Here we are again in Super Demo World! This time almost a minute faster than before!
Emulator used: SNES9X-144 Improvement 7
Many Rom sites have this ROM specifically, but if you can't find it, you can apply the patch found at to the "Super Mario World (U).smc" ROM.
  • Completes game as fast as possible
Last time I sacrified something entertaining for lag, but then I realized the things I thought were entertaining really were very skippable. Thus, some of the improvement came from reducing lag. There is a large amount of lag in this game because of the large number of objects in most of the levels.
  • Abuses programming errors
Several flying techniques are not possible in real time, including frame-precise diving to gain maximum altitude.
Jumping at maximum speed into the bottom of a mid-level pipe allows you to begin flying after exiting the top.
Hopping along the ground at perfectly timed frames will keep your speed after falling out of flight. This is handy to keep speed when flying is no longer possible.
  • Manipulates Luck
During flight, pressing X or Y will result in spinning and then flying in a random direction. I manipulate luck to make sure that I face the way I want to be facing. Also, fast flying requries that the direction of flight is released on a specific frame.
I grab stars on the levels I do in an effort to reduce fadeout time.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses warps
I got 99 stars this time. Had I not, I could have saved a total of five frames.
I also improved other intangibles of the run, including hitting more enemies, getting more total coins, one more extra life, and a higher score.

Comparison to the first run:
I saved one frame on the title screen.
  • Misty Isle 1
As fast as the first run.
  • Misty Isle 2
6 frames gained due to optimizations when getting the shell and jumping the pipe. More entertaining use of the shell, thanks to Fabian's 120-exit WIP.
2 frames lost from fadeout lag.
  • Misty Isle 3
As fast as the first run, but 4 frames lost in fadeout lag.
  • Misty Isle 4
4 frames gained from optimizing flying, and 3 more gained during the fadeout.
  • Iggy's Castle
6 frames gained by cutting corners closer during flight. 2 more frames gained during fadeout.
  • Misty Star Road
7 frames gained by eliminating even more lag, but 2 of these frames are lost in the fadeout.
  • Desert Star Road
I flew over the top of this level to greatly reduce the lag during the brick area. Although I don't hit as many enemies, I still manage to get a 1-up, and saved 165 frames!
  • Water Star Road
Most of this level was hex-edited from the previous run, simply because it's a pain to get the P-switch tosses to go where I want them, and it's an autoscroller. Getting the stars cost me 3 frames, and I lost four more due to fadeout.
  • Crystal Star Road
Another level where I altered my strategy to battle lag, avoiding most of the enemies early on instead of hitting them with my cape. This level ended up 94 frames faster, and I gained 2 more during fadeout.
  • Sky Star Road
The flying on this level was improved, since I now understood fast flying. I also hit more enemies than before, without slowing down. This level was finished 135 frames faster than the last run, and I gained 3 more during fadeout.
  • Ice Star Road
I tried for a long time to reduce the lag here, and the strange solution was to fly above the level, so that even though the Chucks were visible, Mario was not. Because of this and flying faster, I gained 156 frames, 2 of which were lost getting stars.
  • Pipe Star Road
Little optimizations here and there improved this level by 41 frames, and 1 more frame was gained from fadeout. Also, to those who may not have noticed the first time, turn on controller input (default key is comma for SNES9x) for a fun little extra.
  • Bowser's Star Road
Well, I didn't get to fly through the whole level like I hoped, but I was able to fly from much earlier. Altogether this level is 1891 frames (~31.5 seconds!) faster.
  • BackDoor Star Road
I'm very happy with the improvements done to this level - 721 frames (~12 seconds) gained altogether. 3 more frames were gained during fadeout.
  • Bowser's Back Door
A slightly different run, combined with different enemy behavior, allowed me to get to Bowser 75 frames quicker. The battle with Boswer went much better - the earliest frame I could end the run also hit Boswer at the earliest frame possible, saving 22 final frames.
  • Final Statistics
Frames gained: 3323 (55.38 seconds) Difference in fadeout: 2 frames less
Thanks to everyone who helped in the SDW forum, specifically: Fabian, Gwing_02 and VIPer7.

I would encourage everyone to vote by the guidelines, as we are supposed to. That means that even if you don't agree with the fact that this game as a hack is given special exception, that doesn't change the guidelines. If you don't agree with a hacked game being submitted, then don't watch the run. Also please consider this run as its own game, not as a comparison to runs of other games on the site. I also appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.
Enjoy the run!

I would vote the new screenshot to be from BackDoor Star World, when flying under everything close to the lava while holding the key.
New description if published:
This is the second run of Super Demo World, the site's first accepted hack, done as fast as possible, by warping through the star world.
This game is a very well done and thorough hack of Super Mario World, adding an entire new set of levels, a new world map, and even ASM-coded several other interesting features into the game's engine, such as a blue block that can only be broken with firepower. The layout of the game takes full advantage of both the mechanics of Super Mario World and the additions of Super Demo World, and the levels can get extremely complicated.
This second version improves the last run by nearly a minute, adding many optimizations, small and large.
More details can be found in the author's comments.

DeHackEd: Processing.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #806: JXQ's SNES Super Demo World in 19:38.48
Editor, Active player (297)
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Remember to cancel your previous submission.
Joined: 6/6/2005
Posts: 124
Definite yes. Remarkable improvements, especially on Backdoor Star World, I heart your execution of that level. Also, fast flying appears to have been implemented this time, which is of course good. The last run was awesome, and this one is wayy better.
Joined: 6/21/2004
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Agreed with GWing on your Backdoor improvement--that was very well done. Voting yes, obviously.
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*reattaches jawbone* Smooth. Very smooth.
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Awesome run jxq2000
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Question: What's up with that button mashing in the first few seconds? You did that in the previous submission too, is it just for fun or manipulates it something?
Joined: 7/28/2005
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Definitely yes. I'd vote if I could.
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The button mashing at the beginning doesn't manipulate anything. It's there because I hex-edited readable text into the run after completing it, since button presses on the first 300 or so frames don't do anything. I also noticed that since there are 12 buttons on the SNES controller, but 16 bits per frame, there are some invalid bit combinations that caused the buttons "0", "1" and "2" to be pressed on some frames. There was also a question about Bowser's Star World on the SDW forums that is worth answering here also: in this level, being able to fly off of the skull raft requires that I keep my running speed from the platform I begin the level on. This is why I'm always running back and forth and spin-flying to keep my speed. From a standstill, I wasn't able to fly from the skull raft. Thanks to everyone who voted and commented!
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [407] SNES Super Demo World: The Legend Continues "warps" by JXQ in 19:38.48
Joined: 11/11/2004
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Very nice game, very nice run. :) Why can't you start flying earlier in Bowser's Star World, though, if you already have the necessary speed?
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I have to go under the pipes, and then the screen will not follow me back up as I try to get over the mountain of lava. Unfortunately, Mario can only go so far above the screen before he hits a limit, and this limit isn't high enough to pass the lava. This is a bummer, because this smv is pretty impressive looking until that point. If it's ever discovered that it's somehow possible to pass this, another 15-20 seconds would be saved. It was discussed a bit in the SDW forum, but none of the ideas worked. EDIT: In other news, I noticed the subtitles of the published AVI have the time and rerecords of my first canceled run. Not a big deal, but I thought it was worth pointing out.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Wow! This video was amazing. Now I'm only waiting for one with all exits. :) Damn good watch indeed.
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Highness wrote:
Now I'm only waiting for one with all exits. :)
I'll second that. ^^
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schneelocke wrote:
Highness wrote:
Now I'm only waiting for one with all exits. :)
I'll second that. ^^
I'll second that too! One thing though that might be a sort of stupid request. I remember from some thread that it came up that one loses speed from diving when flying. I actually enjoyed it the few times it happend in this movie. Also I'd rather see something of each level (since they are almost completely new to me) than just air. Thus I'd vote for maybe sacrifising a few frames from that speedflying (ok, it might be seconds, which will end up in minutes) to show the levels than just show fancy backgrounds high up in the air. Yes, I know it's not the best request because I guess a quite big amount of time would be spent if doing so. Despite of this I really liked this run and I can't wait for the full run!
/Walker Boh
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Flying is goofy in this game. It's usually possible to dive without losing speed, however. I understand that flying over a level can get old. The glitch with the screen not following Mario up after his initial ascent doesn't help to make things more interesting. Have you seen VIper7's walkthrough movie? It shows off the levels quite well, and it's here. Also everyone, progress on Fabian's all-exits run is going well, although it's still in early stages. He's got a WIP posted at the Super Demo World forum. And the flying is handled well, as in it's not just sailing over every level. This makes levels like Salty Isle a pain, since the screen won't follow you up for certain parts, but the run will be more entertaining as a result, I think.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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jxq2000 wrote:
I understand that flying over a level can get old. The glitch with the screen not following Mario up after his initial ascent doesn't help to make things more interesting. Have you seen VIper7's walkthrough movie? It shows off the levels quite well, and it's here.
Yeah I've seen it. But just once and that was by far not enough to learn every stage ;) I know SMW in and out but this is just to cool to be missed in my opinion.
jxq2000 wrote:
Also everyone, progress on Fabian's all-exits run is going well, although it's still in early stages. He's got a WIP posted at the Super Demo World forum. And the flying is handled well, as in it's not just sailing over every level. This makes levels like Salty Isle a pain, since the screen won't follow you up for certain parts, but the run will be more entertaining as a result, I think.
Sounds awesome.
/Walker Boh
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I have just watched it and still have negative thoughts about hacked game.
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Phil wrote:
I have just watched it and still have negative thoughts about hacked game.
Why? I don't mean to start a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons of hacked games, but I'm genuinely interested. Sure, it's a hacked game, but it's a good one, so... why not allow movies for it? I for one would have never have seen it otherwise, which would've been a pity - and the same probably goes for many others, too. :)
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If you ask me I prefer playing and viewing the original game, we are for once agreeing on something Phil :)
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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And not the last I hope ;)
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It's a question that is quite divided around here. I always thought that if more hacked ROMs were of enough quality to be allowed and it caused enough of a problem, they could have their own section on the website so that people understood clearly that they were a hack, and people who didn't agree with TASs of hacked games could take comfort in the fact that they aren't on the same page as the "real" games are. I personally like this game better than Super Mario World - I would go as far to say that it's one of my favorite SNES games. It's as if all the potential Super Mario World had was finally used here. But that's just me.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Bah to new "sections"... Just make a whole new website for stuff that breaks the rules.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bah to new "sections"... Just make a whole new website for stuff that breaks the rules. Who cares if it breaks rules? Just change the rules and it's fine. I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal about it. Super Demo World is probably the most famous hack so it deserves a TAS.
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I think Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) deserves the title of "most famous hack," IMO.