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Got it. I was doing visual frames. Thanks.
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I liked the hundo tas thingie, partiuclarly the bombchu bowling. Some questions: Why didn't you go back to the other witch after bottle 'cause you need her healed to get pictobox? Getting the 50r in the lens grotto seemed odd when you got the wallet maxed out later. Anyways keep up the goood work :)
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Thanks :)
Arthur42Wonko wrote:
Why didn't you go back to the other witch after bottle 'cause you need her healed to get pictobox?
Well notice. We do that in the brandly new route made by Kyle/Thiefbug(and some others probably). If you watch the current WR, we don't. We heal her at the beggining of cycle 3, when we came in order to activate the owl.
Arthur42Wonko wrote:
Getting the 50r in the lens grotto seemed odd when you got the wallet maxed out later.
A bit later, I buy both tingle maps in snowhead (60 rupees) and then I'll have to buy bombchus. I must made some test but I think I can buy only 10 of them. That means it will left extacly 100 rupees, just enough to buy H.P to the deku scrub :). (But yeah, I "lost" 10 rupees)
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Any progress recently of the 100%? It's been a while so I just want to know if there's anything new.
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That mind reading, Fox3! I wanted to beat the aliens before making a new WIP video and I just finish it. So, here is the next part. We start back from bow until the alien fight in Romani Ranch. I get Goron Mask, some H.P., Don Gero Mask, etc... Hope you enjoy:) Link to video We can also see some texture glitch; due to emulator... :s
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If you aren't required to use the lens to climb, it would have been cooler and taslike if you climbed the wall without using it. "Winter is coming"
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
If you aren't required to use the lense to climb, it would have been cooler and taslike if you climbed the wall without using it. "Winter is coming"
Ehh, they always make their "turn" before using the lens, so it's just showing the viewer that the turns were made at the proper time. It's obvious that the TASer doesn't need the lens to perform the climb.
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I'm fine either way on the lens thing since it doesn't slow anything down.
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you never know, you might find it might add one frame of lag ;)
I’m sorry. Really I am... I am so sorry for what I did. Forgive me.
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To be honest, I ask this question to myself for a long time: "Do I climb without using the Lens of truth?". I made a test run using it and then, I just hexedit it and remove the action of pressing the lens of truth button. Finally I watched both and compared them. My personal feeling tells me that both were cool but boring to watch; so I had the idea to do this, just show some interestings points. I was more satisfied. In fact, I directly edit the ram value that turns the lens on and freeze it. I made the TAS and finally, I did some hexedting to adjust the moments when we see the ladder (some parts have been completely removed); and all of this are invisible in the final result. That's kind of magic :D
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How's this been going, Hathor? Not to nag of course, I'm just wondering. :)
effort on the first draft means less effort on any draft thereafter - some loser
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
How's this been going, Hathor? Not to nag of course, I'm just wondering. :)
Hello! \o/ I'm still alive (like GlaDOS sings so good) and I'm still working. (Well not right now because I'm on holidays...) I'd like to finish the 2nd cycle and synchronize it with 1st one before "rendering" a new WIP video. So many things happens while I was TASing the next part. The route for getting rupees, some desync, I realize that I could save a pause, so I've redone few days of work, an unexpected softlock,... But I guess (I hope) it should be fine, now :) I just enter Sakon's Hideout, so I have to save the Sun mask, Keeta's skip and so on.. It's almost the end so the WIP is coming petty soon ;) (Oh, I have to watch the brand new WR in 5h12! :D)
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Hello over here! So, I've finished the 2nd Cycle but... When I started this project, I had the idea of separate each cycle. The idea was not so bad if you "cut" at a place where you can easly resync both file (soft reset for exemple). That's what I tried to do before posting a new WIP. I started about one year ago with the version 1.9.3 of Bizhawk. Many improvements has been done and I decided to move to a more recent version (and follow patches). It works ! But what I only notice few days ago is that between two versions, the emulation change a little bit and so, I get offset of one frame. The results is that from time to time the input occured during a lag frame and not during a visual one. And that makes resync of Cycle 1 and 2 a big challenge... I've been able to do it until entering Southern Swamp. But I'm stick here, whatever I do, I didn't get the same result as in the separate file... I'm so sad but I keep hoping that I fix it without redoing everything ! I think that don't have any other choice than redoing until Mystery Woods, sacrifice a goat to Satan, and sync based on the end of loading zone. While awaiting that, here's the 2nd cycle only: Link to video There are lots of improvement that can be done (Deku Game day 1 for exemple, few frames on Sakon's Hideout, ...) but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway :) PS: If you have any idea to fix my sync problem, it'll be welcome! :)
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i dont mean any disrespect but it sounds a really bad idea the idea of separating and then getting everything together,but good luck on the run anyway,these games and emulators are really prone to desyncing
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
it sounds a really bad idea the idea of separating and then getting everything together
It WAS a bad idea :/ I'll never do this anymore, trust me.
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Hâthor wrote:
But what I only notice few days ago is that between two versions, the emulation change a little bit and so, I get offset of one frame. The results is that from time to time the input occured during a lag frame and not during a visual one.
Insert two empty frames in the beginning of the movie.
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Hâthor wrote:
[...] While awaiting that, here's the 2nd cycle only: Link to video There are lots of improvement that can be done (Deku Game day 1 for exemple, few frames on Sakon's Hideout, ...) but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway :) PS: If you have any idea to fix my sync problem, it'll be welcome! :)
Just a friendly reminder that you have a mismatched closing tag for the video, breaking the link and hiding the rest of the post. :)
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darkszero wrote:
Just a friendly reminder that you have a mismatched closing tag for the video, breaking the link and hiding the rest of the post. :)
Wow, sorry for that. I've fixed it :)
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Hathor, could you reupload the link to your ram watch/lua script, the link is broken. Also Is anyone interested in working on an all masks TAS with me? I've only been working on it for a few days now. I'm currently trying to get the text skip before the twisted room.
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N3rdsWithGame wrote:
Also Is anyone interested in working on an all masks TAS with me?
Your goal might be a little bit arbitrary.
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N3rdsWithGame wrote:
Hathor, could you reupload the link to your ram watch/lua script, the link is broken. Also Is anyone interested in working on an all masks TAS with me? I've only been working on it for a few days now. I'm currently trying to get the text skip before the twisted room.
Done :) You can also find evertthing over here. I didn't work on scripts for a while (but it's my plan... like another cool stuff). Good luck for all masks, it's a cool project :) EDIT:
TheRealThingy wrote:
Your goal might be a little bit arbitrary.
In short, it's any% but you have to collect all 24 masks. I like this category because you can see some cool stuff that you don't see in any other category (like a superslide teleport with rock sirloin -JP only-).
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I don't know the game well enough to say if the route and movement are optimized, but it was a really great watch. Keep up the good work !
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
I don't know the game well enough to say if the route and movement are optimized, but it was a really great watch. Keep up the good work !
Thanks Lil_Gecko :) To answer you, we can do really better. I'm thinking of redoing some parts (or entire cycle if I'm not able to repair my big mistake... :s) Anyway, what I wanted to show you is the new tool I made. I patch BizHawk as I mentionned in this post and here's a preview of what I've been able to do: Link to video If you want to test it, you can download the patched version of BizHawk here and the plugin here. Place the dll and param.xml files into the GameTools folder. Rename the dll like this: Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (USA).dll Run BizHawk, start the ROM and then Tools => Custom Tool (below Lua Console); it should normally work. I didn't tested it yet but if you replace USA by JP and adjust RAM adresses into the param.xml file, it should work on JP :) Any ideas/suggestions are welcomed obviously.
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Any updates on this TAS ? I'd love to see more :)
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Nothing more to see unfortunatly, still working on fixing my mistake. I'm back to the aliens and saved about 20 seconds. Lots of work remaining until the end of cycle 2 and something really new. Be patient :)