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(starring Donald Duck because Mickey gets all the attention) Anyway, this is my first full-length movie (Two minutes of Kid Chameleon doesn't count as full-length), and is really more of a "me getting used to the whole speedrunning thing." I learned a number of things from this: 1) Make backups. 2) Sliding in this game is of the devil. The first part of the slide is faster than the rest, so you have to turbo-mode the jump button to go the fastest (this only works if you're in an area where you don't have to slide). You can interrupt the slide with a jump, but only on flat ground. Coming out of a slide, you continue to slide, so anything that requires you to be standing still (ladders, etc) are a pain to do. 3) Backups are your friend. 4) I hate ladders and flags; there's no way to do them quickly. 5) I should have experimented with the different weapons on the bosses; some bosses take an extra long time to recover from the plunger. Other random notes on the vid: Most pixel-perfect maneuver: Jumping over the fat guy in the south pole. Also, any two-block jump takes a couple of tries to get right. Favorite part: Platforming in the hideout. Most of the platforms you normally can't see until they extend towards you. Also, my own personal revenge on the tiger boss. So, without further ado (edit: v2 now up): (edit: zipped the movie, dropping the file size to ~4% of the original size)
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2) Sliding in this game is of the devil.
God, ain't THAT the truth. *scowls at Transylvania* >< I'm glad someone made one for this. I was actually fairly good at the game, but it grew tedious. Glad someone made a movie, though, since while I suck at a lot of games, I still like to see the endings. ~.~v Edit: Just finished watching. Was pretty fun. But I do have a question for you... when you return to the city for the Bubble ammo, after you scale the first building, you go down and under the second. Unless I'm mistaken, you could plunger that building and just walk over the roof to save a few seconds. o.o Any particular reason you went for the low road? ...Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm off to watch old Disney shorts on DVD. >>;;;
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Off topic/shameless plug -- has over 2000 video game endings if you ever want to see them. There's a ton (literally :) ) and it keeps growing.
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BombAHead wrote:
Unless I'm mistaken, you could plunger that building and just walk over the roof to save a few seconds. o.o Any particular reason you went for the low road?
... *goes to check* ... Because I'm an idiot. That's why. Chalk up another way to improve v.2. I may come back to this (amongst other things to improve on my climbing) but not now. Pity there's no auto-run like in Kid Chameleon
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This was pretty cool, nice job! The main thing I noticed was what you already said, it seems like some other weapons would serve you better against bosses. But very good otherwise... BTW, you should make sure to note that your movie only works with Revision 00 of the game. In Revision 01 it desyncs after a little while. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Waow... I love this one.. :) hehe.. Great work there :D
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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Well, I've started on v.2... What took v.1 4:30 to accomplish (calling the plane after getting the Red Plunger) now only takes 4:11, thanks to some creative ways of dealing with fire as well as a shot from the popcorn gun. Update: Boarding the plane to Transylvania now takes 6:02 instead of 6:37, an extra 16 second shave thanks to the rooftop shortcut and some improved climbing.
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I'm glad you're working on a new version. While the other one was really good, I saw some definate spots for improvement. Good luck with version 2 :)
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...Ugh... I'm screwing around with Count Duckula... The guy takes five hits with any weapon: Plunger, popcorn, or bubblegun. Problem is, the plunger does the eqivalent of "stun" damage while the popcorn and bubblegun do "kill" damage, and the count can take four of *each* without dying. As a result, I can't mix plungers with the other two when fighting bosses. And since I have to climb the wall to get the final hit in with the plunger, I have to go with the other two so I can get to the door faster. Hm... Popcorn, or bubblegun, that's the question now.... Update: Got out of Castlevan.... I mean, Transylvania at 9:40. v1 did it in 10:40. I'm not even halfway done and I've already shaved a minute off! Update again: Whew. Finished the Viking ship (though I'm going to redo the boss fight). All the boss fights are vastly improved, using bubblegum on the Count and the Skeleton, popcorn on the Tiger, and not shooting the wall three times in the Egyptian dungeon. Pete will likely eat a mix of both popcorn and bubblegum (depending on where he is), and the final boss will likely eat bubblegum. I would make an inane comment on kicking ass and chewing bubblegum, but I have plenty of bubblegum. Popcorn is another matter entirely, considering one pickup equals one shot, and I used six on the tiger. Edit: v1 up past viking ship: 18:09 v2 up past viking ship: 16:14 Edit: Pete has the same number of invincibility frames regardless of what I hit him with (unlike the tiger and skeleton, who have extra invincibility frames when I hit them with the plunger). Oh well, I use my two ammo-using guns anyway.
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Final time for v2: 24:50 A three minute improvement! Woohoo! First, a quick thankyou to BombAHead for pointing out the rooftop shortcut that I'm pretty sure I used waaay back when I played this on a real Genesis. And so I present to you the .gmv. Note it only works on the rom GoodGen tags reversion 00: Random notes: If anyone decides to try and improve on this, map the A button to something out-of-the-way like "I" and literally clamp it down. Not only does it speed up your walking but also your horizontal movement in the air at all times. I like all the bosses better except the tiger, mostly thanks to firing the slow bubblegun way in advance. The way I do the tiger is faster but doesn't look nearly as good as v1. The tiger can't be done slightly faster: If it's possible (I don't think it is) he'd have to be killed before he jumps a third time. I flub a ladder in Duckburg (the first one, up to the peppers). Crap. However I missed that when I did it is beyond me. It seems to be my only visible error. The start menu is my new hated enemy. I can't access it for the first second I'm in an area (first few seconds when I first land in an area) so weapon switching after a boss is a bit of a pain.
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What a fun old game! I enjoyed watching your movie a lot, because I remember actually sliding across the whole level to do it as fast as possible. It wasn't very impressive early on, but was much cooler on later, more frustrating levels (mainly South Pole). The way you handled the bosses was very classy.
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Why do you wait for the green boxes in the narrow hallways in Mexico castle? I think you can just plunger them and slide right through, no?
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Truncated wrote:
Why do you wait for the green boxes in the narrow hallways in Mexico castle? I think you can just plunger them and slide right through, no?
....No, I'm pretty sure they solidify like the rest of the blocks. ...*goes to check* ... ...AAAAaaaargggghhhh.... Damn you failed childhood memories.... *sigh* Well, chalk up another way to improve v.3. Not that I expect to do it anytime real soon, but still.
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Also, you forgot to slide in the entrance to the room before the scepter.
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Truncated wrote:
Also, you forgot to slide in the entrance to the room before the scepter.
It's a good thing you aren't reviewing v.1, you'd have ripped it apart!
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Heh. I'm only pointing out such minor things because the rest of the run is so good. I'd like to do some runs too (perhaps Alien Soldier) but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm not sure, but there could be a faster way with less doors in the tiger castle. I think I used a different path anyway. But as you say, those failed childhood memories are dangerous, and this could be one of them. I had one of those when discussing Rygar. Interesting how you imagine things and then remember them.
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I've started work on a new version, which contains a number of improvements. I'm about three minutes in with about ten seconds shaved off (mostly thanks to the first temple, but some other improvements, too). There are some subtle "glitches" I wish I could abuse more. (edit: Bah. Photobucket doesn't like me, Keenspace doesn't like me... Forget it. You may or may not notice it in the final run)
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post that movie :) really enjoyed watching the first one !
hello world !
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I will post it when I'm done with it, which won't be anytime real soon. That frame I was talking about finally got uploaded: I'm thinking about restarting from there and doing a few more of those as I'm waiting.
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Well, I got about halfway through the game (up to the North Pole) with something like a half-minute of improvement, when I found something very interesting: A way to go from sliding to standing on any slope while still keeping my speed at sliding speed. As a result, I'm restarting my run and I think I've already cut a second or two off the very first area of Mexico with this. Long story short: Expecting improvements of over a minute, maybe even two. Now I just have to find time (which I have plenty of) and motiviation (which seems to come and go). Update: Done done done! see the new and improved version in the submission queue.
Joined: 10/3/2004
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wish I could see this one.. I haven´t seen this game in action since I completed it myself on my SEGA Genesis about 10 years ago.. lol I still remember it like it was yesterday, I finally got it in the mailbox, and I discovered it was not a European release, the game didn´t fit in my machine! Nothing to do but to borrow dads power grinder and "fix the problem".. Worked like a charm and gave me many hours of entertainment
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Oh yeah. This is probably the wrong thread to post this question in, but as you mentioned it.. If I order an NTSC genesis game, or a Japanese, is it just to saw it off at the bottom?
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probably not the right forum to answer your question but Im going to anyway :) Dont make anything to the game, if you have a european Genesis (called MegaDrive), just grind away the two sharp corners on the machine (where you insert the cartridge, ofcourse) :) Maybe you can just saw the bottom of the game, I don´t know, but it´s not how me or any of my friends did it.. We got ourselves multi-region machines instead lol I hope I didn´t break any rules by posting this, moderators feel free to delete it if so... :)
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Ah. Kewl. Not that I'm going to saw my MegaDrive though. Got it when I was seven years old and it's stil working as good as it did back then. That was in 1989-1990 somwhere between. :) I remember seeing used cartridges with the tag of <Game name>(Japanese import)"cutted". Oh well.. Let's leave this topic now. :) I guess I'll buy my self a multi-region box some day too.
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Another one of my "rise from your grave" posts, sorry :) I'm working on an improvement to Mitjitsu's run. Also, sorry for the lack of a wip to show my progress, but I'll post one soon, for now here's some of my discoveries; * walk is faster than belly slide -> slide, get up and power walk * you can jump in mid air -> power walk, duck and jump * you can enter floors while on ladders -> press ^+v on ladders
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.