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I hadn't watched the movie at Vortiginous, so I guess there aren't any true speedruns out there that I know of. I say go for it!
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I have many speed runs that are glitchless.. Im working on my Twin Gallaxies run as of right now(when i find a good controller :) ). My best attempt so far posted is the first 6 robot masters done in 15 min and 30 sec, and a full run done in 27 min(not posted). I still need a lot of practise to get it down to less then 25 minutes, mostly on the last wily stage.
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vatchern, do you use any rerecords or anything like that?
i used to do drugs i still do, but i used to, too
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He said he is making a speed run for Twin Galaxies. That means no emulator, no slowdown, no rerecords, probably no macros or turbos, etc etc.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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rawk! do it to it man!
i used to do drugs i still do, but i used to, too
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heh.. hard to get a perfect run though. With randomness is the robot movine guys from wall to wall in the vutman stage, and the final jumping guy in the gutsman/cutman stage. that slows me down if it dont turn out right. Also, the electric shot is anoither problem. the best useage of it is on the wily 1 and 2 boss. Also, helps to kill things in wily 4. AND you still need enough left to kill iceman. Useing all that, its hard to limit it down. I try by using fire on wily 2 boss, but then that gets messed up.
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I think i may have done the trick that angerfist described a few days ago. but yet i was just playing around as well.. :(.
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Good to hear that somebody has confirmed my so called "discovery/trick" though it seems it will never be officially known....
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Bombman level has now been played through. New statistics and files available at:
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Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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I'm pleased that you like it :) I'm now continuing with the Gutsman stage.
Experienced player (760)
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This run is very precisely played up to this point. Of course we would expect nothing less from the one who writes the rules here ;)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Post subject: Re: Update
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Bisqwit wrote:
Bombman level has now been played through. New statistics and files available at:
I liked the way you beat Bomb Man with only the fire shield rather than the actual fireball. Nice work so far. I also hadn't seen the Fire Man battle yet, which is also really neat because of how you don't just stand at the initial position, like in most other boss battles.
Post subject: Update: Gutsman completed
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The Gutsman stage is now completed. Next up: Cutman. Status: 31 seconds ahead the previous movie. If ignoring the improvements done in all levels with new learned tricks, 7 seconds of this improvement was caused by the route change (Elecman before Gutsman). Because of the route change, I lost 21 seconds in Elecman boss, but won 26 seconds in the Gutsman level and won 2.5 seconds in Gutsman boss. Ignoring the effects of the route change, I have improved all levels so far by 24 seconds in total with new tricks. I'm amazed. WIP file updated. Link is at Note: One who has seen the plan image may notice I did quite differently than I planned. First of all, the zipping in the level beginning was omitted because it only saved 20 frames (due to heavy lag) and it costs 3 beams.(*) In the end, it ended up costing more than it saved. At the axe guy, I stop and wait, because the magnet beam has to die before I can switch weapons. At Gutsman's outer door, I place a magnet beam. It is on right height, but the shutter is too close for the zipping to happen (I could only zip to the left). So in other words, it may look like a mistake because nothing happens, but I had one excess beam and that's the best use I could think for it. The axe guys' graphics are glitches because I zipped over the event that should have given them the proper graphics. *) It costs 4 beams actually, but if I don't use them, the lifts will be so positioned that I will have to use one extra beam in the lift scene in order to do the zipping after the lifts. Therefore the difference is actually 3.
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Holy crap...
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Oh, that Megaman 1 sure is buggy! :D But couldn't you use the pause trik to kill Elecman just like the first boss is killed in the published movies? Isn't that fast enough or what?
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Well, all the pause trick does is let the invulnerability time run out without letting anybody move. This is helpful for the Master Weapons that don't get absorbed by the enemy when they hit, but for the regular shot, not so much.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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The Cutman stage is now completed. Next up: Wily1. I also improved the Bombman stage by 20 frames. Status: 38.7 seconds ahead the previous movie. I gained 336 frames in the Cutman level. 1.5 seconds of this ~39 seconds comes from getting 50000 points from each boss instead of the 70000..80000 that was in previous movie. WIP file has been updated. (See previous posts for link.) However, I can't take credit for coming up with strategy of playing in Cutman stage. This strategy was first created and demonstrated by Morimoto (you haven't seen it), and I completely copied his choices in this stage. I did try something new (using up+down in room #6 (the fifth only-vertically-scrolling-room in that stage)), but it didn't work in the way I hoped. I thank Finalfighter for showing me Morimoto's idea of playing this stage. The hardest part of this stage was to luck-manipulate two weapon refills in row. It had me stuck for 1 day, and it would have had me stuck for at least a week if I didn't get a certain inspiration earlier today. Now, Wily1 is going to need some serious planning. :)
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Do you think you'll need help?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Do you think you'll need help?
Resource management is going to be the biggest problem in the Wily levels. There are plenty of places to abuse the Magnet Beam in, but there's only so much juice in that tool. I intend to create a map and scribble some notes on it as I did in the Bombman stage, and if people have ideas, they are of course welcome to say so :)
Ambassador, Experienced player (707)
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Was it really necessary to map out the ending as well?? ;)
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Hey. I've been away for the weekend, so I've only seen the current run up to the end of bombman level. One thing I noticed was that you used a magnet beam in the "the room which has absolutely no use for the magnet beam". This had me very surprised. Anyway, I noticed that you ended the level with one magnet ammo extra. At first I thought about using this to fall faster after the door, but then I remembered that you incorporated the weapon switch with taking a hit just in front of the door, so that wouldn't work. But, how about using it in the other vertical screen, the one with bombs flying in from the right? There's an identical gap in the platforms there. I'm very excited you started up this one again. :)
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Truncated wrote:
Anyway, I noticed that you ended the level with one magnet ammo extra. At first I thought about using this to fall faster after the door, but then I remembered that you incorporated the weapon switch with taking a hit just in front of the door, so that wouldn't work. But, how about using it in the other vertical screen, the one with bombs flying in from the right? There's an identical gap in the platforms there.
Yeah, I actually used it there in an updated version. It, and other changes I did made the level 20 frames faster. Also the Gutsman level has now been improved by 48 frames since the latest WIP. However, it caused a desync in the Cutman stage, and I've came up with another way to improve the Gutsman stage, so interesting things will happen. > I'm very excited you started up this one again. :) Me too. :)
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New WIP is available. News: - Besides the previously mentioned (but not published) 48 frame improvement of the Gutsman stage [1], the Gutsman stage was again improved by 28 frames [3]. It's therefore 76 frames faster than in the previously published WIP. - Both of the edits to the Gutsman stage made the Cutman stage desync. I had to replay most of it. Fortunately, because the Cutman stage is now 18 frames faster than it was before [2]! - And of course, there was the 20-frame improvement edit to the Bombman stage. This movie is now 40.3 seconds ahead the published v4 movie. Re-record count: 56383 Topic: Luck-manipulation is a skill. Or it's luck. Or it's both. I feel like I got better at it, and I can't explain how. [1] For the 48 frame improvement in the Gutsman stage, I thank Ryan Ferneau for an idea he unknowingly gave to me. [2] The route of the Cutman stage is still identical to Morimoto's route I mentioned earlier in this thread. However, I improved my luck and precision. [3] The 28-frame improvement in the Gutsman stage is an application of Spider-Waffle's idea earlier in this thread. Because of this, the axe-throwing guys are even worse glitched than they were before. EDIT: There is a desync if you try to play this movie with USA Mega Man ROM. Use the Japanese ROM :-/
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Hooray, we get to see the title screen with the flashing picture of MegaRockMan
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude