I am using Windows 7 Starter Edition on a Toshiba Netbook, Model NB505
While in windowed mode, I attempted to resize the window by dragging the borders while in game. Once I let go of the mouse button, a black border appears on the left side of the window, covering up the game. The border also doesn't appear to go away when I go fullscreen.

This border shouldn't be there. The game still appears to be stretched to fit the parameters of the window, and it still runs normally.
For games on which this happens, the emulator seems to be permanently affected by the border. Replacing the rom, deleting the sav file, and even installing a fresh version of the emulator doesn't seem to have any affect of solving the border issue.
The border is many an aesthetic issue for me because it appears that the display is offset a couple pixels to the right when it actually isn't.
Any suggestions? Also, I'm not familiar with emulator terminology, so please educate me on what this issue might actually be.