 offset addresses. Horrifying, I know.
--For reference
gui.drawtext(0,0,"Player: ("..string.format('%.6f',playerx)..","..string.format('%.6f',playery)..")")
gui.drawtext(0,10,"Camera: ("..string.format('%.6f',playercamx)..","..string.format('%.6f',playercamy)..")")
gui.drawtext(0,20,"Regret 1: ("..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[1].X)..","..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[1].Y)..")"..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[1].Angle))
gui.drawtext(0,30,"Regret 2: ("..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[2].X)..","..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[2].Y)..")"..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[2].Angle))
gui.drawtext(0,40,"Regret 3: ("..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[3].X)..","..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[3].Y)..")"..string.format('%.6f',Enemy[3].Angle))
--Drawing for player
gui.line(centerx,centery,directionx,directiony,"white") --My direction
--Display location of regrets relative to you, at the center
for i = 1, 3 do
--Shitty heurestic to determine if present
if (Enemy[i].X ~= 0) and (Enemy[i].Y ~= 0) then
regret_difx = difference(playerx,Enemy[i].X)
regret_dify = difference(playery,Enemy[i].Y)
regret_difx_dest = difference(playerx,Enemy[i].destX)
regret_dify_dest = difference(playery,Enemy[i].destY)
--Placement relative to player
--Placement relative to player
regret_difx = return_coords_x(playerx, Enemy[i].X, regret_difx)
regret_dify = return_coords_y(playery, Enemy[i].Y, regret_dify)
regret_difx_dest = return_coords_x(playerx, Enemy[i].destX, regret_difx_dest)
regret_dify_dest = return_coords_y(playery, Enemy[i].destY, regret_dify_dest)
if (Enemy[i].X ~= Enemy[i].destX) or (Enemy[i].Y ~= Enemy[i].destY) then
regret_color = "red"
gui.line(regret_difx,regret_dify, regret_difx_dest, regret_dify_dest,regret_color)
regret_color = "white"
regret_dirx = 20*math.cos(to_Radian(Enemy[i].Angle)) + regret_difx
regret_diry = 20*math.sin(to_Radian(Enemy[i].Angle)) + regret_dify
gui.drawtext(math.floor(regret_difx), math.floor(regret_dify),"R"..i,regret_color)
gui.drawtext(math.floor(regret_difx_dest), math.floor(regret_dify_dest),"D"..i,regret_color)
The other places with 3 regrets are the school, and the grave paths.
Edit3: At the school location, it doesn't appear possible to sequence break sadly. Either the regrets were too close to the doors, or said doors were locked.
Also it took ~
13:29.17 (~48,550 frames) to beat the school stage.
Choose Subway, then Karaoke club, then finally Kenta's grave for optimal any%.
Edit 5:
Things attempted, but failed to skip at the hospital:
-Attempting to reach the curtain in the first room and skipping the red girl (doesnt work; curtain non-interactable)
-Attempting to skip the red girl in the first cursed game section (stairs not interactable)
-Attempting to skip the part where the 3 red girls gang up on you in the cursed game (stairs not interactable)
-Can skip the cursed platformer section if you can somehow cross the gap
-Attempting to skip the detour to the surgery room after the nursery fails, since the hallway doors would be locked until you entered and interacted with the white girl.
Also the Hospital takes ~
09:49.27 (35356 frames) to get through.