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The object of Reproduction Man is to lead the Sperm to the Egg. You need only clear a path through which the Sperm can (or will) move, manipulating the various objects along the way as the need arises. Creator: Muse Computer Services Date: 1995 License: shareware Named-persons: David Kilmer
The full game is said to have 50 levels and more items/powers. This shareware has 11 levels only. Hourglass r81 (in virtualbox) fails to run the game. Maybe I will make a macro TAS like I did with Tyler.
Post subject: added level 1 skip glitch description
Editor, Expert player (2354)
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Note: The optimal number of actions I came up is not equal to the optimal number of game loops until the level is finished. This is because - the sperm might get blocked by rocks or bubbles for unknown number of steps - Pushing a rock takes longer than 1 game loop (it takes longer than taking a step) - Performing an action (swap, delete, make block) may require more than 1 game loop - The sperm can travel to the egg while we don't do anything A game loop (frame) takes about 50 ms. Glitches: - When pressing multiple directions (such as left and right, or down and left) and performing actions (swap or making blocks), then the action can be performed twice within one game loop. You can also perform two actions at once. E.g. when you press down+left+swap+delete, your swap and delete count will both decrease by 2. I'm not sure which directions and actions have priority, but I think swapping takes place before deletion. - When opening "Go to Level" and clicking the X without inserting a password, it will go to the 2nd level, as if you had beaten the first level. Not sure if it can be used in runs. - When you use Clear on egg or sperm, it tells it "has been hit by a " (nothing). - If you open the game twice, it will crash. Level 1 (23 actions, no password): v v v < < < < < > > > > > ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > > > > Level 2 (27 actions, password uterus): ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ BlockDown < < < < < < < < v < DeleteLeft < < < v v v < < ^ Level 3 (40 actions, password zygote): > ^ > > > > v v > > ^ > > < ^ ^ v > > > > > > < < < < ^ < < < < < < < < < < < SwapLeft Level 4 (47 actions, password embryo): v v v v v DeleteLeft < < < < DeleteLeft < < < < < < ^ ^ ^ ^ v v v v > > > > > > > > > > > > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > SwapRight < < Note: This is improvable by clearing a vertical path for the egg to fall down into after the swap, so the sperm travels sooner. Level 5 (30 actions, password fetus): < v ^ < < < < SwapLeft BlockDown DeleteRight < < < < < < < v < v v v ^ ^ ^ SwapDown ^ ^ > SwapDown Level 6 (35 actions, password placenta): v v v v > > v v < < < v > ^ ^ < DeleteLeft < < < < BlockDown ^ SwapLeft+SwapDown < ^ < < v ^ SwapLeft < ^ < ^ Note: I'm not sure anymore, if the Block was necessary. If it isn't then this level is improvable. Level 7 (24 actions, password gestate): < v BlockDown < < < < < v v v v DeleteLeft < < < < ^ SwapLeft SwapDown < < < SwapRight Level 8 (26 actions, password fertile): ^ ^ ^ > > > > > > > > DeleteDown > BlockUp > > ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > > > SwapRight Level 9 (39 actions, password ovum): > > > v v v v v v < < < < < > v > > > > ^ ^ ^ < < < < < < < < SwapUp < SwapUp > v > > ^ Note: It seems < < < < is sufficient (at line 3), making it possible to clear the level in 37(?) actions. But it hasn't been verified enough, so I'm not going to edit the strat yet. My TAS of this level actually did this by accident and wasted some milliseconds but I kept it. Level 10 (45 or 50 actions, password gravid):
Least actions:
< v v v v v BlockUp v v < < ^ > > > BlockUp SwapRight+DeleteRight < > SwapRight DeleteRight > > ^ > > v < < < < < < < < < < < < < ^ BlockUp < SwapLeft >
Probably faster in realtime:
< v v v v v BlockUp v v < < ^ > > > v > SwapUp < > DeleteRight SwapRight+DeleteRight > > > > ^ v SwapUp < < v < < < < < < v < < ^ < < < ^ BlockUp < > > Level 11 (32 actions, password birth): > > v v BlockDown > > v v v v v > > > > v ^ ^ ^ > > v v v < SwapUp > > > > ^
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i really enjoyed this game,didn't know it was about sperm lol
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Editor, Expert player (2354)
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Here is my TAS Link to video Aside from it being done by using keyboard macros and thus inevitably losing time, I'm aware of a few improvements regarding movement. Such as in Level 4 and 9. I put notes about those levels in my previous post.