In the Super Story Mode for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure on the Playstation, you come to a point when the user of the Osiris stand asks you to pick which piece of meat his cat will pick up first. The vast majority of the time, you pick the wrong meat because, duh, it's his cat. BUT! There's a very small chance the cat will be a cat and grab the piece of meat you picked first. (I know this because I've seen it on console.) In that case, you win and move on to the next Stand User. And if you lose, you have to move on to another rigged game (which I'm not even sure IS winnable) and then you have to play video poker and in a RTA this can easily stretch out to the better part of half an hour.
The dream is of course to be able to skip all that at will in a RTA. As it is, I'd kind of like to be able to put together at least a Vault-level Any% TAS of Jojo's Super Story Mode that skips all the gambling with D'Arby. (Getting all the Secret Factors would involve playing poker and making a Bluff move that shows up when it bloody well feels like it). Thing is, I barely know where to start.
Here's a save state: I'm using the USA version on psxjin 2.0.2