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After narrowly surviving the horrific onslaught in Raccoon City, Claire Redfield now seeks clues in search of her missing brother, Chris. To her horror, she discovers Umbrella Corporation's insidious activities are not isolated to the remote, mid-western city. No. Something much larger is going on here. Flesh-eating zombies, horrific beasts and now Wesker, a stranger from the past haunt Claire's every move. Just how far does this twisted conspiracy extend? What is Umbrella Corporation really up to? And who is behind this bio-tech terror?

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Dolphin 4.0-6029
  • CD ID: GCDE08


Rank A
  • You must give the Hemostatic to Rodrigo and save him later by Chris
Knife dodge
  • When you hit with knife down in a right time, some attacks don't affect you
Small error

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15445
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #4695: Gfx's GC Resident Evil – Code: Veronica X in 1:53:51.12
Editor, Publisher, Expert player (2609)
Joined: 10/12/2011
Posts: 6424
Location: The land down under.
Okay, well. I just did a little glace, downloaded the game myself to double check something. The first thing I found out was that your menuing is terrible. The second thing I found out was not having a memory card in saves time.
    1 - It goes through memory card checking faster 2 - It instantly hovers above NEW GAME
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Joined: 3/9/2009
Posts: 530
Let's look at a couple other Code Veronica speedruns to see how the last boss fight could have gone. Also really not sure why you kill the worm. You do know you can skip it, right? Hell, the first speedrun above kills it too, also with the bowgun, in about 3 seconds as opposed to your stumbling around mess.
Joined: 7/16/2014
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Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Tangent wrote:
Let's look at a couple other Code Veronica speedruns to see how the last boss fight could have gone. Also really not sure why you kill the worm. You do know you can skip it, right? Hell, the first speedrun above kills it too, also with the bowgun, in about 3 seconds as opposed to your stumbling around mess.
I'm trying redo it with taking bowgun
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om, nom, nom... want more!
Former player
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Location: Italy
Someone stop him, please.
Active player (263)
Joined: 8/14/2014
Posts: 188
Location: North Kilttown
Someone stop him, please.
I don't know. The RE TASes he has submitted aren't completely without merit. Maybe with a few strat changes and some polish he'll have a publication on his hands. Keep in mind that these are fairly technical games and fairly ambitious for a first submission(s).
Somewhat damaged.