The snes port Prince of Persia 2 is generally regarded as a bad port of a very hard platforming puzzle game. The controls are clumsy, the puzzles are seemingly random, and the player dies very easily. The snes port also leaves out the last level. Fortunately there is a major bug in the game that allows large parts of it to be skipped. This run follows the same general path as Nitsuja, but saves time by fixing some mistakes and better enemy manipulation. Overall about 4 seconds are saved in gameplay, but the movie is still 12 seconds longer due to more accurate emulation.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Bizhawk 1.11.1
  • Beats the game as fast as possible
  • Major Glitch Abuse


The main glitch in this run is getting hit by a ghost while lying down in a tunnel. This makes you stand up and draw your sword, even though you aren't supposed to be able to any of those things in a tunnel. This causes a persistent bug that, among other things, let's you fly and walk through walls while at the same time not preventing you from interacting with objects. Thus you can beat the game rather quickly.
Nitsuja's run is quite old, and uses an emulator that itself had some bugs (apparently even messing up the level 1 music.) This seems to not play a role in any of the tricks used however, as I was able to recreate pretty much the entire run. It did however leave out a lot of lag. About 16 seconds of lag and loading time changes were added as a consequence.

Stage by stage comments

Level 1

Here I save ~0.5 seconds over Nitsuja by avoiding a ledge grab on the third screen.

Level 2

At about frame 13000 in 2-4, I climb the platforms a bit differently, saving ~1 second. I can't tell why Nitsuja climbed them the other way, maybe he just missed it.

Level 3

I save ~0.5 seconds manipulating the skull enemies in 3-2 slightly better, so I don't have to wait to jump up the platforms.

Level 4

I save ~2 seconds with much better manipulation of a sword enemy in 4-2.

Other comments

There are a few other places where I'm pretty sure I saved some frames compared to Nitsuja (like dying right before getting the flame, I am facing the right direction so don't need to turn around.) But since I can't compare the frames I'll just leave those out. The only spot I lost frames is in level 4 at one door where the collapsing platform that triggers it falls slower in my run then in Nitsuja's, costing me a few frames since the door opens slightly slower.
This run was pretty easy to do, but not very interesting so I'm glad its done, and I do like updating runs that are made on such out of date emulators.

ars4326: Judging!
ars4326: Hi again, Alyosha. Overall, notable improvements made to another older run on the site. The ghost glitch over halfway through indeed made it more of an interesting watch. With that said, it looks like community tastes have changed over the years in terms of voter feedback. Nonetheless, another job well done!
Accepting to the Vault as an improvement (better emulation and optimization) to the published run!
feos: Let's pub.

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Previous: [332] SNES Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame by nitsuja in 11:00.42 Quick shout-out to emulation differences.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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Neat. I wasn't expecting to see this so soon. I only know the PC version of this game, and I'm rusty on knowing the proper routes, but that pretty much goes out the window after doing the glitch anyway. Thus, I probably wouldn't be much help with this run. I have a few questions, though some of them may b questions more about why nitsuja did something a certain way. The level numbers are confusing for this game, since I don't know if you count things like the intro scene and the opening of the desert cave as "levels"... * When the desert cave opens, you're generally not supposed to run on the tile with the picture. You're supposed to save it for last. Nevertheless, you run over it and the puzzle is completed properly. Why is that? * In the second stone cave stage, when you float down to the bottom with that potion, why do you keep grabbing onto ledges? After the first one, it seems like you could just keep falling straight down without grabbing the overhangs briefly. --> Then on that same stage, you jump into the wall before climbing up to the switch to open the goal door. Since jumping into the wall makes you stunned a bit, is that faster than just running up to the wall before stopping and climbing up? (It even seems like you could run up to the wall and crouch. You use that trick somewhere else, and that seems pretty fast.) * Why can't you trigger the glitch instead in the second stage after the carpet? There's a tunnel just to the left of where you start, and it has a snake in it. I thought you could get the glitch triggered by making the snake attack you in the tunnel. * In the last palace stage with the birdmen, doesn't the glitch enable you to run through doors? You look like you need to use a switch to hit that door. Lastly, that glitch where somehow you kill Jaffar, even though it looks like you kill yourself at the exit door, is utterly bizarre.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 9/1/2014
Posts: 58
So it is slower than the previous run, so that's a no vote. I just watched the previous one with the youtube link and it looks totally fine for an upload it isn't graphically fucked up beyond viewing or anything. So unless it can be beaten quicker or with interesting gimmick goals (100% etc.) I see no point at all with submitting another inferior timed run just for different emulations.
Enjoys speedruns but hasn't actually tried making any yet.
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Ragnarokia wrote:
So it is slower than the previous run, so that's a no vote.
I'm going to quote what Samsara and I wrote to Samlaptop.
Spikestuff wrote:
Did you find this movie entertaining?
Samsara wrote:
Loading times are longer because of the more accurate emulator version.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Ragnarokia wrote:
So it is slower than the previous run, so that's a no vote. I just watched the previous one with the youtube link and it looks totally fine for an upload it isn't graphically fucked up beyond viewing or anything. So unless it can be beaten quicker or with interesting gimmick goals (100% etc.) I see no point at all with submitting another inferior timed run just for different emulations.
TASVideoAgent wrote:
Overall about 4 seconds are saved in gameplay, but the movie is still 12 seconds longer due to more accurate emulation. ... <p>Nitsuja's run is quite old, and uses an emulator that itself had some bugs (apparently even messing up the level 1 music.) This seems to not play a role in any of the tricks used however, as I was able to recreate pretty much the entire run. It did however leave out a lot of lag. About 16 seconds of lag and loading time changes were added as a consequence.
If he did indeed save 4 seconds of gameplay then there is no reason to write it off simply because it's "slower." More accurate emulation is actually a plus side even if it leads to longer load times. I actually asked about this issue recently because of PSXHawk and being new around here and was told that if the movie was longer due to loading time differences but faster in gameplay then it would be acceptable.
Post subject: Re: #4815: Alyosha's SNES Prince of Persia 2 in 11:11.94
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"Prince of Persia 2 is generally regarded as a really bad platforming puzzle game" Wait, what? Sure, the game is 22 years old now, but it got solid reviews and good ratings back when it was released, got ported to half a dozen different systems, and was popular enough to get a 2013 remake as well. I have no idea where on earth you'd get the conclusion that it's "generally regarded" as "really bad".
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@Radiant: Ah I was supposed to refer to the snes port there but made it general instead. You are right the original PC game is much better. I will correct that. @mklip2001: -If you are standing in just the right spot, the game doesn't detect you standing on that square, so you can walk right by it. -In order to float correctly you have to hold down, and that makes you grab ledges you are near. I tested running in that spot and it took the same time. EDIT: oh yeah, the crouching thing doesn't put you close enough to grab the ledge. -snakes are instant kills, but I didn't test it so I test it and see, but my guess is Nitsuja would have done so if it was possible. EDIT: nope, nothing happens. -The glitch doesn't let you walk through doors, I guess they are still considered objects you can interact with, and not just walls. -The PC version has another level that makes this part make much more sense, its too bad it's left out in the snes port.
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Alyosha: Thanks for the answers. It is a shame that last PC level is left out, though it's not like that level makes any sense in the game anyway. It's definitely on drugs, and the game doesn't really make clear what you're supposed to do to properly beat it. It was way more satisfying in the first game to swordfight Jaffar and have him fall down a tower, instead of playing a game of cat-and-mouse and then fireballing his ass. Also, this game is also called "The Shadow and the Flame", but those elements only show up in the last two levels of the PC version! (In this version, they show up for basically 20 seconds at most.) I guess the Vault judgment on this run is not too surprising, since it is basically a puzzle game that comes down to tight routing. There are some close shaves that I wouldn't try unassisted, but there aren't really any jaw-dropping moments unless you really know the game. (The skeleton escape at the end of the caves, for instance, is one of those, as are any times when you running-jump past horizontal blade traps in the walls.) The major glitch does make the run more interesting, but then it's hard to follow the route.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2941] SNES Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame by Alyosha in 11:11.94