Rockman 4 Burst Chaser × Air Sliding is a fantastic hack of Rockman 4 made by Tsukikuro that was released in August 2014.
The patch can be found here. Apply to a Rockman 4 (J) rom.
At its core, this hack is a combination of ideas and mechanics from two other romhacks: Rockman 3 Burst Chaser and Rockman 5 Air Sliding.
Some of the more notable changes in this hack:
  • Mega Man's movement speed is increased
  • When jumping out of a slide, Mega Man retains slide speed (similar to dashing in the Mega Man X series)
  • Mega Man can slide in the air once per jump
  • You can quickly cycle through weapons with Select or Down + Select (or Select + Start to default to the Mega Buster)
  • Health and energy items refill without stopping the game (this is very important)
  • Boss AI and special weapons have been modified
  • New music and level layouts

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.2
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Takes damage to save time


I love this romhack and feel like the particular combination of new features offers very unique gameplay and interesting challenges.

Some general techniques:

Air sliding: At the beginning and the end of an air slide, Mega Man is pushed forward a bit. As a result, the fastest movement over flat ground is repeated 1-frame airslides. In addition, when starting a slide on the frame Mega Man lands on the ground the game will treat it as an air slide.
Balloons: I pick up the Balloon item in Drill Man's stage. With Balloons, I can climb rapidly to save large amounts of time in vertical segments and I can get extra air slides over large pits to save frames. Once I have balloons, RNG manipulation becomes a very big deal. Unlike in the original game, you can't land on a balloon once it explodes so you can't climb up narrow spaces by placing them in the wall.
RNG manipulation: Once I get balloons, I need to manipulate large weapon refills very frequently to replenish my ammo. This is particularly difficult with Mega Man's high movement speed; many enemies can't be killed soon enough for their drop to appear before I've passed where it will spawn.
Robot master kills: I make an effort to kill every robot master as close to the (horizontal) middle of the screen as possible; this minimizes waiting time before the end of stage sequence begins. Standing in the middle of the screen prevents additional waiting time. The early exit glitch (where Mega Man skips part of the end of stage sequence) from the original was removed for some reason.
Charge storage: If you quickswap to a different weapon while charging the mega buster, the charge status will be preserved. This can be used to instantly release a full charge after using other weapons or to charge a shot while also firing other weapons to clear out enemies.
Some useful RAM addresses:
  • 0330, 0318 : X position
  • 0378, 0360 : Y position
  • 0035 : Charge timer
  • 05CF : Boss iframes
  • 0347 : Boss X position

Stage by stage comments

Dust Man

I clear out two rows of blocks in the crusher section so I can keep using air slides. Thanks to this, I can barely escape without waiting for the crushers to rise at the end. A lot of work went into making Dust Man not use his sucking attack, which leaves him invincible for an annoying amount of time. Dust Crusher is a powerful weapon and is effective against many otherwise problematic enemies. It follows a convenient arc in this hack.

Bright Man

There isn't much to note in this stage. I use the 1 frame of input before the fight begins to summon rush coil to get the first hit in early (Bright Man will always jump high to start the fight). Flash stopper is nearly useless later in the run because it prevents switching weapons for 200 frames.

Skull Man

I can get the Wire item in this stage but I ignore it; it takes much longer to grab it here than later and there aren't many places to use it in the robot master stages. I start the fight with some charge shots to get Skull Man in the middle of the room before freezing him with his weakness. The fight is slower this way, but the stage ends faster. Skull Shield is a very helpful weapon that lets me deal with enemies right above me. In this hack, it can be thrown.

Drill Man

I get balloons in this stage. I use the 1 frame of input entering the boss room to spawn a shield early, which I can throw at Drill Man to get an early hit as the fight starts. Drill Bomb isn't very powerful and doesn't travel quickly, but its lasting explosion makes it useful for taking out certain enemies.

Dive Man

The first stage of many where balloons make a big difference. Skull shields make quick work of the whale minibosses. In addition to the boss explosion, I need to minimize the time it takes for Mega Man's air bubble to disappear off the top of the screen to start the end of stage sequence. Dive Missile is not good. (It's fun, though)

Ring Man

I skip one miniboss with an air slide and need to kill the other. I fool around a bit with balloons during the Ring Man fight while making sure missiles are hitting him as soon as possible. Ring Boomerang is a very helpful weapon; it's strong and it travels quickly, making it much easier to kill enemies in a way that lets me get their drops. Additionally, the number of frames the projectile is on screen seems to affect RNG.

Toad Man

The currents in the beginning of the stage add or subtract one pixel per frame from your speed. I avoid being in currents against me while maximizing time in friendly currents. Wind only affects Mega Man when he is not sliding so I minimize sliding when with the wind and maximize sliding when against it. Rain Flush can be used in some places to kill several enemies and leave a drop in a convenient spot.

Pharaoh Man

This stage sees the most balloon use in the game. I jump before using rain flush to minimize the startup time (I end up needing to wait a few frames for Pharaoh Man to reach the middle, though). Pharaoh shot behaves similar to how it did it Rockman 4, but the held shot will sit inside Mega Man's hitbox. Luckily, it can't keep up with the speed boosts of air slides so I don't always need to take damage to hit with a held shot.

Cossack 1

From here on out, the game won't be giving me free refills so I can't use balloons everywhere I would like to. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't use a ton of them. I pick up the Wire item here, mainly so I can use it in the next stage.

Cossack 2

My favourite stage of this run. The stage has 3 sections that are meant to be done with Rush Jet. Naturally, I use jet in none of them. Eddie and the autoscroller sections are very convenient, letting me easily refill several weapons. It's barely impossible to get 5 hits in the first round of the Square Machine fight (by 1 frame).

Cossack 3

Like with the robot masters, I need to wait for the explosion of the second Cockroach to leave the screen to leave the stage, but I can't manipulate its movements. Waiting for it to finish climbing the wall and start moving along the ceiling is slower.

Cossack 4

I manipulate Cossack Catcher's movements to finish the fight with him in a position that minimizes movement at the beginning of the cutscene.

Wily 1

The fish section was very difficult; balloons make the game lag very easily here. I have some fun with a held pharaoh shot during the downtime in the boss fight.

Wily 2

Nothing too notable in this stage.

Wily 3

Nothing too special here either. I refight every robot master, but this time I don't get a free frame of input for early hits etc. and I don't need to worry about where they are when they die.

Wily 4

I enter the boss room 1 frame slower than I could to get a better third spawn in the boss fight, which lets me end input sooner. The final shot's debris finishes off Wily as soon as his invincibility period is over.

Other comments

I had a ton of fun making this TAS and learned a lot along the way. I hope you enjoy it.
The rerecord count that FCEUX put in the movie file seemed horribly inaccurate (under 3000), so I replaced it with a (probably very) conservative estimate.

Some screenshots:

[remove dead links]

Nach: I have mixed feelings about this hack. On the one hand, the levels weren't that interesting and the new features makes the game seem too easy. On the other, it offers a lot of opportunity for entertaining action, and the hack itself is decent. In the end, I'm left asking myself what's better for the site, and I think a TAS for this hack that's well done is the way to go.
The play on this was quite good, with only one or two questionable moments. Feedback was good too. Weakly accepting this hack as a viable TASing candidate, and accepting this run as first run for this game. However, since I'm only weakly accepting this hack, it should be replaced with a better hack which sticks to the same general ballpark of altercations for this game. (RM4I is such a massive hack and pulls in things from so many other games, I consider it to be in a league of its own, and not just a Mega Man 4 hack.)
fsvgm777: Processing.

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Instead of being vitriolic, perhaps you could answer the questions here. 1) Was everything sped up in the hack overall? 2) How many places in the game absolutely require the Air Dash, as opposed to simply it being a more convenient answer to the problem? 2a)Can the game be completed without using the Air Dash even once? 2ab)If not, where is the Air Dash required for progress (screencap please) 3) Why this hack specifically? The reasons for the questions: 1) Watching the YT encode, it looked like everything was sped up, not just Rockman. 2) As I stated in my previous post, the stages do not appear to have taken the Air Dash into consideration when they were designed, which leads me to believe that the Air Dash was added late in "development". 3) This is the question everybody wants an answer to but is afraid to ask.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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Did a single person even watch the TAS or read any of the notes or anything? Vitriol versus stupidity is a pretty understandable thing. 1) Pretty much everything has been sped up yes, all the boring screen transitions, health refills etc. The wait time was reduced 2) Absolutely required? Very few, that said to traverse the places where airsliding was intended you'd need to basically make the game a lot harder doing dumb damageboosts, rush coil/jet abuse, balloon/wire use. I don't really see why the fixation on the fact that the airsliding exists being used as a qualifier for publication on a good quality TAS. It's a mechanic that differentiates it from the original and the already published RM4MI TAS. Airsliding in itself gives a lot of options which is a GOOD thing, makes it unique. Beyond that the airslides are also used to make movement faster. If people actually watch the TAS or read the notes they'll notice that Mega Man drops to the ground quite a bit after a very brief airslide, which gives small speedboosts that carry over since jumping and falling out of a slide doesn't reduce your speed. 3) Good music, good level design, good mechanics, good weapon changes, good robot master changes, good tricks etc. This hack is in my opinion as a realtime speedrunner who's dabbled in TASing, the most interesting romhack for speedrunning and this TAS plays it at an entertaining and superhuman level. It would be a pretty disgusting shame to see publication fall through due to tradition and rhetoric. Thanks
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A lot of the time the parts where it is designed for you to air slide is bypassed by using rush coil, rush jet, or balloons. Air Sliding is just one of Mega Man's new tools. Just like in Mega Man 3 you get Rush Marine, which is never used in a speedrun, because you can use Rush Jet instead. Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
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Garrison wrote:
Did a single person even watch the TAS or read any of the notes or anything? Vitriol versus stupidity is a pretty understandable thing.
Many of these things that you say are good changes are either nigh invisible in a TAS (robot master AI changes), are really trivial (weapon tweaks), or are very debatable as to making a TAS more entertaining. Not needing to go to the pause menu or stop to wait for meters to refill are quality of life changes for a regular player, but in a TAS, it removes the strategy, variety and planning needed, and replace it with simply manipulating constant weapon energy drops. And simply changing a core mechanic isn't a good enough reason in and of itself, especially when it only serves to make a game much easier. If the levels weren't designed for the air dash, then why is its inclusion a good thing? Or I guess you could keep calling everyone who disagrees or wants clarification stupid. That seems to be working well.
hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
I think all but one of those can be cleared with a basic dash jump, to say nothing of the other pre-existing mechanics that you mentioned yourself. The fifth one isn't even that. Just basic jumps.
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Tangent wrote:
hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
I think all but one of those can be cleared with a basic dash jump, to say nothing of the other pre-existing mechanics that you mentioned yourself. The fifth one isn't even that. Just basic jumps.
I am now convinced you've never even played a mega man game. Those jumps are completely impossible in any normal setting.
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Tangent wrote:
hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
I think all but one of those can be cleared with a basic dash jump, to say nothing of the other pre-existing mechanics that you mentioned yourself. The fifth one isn't even that. Just basic jumps.
Dash jumping (as mentioned in the notes) isn't even a mechanic in Mega Man 4...
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bittenfeld wrote:
Tangent wrote:
hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
I think all but one of those can be cleared with a basic dash jump, to say nothing of the other pre-existing mechanics that you mentioned yourself. The fifth one isn't even that. Just basic jumps.
I am now convinced you've never even played a mega man game. Those jumps are completely impossible in any normal setting.
Since you've gone ahead and changed the order and added more, I continue to stand by that statement, except now the blatantly easy jump is the sixth. You should remove that one from the gallery instead of reordering them. That'll get me!
Garrison wrote:
Tangent wrote:
hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
I think all but one of those can be cleared with a basic dash jump, to say nothing of the other pre-existing mechanics that you mentioned yourself. The fifth one isn't even that. Just basic jumps.
Dash jumping (as mentioned in the notes) isn't even a mechanic in Mega Man 4...
I'm aware of that. That has what to do with the air dash that I was talking about?
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Sorry I wan't trying to trick you or anything, I was adding to gallery when you first looked at it. I didn't expect you to look at it right after i posted it. The Sixth one, you can go underneath, but the option to go above is only available to with a air slide, because after the intial air slide you would have to 2 more air slides if you went the bottom route
Joined: 11/12/2013
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As someone who really has no interest in watching mega man series speedruns or TASes at all, this TAS was pretty dang cool and I hope it's accepted.
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In that imgur set, I counted exactly three spots where Air Sliding is possible and Rush Jet is not, necessitating it.
Garrison wrote:
Good music, good level design, good mechanics, good weapon changes, good robot master changes, good tricks etc.
R4MI also brings these to the table, and as it's considerably far more well known there would be no issue of whether or not it's worth publishing were no movie already published. Rockman no Constancy is in the same boat. This hack is not well known, in fact I had heard nothing of this nor the predecessor hacks for 3 and 5 until I saw this thread. As notability is one of the acceptance factors pertaining to hacks that doesn't apply to raw games, that needs to be taken into account, and it's going to be the saving grace when this one goes to judging as the Air Sliding does not look like it was deliberately designed for.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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hagspam wrote:
Sorry I wan't trying to trick you or anything, I was adding to gallery when you first looked at it. I didn't expect you to look at it right after i posted it. The Sixth one, you can go underneath, but the option to go above is only available to with a air slide, because after the intial air slide you would have to 2 more air slides if you went the bottom route
Sorry, my bad. Seventh. Specifically: But yes, the ability to cross a set of randomly plopped down spikes to forgo jumping up from a lower platform is not exactly convincing me either.
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I guess a good point then is why bother having a vault section of unwatchable garbage when actual good TASes get rejected because a small pocket of the vast internet community states opinions without having knowledge. Quality and entertainment should be higher ranking than notability that's viewed by a certain subset of people. Archaic rules and mentality continues to deny good work and entertaining videos while we have atari 2600 runs that no one other than the author watches (no offense to them or their work). You could also argue that dooming the hack to not be published is condemning it to more obscurity (which btw this hack isn't that obscure) if popularity is the only goal. I can tell you right now that in the speedrun community BCAS is way more popular and well known than Rockman No Constancy. Also the design of the stages is in no way more or less random than the design of any of the original games. This isn't a roguelike, the levels weren't thrown together by some rogue AI. Everything is placed in a way that gives you movement options. The author of the hack and the author of Burst Chaser is a japanese nico speedrunner and TASer as well, this game is much more thought out than people are implying. Once again, shows an extreme case of people not really knowing or caring to know what they're arguing about.
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I feel like I should chime in on the issue of air sliding. Having played the game (multiple times), there are quite a few places (some required, some alternate paths, some bonus E-tanks and extra lives) throughout the game where air sliding is, to me, the obviously intended solution. Picking apart the level design in the robot master stages in particular seems misguided at best. To suggest that air sliding wasn't the intended solution because you might happen to have rush jet (no, you don't start the game with rush jet; you could very well do all of the robot master stages before getting it and I'm sure Tsukikuro was aware of this) or because you could do a more difficult to execute, more precise slide jump just seems nonsensical. Harder/less obvious/more complex/possibly unavailable solutions don't invalidate the creator's intent and I feel like playing the game gives a much better idea of how the levels are designed than watching a fast-paced TAS. Having worked through the levels myself in both a casual setting and a TAS setting, suggesting that the levels were designed with no thought at all of air sliding or that all it does is serve to make the game easy is almost insulting to the creator in my eyes. Feel free to disagree. That's just my two cents on the matter.
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Garrison wrote:
I guess a good point then is why bother having a vault section of unwatchable garbage when actual good TASes get rejected because a small pocket of the vast internet community states opinions without having knowledge. Quality and entertainment should be higher ranking than notability that's viewed by a certain subset of people. Archaic rules and mentality continues to deny good work and entertaining videos while we have atari 2600 runs that no one other than the author watches (no offense to them or their work). You could also argue that dooming the hack to not be published is condemning it to more obscurity (which btw this hack isn't that obscure) if popularity is the only goal. I can tell you right now that in the speedrun community BCAS is way more popular and well known than Rockman No Constancy. Also the design of the stages is in no way more or less random than the design of any of the original games. This isn't a roguelike, the levels weren't thrown together by some rogue AI. Everything is placed in a way that gives you movement options. The author of the hack and the author of Burst Chaser is a japanese nico speedrunner and TASer as well, this game is much more thought out than people are implying. Once again, shows an extreme case of people not really knowing or caring to know what they're arguing about.
Except hacks are not as hard to make. A good hack is hard, but a simple hack where all that's changed ranges from the level a tiny bit to a sprite swap is quite easy with tools online. If you find the rules dated, how would you suggest what to do with hacks? Accept them all regardless of quality? Also, regarding "popularity", the echo chamber effect especially on online communities can potentially make a hack look more popular than it is for outsiders.
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jlun2 wrote:
Garrison wrote:
I guess a good point then is why bother having a vault section of unwatchable garbage when actual good TASes get rejected because a small pocket of the vast internet community states opinions without having knowledge. Quality and entertainment should be higher ranking than notability that's viewed by a certain subset of people. Archaic rules and mentality continues to deny good work and entertaining videos while we have atari 2600 runs that no one other than the author watches (no offense to them or their work). You could also argue that dooming the hack to not be published is condemning it to more obscurity (which btw this hack isn't that obscure) if popularity is the only goal. I can tell you right now that in the speedrun community BCAS is way more popular and well known than Rockman No Constancy. Also the design of the stages is in no way more or less random than the design of any of the original games. This isn't a roguelike, the levels weren't thrown together by some rogue AI. Everything is placed in a way that gives you movement options. The author of the hack and the author of Burst Chaser is a japanese nico speedrunner and TASer as well, this game is much more thought out than people are implying. Once again, shows an extreme case of people not really knowing or caring to know what they're arguing about.
Except hacks are not as hard to make. A good hack is hard, but a simple hack where all that's changed ranges from the level a tiny bit to a sprite swap is quite easy with tools online. If you find the rules dated, how would you suggest what to do with hacks? Accept them all regardless of quality? Also, regarding "popularity", the echo chamber effect especially on online communities can potentially make a hack look more popular than it is for outsiders.
Well things get tagged to be put in the vault right? Perhaps romhacks and fangames can be deserving of the same? Just an idea, seems pretty logical to have the website host entertaining videos if it's also going to host notably boring/bad videos as well. Also suggesting this is a "simple" hack over a "good" hack is pretty silly when so much work has been put into both this TAS and the realtime run, along with the author of the hack's work changing literally everything except the sprites and tilesets. There's clearly enough effort for all of those things being put in, so it's not exactly some random rockman tas in a series that probably has a hundred romhacks stretched across the first 6 games. It's being judged, so I'm done arguing, let the decisions be made in peace and harmony friends
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jlun2 wrote:
Garrison wrote:
I guess a good point then is why bother having a vault section of unwatchable garbage when actual good TASes get rejected because a small pocket of the vast internet community states opinions without having knowledge. Quality and entertainment should be higher ranking than notability that's viewed by a certain subset of people. Archaic rules and mentality continues to deny good work and entertaining videos while we have atari 2600 runs that no one other than the author watches (no offense to them or their work). You could also argue that dooming the hack to not be published is condemning it to more obscurity (which btw this hack isn't that obscure) if popularity is the only goal. I can tell you right now that in the speedrun community BCAS is way more popular and well known than Rockman No Constancy. Also the design of the stages is in no way more or less random than the design of any of the original games. This isn't a roguelike, the levels weren't thrown together by some rogue AI. Everything is placed in a way that gives you movement options. The author of the hack and the author of Burst Chaser is a japanese nico speedrunner and TASer as well, this game is much more thought out than people are implying. Once again, shows an extreme case of people not really knowing or caring to know what they're arguing about.
Except hacks are not as hard to make. A good hack is hard, but a simple hack where all that's changed ranges from the level a tiny bit to a sprite swap is quite easy with tools online. If you find the rules dated, how would you suggest what to do with hacks? Accept them all regardless of quality? Also, regarding "popularity", the echo chamber effect especially on online communities can potentially make a hack look more popular than it is for outsiders.
What happened to the Demonstrations category where any ROM hack or unlicensed game would go? Why is there a fixation on limiting the amount of videos stored? Is there a limit or something? Trust me, with the myriad of fighting game TASes, games being beaten in 30 seconds or games that are just absolutely terrible... I don't think it's a quality issue here. Actually the echo chamber effect rarely makes things more interesting. You should probably look into the term a bit more, considering there IS an echo chamber going on here, but it's not in favor of the hack... Is the ROM hack different enough from the main game? Is the ROM hack different enough from other ROM hacks of the same game? If either are "yes", why is there even an issue?
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Garrison, you keep bringing up that most of us haven't played the game and are condemning it because it's a hack that doesn't bring much to the table on the surface. That's because the people who have played this are in the minority. A significant minority. Most of us won't be exposed to the gameplay of this hack outside of encodes, which is true for almost all submissions to this site anyway. What makes Hacks different is because we would get swamped with bad hack submissions if we didn't have a Notability Rule, which would crowd out both good hack submissions as well as submissions for official games. Do I think this hack is publishable? Yes. Do I think it's publishable alongside R4MI and Rockman no Constancy? I don't know - I haven't played any of the three, and R4MI is the only one I've seen played outside of a TAS. I think that for most of the community, this will be the case, so arguing from the standpoint of someone who has a vested interest in seeing this hack published isn't going to do this game any favors. We need impartial voices voting on hacks, not just those few of us who want to see more movies of mods on the site. I'd love to see A Super Mario Thing on the site, but that's impossibru as ASMT uses ASM that breaks actual hardware, let alone decent emulators, and I doubt even a fifth of the TAS community has played it given - surprise - it's a niche hack. As for your concerns that this won't be published... worst case scenario, either flat rejection or gruefood delight. If it's rejected because of play issues, make your own and submit that. If it's rejected because of bad hack choice, petition to have it added to Gruefood Delight. I know I will; this is a blast to watch. Which brings me back to the poll results. Just looking at the Poll Results, this is getting a strong positive as far as entertainment. I myself voted yes as far as the run; my main concern is that the hack itself is suspect and that my yes vote will get vetoed by the judge when the time comes. It does not help that Air Sliding appears to have been a late addition to the hack.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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What makes Hacks different is because we would get swamped with bad hack submissions if we didn't have a Notability Rule, which would crowd out both good hack submissions as well as submissions for official games.
Or... you can just accept good hacks? The amount of fallacies and unmentioned arguments ussed here is amazing. Notable does not equate to good, not by a long shot.
I myself voted yes as far as the run; my main concern is that the hack itself is suspect and that my yes vote will get vetoed by the judge when the time comes.
So votes don't actually matter?
It does not help that Air Sliding appears to have been a late addition to the hack.
Because we don't have runs that prove Super Mario Bros. is beatable without running, or Mega Man X without dashing, nope...
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Dyshonest wrote:
What makes Hacks different is because we would get swamped with bad hack submissions if we didn't have a Notability Rule, which would crowd out both good hack submissions as well as submissions for official games.
Or... you can just accept good hacks? The amount of fallacies and unmentioned arguments used here is amazing. Notable does not equate to good, not by a long shot.
Allow me to link to the Movie Rules page, which flat out says that "it must be a high quality and notable hack or homebrew with a strong following." Why would this rule exist unless there was at least a correlation between notability and quality?
I myself voted yes as far as the run; my main concern is that the hack itself is suspect and that my yes vote will get vetoed by the judge when the time comes.
So votes don't actually matter?
One for the judges, that. My understanding was that the voting was primarily used to separate moons from vaults.
It does not help that Air Sliding appears to have been a late addition to the hack.
Because we don't have runs that prove Super Mario Bros. is beatable without running, or Mega Man X without dashing, nope...
Apples and oranges. This TAS extensively uses the Air Sliding mechanic, which as I've said in... basically every post I've made on this run does not appear to have been planned for in the design. This scenario is basically the exact opposite of the ones you cited.
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
This is convincing evidence. Yes vote.
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Oddity wrote:
hagspam wrote:
Here is an album of just a few places that air sliding is meant to/being used
This is convincing evidence. Yes vote.
Oh hey, the gallery's been edited yet again. ================ Instead of denigrating other games/runs, you'd be better off explaining what this TAS has that make it better than the previously rejected Burst Chaser TAS besides using a different game as a base and having air sliding. Do it using only things found in the TAS. Nothing ineffable. Not how much effort went into the hack. Not who the hack's author was. Not things in the hack that aren't present in the TAS. It's easy to spot the differences and how they change the whole games from the bottom up with the already published Megaman hacks (and pretty much all the hacks published so far). By trying to mimick the original game and be just like it, though, this ends up... showing the exact same things as the original, just on fastforward, plus an air dash.
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Why would this rule exist unless there was at least a correlation between notability and quality?
Except it doesn't imply anything. It asks for something to be famous and "high-quality". Quality and fame do not relate whatsoever. There's something to be said when there's less quality control on "official" games even though a great many of them are either boring, or absolutely horrid in quality.
One for the judges, that. My understanding was that the voting was primarily used to separate moons from vaults.
What good is our votes if the judge says the game doesn't deserve to go through? There's very little point to allow anyone to vote if one single decision renders it entirely pointless. A fake democracy does no one any good.
Apples and oranges. This TAS extensively uses the Air Sliding mechanic, which as I've said in... basically every post I've made on this run does not appear to have been planned for in the design. This scenario is basically the exact opposite of the ones you cited.
Except it isn't. Mega Man X can be beaten without dashing once. Therefore, dashing was obviously an afterthought. Super Mario Bros. can be beaten without running once. Therefore, running was obviously an afterthought. To my knowledge, neither one needs glitching, although I'm curious how 8-2 is possible in SMB1. I need to watch that run. Neither MMX or SMB are "designed" around any of the above features that are not necessary to complete the game. They make things easier, and in MMX's case, allow you to get optional power-ups, but are not necessary. People need to get over the whole ROM hack/unofficial game bias.
Instead of denigrating other games/runs, you'd be better off explaining what this TAS has that make it better than the previously rejected Burst Chaser TAS besides using a different game as a base and having air sliding.
My sides hurt here. "You do MY job of telling me WHY it's different. My bias goggles say they ARE NOT! I can see the original is poorly edited and I KNOW THIS ONE WOULD BE TOO!". It's like a cult you anti-ROM hack people are in. Nothing actually makes sense. It's not even you arguing a point. It's you having a hilariously phobic reaction.
Post subject: All aboard the trainwreck!
Expert player (2748)
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Dyshonest wrote:
Super Mario Bros. can be beaten without running once. Therefore, running was obviously an afterthought.
Warpless 4-3 WALKATHON 4-3 Warpless 8-1 (Followed by 8-2) WALKATHON 8-1 (Followed by 8-2)
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Or you can continue your bizarre paranoid persecution rantings. That's fine too.
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