so this is interesting. if the table is hard to read, i'll explain.
I have ran the game with
Backgrounds ON and Music ON (TASv1)
Backgrounds OFF and Music OFF (TASv2)
Backgrounds OFF and Music ON (Test1)
Backgrounds ON and Music OFF (Test2)
I found an interesting result.
Using the options menu takes ~360 frames.
The Intro for the Level number always takes the same number of frames (bkgd/music doesnt matter) [3 frames different is optimization]
The 'Loading Time' for the Level is 97frames for Bkgd OFF/Music OFF and Bkgd ON/Music OFF, and 182 Frames for Bkgd ON/Music ON and Bkgd OFF/Music ON,
-so music OFF is a faster loading time, backgrounds have no effect.
Level 1-1 is played at ~1122 +/- 2 frames regardless of bkgd/music
The 1-2 Loading time is 577 Music ON vs 502 Music OFF, again bkgds make no difference.
Level 1-2 playtime is ~913 +/- 1 frame, regardless of bkgd/music.
The 1-3 Loading time is 580 Music ON vs 512 Music OFF, again bkgds make no difference.
In conclusion, the backgrounds have no effect on the time difference of the game, the Music does. Has anyone seen this before, because this doesn't seem to make sense, but that's what the numbers show.