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Nice find! A rough TAS of that saves about 100 frames. It seems you have to wait for it to go down a certain way before making it disappear, otherwise it kills you for some reason. I tried avoiding the elevator all together by going backwards and clipping up the wall after getting the diamond, but no luck so far. Still testing key first routes, but still need a faster route back after getting the diamond. EDIT: I finally managed to clip through the vulture caverns wall. Now it is possible to enter the vulture near the diamond and exit at the vulture near the balloon. The clip itself takes about 3 seconds, and its a long climb up (around 9 seconds), but this opens the door to new routes. My first idea is key first, then diamond, enter diamond vulture and go from there. Whether or not this is faster is still to be determined. Current route: 1. vulture to balloon after diamond: 42 seconds 2. balloon to vulture warp after key: 36 seconds 3. entrance to medicine: 18 seconds Potential route: 1. fall to balloon from start: 14 seconds 2. balloon up to surface: 33 seconds 3. diamond vulture to medicine: So if the second route adds up to less then 96 seconds, it will save time. The first part is roughly 14 from where the paths diverge. Going back up will take some work. But a rough TAS looks like it will take 33 seconds to get back to where the route rejoins the route to get the diamond. So about 47 of our 96 seconds is used. Leaving 49 seconds to get from inside the vulture to the medicine. Playing through by hand from right after the clip, it looks like it is going to be very close. Another route idea I had, that probably is actually faster, is to use the diamond vulture warp after diamond and then exit right away at the balloon vulture and go get the key from there. I will test this now, but I am optimistic for at least 5 seconds savings.
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Whether it works or not, that's some brilliant thinking. How fast do you get onto the ladder at the balloon? Would it be faster to clip directly into the edge of the wall like here?
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^ It only takes 1 jump to clip into the ladder from the left platform, much faster then trying to do it that way. I tried what you suggest in that video, but Harry grabs the balloon so its not faster to just jump directly in. Turns out neither route idea is faster. The warp takes too long to load for the second idea, and the first idea just is too slow to get the medicine. EDIT: maybe I spoke too soon. It turns out you can jump straight down into the ladder when you do the key first route, I didn't expect this to be possible. This find could potentially make key first faster if I can get back up quick enough. My estimates so far are almost spot on. I am back to the first waterfall after getting the key. Once I get to the vulture I'll know which is faster. Well I must have done something wrong in my estimates somewhere, because it is a LOT faster to get that key first. Old route: 10400 to medicine New Route: 9200 to medicine I think we are in sub 5 minute territory now! It will be close with the spade card wall clip.
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jlun2 wrote:
Is that long detour down needed? Can this be clip be done on midair by bruteforcing A/B presses?
Confirmed to be possible! It is slow at the moment but should save time eventually at the climb after girl rescue EDIT: I am back up to the triple wall clip to rescue the girl. At this point, if I completed the run exactly the same as before, I would be at ~5:06. So 6 seconds of savings left to find. Final time: 4:46 hurray! (17222 frames)
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Alyosha wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
Is that long detour down needed? Can this be clip be done on midair by bruteforcing A/B presses?
Confirmed to be possible!
Does that mean that you can clip into the wall while falling down? In which case I would expect the route to look like here:
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Almost like that, I had to go straight up to lure over the bird enemy from the top open platform to make it work. I believe the run is complete, so unless you have more ideas , I can submit soon. This run came a long way really fast from 6:20 to 4:46
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As an outsider, I must say this is a pivotal example of excellent teamwork. Well done guys! Alyosha, I hope you'll do Kabuki the Quantum Fighter next even though I read somewhere you said it is a difficult game :)
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I can't think of anything else at the moment. I experimented more with the unknown out-of-bounds area but I'm just finding a sea of nothingness. Looks like it's ready.
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I gave the path you suggested one more try and was able to get it work without the bird enemy. Somehow I just needed to pick just the right starting frame. in the end it saves about 100 frames. So final time: 17115 frames ~4:45 @AngerFist: this was fun to work on and make rapid discoveries. I imagine that this is what TASing was like 5-10 years ago when many things were still new. Kabuki quantum fighter I still can't save 1 frame on, but I haven't looked in a while, maybe brute force can help me there too.