Emulator used: FCEU-0.98.12-blip
  • Does not use PAL mode PAL emulation was OFF.. my own mistake.
  • Aims for fastest time (Exim's real time was 13.55 PAL)I improved his time Over 1:50 min
  • Abuses programming errors & i maked level4 Boss Freeze With Lighting technique (Holding B)
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
Blue Shadow is Really fast based game.. i Jump and slash all the time make way trought faster.
This game was really hard to make fast.. enemies moves was like roulette.
I enjoyed making this movie a lot.. This is so fast played as i can.
I hope you can enjoy.. :)

Bisqwit: It's a PAL movie, but FCEU was not set to run it in PAL mode. Therefore the timing is off, just like in Exim's movie. The real time is 12:03, not 10:03.
Also reformatted the message. It was somewhat an unreadable blur before... Read TextFormattingRules to avoid repeating the mistake.
Bisqwit: Hogging this one for processing at later date.
Bisqwit: Processing now...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15438
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #798: Shinryuu's NES Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) in 12:03.50
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 3517
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
This is truely an amazing run. Improving like hell the older movie, faster jumps, faster boss killing (especially 4-3 boss). Have followed his WIP through the entire game. HELL FREAKIN YES.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Skilled player (1820)
Joined: 4/20/2005
Posts: 2160
Location: Norrköping, Sweden
Hey, just watched your movie, and I can say that you've done a great job. This movie gets an obvious yes-vote from me. I do have some comments on the movie though: You wobble (turn left, right, left right really fast) a little too much in my opinion. This is not really that annoying, it was just a detail that I thought of. Secondly, the autoscrolling part on the last stage was a little boring. It would have been nicer if you had finished off those purple ninjas instead of running past them. Also, there seem to be a lot of lag on the first part of stage 4_2, maybe this could be avoided by killing the enemies that are currently on the screen, if this doesn't waste too much time. Other than that, it was really fun watching a ninja that is high on coffein (judging by the amazingly fast way he moved) kicking some asses.
Experienced player (543)
Joined: 5/12/2005
Posts: 707
Thanks.. in the level 4 is lots of lag.. but it takes lots of time to kill them.. i just jumped and slashed.. to make my way faster
Editor, Active player (297)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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Location: Arzareth
Umm... was this really made in PAL mode? I completely forgot to warn that if a movie is made for a PAL game in FCEU, the PAL option must be checked. Otherwise FCEU emulates it as NTSC, the same way as Famtasia does always. If the author really did it properly, this is a _huge_ improvement. Even if it's not done properly, it's still a big improvement, because in NTSC calculation mode, Exim's movie was about 11.5 minutes long. EDIT: Yes, this movie desyncs if it's played in PAL mode. Therefore I will fix the submission title. It is not 10:03. It is 12:03 -- an 1:50 improvement!
Active player (280)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Yeah, Shinryuu messed it up. PAL mode is the correct way to play, but the movie desyncs unless it's played in NTSC.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Experienced player (543)
Joined: 5/12/2005
Posts: 707
yeah.. i must be MORE carefully with (europe) Roms Next Time :)
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15438
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [406] NES Shadow of the Ninja (Europe) by Shinryuu in 12:03.50
Joined: 4/19/2005
Posts: 31
I know this movie was recorded at 16.7% over the correct speed but still, its such a hyperactive game, its like the ninja has A.D.D or something jumping all up ons like that...