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Slowking wrote:
So this falls in the category of don't know if it's a bug or if I'm stupid: Bizhawk 1.5.2 in RAM watch, if I freeze the health in MM J 1.1 it changes the value. I uploaded the .wch here:!iYRGSSbR!ZFBaIzw0aIUKsJkwh1rJpQlXymJ6bkp6Bef3J-419sM Also for some reason Bizhawk doesn't seem to want to use all of my CPU when I uncheck clock throttle, which means I only get ~75 fps in clock town. Of course I don't expect multi core, but even Core 0 only gets up to ~75% as seen here: What could be the limiting factor there? I'll probably drop by IRC in the next few days... have to set up a client again and all that stuff.
Does the "Menu | Config | Speed/Skip" menu look like this?
  Clock Throttle
  Audio Throttle
  VSync Throttle
  VSync Enabled
√ Auto-minimize skipping    (disabled)
√ 0 (never skip)
  Speed 50%
√ Speed 100%
  Speed 150%
  Speed 200%
You could also try assigning the program to only one (or two) cores.
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adelikat wrote:
Also, you can get more fps using more cores, CPU is by nature a non-threaded task, the client can run on a separate thread but is minimal in cpu usage. In the case of N64, it is your GFX card that matters most since it uses opengl for 3D rendering. I bought be decent card recently rather than relying on my onboard one. I went from 60sih fps for N64 to about 400 at high resolutions
Hmm okay that is a new one. With Jabo 1.6 CPU was always the limiting factor. Weird thing is: wether I use the Intel Sandy Bridge (relatively crappy) or the Nvidea GT630M (not great but should be a lot better than the Intel) makes no difference. Both give me 75fps. Or are the graphic processes somehow "outsourced"? I have to tell the Nvidia control panel for what .exe the Nvidia graphics card should be used. Pointing it at the bizhawk exe makes no difference.
creaothceann wrote:
Does the "Menu | Config | Speed/Skip" menu look like this?
No, the checkmark is on 4. I would guess that it's actually the graphics card thing. Edit: Btw. if I have ramwatch on, the framerate falls further, by quite a bit? That isn't consistent with the graphics card being the problem, is it?
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Honestly, that stuff is outside my expertise. I just know I get blazing fps after buying a card. EDIT: Yes, tool dialogs that need to draw slow things down and are GFX card irrelevant. The only thing that the GFX helps with is the N64 core specifically, nothing else. Everything else is CPU dependent. For Ram Watch you can select Options -> draw on screen and then close it. Also, I recommend File -> Recent -> autoload in combination with that.
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adelikat wrote:
Yes, tool dialogs that need to draw slow things down and are GFX card irrelevant. The only thing that the GFX helps with is the N64 core specifically, nothing else. Everything else is CPU dependent. For Ram Watch you can select Options -> draw on screen and then close it. Also, I recommend File -> Recent -> autoload in combination with that.
Weird thing is, when RAM watch is open, the fps will slow down to about 50, but the CPU usage goes down, too. Is that normal behaviour? It's probably unrelated to the normal slowness anyway. You were right, the graphics card is the bottleneck. With a little bit of fiddeling* I got it up to ~95fps. Still seems weirdly slow. That card can do Bioshock Infinite on High without a problem and has problems with 640x480 N64. shrug Guess I'll have to live with the fact that my graphics card and Glide don't like each other. * I turned threaded-optimisation off, since it slows things down for quite a while after the game is started. If it's on, the effects wear off after a while, but it doesnt seem to do anything good, so it's better off. Also I switched the card from adaptive power-mode to maximum power-mode. Seems like it doesn't adapt fully when it comes to bizhawk (this is mainly where I got the 20 extra fps from) Anywho, thanks for the help. Edit: Also Rice is quite a bit faster at about 130 fps. Sad that it has a quadrillion errors while rendering MM. Edit: That gitch(?) where values change when you freeze them happened again. Seems to happen with 2-byte values, not 1-byte values, 4-byte values untestet. Doesn't seem to matter if hex or decimal. Edit: Just happened with a 1-byte value in the hex-editor. The previous occurences with the 2-byte values were in the ram watch window. Edit: When you go to poke a value, the "pretyped" value is also often a lot higher higher than the current value. Ofcourse with poking that isn't a big problem, since you can manually change it.
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Regarding speed and N64 emulating, our setup is quite nasty: N64 is rendered in an opengl context, and then the complete framebuffer is grabbed to cpu ram, then uploaded to texture in a d3d context, and displayed on screen. I bet some setups like this less than others, hence the speed issues.
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Hey, there are a few little things that I feel could be improved for TASing OoT, the first is that you are required to use the 3 input frames in this game to do some tricks, so maybe you could make it so you can set how many frames the inputs stay for? And secondly it's just a little change but it would be nice if you could make it so that when you press a direction on the stick it resets back to the neutral position afterwards. For example if I want to select the A button for 3 frames and then want to quickly cancel by tapping the a button on my keyboard. Sorry if this seems a little rushed i'm really tired x.x Thanks!
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Paper Mario is still flickering in 1.5.3 :(
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So I think the cheat system / ram watch is still not fixed and might be even worse than before. When I try to poke "Timer (trade, escape)" (.wch) I get this:
Informationen über das Aufrufen von JIT-Debuggen
anstelle dieses Dialogfelds finden Sie am Ende dieser Meldung.

************** Ausnahmetext **************
System.FormatException: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format.
   bei System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   bei System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   bei BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.WatchValueBox.ToRawInt()
   bei BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.WatchValueBox.set_Type(DisplayType value)
   bei BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.RamPoke.RamPoke_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Geladene Assemblys **************
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.34003 built by: FX45W81RTMGDR.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/EmuHawk.exe.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.34003 built by: FX45W81RTMGDR.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/BizHawk.Client.Common.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/BizHawk.Emulation.Common.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/BizHawk.Common.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll.
    Win32-Version: .
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/SlimDX.dll.
    Win32-Version: 12.0.20806.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/Newtonsoft.Json.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_de_b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.resources.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll.
    CodeBase: file:///D:/Programme/bizhawk%20153/dll/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll.
    Win32-Version: 4.0.30319.33440 built by: FX45W81RTMREL.
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/mscorlib.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_de_b77a5c561934e089/mscorlib.resources.dll.

************** JIT-Debuggen **************
Um das JIT-Debuggen (Just-In-Time) zu aktivieren, muss in der
Konfigurationsdatei der Anwendung oder des Computers
(machine.config) der jitDebugging-Wert im Abschnitt festgelegt werden.
Die Anwendung muss mit aktiviertem Debuggen kompiliert werden.

Zum Beispiel:


Wenn das JIT-Debuggen aktiviert ist, werden alle nicht behandelten
Ausnahmen an den JIT-Debugger gesendet, der auf dem
Computer registriert ist, und nicht in diesem Dialogfeld behandelt.
Then it pokes it with some weird negative number. Also I can't freeze it. Both worked perfectly in 1.5.3 for this particular item. Although I will confess that I loaded a savestate from 1.5.2 beforehand, I don't think that should be a problem, but I will investigate further. Edit: I can't really test it because to get to the point where I'd get a trade timer, I'd have to either TAS a lot or use cheats and I still can't figure out what .cht format Bizhawk wants. I tried to feed it the .cht of mupenplus and the one of PJ64 2.1. Both do nothing, the list just stays blank. Any hints on how to get cheats in there?
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I'm trying to run Capcom Generation 2 (Saturn) on BizHawk but I only get a black screen after the intro. Take a look at this video: what should I do? I wanna play this game.
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synnchan wrote:
I'm trying to run Capcom Generation 2 (Saturn) on BizHawk but I only get a black screen after the intro. Take a look at this video: what should I do? I wanna play this game.
does yabause 0.9.12 run it? If not, you'll be out of luck as we use that core.
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I just tried the game on this version of Yabause and it worked, but it's not working on BizHawk for me. Why is that?
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I'll look into it.
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Okay, I'll be waiting for the answer.
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Seems to be working here, in bizhawk. EDIT: Never mind that. I see that in bizhawk it's working in OpenGL mode, but hangs in software mode. Do you get the same?
  File: Capcom Generation 2 (JAP) (DW0281).cue
CRC-32: 23c0cdd0
   MD4: a37c2c6a1781eb3874fbfef950131e5a
   MD5: 9ab94168a0b16a7fada8969c5ed12f77
 SHA-1: ca3662ba33e3ada649ff51c25b04939c7e55d6d9

  File: Capcom Generation 2 (JAP) (DW0281).bin
CRC-32: fc166438
   MD4: d2283d4ebc5f434f898e64858c474b7c
   MD5: b905384070f2beba87ca88d40d4ad778
 SHA-1: 8912e404ee0c416be8ef58d0f0918bfa35e6b4c8
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Just a note that there are interesting developments happening in byuu's forum. This is what a Gameboy shader looked like at some point: raw shader There's a standalone program here. If the goal is to create realistic-looking encodings, maybe this could be incorporated somehow.
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I think 'realistic' shaders are really cool, but for tasvideos encodes are overkill. After all, I don't think many developers of early console/handheld games intended for their games to be coupled with hardware limitations of the time in terms of looks, even if that's how most people will remember them.
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Earthbound Zero (U) The lower left corner of the screen is glitched sometimes when walking on the second floor of hero's home. Is it an emulation error or a normal case for a prototype rom?
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natt wrote:
Seems to be working here, in bizhawk. EDIT: Never mind that. I see that in bizhawk it's working in OpenGL mode, but hangs in software mode. Do you get the same?
I can't even get past the intro of this game. Afterwards the only thing I get is a black screen. What configurations did you use? Can you make a step-by-step explanation or something?
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Saturn=>Preferences=>Renderer=>Open GL
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Excuse me. I have two questions about drawing by gui.draw○○ functions in GB mode. 1.Can I disable ClearType drawing on gui.drawText()? I'm using "Misaki Gothic(美咲ゴシック)" which has bite-sized legible font. But its legiblity is little perished if this font is drawn in ClearType. 2.How do I set timing of gui.draw○○() function to earlier than default ? I think that drawing by gui.draw○○() function is delayed for 1 frame from gui.text() doing. Here is a test code for the second question. Lua: And here is a result of this code. Top left value is displayed by View -> Display FrameCounter. Small sized letter is displayed by gui.text() (this value indicates framecounter). Center big sized letter is displayed by gui.drawText() (this value also indicates framecounter). capture:
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I just installed 1.5.3 and wanted to record a movie from a state, but I got an error message because it couldn't find the path. It only worked after I made a 1-frame movie from power on to produce the required "Movies" folder. I guess manually writing the folder would also have worked. Shouldn't the "Movies" folder also be written by Bizhawk if the first recorded movie happens to be made from a state? Btw, I'm using Win 7 64 and the system I wanted to make a movie for was the N64.
Current project: Gex 3 any% Paused: Gex 64 any% There are no N64 emulators. Just SM64 emulators with hacky support for all the other games.
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N64 recording from a state is still broken. Known issue, sadly not known to anybody until you have a broken movie. XD
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andypanther wrote:
I just installed 1.5.3 and wanted to record a movie from a state, but I got an error message because it couldn't find the path. It only worked after I made a 1-frame movie from power on to produce the required "Movies" folder. I guess manually writing the folder would also have worked. Shouldn't the "Movies" folder also be written by Bizhawk if the first recorded movie happens to be made from a state? Btw, I'm using Win 7 64 and the system I wanted to make a movie for was the N64.
I'm having this issue as well with a SNES game, manually adding the folder did nothing for me. Letting it generate itself by using the quick movie creation still didn't solve the problem: There's what EmuHawk's throwing as errors. If it matters, nothing is saved post-crash in settings, but the movie is saved at the frame is was crashed from. If it matters, Vista 64, unfortunately.
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Robert_Ordis wrote:
Excuse me. I have two questions about drawing by gui.draw○○ functions in GB mode. 1.Can I disable ClearType drawing on gui.drawText()? I'm using "Misaki Gothic(美咲ゴシック)" which has bite-sized legible font. But its legiblity is little perished if this font is drawn in ClearType. 2.How do I set timing of gui.draw○○() function to earlier than default ? I think that drawing by gui.draw○○() function is delayed for 1 frame from gui.text() doing. Here is a test code for the second question. Lua: And here is a result of this code. Top left value is displayed by View -> Display FrameCounter. Small sized letter is displayed by gui.text() (this value indicates framecounter). Center big sized letter is displayed by gui.drawText() (this value also indicates framecounter). capture:
gui draw functions are done AFTER a frame is emulated, it was decided that is the most logical situation. However, ram viewing tools require to be updated BEFORE a frame is emulated. gui.text() is a nebulous hybrid of those two, so it isn't 100% clear which place to put it, but it was decided to happen BEFORE. If you need gui.text AFTEr a frame, use the events library: event.onframeend() to register a lua function that performs this task.
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andypanther wrote:
Shouldn't the "Movies" folder also be written by Bizhawk if the first recorded movie happens to be made from a state?
As stated, you shouldn't be using savestate N64 movies in this release. I am working on a solution to this problem but it isn't trivial. However, you did find a nice edge case there, if I have no movies folder, and do a starts from savestate movie instead of a regular one. I'll add that to the TODO
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects