Here we are again in Super Demo World! This time almost a minute faster than before!
Emulator used: SNES9X-144 Improvement 7
Many Rom sites have this ROM specifically, but if you can't find it, you can apply the patch found at to the "Super Mario World (U).smc" ROM.
  • Completes game as fast as possible
Last time I sacrified something entertaining for lag, but then I realized the things I thought were entertaining really were very skippable. Thus, some of the improvement came from reducing lag. There is a large amount of lag in this game because of the large number of objects in most of the levels.
  • Abuses programming errors
Several flying techniques are not possible in real time, including frame-precise diving to gain maximum altitude.
Jumping at maximum speed into the bottom of a mid-level pipe allows you to begin flying after exiting the top.
Hopping along the ground at perfectly timed frames will keep your speed after falling out of flight. This is handy to keep speed when flying is no longer possible.
  • Manipulates Luck
During flight, pressing X or Y will result in spinning and then flying in a random direction. I manipulate luck to make sure that I face the way I want to be facing. Also, fast flying requries that the direction of flight is released on a specific frame.
I grab stars on the levels I do in an effort to reduce fadeout time.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses warps
I got 99 stars this time. Had I not, I could have saved a total of five frames.
I also improved other intangibles of the run, including hitting more enemies, getting more total coins, one more extra life, and a higher score.

Comparison to the first run:
I saved one frame on the title screen.
  • Misty Isle 1
As fast as the first run.
  • Misty Isle 2
6 frames gained due to optimizations when getting the shell and jumping the pipe. More entertaining use of the shell, thanks to Fabian's 120-exit WIP.
2 frames lost from fadeout lag.
  • Misty Isle 3
As fast as the first run, but 4 frames lost in fadeout lag.
  • Misty Isle 4
4 frames gained from optimizing flying, and 3 more gained during the fadeout.
  • Iggy's Castle
6 frames gained by cutting corners closer during flight. 2 more frames gained during fadeout.
  • Misty Star Road
7 frames gained by eliminating even more lag, but 2 of these frames are lost in the fadeout.
  • Desert Star Road
I flew over the top of this level to greatly reduce the lag during the brick area. Although I don't hit as many enemies, I still manage to get a 1-up, and saved 165 frames!
  • Water Star Road
Most of this level was hex-edited from the previous run, simply because it's a pain to get the P-switch tosses to go where I want them, and it's an autoscroller. Getting the stars cost me 3 frames, and I lost four more due to fadeout.
  • Crystal Star Road
Another level where I altered my strategy to battle lag, avoiding most of the enemies early on instead of hitting them with my cape. This level ended up 94 frames faster, and I gained 2 more during fadeout.
  • Sky Star Road
The flying on this level was improved, since I now understood fast flying. I also hit more enemies than before, without slowing down. This level was finished 135 frames faster than the last run, and I gained 3 more during fadeout.
  • Ice Star Road
I tried for a long time to reduce the lag here, and the strange solution was to fly above the level, so that even though the Chucks were visible, Mario was not. Because of this and flying faster, I gained 156 frames, 2 of which were lost getting stars.
  • Pipe Star Road
Little optimizations here and there improved this level by 41 frames, and 1 more frame was gained from fadeout. Also, to those who may not have noticed the first time, turn on controller input (default key is comma for SNES9x) for a fun little extra.
  • Bowser's Star Road
Well, I didn't get to fly through the whole level like I hoped, but I was able to fly from much earlier. Altogether this level is 1891 frames (~31.5 seconds!) faster.
  • BackDoor Star Road
I'm very happy with the improvements done to this level - 721 frames (~12 seconds) gained altogether. 3 more frames were gained during fadeout.
  • Bowser's Back Door
A slightly different run, combined with different enemy behavior, allowed me to get to Bowser 75 frames quicker. The battle with Boswer went much better - the earliest frame I could end the run also hit Boswer at the earliest frame possible, saving 22 final frames.
  • Final Statistics
Frames gained: 3323 (55.38 seconds) Difference in fadeout: 2 frames less
Thanks to everyone who helped in the SDW forum, specifically: Fabian, Gwing_02 and VIPer7.

I would encourage everyone to vote by the guidelines, as we are supposed to. That means that even if you don't agree with the fact that this game as a hack is given special exception, that doesn't change the guidelines. If you don't agree with a hacked game being submitted, then don't watch the run. Also please consider this run as its own game, not as a comparison to runs of other games on the site. I also appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.
Enjoy the run!

I would vote the new screenshot to be from BackDoor Star World, when flying under everything close to the lava while holding the key.
New description if published:
This is the second run of Super Demo World, the site's first accepted hack, done as fast as possible, by warping through the star world.
This game is a very well done and thorough hack of Super Mario World, adding an entire new set of levels, a new world map, and even ASM-coded several other interesting features into the game's engine, such as a blue block that can only be broken with firepower. The layout of the game takes full advantage of both the mechanics of Super Mario World and the additions of Super Demo World, and the levels can get extremely complicated.
This second version improves the last run by nearly a minute, adding many optimizations, small and large.
More details can be found in the author's comments.

DeHackEd: Processing.

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Super Mario Bros. 2 (Japan) is quite a famous hack as well.
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Very, very nice.
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And as jxq2000 said earlier, I think it's much better than the original Super Mario World. This is an absolutely great game.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dan_ wrote:
I think Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) deserves the title of "most famous hack," IMO.
This brings up an interesting point: the only difference between SMB2 USA's hack from Doki Doki Panic and SDW's hack from SMW is that SMB2's programmers were licensed and paid to do it, and SDW's programmers did it out of hobby. The end product is still of high quality (although personally I've never been a fan of SMB2 (USA) myself, but that's another topic). Also, TASing this game doesn't break the rules :P
Rules wrote:
Currently these games have special permissions: Super Demo World - The Legend Continues version 1.10
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I just liked it better when we had to stick to games that have been on store shelves.
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Meh. I think that if you agree to TASes in the first place, that saying hacks are evil and shouldn't be TASed is a bit hypocritical. I see nothing wrong with TASing a hack as long as it is accepted as a good quality hack worthy of a TAS, which in this case is very true. It's the same with regular games in that some games don't deserve a TAS. So why should hacks be any different? Another note, I can't wait for the 120 exit run to come out.
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Where's the hypocrisy?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Where's the hypocrisy?
You're okay with using a computer to alter gameplay but not with using a computer to alter gameplay? That's all I could see.
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There's a difference between a game and its play!
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
There's a difference between a game and its play!
Although I don't think your viewpoint is hypocritical, I still can't understand it, myself. What difference does it actually make that the game was not sold in stores as a regular cartridge? The only reason I could think of why one would be opposed to this game in particular is that as a hack, it's legal status is somewhat murky and unclear. However, the same could be said about any movie published on this page - is it OK to publish a movie containing copyrighted game graphics, sounds, music etc.? If yes, then I don't see why patching a legitimally acquired game isn't. There's also the more general argument that most hacks are rather sucky. That certainly is a good justification for hacks being not allowed in general, but it (arguably) doesn't apply here - Super Demo World is a good game. Similarly, one could say that most hacks don't deserve a movie due to a lack of popularity / fame, but again - Super Demo World seems to be an exception to the rule. So what's wrong with it? "It wasn't sold in stores" simply doesn't seem to be an explanation of why it shouldn't be allowed, as far as I can tell. You could just as well say it shouldn't be allowed because the sky is blue. But maybe I'm missing something, and there really is a good reason?
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No, that's a great explanation. This site should be about games that people have actually bought!
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
No, that's a great explanation. This site should be about games that people have actually bought!
So if I received a game for free (for whatever reason), it wouldn't be suitable? :) Sorry, I do realise I'm playing devil's advocate here, but... what does the goal of the site (which, as far as I understand, is to provide entertaining movies of old-school games played with superhuman proficiency) have to do with whether a game was bought for money or not? If you replace "bought" with "legitimally acquired", I agree with you - but I'd also say that downloading Super Demo World *does* constitute a legitimate acquisition, as that is the intended way of distribution for this game. So I still don't see what's wrong with it. As I mentioned already, there are no legal reasons why it shouldn't be used (if the site's getting into trouble for using a hacked ROM, then it's gonna get into trouble for publishing movies of copyrighted games, anyway), and no reasons pertaining to the game itself (rather than its status as a hack), either - it's a good game (definitely better than a bunch of "official" games, too, I'd say, but that's just my opinion), it's popular (at least as popular as just about any random NES game the site has a movie for), so what's the problem?
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The problem is that it's a hack!
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The problem, it is a hack and the movie created is boring.Too much auto-scrolling levels which make the movie zZzZzZzZ. But since lot of people love it then it is accepted but still don't agree. Plus, unless I am wrong, there's bugs, too much, that weren't in original SMW. Imo, it wasn't a great choice and we must have waited SDW's team to fix those bugs.
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I agree about long auto-scrolling levels being boring in general, and I think this alone causes the minimal run of this hack to be less entertaining than the minimal run of the original. But as for bugs... Lots of games have lots of bugs, including ones that have made good time attacks, and it's not like we're not waiting on NES developers to fix their bugs so we can time attack their games more properly. Maybe the problem is not that this has too many bugs, but that its (new) bugs weren't made by professionals and thus aren't as interesting as the high-quality bugs seen in retail games.
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To Bag of Magic Food: I'm having trouble seeing your point of view because all you are saying is that it is a problem because it is a problem. Hacked games are bad to TAS because they are hacked games. This circular reasoning isn't helping me understand where you're coming from. Could you explain more how you feel? I'm interested. To Phil: Sorry you think the movie is too boring, but some movies were published that I think are boring. Not one of us alone has the authority to say which movies deserved to be published. And I'm not sure what you mean by "lot of people love it, then it is accepted but still don't agree." Who do you mean doesn't agree with what? And what bugs are in SDW that aren't in SMW?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
No, that's a great explanation. This site should be about games that people have actually bought!
Haha - funny - actually to differentiate cheating and beating a game with an emulator that does things no human or store-bought console can do by themselves - but then complaining that a hacked ROM shouldn't be allowed. If anything the hacked ROM has more right to be on a "speed run" forum than the speed runs themselves - at least the hacked ROM could be dumped to a real ROM cart and be playable on a Super Nintendo. You try doing some of JXQ's frame-perfect flying stunts (which look cool as hell) on a SNES EVERY TIME without screwups - or any other of the games on the forum. THAT'S NOT EVEN HUMANLY POSSIBLE. I agree that the 5000 frame-hacks of SMB1 that show mario smoking weed, dangling genitals, or just mario as a big giant phallus - have no purpose on such a forum. They are not only a lame attempt at a hack, they contribute no quality to the game other than 5 seconds of humor as you look at 1-1 - which still has the same level design and gameplay, and then the ROM gets deleted. Super Demo World is a game worthy of store sales - and a game that is much more worthy of being in ANYONE's video game library than MANY other SNES games that were sold in stores. So don't get your panties in a bunch and just realize the world's not all black and white anymore. (The SNES can show 512 colors at once!) Skuzz
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Phil wrote:
The problem, it is a hack and the movie created is boring.Too much auto-scrolling levels which make the movie zZzZzZzZ. But since lot of people love it then it is accepted but still don't agree. Plus, unless I am wrong, there's bugs, too much, that weren't in original SMW. Imo, it wasn't a great choice and we must have waited SDW's team to fix those bugs.
I think SMW had more bugs than SDW so far as I've played through it (and looked at the speedrun) Also - the movie's content isn't related to the games hacked-ness - tying two separate discussions into one blurred post is just not concise. Also - what's boring is watching a speedrun of the entire game from beginning to end - holy man I'd die sitting at my computer watching someone else pre-play a game for 4 hours! Egad! (No offense to those working on the project though! It is a great idea for those who do like full-game-non-speed runs - but I just couldn't stand watching one myself.) Also - the rings are invisible so you can't see them. [/futurama] Skuzz
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Well... They should be games from THE ERA!
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Well... They should be games from THE ERA!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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nitsuja wrote:
I agree about long auto-scrolling levels being boring in general, and I think this alone causes the minimal run of this hack to be less entertaining than the minimal run of the original. But as for bugs... Lots of games have lots of bugs, including ones that have made good time attacks, and it's not like we're not waiting on NES developers to fix their bugs so we can time attack their games more properly. Maybe the problem is not that this has too many bugs, but that its (new) bugs weren't made by professionals and thus aren't as interesting as the high-quality bugs seen in retail games.
Haha! True that - high quality bugs created by paid programmers under fire and brimstone of their management to put out their code as fast as possible under penalty of death, or at least the loss of their genitalia for not pumping out the game as fast as possible. How about the gold edition of the N64 Zelda OoT! I loved exploiting the no-master-sword bug so I could grapple-horse-hook off the horse in the lake hylia area, levitate magically into the air, and then push myself 3 (video-game scale) miles off the screen, away from the "world" off into rectangle-sky-ground-land with my grappler chain pixellated-stretching to 4 DPI due to the image making the grappling chain not being designed to stretch 3 miles? THAT's a bug. SDW was coded for fun and to prove it could be done - and coding like that tends to be the best kind. Skuzz
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Well... They should be games from THE ERA!
Eternal Revolution of Anal-pirates?
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You can see I'm not very good at debating. My usual tactic is to come up with increasingly facetious arguments until everybody gets annoyed and drops the subject.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
You can see I'm not very good at debating. My usual tactic is to come up with increasingly facetious arguments until everybody gets annoyed and drops the subject.
Haha! That's awesome though! I just don't see what the big deal is. As long as the ROMs are being "quality controlled" and not every lame-ass hack is allowed who gives a flying monkey. It was a very democratic method used to decide what hack would be allowed I think. If you want TOTAL CONTROL check out Russia circa 1980, heh.
I rule.