Venkar Amon, the leader of the Dark Axis, waged a three year war against Earth. Now, only a handful of soldiers remain in defense of Free Earth. These valiant few are known as the... Metal Warriors.


  • Takes Damage to Save Time
  • Mild Glitch Abuse

Dooty's Comments

Omnigamer brought this game to my attention a few weeks ago. After watching his real time speed run, and since I was stuck on another project, I decided to give this game a try. The result is what you're about to watch. But first, I feel the need to say this; it's easy to make mistakes in this game. Some stages were redone several times and I'm still uncomfortable with them. The "black sheep" of the run is Stage 4; enemies spawning far from each other, not clearly defined way to complete the stage and a slow Mech to control are some possible reasons for that stage to look kind of sloppy.


All tricks and glitches used in this run have been found by other people, so I don't have all the details about them, but I'll try to explain the ones used in the run;

Pause Trick

Some enemies, and even your Mech, keep taking damage even with the game paused. It was exploited in some missions, especially on boss fights.


On early stages of the first run I only used this trick to go from right to left by pressing Left+Right on the Dpad. Later, I found out that it is possible to moonwalk from left to right too. It made some strategies a little faster in the second run, and even allowed me to make camera tricks to avoid spawning some enemies. To do that, you just need to press Up+Down+Right. There is an advantage which is also a disadvantage on the moonwalk trick; you can't change your aim. But it's not a big deal, your aim changes at key frames, I mean, if you're pointing to the right and want to shoot something above your mech, you just need to stop moonwalking for one frame to press Up.

Reverse Rocket

You need rockets to perform the trick, yeah, it's obvious, I know. Hold the opposite direction while shooting for massive damage, but you must be partially inside the object for this trick to work, so it's not useful in most cases.

Switch Trick

The switches in this game have an interesting behavior; they can mess up the tiles changing the layout of the stage. But something must push the pilot while he is pressing the switch, so it's a hard trick to exploit.

Clip Through Walls

It's possible to partially clip into some walls with other Mechs, but the best Mech to clip into walls is Spider. You'll need a corner to be able to clip though.


There were only wips of the first mission on the discussion topic of this game, so I followed Omnigamer's real time strategies as close as possible. Also, Soulrivers' idea to turn off cut scenes saved a lot of time in my first run too. Now, I managed to implement a lot of Omnigamer's suggestions, along with some of my own and 1990 frames were saved, bringing this run to less than fifteen minutes.

Mission One: Rescue at Axis 5

Locate agent Marissa and get out as fast as you can! The first and most important thing here is; grab some rockets from that vehicle if you want to clear this stage faster. There are some Bazookas, those guys with big guns, that will open the path for you, but they don't shoot very often, so, better bust those doors open yourself. It was discussed in the forum a long time ago, but now we are certain that the middle path, with those flying mines, is faster. To grab the second pack of rockets, it is faster to land first as pointed out by Omnigamer.

Mission Two: Boarding Party

Capture intact a fully loaded Axis supply ship! This is another stage where rockets are vital to advance. Although it's a "run right for justice" kind of stage, you'll need to manipulate some enemies to proceed with ease. To get the second pack of rockets from that random item box, you'll need a little bit of manipulation too. By the way, the items and also some enemies in this game are manipulated by pressing the "B" button for a given number of frames.

Mission Three: War on the Rock

Secure a heavily shielded enemy supply base! Ah, my favorite stage. If I had to redo this stage a hundred times, I would do it gladly. Almost everything here worked as intended; the rockets to blast those cannons, the enemies were in a favorable position and the switch trick was not so hard to perform this time, a real bliss. I said "almost everything" because we still don't know how to reproduce two glitches in this stage; how to skip the text like Omnigamer did in his run and how to control the pilot and Nitro at the same time.

Mission Four: Ship Defense

Use Two Prometheus units to defend the ship! This is my least favorite stage. Well, in fact I hate this stage; although it was redone several times, it is hard to say if that stage is as fast as it can be done. There are things on this stage that we can't say for sure if they are done as optimal as possible. Some things that I know for sure; you must kill at least 24 enemies to clear this stage, if you stay in one side of the ship some enemies will not spawn and some enemies will disappear if you don't get close to them fast enough. So, my strategy here; kill everything in sight as fast as you can.

Mission Five: Frontal Assault

Destroy the huge ground defense cannon! Ballistic proved to be the best mech for this stage, period. It was discussed a possible strategy involving Nitro passing through the shock barrier in the upper path and although it is possible, it is a lot slower and has the disadvantage of taking too much damage, making it a lot harder to reach and kill the boss. There is a funny "Let's play Metal Warriors" video on YouTube where the guy also takes the lower path, I just made a few improvements. In the first run I kill the boss with Ballistic's plasma shots, this time I'm using the pause trick as it saved quite a bit of time. There is a trick called "La Bola Blanca", with this trick it is possible to cause damage constantly with Ballistic and it may save more time here, but sadly, we're not able to reproduce it.

Mission Six: Jungle War

Locate and steal the enemy's new full flight combat unit! Lots of improvements here, but the biggest one is a better use of the damage boost on the Nitro section. With Spider, I'm now using a Speed Boost item, but it's still not possible to reach the elevators one cycle earlier, sadly. Collecting that Speed Boost cost me no time at all, so, it will save a little bit of time near the end of this section. I also fixed some mistakes on Drache's section, but the biggest improvement is the use of a Speed Boost item, here this item is a little out of the way, but it is worth collecting anyway. One thing that would save tons of time here is if you find a way to clip into the walls of this stage, Drache is one of the mechs that can move while inside walls, the other being Nitro.

Mission Seven: Fire

Keep the Axis forces from destroying Dorado's base! Unlike the previous stage, this one has just few changes, but they saved quite some time. One of the most notable changes is that this time I'm passing through a building instead of under it. I tried it in the first run too, but it didn't work back then. The "shoot to the music" part before the boss fights is inspired on McBobX's Contra 3 pacifist run; I love that part of his run. No big changes on the boss fights, but using the pause trick sometimes will cause the invincibility period of the boss to last longer, so it is used more carefully this time.

Secret Mission: The Tower

Enter the tower and steal the Axis command key! Little is known about those flying mines, why it sometimes push you up, down, left or right, but this time I was lucky enough to take advantage of one of those mines. The rest of the stage is pretty much the same as in the previous run; a few mistakes fixed here and there, better movement of the pilot and Drache, but nothing major.

Final Mission

Get inside and knock out the super weapon! This stage is huge, but it is rather easy to work on. The most notable difference here is that this time I collect a weapon upgrade instead of using Prometheus to open the path to the boos. The strategy on the boss is also different; Omnigamer suggested that strategy on my first attempt, but only this time I was able to make it work. Well, that's that. I hope you enjoy the run and see you on my next project, thank you.

Medals of Honor

  • To Omnigamer, for tricks, suggestions memory addresses and most of the strategies you'll see in this run, thank you.
  • To mklip2001, for encouragement in the game's topic, I appreciate that, thank you.
  • To Derakon, also for support on the topic of this game, thank you.
  • To Hikaruon, his post about a possible skip of Stage 8 made me test items I was overlooking on the first run, like a Speed Boost on Stage 6, thank you.
  • To Soulrivers, I wouldn't have turned off the cut scenes if it was not for your wip, thank you.
I also want to thank Nilusxyz, JRD and JoeL for their glitch videos on YouTube, sadly we couldn't figure out some of the glitches, but you'll see a lot of their discoveries in this run, thank you guys.

How to Promote this Run

I said in my comments that it's easy to make mistakes in this game, so your best bet if you're trying to improve this run is stages with multiple paths, like Stage 7, and of course the infamous Stage 4.

feos: Accepting for Moons.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #4068: Dooty's SNES Metal Warriors in 14:47.26
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Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
Easy yes vote. Great work, Dooty! This game really benefits from optimized movement, taking damage, and luck manipulation; the TAS looks nothing like normal play (which tends to be fairly slow-paced and methodical). Your little dances after the mission ended were amusing, too. :)
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
Joined: 1/9/2013
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Yes vote. I've never played through the single-player myself, but I've played many rounds of multiplayer on this game. The mechs have a lot of momentum (especially the ball/flyer and excepting the spider) and their attacks usually have some forced downtime or limit your speed/movement in some way (especially the spider and tank), so while the movement may seem clunky to those not familiar with playing the game, this is pretty well-done from my point of view. It's kind of funny to see just how much damage you still have to take (what with the visual damage indicators in the form of palette and tile changes on the sprite) when blazing through it like this even as a TAS, since this game's pretty hard.
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Wow, I'd only seen your first attempts on these stages, I think, so I wasn't expecting the glitching here. It's a bit disappointing to see abuse of the pause glitch in places like the final boss fight, but I understand that it saves you a lot of time and damage. This was really well done. Derakon's totally right that you normally have to go pretty methodically through this game, and I'll add it's usually quite tough to avoid damage. This run is reckless, and I love it for that. My favorite stages were Stage 5 (Ballistic was used to great effect) and the end of Stage 8 (my jaw dropped with the ending). Great job!
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 3/5/2013
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Location: California
I never saw his first attempt, but I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4037
Yes vote. This is a hugely hard game to say you have played as fast as possible, with difficult movement, manipulation and unfathomable glitches. To take on such a project is commendable and you've done well. There's something neat going on in every stage and I wonder what new glitches/improvements will be incorporated in future TASes of this game (if anyone tackles it). BTW, I think you should have a link to video proof of all glitches you did not use in the run, but could save time (for benefit of future TASing)
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Site Admin, Skilled player (1248)
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Location: RU
Amazing game, terrific run, Yes vote.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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This was quite entertaining, some very cool usage of damage boosts and glitches. Yes vote.
Experienced player (774)
Joined: 12/8/2012
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Location: Missouri, USA
Excellent run! This game kind of reminds me of a cross between 'Metroid' and 'Blaster Master'.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Player (133)
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Saw the name and was expecting something related to heavy metal, sorely disappointed. The TAS was good though, so you have my yes vote.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2456] SNES Metal Warriors by Dooty in 14:47.26
Joined: 7/2/2007
Posts: 3960
The last sentence in the publication description ("Most of the mechs can only walk...") is a bit misleading since two of the mechs can fly, and in any event walking isn't seen much in this run. I suggest replacing it with this: "Each of the mechs has different movement rules. For example, one can roll as a ball, another can walk and walls and the ceiling, and a third is an agile flier. Additionally, the player can eject from their mech and fly using a jetpack, although they are extremely vulnerable in this form."
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Derakon: Thanks for the suggestion. I made edits that are similar to what you wrote.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Player (37)
Joined: 2/16/2012
Posts: 282
Great work Dooty! Really enjoyed your improvements and the amount of creativity used in the TAS routes. The new time is about 4.5 minutes faster than my best splits in real-time... time to work on re-routing a bit! In response to some of the other comments in this thread: -Most of the glitches are covered in a series of videos by several spanish-speaking players on YouTube. The videos for the glitches in particular are here and here. The useful glitches are documented further in the Metal Warriors thread. -Unknown glitches that would possibly benefit the run currently include an infinite damage glitch with Ballistic (shown in the first video above), operating the ship and mech in Stage 3 at the same time (second video above), and being able to skip some text occasionally (as shown in one of my runs at 16:08 in the video). We've tried to replicate these, but they're not well enough understood at this time. -There's a lot of known ways to improve stages, but no currently known mechanism to achieve them. Examples include Stage 8, where you could potentially zip all the way to the exit if there was a way to clip into the wall. In stage 9-2 the loading zone for the exit is the entire top of the stage, so any way to get to the ceiling in a mech will end the stage much sooner. -There are a couple of other glitches that have not been explored to their full extent, particularly for memory corruption. For example, I've had real-time runs where the text on stage 2 does not close and writes the last character to the screen endlessly, and eventually the screen goes black and crashes at some point after. Also, graphical corruption occurs when some effects occur (Stage 5 gun, switch glitch), but longer lasting effects can occur if the player pauses just as a text box appears or if two or more text boxes appear at the same time. This may or may not be related to a similar glitch where the game softlocks if the player advances past a text box that also carries a change in the current music track. Last thing, some text events can be overwritten with others. The biggest example is in Stage 3, where the text trigger for moving the ship overwrites the trigger event for failing the mission. This may be useful in some other ways, or possibly to produce a wrong warp or other effect. As it stands, the TAS is very optimized and I commend Dooty and pushing it this far. I'm amazed it was able to get below 15 minutes, and I hope there's some future interest in this game for even more glitches and better understanding of all the triggers.
Player (12)
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Posts: 94
Okay, I have to ask: That screenshot which spells the TASer's name: is that real? If so, I have to know more. o_O; Edit: I downloaded the video and slowed it down a lot in VLC. There doesn't seem to be a frame matching it, and I conclude it's Photoshopped. Boooo. Change the screenshot to something actual! I was genuinely let down that this wasn't a real thing!
Site Admin, Skilled player (1248)
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Nice job with abusing the unwritten law to use the author's screenshot suggestion for publication. I think after this case it will be revised.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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feos wrote:
Nice job with abusing the unwritten law to use the author's screenshot suggestion for publication. I think after this case it will be revised.
I find it somewhat odd that Dooty would do something like this, considering what happened before. 0_o
Joined: 2/21/2008
Posts: 255
I like to think the human character is hacking computers by pounding his hands on the keyboard ala the Para Para Dance.
"The guy was fatally injured and wants to be covered by God's tears (rain) before he dies. God is too busy to bother because it wastes frames." Frames 16:26
Editor, Experienced player (569)
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feos wrote:
Nice job with abusing the unwritten law to use the author's screenshot suggestion for publication. I think after this case it will be revised.
There's nothing wrong with going with the author's selected screenshot as long as it can be verified in the emulator by the publisher. That way, if the author's image differs at all from what the emulator's actually displaying, the publisher can just save the real screenshot and publish the run with that one. A few extra minutes would be all it would take to prevent this trickery from happening again. Also, what should this screenshot be replaced with? An unedited version of the same shot? Or a different image altogether?
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I just did not see the letters in what was suggested. And I'm not going to verify the presence of every pixel from the author's screenshot in his own run. Anyway, here's my opinion:
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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There was a holiday here, and since I don't have internet connection at home, I was not able to reply earlier, but I like the one you suggested. I'm sorry about the edited screenshot, I could swear I've mentioned it in the submission text. It won't happen again I promise. Thanks everyone.
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
Editor, Experienced player (569)
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feos wrote:
I just did not see the letters in what was suggested. And I'm not going to verify the presence of every pixel from the author's screenshot in his own run. Anyway, here's my opinion:
You wouldn't have to verify every pixel. Just briefly compare the two images for inconsistencies like clearly visible added letters. It would save you a lot more time and effort to just check the screenshot once before publication instead of having to go to the trouble of reading complaints, saving a new screenshot, uploading the new image, and replacing the screenshot (like you have to do now). That's a pretty good screenshot, but it feels like there's too much empty space on the left side of the image. I do like the idea of a screenshot where the mech is clipping into the wall though.
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4037
feos wrote:
Anyway, here's my opinion:
Are there any frames of the robot going OoB with more action filling the screen? I agree that it should be the trick to showcase but this isn't 'well framed'
My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: My twitch. I stream mostly shmups & rhythm games My youtube, again shmups and rhythm games and misc stuff:
Joined: 7/2/2007
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I think rather than showcasing a glitch it'd be better to just show a scene that gives a feel for what the game is like. Something like 0:57 in the encode: a few mechs, some destroyed terrain, some bullets and explosions. (Screenshot from the YouTube encode, obviously not usable in the publication)
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.