Hey all, I was really taken by this project and I want to become a part of it (or, well at least be able to run it even though its been so long). However, I can't seem to run the actual rom file in BizHawk. I've spent hours trying to figure out why so I am hoping someone here could help me out.
Here's the error message (wouldn't let me copy and paste so I'm typing it out)
SNES load error
A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it
System.DllNotFoundException Unable to load DLL 'libspeexdsp.dll'
The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT 0x8007007E) at BizHawk.Emulation.Common.SpeexResampler.LibSpeexDSP.speex_resampler_init_frac(UInt32 nb_channels, UInt32 ratio_num, UInt32 ratio_den, UInt32 in_rate, UInt32 out_rate, Int32 quality, RESAMPLER_ERR& err)
at BizHawk.Emnulation.Common.SpeexResampler..ctor(Int32 quality, UInt32 rationum, UInt32 ratioden, UInt32 sratein, UInt32 srateout, Action`2 drainer, ISyncSoundProvider input)
at Bizhawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES.LibsnesCore.InitAudio()
BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES.LibsnesCore..ctor(GameInfo game, Byte[] romData, Boolean deterministicEmulation, Byte[] xmlData, CoreComm comm, Object Settings, Object SyncSettings)
at BizHawk.Client.Common.RomLoader.LoadRom(String path, CoreComm nextComm, Boolean forceAccurateCore)
Somethings I have found, it looks like it requires the package, speex, which I haven't installed anywhere, I downloaded the source file but I can't figure out how to install it (if thats even possible) on my machine.
I run windows 10, with a 980 ti so I know my graphics card will support it, but my OS may be a bit too up to date? I don't know if that could play a role in it or not.
I have also tried looking for that specific dll file, creating sudo ones, copying one from maple (I got desperate), nothing seemed to work so I am not sure where to get that dll file.
It also appears to be dealing with audio; however, when I turn audio off and reboot the core, the problem still occurs. PLEASE help, I really want to see this network running and learn from it. Thanks to all who respond!