Post subject: 翻訳 日本語から英語へ
Player (135)
Joined: 8/4/2013
Posts: 90
Location: Japan
PhantasyStar2 TAS 改訂版 日本語解説 トリック エンカウント調整 歩き始めるフレームにより調整。これにより出現エネミーを操作している 経験値倍増 一人で戦うことで経験値を多く取得できる ボスエネミーから逃げる 低確率で逃げることが出来る Glitchのほうが良い? 預かり所Glitched 発動させたいキャラの道具欄を空にする セントラルタワーの友達の部屋へいき道具を持っているキャラを選択後キャンセルして 道具を持ってないキャラを選択すると道具数が0から255へ一時的に書き換えられる そのまま預かり所を出ると0にもどってしまうので255番目の道具を預けて254個に確定させる 本来道具は16個までしかもてないため17個目のアドレスは16個目の次のアドレスを参照している これによりネイのステータスを調整することで欲しい道具を取り出す事が出来る 主に数字の調整が早いのでEXPを使用する( ティムを取得するためLV6まで上がるので力、すばやさ、攻撃力を22,40,39と調整する 取り出している道具 ストームギア 全体攻撃道具 敵の攻撃アニメーションをカット 余分な買い物カット ティム 橋のイベントをクリアするために必要 ネイシールド、ネイショット、ネイケープ、ネイフィールド、ネイエーメル、ネイメット、ネイクラウン ラストダンジョンに入るためにネイシリーズ8種類が必要なためそのうち7種類を集める ムーンアトマイザー 主人公の家で仲間追加イベントが発生するため生き返らせる必要がある 並び替えGlitched 仲間を4人そろえた状態で並び替えを選択し上を押しながらCキーを一定間隔で押すことでglichキャラが登場する 登場するキャラクターは任意で選択することはできない ネイソードとネイスライサーを持ったキャラクターが出るまで実行しそれぞれ取り出す このGlitchが発動するとネイソードが使用可能となりラストダンジョン以外からエスパーの館へワープできるようになる(1回のみ) エスパーの館にいきルツと会話するとネイシリーズがそろっているのでラストダンジョンに突入できるようになる 前回からの変更点 ストームギアを使用しアニメーションカットと武器1個、防具全部購入カットに成功 2分の更新 防具をそろえる必要がないため防具アドレスより小さいすばやさアドレスを40にし8フレーム更新 ムーンアトマイザーの取得アドレスを精神力から力に変更し2フレーム更新 敵との戦闘結果が変わったためダークファルス、マザーブレイン戦で逃げるのにそれぞれ200フレーム程度ロス English(google transrate) 全て大文字は英語版の単語使用 Use Trick Encounter adjustment Adjust the frame to start walking. I have to manipulate the appearance enemy by this EXP double You can get a lot of EXP in that fight alone I run away from the boss enemy you can get away with low probability Central Towor KEEP BAGGAGE Glitch(All Ver Ok) I empty the Inventry of a character that you want to activate Select cancellation after the character who has the tools to go to the ROOM of a Central Tower Inventry Stoc is rewritten temporarily to 255-0 When you select a character that does not have a Inventry And finalize the 254 with deposit of the instrument 255th so reverts back to 0 and leave the luggage as it is Address of the 17 th they refer to the address next to the 16th for up to 16 only not have the tools originally It is possible to retrieve the tool posts by adjusting the status of the neighbor Thus Adjustment of the number so fast mainly want to use the EXP And to coordinate with 22,40,39 str , agi , attack power to LV6 because up to get Tim Tool you are taken out The shopping cut extra cut the attack animation of the STORMGEAR the entire enemy attack tool You need to clear the events of TEIM Bridge NEISHIELD , NEISHOT , NEICAPE , NEIARMOR , NEIEMEL , NEIMET , NEICROWN Collect the seven kinds of them for neighbor series Eight required for entry into the last dungeon It is necessary to revive for fellow additional event occurs in the home of MOONDEW Hero ORDER Glitched(JPN Only) Glich character appeared by pressing at regular intervals C key while holding down the top to select the sort in a state where the aligned four companions Characters appeared not possible to optionally select the Take out each run character that has a neighbor slicer and Neisodo until you get You will be able to warp to the Hall of Esper from last dungeon other than Neisodo becomes available this Glitch is to fire (only once) You will be able to rush the last dungeon Ney series because aligned When you talk to Ruth go to the Mansion of Esper Changes from previous One weapon animation and cut, and updates about 2 minutes to successfully buy armor all cut using the storm gear 8 frame update to address 40 is less than the armor quickly address because there is no need to align the armor 2 frame update and change the force from the mental strength to get address of Moon atomizer 200 degree frame loss respectively, to run away dark force, in the Mother Brain battle for combat with the enemy has changed 通じるかなぁ・・・
Editor, Expert player (2123)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3293
とにかくGoogle翻訳(日本語→英語)の言語が分かりにくいです。 それを翻訳してみましょう。 でも、私はファンタシースターIIの方法がよく分からないので、 翻訳が間違う可能性が高いです。 

Encounter Manipulation
Manipulation is caused by the frame which we start walking. By means of this, we can manipulate the appearing enemy.

Double experience
Fighting with only one person gives a lot of experience.

低確率で逃げることが出来る Glitchのほうが良い?
Escape from boss
With low probability, we can escape. Isn't it good to glitch?

Central Tower Storage glitch (All versions)
Empty the inventory of a character which we want to activate the glitch.
After going to central Tower's Friend Room, after selecting character with items, cancel. Then select character without items, and then item count will go from 0 to 255 temporarily.
Then, since otherwise item count reset to 0 after leaving the storage room, store the 255th item so that he has 254 items.
Originally, a character can only carry up to 16 items, so the 17th item refers to the memory address after the 16th. Because of this, one can manipulate the Nei status to give any desired item.
Mainly, it is quick to manipulate the numbers so we use the EXP. In order to get Teim, until Lv. 6 we raise Strength, Agility, and Attack to 22, 40, 39 by manipulation.

ストームギア 全体攻撃道具 敵の攻撃アニメーションをカット 余分な買い物カット
ティム 橋のイベントをクリアするために必要
ムーンアトマイザー 主人公の家で仲間追加イベントが発生するため生き返らせる必要がある
Produced items
Storm Gear: All attack items, enemy animation cut, extra bought items cut.
To clear Teim bridge event we need:
Nei Shield, Nei Shot, Nei Cape, Nei Field, Nei Emel, Nei Met, Nei Crown.
Of the 8 Nei Series required to enter the final dungeon, we eventually collect 7 of them.
Moon Atomizer:  At the main player's house, in order to add an ally, it is necessary to be revived.

List order glitch (JPN only)
When one gets 4 allies, select list order, and then press C key for a fixed interval while holding the up key, and a glitched character will appear. This character cannot be selected voluntarily. Until a character with Nei Sword and Nei Slicer appears, several kinds of glitches occur. When we use these glitches, Nei Sword becomes available to use, and we can Warp to the Hall of Esper from anywhere except the final dungeon (once only). After going to the Hall of Esper, when we talk to Ruth, we collect all the Nei Series so we can enter the final dungeon.

ストームギアを使用しアニメーションカットと武器1個、防具全部購入カットに成功 2分の更新
Changes from previous version.
When using Storm Gear, animation is cut for one weapon. Also cut for buying armor. 2 minutes saved.
In order not to need to collect armor, make Agility as 40 to be less than armor address. 8 frames saved.
Address for Moon Atomizer obtaining is changed from Will stat to Strength. 2 frames saved.
To change the result of the enemy battle, even though we escape from Dark Force and Mother Brain battles, 200 frames are lost.
ところで、(Luck)Manipulationということは調整や乱数調整の意味です。 TASVideosのページフォーマットに変更して:
!! Tricks

! Encounter Manipulation

Manipulation is caused by the frame which we start walking. By means of this, we can manipulate the appearing enemy.

! Double experience

Fighting with only one person gives a lot of experience.

! Escape from boss

With low probability, we can escape. Isn't it good to glitch?

! Central Tower Storage glitch  (All versions)

* Empty the inventory of a character which we want to activate the glitch.
* After going to central Tower's Friend Room, after selecting character with items, cancel.
* Then select character without items, and then item count will go from 0 to 255 temporarily.
* Then, since otherwise item count reset to 0 after leaving the storage room, store the 255th item so that he has 254 items.
* Originally, a character can only carry up to 16 items, so the 17th item refers to the memory address after the 16th. Because of this, one can manipulate the Nei status to give any desired item.
* Mainly, it is quick to manipulate the numbers so we use the EXP. In order to get Teim, until Lv. 6 we raise Strength, Agility, and Attack to 22, 40, 39 by manipulation.

! Produced items

* Storm Gear: complete attack items, enemy animation cut, extra bought items cut.
* To clear Teim bridge event we need:
Nei Shield, Nei Shot, Nei Cape, Nei Field, Nei Emel, Nei Met, Nei Crown.
* Of the 8 Nei Series required to enter the final dungeon, we eventually collect 7 of them.
* Moon Atomizer:  At the main player's house, in order to add an ally, it is necessary to be revived.

! List order glitch (JPN only)

* When one gets 4 allies, select list order, and then press C key for a fixed interval while holding the up key, and a glitched character will appear. This character cannot be selected voluntarily.
* Until a character with Nei Sword and Nei Slicer appears, several kinds of glitches occur. When we use these glitches, Nei Sword becomes available to use, and we can Warp to the Hall of Esper from anywhere except the final dungeon (once only).
* After going to the Hall of Esper, when we talk to Ruth, we collect all the Nei Series so we can enter the final dungeon.

! Changes from previous version.

* When using Storm Gear, animation is cut for one weapon. Also cut for buying armor. 2 minutes saved.
* In order not to need to collect armor, make Agility as 40 to be less than armor address. 8 frames saved.
* Address for Moon Atomizer obtaining is changed from Will stat to Strength. 2 frames saved.
* To change the result of the enemy battle, even though we escape from Dark Force and Mother Brain battles, 200 frames are lost.
Player (135)
Joined: 8/4/2013
Posts: 90
Location: Japan
FractalFusion wrote:
とにかくGoogle翻訳(日本語→英語)の言語が分かりにくいです。 それを翻訳してみましょう。 でも、私はファンタシースターIIの方法がよく分からないので、 翻訳が間違う可能性が高いです。 

Encounter Manipulation
Manipulation is caused by the frame which we start walking. By means of this, we can manipulate the appearing enemy.

Double experience
Fighting with only one person gives a lot of experience.

低確率で逃げることが出来る Glitchのほうが良い?
Escape from boss
With low probability, we can escape. Isn't it good to glitch?

Central Tower Storage glitch (All versions)
Empty the inventory of a character which we want to activate the glitch.
After going to central Tower's Friend Room, after selecting character with items, cancel. Then select character without items, and then item count will go from 0 to 255 temporarily.
Then, since otherwise item count reset to 0 after leaving the storage room, store the 255th item so that he has 254 items.
Originally, a character can only carry up to 16 items, so the 17th item refers to the memory address after the 16th. Because of this, one can manipulate the Nei status to give any desired item.
Mainly, it is quick to manipulate the numbers so we use the EXP. In order to get Teim, until Lv. 6 we raise Strength, Agility, and Attack to 22, 40, 39 by manipulation.

ストームギア 全体攻撃道具 敵の攻撃アニメーションをカット 余分な買い物カット
ティム 橋のイベントをクリアするために必要
ムーンアトマイザー 主人公の家で仲間追加イベントが発生するため生き返らせる必要がある
Produced items
Storm Gear: All attack items, enemy animation cut, extra bought items cut.
To clear Teim bridge event we need:
Nei Shield, Nei Shot, Nei Cape, Nei Field, Nei Emel, Nei Met, Nei Crown.
Of the 8 Nei Series required to enter the final dungeon, we eventually collect 7 of them.
Moon Atomizer:  At the main player's house, in order to add an ally, it is necessary to be revived.

List order glitch (JPN only)
When one gets 4 allies, select list order, and then press C key for a fixed interval while holding the up key, and a glitched character will appear. This character cannot be selected voluntarily. Until a character with Nei Sword and Nei Slicer appears, several kinds of glitches occur. When we use these glitches, Nei Sword becomes available to use, and we can Warp to the Hall of Esper from anywhere except the final dungeon (once only). After going to the Hall of Esper, when we talk to Ruth, we collect all the Nei Series so we can enter the final dungeon.

ストームギアを使用しアニメーションカットと武器1個、防具全部購入カットに成功 2分の更新
Changes from previous version.
When using Storm Gear, animation is cut for one weapon. Also cut for buying armor. 2 minutes saved.
In order not to need to collect armor, make Agility as 40 to be less than armor address. 8 frames saved.
Address for Moon Atomizer obtaining is changed from Will stat to Strength. 2 frames saved.
To change the result of the enemy battle, even though we escape from Dark Force and Mother Brain battles, 200 frames are lost.
ところで、(Luck)Manipulationということは調整や乱数調整の意味です。 TASVideosのページフォーマットに変更して:
!! Tricks

! Encounter Manipulation

Manipulation is caused by the frame which we start walking. By means of this, we can manipulate the appearing enemy.

! Double experience

Fighting with only one person gives a lot of experience.

! Escape from boss

With low probability, we can escape. Isn't it good to glitch?

! Central Tower Storage glitch  (All versions)

* Empty the inventory of a character which we want to activate the glitch.
* After going to central Tower's Friend Room, after selecting character with items, cancel.
* Then select character without items, and then item count will go from 0 to 255 temporarily.
* Then, since otherwise item count reset to 0 after leaving the storage room, store the 255th item so that he has 254 items.
* Originally, a character can only carry up to 16 items, so the 17th item refers to the memory address after the 16th. Because of this, one can manipulate the Nei status to give any desired item.
* Mainly, it is quick to manipulate the numbers so we use the EXP. In order to get Teim, until Lv. 6 we raise Strength, Agility, and Attack to 22, 40, 39 by manipulation.

! Produced items

* Storm Gear: complete attack items, enemy animation cut, extra bought items cut.
* To clear Teim bridge event we need:
Nei Shield, Nei Shot, Nei Cape, Nei Field, Nei Emel, Nei Met, Nei Crown.
* Of the 8 Nei Series required to enter the final dungeon, we eventually collect 7 of them.
* Moon Atomizer:  At the main player's house, in order to add an ally, it is necessary to be revived.

! List order glitch (JPN only)

* When one gets 4 allies, select list order, and then press C key for a fixed interval while holding the up key, and a glitched character will appear. This character cannot be selected voluntarily.
* Until a character with Nei Sword and Nei Slicer appears, several kinds of glitches occur. When we use these glitches, Nei Sword becomes available to use, and we can Warp to the Hall of Esper from anywhere except the final dungeon (once only).
* After going to the Hall of Esper, when we talk to Ruth, we collect all the Nei Series so we can enter the final dungeon.

! Changes from previous version.

* When using Storm Gear, animation is cut for one weapon. Also cut for buying armor. 2 minutes saved.
* In order not to need to collect armor, make Agility as 40 to be less than armor address. 8 frames saved.
* Address for Moon Atomizer obtaining is changed from Will stat to Strength. 2 frames saved.
* To change the result of the enemy battle, even though we escape from Dark Force and Mother Brain battles, 200 frames are lost.
Thanks FractalFusion Modified to US/UE Ver Name Storage to KEEP BAGGAGE (JPN 預かり所) MoonAtomizer to Moon Dew (JPN ムーンアトマイザー) Nei Field to Nei Armor(JPN ネイフィールド) Escape to run away(英語版RUN 失敗時にrun awayと表示される) 使用Verは日本語ですがシステム、アイテム、エネミー名は英語版へ変更していました すこし追加したい項目がありそれを追加してSubmission依頼してみます
Post subject: 投稿前の練習
Player (135)
Joined: 8/4/2013
Posts: 90
Location: Japan
This is an improvement of 8374 frames over my [4072S|previous submission].

!!! Tricks

!! Encounter Manipulation

Manipulation is caused by the frame which we start walking. By means of this, we can manipulate the appearing enemy.

!! Double experience

Fighting with only one person gives a lot of experience.

!! Run away from boss

With low probability, we can run away. 

!!! Glitches

!! Central Tower Room Keep Baggage glitch (All versions)
! Inventory Glitch

* Empty the inventory of a character which we want to activate the glitch.
* After going to central Tower's Friend Room, after selecting character with items, cancel.
* Then select character without items, and then item count will go from 0 to 255 temporarily.
* Then, since otherwise item count reset to 0 after leaving the storage room, store the 255th item so that he has 254 items.
* Originally, a character can only carry up to 16 items, so the 17th item refers to the memory address after the 16th. Because of this, one can manipulate the Nei status to give any desired item.
* Mainly, it is quick to manipulate the numbers so we use the EXP. In order to get Teim, until Lv. 6 we raise Strength, Agility, and Attack to 22, 40, 11 by manipulation.

! Produced items

* Storm Gear: complete attack items, enemy animation cut, extra bought items cut.
* To clear Teim bridge event we need:
Nei Shield, Nei Shot, Nei Cape, Nei Armor, Nei Emel, Nei Met, Nei Crown.
* Of the 8 Nei Series required to enter the final dungeon, we eventually collect 7 of them.
* Moon Dew:  At the main player's house, in order to add an ally, it is necessary to be revived.

!! List order glitch (JPN only)

* When one gets 4 allies, select list order, and then press C key for a fixed interval while holding the up key, and a glitched character will appear. This character cannot be selected voluntarily.
* Until a character with Nei Sword and Nei Slicer appears, several kinds of glitches occur. When we use these glitches, Nei Sword becomes available to use, and we can Warp to the Hall of Esper from anywhere except the final dungeon (once only).
* After going to the Hall of Esper, when we talk to Ruth, we collect all the Nei Series so we can enter the final dungeon.

!!! Changes from previous version.

* When using Storm Gear, animation is cut for one weapon. Also cut for buying armor. 2 minutes saved.
* Storm Gear Getting Battle 4500 frame lost.
* In order not to need to collect armor, make Agility as 40 to be less than armor address. 8 frames saved.
* Address for Moon Atomizer obtaining is changed from Will stat to Strength. 2 frames saved.
* To change the result of the enemy battle, even though we escape from Dark Force and Mother Brain battles, 200 frames are lost. 

!!!Special thanks
* FractalFusion: TranslationJPN to English modification
* Mister0: Submission Format Advice
* Tasvideos Sega Genesis Phantasy StarII Forums
* Pirohiko: Lua Advice 