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Post subject: Re: A mouse aiming finetuning feature
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Bisqwit wrote:
The middle mouse button can be used for "kicking", but apparently it also invokes a "<load link from clipboard and load that page>" feature in Mozilla, effectively unloading the game.
The windows version of mozilla does not have this feature and there the middle button kick works just ok. (Aargh, windows-only features??? ;) )
Post subject: Re: A mouse aiming finetuning feature
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xebra wrote:
It would be convenient if when traversing a completely unobstructed rectangle he would minimize the number of turns, and make the straight approach to the target square in the target direction be as long as possible.
I assume this would only have aesthetic meaning because, as far as I know, turns do not have the 1-frame penalty when using the mouse...
Post subject: Re: A mouse aiming finetuning feature
Editor, Active player (297)
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xebra wrote:
PS - Did you do this to eliminate the pathing bug in your bot?
No. I did it just out of utter inspiration. > PPS - Please eliminate clicking in the middle of the square, just make it turn to the side we clicked closest to. Why? > PPPS - Are you sure you eliminated the delay? I've been trying unsuccesfully for 30 minutes now to shave > a frame off of 1-4, and I just keep getting 5:70 over and over again. In fact, I'm not sure. I merely made it turn to the desired direction when the traversal is over. > PPPPS - Can you eliminate the randomness from the mouse pathfinding algorithm? For example, after the first click on 1-4, > sometimes Peter will go LLD and sometimes he will go LDL. It would be convenient if when traversing a completely > unobstructed rectangle he would minimize the number of turns, and make the straight approach > to the target square in the target direction be as long as possible. (So in my example Peter would go LLD.) Why would I do that? As Warp pointed out, it has no effect to the time. I added it deliberately for fun. Edit: Oh, and I fixed the movie fast-forward key "F" which was broken since a while ago.
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Wanted: An animated GIF (four of them for four directions) for the kicking action. It should be at least 0.5 seconds long (with the kick execution timed into the 0.5 seconds position), and provide some visual clue to when the kick is over. The animation must not loop. It can be 4-20 frames long, and it should fit into the same graphical style as the existing animation frames in Peterbox. Here are some reference pictures: Peter standing still towards the four directions: http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/91.png http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/88.png http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/3.png http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/0.png Peter pushing a box towards four directions: http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/8.gif http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/14.gif http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/96.gif http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jsgames/peterbox/player/102.gif For backwards compatibillity, it should be designed in 16x16 size and scaled to 32x32 without antialiasing, and of course it should use the same colour palette etc.
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12-5 is mine! Muahahaha! Edit: The stats page for level 12-5 is bugged. After completing the level, it says "Completed 1-0" at the top, the time displayed is -1:0-1.6096" and Seconds/box is "-Infinity". However, the actual score is saved in some cache somewhere or something, because if I go to the same page through the "records" menu, the stats are displayed correctly and I can save the movie. Edit: Actually, I have no idea if this only affects this level. I just mentioned the level number because it's the last level and maybe nobody has beaten it before...
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Blublu wrote:
12-5 is mine! Muahahaha!
That's a really evil map :o Hehe, there's a blunder in your movie.
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My movie is very far from perfect and there are countless delays and small mistakes. I will improve it later...
Post subject: Re: A mouse aiming finetuning feature
Joined: 5/3/2004
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Bisqwit wrote:
> PPPPS - Can you eliminate the randomness from the mouse pathfinding algorithm? For example, after the first click on 1-4, > sometimes Peter will go LLD and sometimes he will go LDL. It would be convenient if when traversing a completely > unobstructed rectangle he would minimize the number of turns, and make the straight approach > to the target square in the target direction be as long as possible. (So in my example Peter would go LLD.) Why would I do that? As Warp pointed out, it has no effect to the time. I added it deliberately for fun.
Well, if you had eliminated the 1-frame turning delay (which I don't think you did, so it doesn't really matter at this point), then on 1-4, you could go LDL and end up facing the right direction, but you'd have only 0.033 seconds in which you could press D without experiencing delay. If you do LLD, then you have 0.2 seconds in which you can press D without experiencing delay. Do you see what I mean when I say "make the approach in the direction you want to be going as long as possible" ?
Post subject: Re: A mouse aiming finetuning feature
Editor, Active player (297)
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xebra wrote:
you could go LDL and end up facing the right direction, but you'd have only 0.033 seconds in which you could press D without experiencing delay. If you do LLD, then you have 0.2 seconds in which you can press D without experiencing delay.
With the change I did, instead of never getting that chance, you actually might get that chance occassionally.
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Blublu wrote:
Edit: Actually, I have no idea if this only affects this level. I just mentioned the level number because it's the last level and maybe nobody has beaten it before...
Don't provoke me... ;)
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There are currently 22 "unbeaten" levels, so it isn't really anything special... You can't beat level 5-1. Nyahh nyahh...! (how's that for a provocation?)
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Blublu wrote:
There are currently 22 "unbeaten" levels, so it isn't really anything special...
Now 21 ;) , just figured out how to solve level 11-2 BTW, how many level has everyone beat? I have from 1-1 to 4-5, 7-1 to 7-3, 8-1, 11-1, 11-2, 11-4, 11-5 & 12-4 (29 levels passed)
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I had beaten all levels with record movie expect 5, and one additional (8-3) where the record didn't register during the "you walked diagonally" time. And then my cookie got lost. :( As for 5-1: I spent an hour or so on it and couldn't even get an idea how to solve it. Will be very funny to see the solution. EDIT (3am CET): You want 5-1, you get 5-1. Bisqwit you might want to know that your cookie exceeds the 4k limit by far. Firefox starts to choke on it after 8k as far as I tested... Also I found a bug with recording: If you finish a level by kicking a box, and then left click far from your position the game will record the path to that location. If this path exceeds the completion of the game the movie will not be accepted because it's longer than the completion time it's submitted for. Proposed solution:
function movie_add(evtype, param)
{if(movie_mode == movie_mode_create)
level_movie.push({t:level_stats.timer, y:evtype, p:param})
function movie_add(evtype, param)
{if(movie_mode == movie_mode_create && !check_level_completed())
level_movie.push({t:level_stats.timer, y:evtype, p:param})
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Argg, I just pwned level 2-2, but when I was about to send my name, the page just refreshed & then I lost the chance to register :( (Which BTW, I think I perfected the pattern & can't improve it more :() BTW, I think there's a glitch with the Blunder repetition. When you screw it up by kicking a block into the wall & can't get it out, the blunder repetition won't appear there but after you push ANY block. I know it's kind of dumb as why would you keep playing if you blunder, but I think this should be fixed...
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samurai goroh wrote:
Argg, I just pwned level 2-2, but when I was about to send my name, the page just refreshed & then I lost the chance to register :( (Which BTW, I think I perfected the pattern & can't improve it more :() BTW, I think there's a glitch with the Blunder repetition. When you screw it up by kicking a block into the wall & can't get it out, the blunder repetition won't appear there but after you push ANY block. I know it's kind of dumb as why would you keep playing if you blunder, but I think this should be fixed...
Well it makes sense... Bisqwit already said Blunder repetition is disabled for kicks due to the difficulty of displaying it, but the blunder remains, and the next push will detect it.
Post subject: Re: A mouse aiming finetuning feature
Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 1203
Bisqwit wrote:
xebra wrote:
you could go LDL and end up facing the right direction, but you'd have only 0.033 seconds in which you could press D without experiencing delay. If you do LLD, then you have 0.2 seconds in which you can press D without experiencing delay.
With the change I did, instead of never getting that chance, you actually might get that chance occassionally.
Your response makes absolutely no sense. The point of my complaint is that you should maximize the length of time you spend walking in the appropriate direction, so that you have more than a single frame with which to initiate the push without delay. This is not always possible, but when it is the approach should be done correctly. Additionally, since it appears you don't recover the single frame lost in the LDL case, you never get that "chance" of which I think you are speaking.
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PS - Goroh, don't fret, your path is not optimal. PPS - You didn't modify my path on 2-3 at all. Considering the level isn't at the stage where we are competing for frames, I shall henceforth call you Samurai Phil. PPPS - And yes, I did modify your path on 2-2.
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> samurai goroh Why did the page refresh suddenly? I haven't put there anything that should cause an auto refresh. Regarding the blunder repetition, Gorash answered your question. Congratulations for being the first person to solve 11-2! I tried it a few times but I always ended up forming a 3x3 cube of goals in the bottom right corner of the goal area that could not be filled. > Gorash Congratulations for being the first person to solve 5-1! Also thank you for reporting on the cookie size problem. I'll see what I can do. Also thank you for the suggestion regarding the movie_add() function. I might implement it as you suggested. EDIT: I compressed the cookies a little. > xebra No, it does make sense. When you want an LLD, and the game gives sometimes LDL and sometimes LLD, you now have a 50% chance of getting that LLD you wanted for. With the non-random code, it's possible that there's a 0% chance of you getting a LLD in that situation. > Warp Thank you for pointing out that the middle-click kick mechanism was broken. It allowed starting a kick during walking, which was then rejected by the server. I have fixed this feature now. However, due to the nature of the fix, the middle-click kick is now slightly less useful than the normal method of kick, because you need to hit the exactly right time frame...
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No, it does make sense. When you want an LLD, and the game gives sometimes LDL and sometimes LLD, you now have a 50% chance of getting that LLD you wanted for. With the non-random code, it's possible that there's a 0% chance of you getting a LLD in that situation.
It's also possible to get it right 100% of the time if you would just code it thusly. I don't understand why you have the desire to needlessly add an element of pure chance to a skill based game ...
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xebra wrote:
I don't understand why you have the desire to needlessly add an element of pure chance to a skill based game ...
That's a good point, one which I previously held in value as well. I forgot that point when I noticed that all routes the algorithm comes up with are of same lengths, after the facings are made zero-cost. I may now change it again.
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And nailed rest of world 5. 5-5 is a funny one. It's the same theme as the other 5-x levels, but with some nasty corridors in it.
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xebra wrote:
PS - Goroh, don't fret, your path is not optimal. PPS - You didn't modify my path on 2-3 at all. Considering the level isn't at the stage where we are competing for frames, I shall henceforth call you Samurai Phil. PPPS - And yes, I did modify your path on 2-2.
Hope that you didn't mastered it, as I discover that path (You just played it 0.09 secs faster :( ). Oh well, as least I did the same to you on the next level :P
Gorash wrote:
And nailed rest of world 5. 5-5 is a funny one. It's the same theme as the other 5-x levels, but with some nasty corridors in it.
& I got the remaining 7-x levels & taking your record as well :P . Also I'll try to take back the level 7-1 as I beat it 1st... Now, only there are 16 levels remaining empty :)
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samurai goroh wrote:
taking your record as well :P .
Just saw it... bad Samurai. Well as you probably saw it was a first time completion anyway. Nothing to hold a record on, just like 10-1 which I finished a minute ago and which I don't intend to hold the record on... it's a boring level. ;) 1 down, 15 to go
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Gorash wrote:
samurai goroh wrote:
taking your record as well :P .
Just saw it... bad Samurai. Well as you probably saw it was a first time completion anyway. Nothing to hold a record on, just like 10-1 which I finished a minute ago and which I don't intend to hold the record on... it's a boring level. ;) 1 down, 15 to go
Hehe, the current record also was from my 1st time beat, also I didn't used the mouse (because of the pushing air & walking diagonally junk), so I bet I can take about 30 secs if I don't get those messages ;) Also, I wonder how much will it take us to get all the levels & then to Bisqbot to find the optimal path (If that get to happens...)
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At this rate? I'd say 'till end of next week all levels are solved. Warp: 5-1 stays mine, solve your own levels ;) I have to thank you for the inspiration in the upper left though, that cuts at least 20 moves from my previous path. And I finally found 8-3 again. EDIT: Warp, it says 6-1 is possible sub 3min. I've sponsored the route, now's your turn :) EDIT: solved 10-2 - 12 unsolved left
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