Sorry for the double post. I feel like this had to be said.
So far, progress on the TAS mod hasn't really gone anywhere. The person who offered to make the mod only really worked on a timer and started on either frame advance or recording. He's called on someone else to help with implementing savestates, but I have no idea what's going on at this point.
Someone else has offered to make the mod. From here, I don't know what else is going to happen. I think we might team up with the other dev to get more work done, but I honestly don't know.
I just felt this had to be said so there's at least some kind of update.
EDIT: This is the idea we're going for. An editable timeline with bookmarks and stuff:
EDIT2: We've decided to not go with the timeline idea because it was getting complicated to code, so we're going to make it similar to how most emulators do it. Without the timeline and with recording, savestates, and playback.