Recorded on Snes9x Improvement v6
Sync-Settings: WIP1 Timing ON; Left+Right/Up+Down OFF; Volume Envelope Heigh Reading OFF; Fake Mute Desync Workaround ON; Sync Samples With Sound CPU ON;
  • aim for fastest possible time but with 100% of items, sidequests, formulas etc.
  • abuse programming errors (Atlas-glitch, Desert-glitch, Diamond Eyes-glich etc.)
  • manipulate luck extremely much (in boss fights or critical parts almost every frame)
  • use "Death" in order to activate the Atlas-glitch
  • Genre: RPG
  • Frames: 446767
The Game: Secret of Evermore is a very good RPG game of Squaresoft. It was completely made in USA and is the successor of Secret of Mana.
The Story: A teenager from "Podunk" and his dog leave the cinema, the dog saw a cat and run after her. The boy followed them and both ended in front of a old hidden lab in which something went terribly wrong 30 years ago. There they found a machine that accidentaly teleported them to a fantasy world "Evermore" (almost like in MATRIX) and now they are stuck and can't return anymore. In this world they met some more people who are also from Podunk (the real world) like the boy and learned more about Evermore. Now they have to help out and complete many interesting and dangerous quests in different time-areas (from Prehistoria over Antiqua till future space station) in order to get back to their world again.
Graphic/Sound: The graphics are very nice (one of the best on SNES) especially the trees you can see in the foreground in Prehistoria. The sound is also extremely good from the realistic dangerous jungle background-sound till the great Hall of Collosia, Queen Bluegarden and many more tracks.
Moviemaking: This is a 100% walkthrough which shows how to beat the entire game in sensational 2 hours and 4 min while collecting at least 1 of every possible item, geting all formulas and beating all possible sidequests and bosses. It also shows every secret you can find.
I started this project in March 6th, 2005 and it took me almost a half year to complete mostly because of the extremely optimizings. During the moviemaking I learned many usefull techniques from running even faster till some tricks to manipulate luck even better. The biggest problem I had was that I could control 2 characters and finding the fastest possible route by switching in the right times required extremely much testings (you can see it on the re-record count). At the beginning of the movie I didn't know some of this optimizing-tricks (like running) which would save some sec but after the beginning of the 2nd World (Antiqua) the movie is absolutely flawless.
A real pain was to manipulate luck in some parts like let the enemies move in the wanted direction to not block your path since you can't know imediately what to press and have to test every combination. Optimizing the boss fights was also very hard. I had to find the max. damage of each Hard Ball I casted on them before I had Atlas. But definitely the worst thing of all was the killing of the Sphere Bots in Omnitopia to open the hatches for the boy. I had to find the best damage, had to manipulate the CPU boy to move in the needed direction and the acting of the enemies, all 3 problems at the same time.
Also very important was the planning, calculating and testing before the final recordings. Without planning I never could reach this time.
And last but not least I had troubles with desyncs. It took me some time to understand on which point the movie desyncs most, sometimes I worked very hard for a part in order to find out that it desyncs in the playback later so I had to record this part again and that really pissed me off. Only way to avoid that was to playback the movie after every new screen and make a new savestate there to record from it later.
All in all this movie is inhumanly perfect optimized (mostly on luck manipulations) and I'm very satisfied with the result. It's a absolute must to see for people who know this game.
If you need some savestates at the beginning of each world download them on my site:
Enjoy the by far best optimized and longest worked out movie I ever did!
Oh and by the way: Are you interested in a secret scenario at the end? Then wait 2 min (with turbo faster of course) right after the "THE END" screen appears. You want more secrets? Then wait 30 more min! (yes indeed - 30 min) after the secret scenario. Still not enough? Then wait again 5 more min to see the last one!

Player (206)
Joined: 2/18/2005
Posts: 1451
Wow, what a clear and complete analyze. Thank you! Now some notes: You're right, not all glitches were used in the game, only the one which help me getting a faster time in any way in the end result.
Noblia: Reunite With Your Dog General Comments - What the Hell happened? One minute you're running through the desert. . .the next, you're in Noblia. Weird. . .
This is the Desert-Glitch. At this point the programmer have overlooked the mistake thats why I Warp to Nobilia. However it works only on the way up but not down.
- . . .what the Hell were you doing with that spider just outside of Noblia? No, seriously. I want to know what you spent, like, five minutes doing there. I don't get it, and it doesn't seem to be listed on this FAQ I have. It didn't look to me like you were levelling up anything, either. . .
This is the 99 Rice/Spice trick. I get this 2 trade goods absolutely for free by just waiting in this area so that I can sink in the sand to get them in the underground. Check this post for better explanation. The thing with the spider is just for show to make the waiting time not too boring.
- Lemme guess. You saved your game and died to. . .enable one of those perma-status dealies. It didn't seem to work, though. But I could be wrong.
This is required to activate the Atlas-Glitch. I knew that "Silver Sheath" is worthless like the Magic Gourd IF I buy it after Gothica at least.. 100% completion is the answer why I buy them anyway.
- Hey, look! It's Cecil Harvey! Or is it? He really doesn't look much like a Dark Knight or Paladin in this game. But if Square USA says it's Cecil, then by gum, it must be him. =P - Also, explain to me how Cecil could have possibly managed to have found a god damned Bazooka in "one of his travels". What? From Giott, maybe? I dunno. Additionally, if this world was made in the 1960s, how on Earth is Cecil there in the 1990s? Simple answer: Really bad writing and product placement.
Yes it's him. The bazooka he found in the jungle is no other than the one I used at the beginning of the game to kill the Red-Guards in Omnitopia. After the crash I lost it and he found it there later. Maybe he swam over the ocean to reach Gothica again, I don't know.
Boss: Mungola - Wow. He's hardly the creature that exibitionist described, huh?
- How the Hell'd your Windwaker get from one place to another without you moving it? Yeesh. Square USA really didn't think this through.
I don't really understand this one. Of course I moved it during the flight. Because I aimed for fastest possible landing I couldn't reach the exactly landing-point in this time but reaching the area where the CPU accepts the landing was enough. EDIT: Now I understand what you mean, they just forgot to programm a difference between both landing rooms in Prehistoria. Therefor I abused this error to get a faster route and save time.
Omnitopia: Find Dr. Sidney Ruffleberg General Comments - I hated this place. Omnitopia sucks. On the bright side, you seem to have found ways to zoom through it in record time. Groovy stuff. - Why on Earth did you leave the lights on in the Greenhouse? Just to show off? :x
Most importantly to save time. I had to take some items in the Storage room in "Area-D4" and if I would turn off the lights I couldn't open the pots. For turning the lights off after this room I had to return to "Area-D3" Again and that would lose much time. I'm anyway glad to pass the greenhous with lights ON to make a good show.
Mini-Boss: Guard Bots - Reading this guide, I see that this dude wrote "HP: Not much" for their HP. Heh. That's cool. Kind of irrelivant, though, considering you never fought them. Ah well.
This was not really a boss, because I could skip them legally by entering the pass-code in Control-room "D3". They have 500 HP by the way.
Omnitopia: The Final Battle General Comments - The end of the movie should always be when you can no longer press a button to make something happen. The final conversation with Dr. Ruffleburg has such events. Therefore, this movie is technically incomplete. . . But only technically. Mini-Boss: Mecha Raptors, Mecha Dusters, Death Spiders, Rimsalas, Bad Boys and Dark Toasters - Talk about cleaning house. . . Man, none of these guys stood for longer than a few seconds. Boss: Metal Magmar - Magmar stood, but only just. Then again, he had a ton of Hit Points. Final Boss: Carltron's Robot - For being the final boss, he sure wasn't that tough.
I already asked for the problem with the ending of the input. Cancelling the movie after this fight is good because of 2 reasons: 1. Much faster Recording-Input time 2. The last dialogs are readable on normal speed which is good for the story-understanding of the game. There is no input required after the last kill so its ok. Side note: Mecha Raptors: 4000 HP, Mecha Dusters: 600 HP, Rimsalas: 6000 HP, Death-Spiders 6000 HP and the by far strongest attack-power of all enemies except the "Flowering Deaths" in Greenhouse, Bad Boy: 700 HP (same as the boss in Dark Forest in Gothica), Dark Toaster: 10000 HP, Metal Magmar: 25000 HP, Carltrons Robot: 30000 HP. Thats all.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
Joined: 2/22/2005
Posts: 15
Location: Essex, UK
After the above posts this one will seem incredibly small. Anyway, if I could vote yes, I would. A great game completed with an equally great max completion speed run.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1311)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
Finally watched all of it, so I guess I'd better hurry up and vote yes... This was obviously very thorough and also had a lot more going on than I initially thought this game allowed for. The only part that wasn't really worth it was waiting 30+ emulated minutes after the movie ended for a few extra lines of text, although that was interesting to learn about. (BTW, there were so many secrets in this game that I wonder if any really are still undiscovered...)
Player (206)
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nitsuja wrote:
BTW, there were so many secrets in this game that I wonder if any really are still undiscovered...
A very good point. Yes, of course there are: Where to buy "Dry Ice"... Just check the first post of this topic for better explaining, its the reason I started it at all, before making this run. This is the only secret I never could find after searching for almost 9 years. I would appreciate it very much if someone could find the solution for it. A important note to Bisqwit: I suggest to cut this secret lines away at the end but to implent the secret scenario after waiting the first 2 min after "THE END" screen. My hint is: Let the "THE END" screen for about 20 sec or a full song loop stay, then just cut the rest of this 2 min waiting time away and make a short note like "2 min later..." to start the secret scenario then.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [396] SNES Secret of Evermore "100%" by Saturn in 2:04:06.12
Joined: 6/4/2005
Posts: 130
Location: Ontario, Canada
Not a bad speedrun at all. Very fun to watch. It was confusing sometimes just HOW you used both guys at once, but it was still very cool. After that I'd really like to see Secret of Mana done since they play very similarly. And that game can be played with 3 players. ;) So ok, who's Brian Fehdrau? And why is it his fault?
Joined: 1/23/2005
Posts: 22
Wow - Amazing movie. It's one of the few long movies I've been able to watch start to finish. You did a great job manipulating all the secrets and bugs in SoE. Watching this made me a bit nostalgic. Are there anymore of these quirky RPGs around? Seems like now, all the fun RPGs like SoE and Earthbound are replaced with forced humor and "cute funny."
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1311)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
Less Ashamed Of Self wrote:
After that I'd really like to see Secret of Mana done since they play very similarly. And that game can be played with 3 players.
Less Ashamed Of Self wrote:
So ok, who's Brian Fehdrau? And why is it his fault?
Wasn't it Bill's fault, whatever it was? Anyway, the only information I've been able to find on this is at
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Posts: 1451
Less Ashamed of Self wrote:
So ok, who's Brian Fehdrau? And why is it his fault?
It was Bills fault, not Brians. "Dolly Grip" seems to be ironic and the credit is just for fun I think. Fehdrau is a programmer of this game. interesting link of nitsuja BTW...
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
Player (206)
Joined: 2/18/2005
Posts: 1451
Some notes to DeHackEd and the AVI-File of this movie: The movie is 2:04:06 not 2:05:06 like written there. Guess you just have overlooked that but it doesn't matter that much. Also if you cut this 29 min waiting time before (which is a good thing to save file-size) why you haven't also cut the last 5 min which you have wait only to see the message: "Its Bills fault"? This way the movie has 5 worthless minutes black screen without any music and this is absolutely unnecessary and only makes the AVI File bigger and longer. The quality of the picture is nice though but the sound seems to be weird sometimes (if the dog sniffes or if the boy swings his weapons) however the music is OK so it's not that bad.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
Joined: 6/4/2005
Posts: 130
Location: Ontario, Canada
Saturn wrote:
The quality of the picture is nice though but the sound seems to be weird sometimes (if the dog sniffes or if the boy swings his weapons) however the music is OK so it's not that bad.
I watched it with the smv and I likely know the weird sound emulation you're talking about. It isn't really a big deal.
Joined: 1/14/2005
Posts: 216
Saturn wrote:
The movie is 2:04:06 not 2:05:06 like written there. Guess you just have overlooked that but it doesn't matter that much. Also if you cut this 29 min waiting time before (which is a good thing to save file-size) why you haven't also cut the last 5 min which you have wait only to see the message: "Its Bills fault"? This way the movie has 5 worthless minutes black screen without any music and this is absolutely unnecessary and only makes the AVI File bigger and longer.
Yeah but regarding the file size, you know that part probably compressed like gangbusters. And I think it's great, people could be able to tell you're German by just reading your posts like this one. =p
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
Player (206)
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Enhasa wrote:
And I think it's great, people could be able to tell you're German by just reading your posts like this one. =p
Why, is my English that bad?
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
Joined: 1/14/2005
Posts: 216
Saturn wrote:
Why, is my English that bad?
No, I was referring to your stereotypical German perfectionist attitude ("see my 100% perfect runs" etc). Not a bad thing! =p
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
A bit late but just on word or two. Just magnificient, really good job. SOE is one of my favourite videogames. Many reasons for this : because I bought this when the SNES began to deseapear because of the Playstation ; because my father bought me this game and it was very expensive... but I play all the time (until my SNES dies !!!) so I don't have any worries about this. Since I know a lot of this game, I was really amused by the way it took... I almost forgot the 8 by 1 formula tip... first boss goes very fast... and damned, the Atlus-glitch ! I remember, something like in 1999 I discovered the same with the defence, by chance too (get killed while this formula was on), and discovered that after I was nearly impossible to kill (all damage reduced to 1 or 0), but you can say I'm silly, I've never thought about using atlus ! So I did not understand why you killed yourself on the market, and then after, when you killed Spartak, whoo. OK, the games get easier, but some things that maybe viewers don't know, is that the dog is very heavy, very slow. For the people who don't know this game, just try to play once the dog, and you'll see that it's not piece of cake. So the thing that amazed me the most is the team work (using the dog to block an enemy that was hit, so that the player can hit again and again). And one more thing : I've never known the tip of the generators at the end, when you put the dog at the upper and right side of the last room... So to be short, I really liked this video. Maybe because SOE is one of my favourite game, but really impressed too.
Player (206)
Joined: 2/18/2005
Posts: 1451
Better late than never, thank you! Glad you like the movie.
Glutinus wrote:
So I did not understand why you killed yourself on the market, and then after, when you killed Spartak, whoo.
The killing myself is required to get the Atlas-Glitch to work because I had to restart the game and there is no way I can do it without dying.
Glutinus wrote:
So the thing that amazed me the most is the team work (using the dog to block an enemy that was hit, so that the player can hit again and again). And one more thing : I've never known the tip of the generators at the end, when you put the dog at the upper and right side of the last room...
The teamwork was one of the hardest things to optimize in this game because of the many different possibilities. And the trick with the generators was very useful (when you have Atlas-Power at least) as in my conditions it saves more than a minute compared to the normal method because the boy couldn't reach them himself to do heavy damage.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun