I'm looking to switch who I use, so I'd like some recommendations from you guys because you're less likely to be paid off :)
I used mozy in the past but when it came time to get my files, it took ~2 weeks. The service seems fine but their client is miserable. It uses tons of CPU to backup and restoration of files is a joke.
I currently use sugarsync, but since I have to use OSX now for work, it's constantly getting it's upload queue stuck. I like that it has android/ios automatic photo backups and stuff, but my only concern are my real files. There's multiple support cases that are years old with them so I doubt it's getting fixed.
dropbox is not an option as I need files in arbitrary locations to be backed up.
Anyone tried BackBlaze or Carbonite?
OK, so I've used the trials of many softwares to see what best suites my needs and here we go:
Backblaze seems really nice. The client doesn't use many resources while it's doing it's thing, has a Mac/Windows client, except some deal breakers.
It's an exclusion based backup. Which this likely works for most people who don't understand file systems, I don't want to backup everything and exclude specifics. I want the vice versa.
It also did not support multiple computers properly. Because of my job, I full-time use multiple laptops and multiple VMs.
Carbonite has a nice client, minimal resource usage, etc. Except same issue with multiple computers.
Cyphertite seemed really nice, but no mac client = me not a customer.
This brings us to our winner. SafeSync. It pains me to say it, but a product made by TrendMicro has easily beaten the competition, hands down. It's the most expensive (well, not considering almost all others need you to have an account per computer), but it hands down meets my criteria.
The web interface is a Java applet crapfest, but it works. The local software seems to work decently well, too. I was able to grab a 20mb directory that was stuffed full of files pretty easily.
You can select which local directories to back up, and which remote directories to pull back down, and to where. So it can double as a syncing tool like dropbox. It does not appear to support versioning, sadly.
SugarSync after a week gave me some shaddy build of their client to resolve my issue, but it renamed and spammed copies of a crapton of my files. Needless to say, when your source code directory has 27,979 files in 4,427 folders, that's a super shitty thing. It's been 4 days and their customer support hasn't responded about that issue. Their software worked great on Windows but their Mac client is dangerously buggy.
Edit: Arg. There's too many annoyances with SafeSync. It smells too heavily of poorly done corporate-ware, even though it does have the feature set I want. I'm just going to move everything I want to sync/backup to \dropbox\
Duderson wrote: