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Post subject: New WIP v216
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I have to spend a lot more time running errands in FF3j, mainly because luck is so difficult to manipulate in this game. A good example is me grabbing the Ice magic in Sasoon Castle before I enter the Cave of the Seal. It took a lot of time, but it was necessary. This run will definitely be longer than FF1. EDIT: new WIP--this time, I exit Bahamut's nest. Not much progress, but I managed to get one extra level up required to cast lv. 2 magic. I still need one more to get a safe margin for Big Rat, though. Just one cast of lv. 2 magic won't be enough, even though I still have two Southwinds and one Zeus' Rage. http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/game.movies/final.fantasy.iii.speedrun.tool-assisted/wip_v216/ EDIT: updated first post. Please suggest things for version 2 if you have any ideas. :) (Version 2 will be when I restart the entire run from scratch to perfect it--this current version is mainly for experimenting and finalizing the route.)
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Ω, Will you use the glitch to level up your first character おぬが to lv 99 ? (And then change the class to けんじゃ or にんじゃ). That may save some time.
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No, I decided that I wouldn't use either the level-up or fully equipped Onion Knight glitch--if I'd use it, I'd have started working on it earlier, since the Altar Cave is the best place to do it. This is going to be a normal run depending on magic, item, and job usage. Also, which class is にんじゃ again? Shaman?
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Omega wrote:
Also, which class is にんじゃ again? Shaman?
Ω = omega けんじゃ = kenja (sage/wise man according to dictionary - I guess shaman is a fit word) にんじゃ = ninja.
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Thanks, Bisqwit. Kenja is probably the romaji version of what the translators dubbed "Sage", one of the two ultimate jobs (a Sage can use all types of magic and all summons and is nearly as adept at casting them as their specialized counterparts). There is a "Shaman" as well, which is the improved version of the black mage class. Since defeating Dark Cloud more or less depends on your ability to deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, I'll need Ninjas to throw shurikens. With Haste (or God's Wine), they can easily deal straight 9s.
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Omega wrote:
This is going to be a normal run depending on magic, item, and job usage.
Wow, that's the thing I expect to appreciate. Yes, normal run will be interesting than glitch run. You really do a lot of work behind it. Now I have a question. If there are 2 enemies in the battle screen and you need 5 rounds to finish it, kill them at the same time or kill one of them first, which one is a good way ?
Bisqwit wrote:
けんじゃ = kenja (sage/wise man according to dictionary - I guess shaman is a fit word)
Thanks for the translation, 'Bisqwit'. I guess sage is a fit word.
Mr. and Mrs. Rerecord: Why do we fall ? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up.
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Kenja is Sage. It only appears in 3 and 4, after that it's SE-JI. This game has lots of strange Job names.
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jecy wrote:
Omega wrote:
This is going to be a normal run depending on magic, item, and job usage.
Wow, that's the thing I expect to appreciate. Yes, normal run will be interesting than glitch run. You really do a lot of work behind it. Now I have a question. If there are 2 enemies in the battle screen and you need 5 rounds to finish it, kill them at the same time or kill one of them first, which one is a good way ?
Killing them both at the same time is a little faster because then they'll dissolve in the same animation. There are two dissolve animations involved when you kill them one at a time (although then the animation will be a little shorter, but this doesn't outweigh the former). I'm not sure if I'll go into that much detail with this run, though. I'll definitely experiment with it. EDIT: I've reached the pirate base at 19:21. I want to kill Big Rat before releasing another WIP, though. More news later today as I finish this. :)
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Would you like to make an avi file of your progress every now and then since it would be much easier to watch and i'm having some minor difficulities with my emulator. Thank you!
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Maza wrote:
Would you like to make an avi file of your progress every now and then since it would be much easier to watch and i'm having some minor difficulities with my emulator. Thank you!
Here is the old WIP v214 AVI version in x264 thanks to DeHackEd to those who want an AVI version. I'll encode a WIP in x264 AVI as soon as the run reaches 30 minutes in length. The reason why I only do it occasionally is because it takes time to convert. Oh, there are some Quicktime movies in the run root directory. EDIT: wait, no, there aren't any, because I deleted them to save space. But I'll be sure to render AVI files every once in a while. :)
Joined: 11/17/2004
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Does using the translation desync the video? If not, all you people who want to see the translated version could at least TRY playing the translated rom with his video.
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It most likely would, considering the text length is most likely different and these things tend to be frame precise and all...
Joined: 11/22/2004
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Animadverto wrote:
Does using the translation desync the video? If not, all you people who want to see the translated version could at least TRY playing the translated rom with his video.
Yes, it does. In fact, it doesn't even reach the first battle because the English translation (by Neil Corlett and SoM2Freak, I haven't tested others) has one extra paragraph of dialogue before it. Even if that were not the case, it would desync as soon as one of the translation patches shows one more line of text in a paragraph, as the text is skipped with exact frame precision. If anybody wants to see a translated run, unfortunately, they're going to have to make one themselves. It's a shame, considering how cool the dialogue in this game is, especially for its time.
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Does the amount of text affect your luck? I was thinking that if it didn't affect it too terribly, then you could do a whole test run on the translation so you could know what was going on the whole time. Then the final run would be in Japanese. Or has this already been discussed?
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or subtitles to follow the plot.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Does the amount of text affect your luck? I was thinking that if it didn't affect it too terribly, then you could do a whole test run on the translation so you could know what was going on the whole time. Then the final run would be in Japanese. Or has this already been discussed?
The luck is decided by the amount of frames you wait outside of battle. Text is no exception. One extra frame of text could mean that the item you use in battle could only do 30 damage instead of 100 damage. However, the main reason why I'm running this game in Japanese is because I want to get used it a little bit. Although, you're right, maybe it would be a little easier if I did it in English. It doesn't matter too much, though, since I can tell what I'm doing and where I'm going. Save states from the Japanese version can be loaded in the translated version. I frequently scout ahead in the English version.
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Oh, okay. I was also thinking you could make the Japanese run alongside the English run, but I guess just having savestates in the English version is fine.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Links are dead o.o Anyone got a mirror? >>
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KaitouKid wrote:
Links are dead o.o Anyone got a mirror? >>
Sorry about that. The movies were deleted off of the server due to my friend degrading in hosting plan. Fortunately, since then, he's already upgraded again and increased my storage limit to 500 MB, so there's room for my game videos again. :) I'll get the directory back in order soon, but for now, here's the latest WIP (about 20 minutes into the game, entering the pirate base).
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Paulygon wrote:
Part of the rules for having movies published here is that patched ROMs cannot be used. Hacks, translations.. doesn't matter. Since the Japanese version of this game is the only official one, it's the only one that will be allowed here for movie-making.
That's not what the rules way necessarily... http://tasvideos.org/Rules.html#2_hacked_games_in_general_are_not_allowed_because_ However, we may sometimes make exceptions of this rule, but the idea has then to be discussed beforehand (to avoid unnecessary disappointments).
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Fan translations generally don't have any chance of being accepted. By the way, the IRC-goers already know this, but I've restarted this run. The reason? It's difficult to manipulate luck, and since I'm only doing a test run, I might as well run through the game with no luck manipulation at all just so I can work on the route that needs to be constructed. However, I have very little time to TAS these days. I'll gradually work on it and someday release another WIP, though.
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FEOK attempt Mirror, because filespace sucks precursor: ROM used - Final Fantasy III (J) [o1][T+EngR2_AWJ+NCorlett+SoM2Freak].nes I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU USE SAVE STATE 1 W/ READ ONLY TICKED because the first hour or so is just me upgrading to onion knights. this wasnt done to be a final product, so shut up about the mistakes that are everywhere. very rarely did i use slowdowns. this was just done to give a rough estimate of how long onion kids take to beat the game. there are excess items, odd routes and a whole mess of stuff that makes this unpretty. i revised some planning near the end if anyone wishes to attempt this. i try not to fight that many battles to progress along. the savestates are:
1	after FEOK gained (over an hour into the movie)
2	leaving the island
3	salonia
4	airship invincible
5	statues of quest
6	dorga and unne showdown
7	ancients labyrinth
8	dark world
there are times when i just didnt wanna rewind so i let things go. everything else should be in the notes which i wrote while doing it and dont really care to revise. random battles come bundled with rewards i think. meaning the only thing that matters is the step or so BEFORE entering battle and not battle input itself. questions and comments are encouraged. im not really planning to do an actual run, and just did this as an experiment more than anything.
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EDIT3: 13 appears to be the maximum number of frames waiting for a potion battle, and there seems to be no pattern YET in how they're generated through battle. i can note however that actions inside battle DO effect the outcome as far as drop rates. if certain enemies are not killed in a certain time OR if different commands are taken, then the item wont be there after battle (or its altered?). im leaning in neither direction because ive experience both and still got a potion and done both and not got a potion. oh, for anyone wondering, im 35 minutes in when all 99 potions are gained (im guessing im quite faster by now?). this could be improved a bit i think. but im not working on a final, just a precise, experimental v2. ;) ill post the actual movie sometime later when i get back. im currently in the process of trying to find a pattern BEFORE upgrading to see if i can apply it to get 3 potions in one battle and go straight to level 99 (if only as a monk). however, im still using autofire mode. EDIT2: ok, so currently, the biggest difference in stopping and starting to move again and gaining a potion is 13 frames. EDIT: im currently working on the new version and things are going well (i hate to jinx myself). im currently comparing what frame i stop at to what frame i start to move again (something that parser couldnt help me with since i was spastic in movement last time as well as ALWAYS auto-firing) to determine if theres any pattern or way to predict when a potion is more likely to be dropped. its not been so bad thusfar. it turns out that pausing for only a few frames can yield a potion. yeah, thats sure to change now :P ill post what i can when im done with what ive got so far. im keeping notes on frames this time as much as i can remember. oh, and i KNOW its not gonna be accepted here since its a fan translation. to be honest, i dont even know why im still doing this. odd. FEOK Notes Revised - hopefully filespace doesnt still suck. Mirror; i hate filespace now ill post the basic outline of whats to happen this time, omitting actually gaining potions and upgrading (ive yet to think how optimally this will happen).
streamline walkthrough v2, experimental

* = done at your own disgression; suggested by me from remembering previous attempt.
** = completed sometime before Big Boulder is destroyed; preferred before Cave of the Seal.


Altar Cave 
	-collect items*
	-battle land turtle
	-change classes to Monk/Monk/Monk/Red Mage?
	-buy items*
	-get permission from Cid to use the Airship
	-use otterhead to warp out
Cave Of The Seal 
	-battle Jinn
Sassoon Castle 
	-return with Sara
	-collect Canoe from King
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-get Airship back and fly to Kazus
Kazus (Again) 
	-talk to Cid
	-talk to Man in Upper right hand house
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-fly ship into boulder
	-trek to Canaan

	-battle enemies for 99 potions
	-use SirBahamut's setup to upgrade
	-long swords to onion swords
	-leather helmets to onion helmets
	-leather vests to onion armor
	-copper rings to onion armlets
	-leather shields to onion shields*
	-antidotes to otterheads

	-lose Cid
Road To The Summit/Bahamut's Nest/Aftermath
	-talk with Desh
	-Run from Bahamut
	-go to Healing Forest
	-Red Mage turns you to Mini's
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-collect items from nearby Chests*
	-give Antidote to Dwarf to pass
Viking Base 
Nepto Shrine 
	-collect items from nearby Chests*
	-battle Big Rat
	-collect Eye
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-return Nepto's Eye
	-collect Water Fang
	-use otterhead to warp out
Gurgan Valley 
	-gain Toad spell
	-use otterhead to warp out
Tower Of Owen 
	-Red Mage turns you to toads
	-collect items from nearby Chests*
	-battle Medusa
	-collect Shuriken and resale*
	-buy Magic Keys
	-use otterhead to warp out
Altar Cave
	-upgrade antidotes to otterheads
Dwarf Cave/Underground Lake 
	-battle Guzco
	-collect Horn
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-return Horn
	-use otterhead to warp out
Flame Cave 
	-battle Salamander
Tokkle/Hyne Castle 
	-get caught
	-battle Hyne
	-collect Wind Fang in subsequent aftermath
Argass Castle/Canaan 
	-collect Time Gear from King
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-return to Canaan
	-give Time Gear to Cid
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-ready for the new world
	-buy more Potions*
Solitary Island/Shipwreck 
	-use Potion to gain Elia
	-use otterhead to warp out
Water Temple/Water Cave 
	-collect Crystal Shard
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-battle Kraken
Amur Sewer 
Goldor's Mansion 
	-use Magic Key to advance
	-battle Goldor
	-collect Key to unlock Airship
	-use otterhead to warp out
SW Salonia/Salonia Castle 
	-demolish airship
	-battle fiends
	-save prince
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-return to castle
	-battle Garuda
	-talk with Scholars
	-gain Nautilus
Dorga's House/Magic Circle Cave 
Temple Of Time 
	-use Magic Key to advance
	-use Magic Key to collect Noah's Flute
	-use Otterhead to warp out
Unne's Shrine 
	-use Lute to wake up Unne
	-collect Fire Fang
	-use otterhead to warp out
Ancient Ruins/Airship Invincible 
	-purchase more HiPotions*
Cave Of Darkness 
	-collect treasures not far off*
	-battle Hekaton
	-collect Earth Fang
	-use otterhead to warp out
Dorga's Cave 
	-collect 40000 gil from close chests*
	-battle Dorga/Unne
	-collect Sylx/Eureka Keys
	-use otterhead to warp out
	-buy hipotions
Altar Cave
	-return here and upgrade
	-hipotions to fenix downs
	-buy hipotions
Altar Cave
	-hipotions to elixirs
Statues Of The Quest
	-use 4 Fangs to advance
Ancients' Labyrinth 
Sylx Tower 
	-battle Zande
Dark World 
	-battle Echidna
	-use Otterhead to warp back to entrance
	-battle Ahriman
	-use Otterhead to warp back to entrance
	-battle 2-headed Dragon
	-use Otterhead to warp back to entrance
	-battle Cerberus
	-use Otterhead to warp back to entrance
	-battle Dark Cloud

some of these OTTERHEAD WARPS might not work. restrategizing means we're skipping otterhead - godswine and instead attempting to take on the Dark World's minions with the aide of Elixirs only. how we're going to optimize this is beyond me.
main differences: -not using potions to avoid battles until AFTER upgrading -more optimized list for what to sell and what to keep. -using antidotes to upgrade to otterheads for warping out of areas (near 30 by estimate, could be wrong) -a better idea of what frame to battle on to gain a potion? unsure, as it seems random regardless. -no otterheads to godswine upgradel instead use fenix downs and elixirs. -buy shuriken and magic keys after tower of owen; buy more antidotes and upgrade for more otterheads for better warps -no random battles for the FEOK! -lower level completion -maybe other stuff i dont know about yet.
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EDIT: i hate to disappoint greatly here, but im afraid it still took an hour to fully upgrade. ive a new idea though... but im not sure how to apply it. it has to do with one of the theories... about killing them on certain rounds. 4 monks could do it no problem, im almost sure of it (well, im actually not). however, that would mean class changing after griffon (capacity issues). we had 74 potions by the end before heading back into the cave... IF we could get 3 potions per battle, that would mean only 8 battles to get to 99. and with that carrying over further hopefully, 8 more battles. the problem is with experimenting. i havent been able to get 3 potions in while, but 2 potions just takes a few dozen more frame attempts even on autofire. that could save time as well. ill post what i have before i go to sleep tonight. hopefully it'll demonstrate the use of the otterheads and warping out; and you'll see why they're so worth it (if i can get all 30 of em to work correctly). thanks DeHackEd :) sorry, havent got much further because i was out. in any case, some of the theories that came to mind are listed here. namely, im gonna try and win 3 potions from a 2 potion battle. could someone kindly rule out a few of the below theories to ease my mind? please be gentle too, im not as GIFTED as most users in coding and such.
for land turtle and i suppose all other boss battles, they cant be easily manipulated. i mean by stopping a frame beforehand and then moving onward. it seems that the damage is random?

something to note; im not keeping track of battles that dont take waiting time. mainly because it wouldnt do any good AND because there is no stop.

current HIGH	13 frame difference.

stopped on 4700 (possible it was 4699)
-4701	potion
stopped on 6891
-6893	potion
stopped on 10373


stopped on 49936
-49944 or something... close to that. sorry.
stopped on 52695
stopped on 55218

enters new room, estimate 49651?
stopped on 53045
stopped on 76619
stopped on 78847
stopped on 80897
stopped on 84508
stopped on 86886
stopped on 89591
stopped on 92589

very vital to note i won 2 potions in this battle. !? how did this happen suddenly?

stopped on 95036
stopped on 98324
stopped on 100120
stopped on 102330


stopped on 105912
stopped on 107900
stopped on 112657
stopped on 114616
stopped on 117122
stopped on 119894
stopped on 122009
stopped on 124007


stopped on 126785

-actually, what is done inside battle does affect the outcome! by this i mean my berserk strat isnt so full proof. if not all enemies are killed in a certain round, the result changes.

im wondering on 2 things:

-1-is the frame number when entering battle a predetermined time set within the ROM or game that makes it a battle where an item can be dropped.


-2a-is the time between battles via frame number a lengthy pattern that carries over. 


-2b-is this a randomly generated value which it has so far proven to be so (though i wouldnt expect such transparency).

there must be a pattern eventually. the game cannot be entirely random, and ive reason to believe that in some way i can manipulate potion battles and EVEN non-potion battles to obtain them (moreso). meaning all battles should have a way to drop a potion. 

...in some RPGs, when running from battle, you are prone to drop things. in this game, enemies can attempt to run but are not always successful. i wonder if this is what causes it? maybe not...

-3a-perhaps each round, the enemy may or may not have the item on them. if killed in that round in which they HAVE the item, they drop. so it may indeed just be a waiting game for the correct round to come up to kill them?

-3b-or perhaps order plays a part in it as well? such as they must be killed in a certain order to obtain the maximum amount of potions? this could mean a waiting game.

please note, i have deeply treaded into unknown territory. outlandish ideas.

for us to ever hope to gain 3 potions in a single battle once more, we must have a battle in which there are 3-4 goblins of course. 

stopped on 131002
-131003	------
-131004	------
-131005	------
-131006	------
-131007	potion	+5
-131008	------
-131009	------
-131010	potion	+8
-131011	------
-131012	------
-131013	potion	+11
-131014	------
-131015	------
-131016	------
-131017	------
-131018	------
-131019	------
-131020	------
-131021	------
-131022	------
-131023	------
-131024	------
-131025	------
-131026	------
-131027	!!! 2 potions +25
-131028	------
-131029	------
-131030 ------
-131031 ------
-131032 ------
-131033 ------
-131034 ------
-131035 ------
-131036 ------
-131037 ------
-131038 ------
-131039 ------
-131040 potion +38
-131041 potion +39
-131042 ------
-131043 ------
-131044 ------
-131045 ------
-131046 ------
-131047 ------
-131048 potion +46
-131049 ------
-131050 ------
-131051 ------
-131052 ------
-131053 ------
-131054 ------
-131055 ------
-131056 ------
-131057 ------
-131058 ------
-131059 ------
-131060 ------
-131061 ------
-131062 ------
-131063 potion +61
-131064 ------
-131065 ------
-131066 ------
-131067 ------
-131068 ------
-131069 ------
-131070 ------
-131071 !!!!2 potions +69
-131072 ------
-131073 potion +71
-131074 ------
-131075 ------
-131076 !!!!2 potions +74
-131077 ------
-131078 potion +76
-131079 ------
-131080 ------
-131081 ------
-131082 ------
-131083 ------
-131084 ------
-131085 ------
-131086 ------
-131087 ------
-131088 ------
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thanks once more DeHackEd! :D ok, what ive got so far is im at the dwarf cave before guzco. the first warp i use out of sasoon castle should be somewhat of a shocker. i wonder where it could be further implemented, if at all? anyhow, we're 1:21:32 into the game. there are still some mistakes, such as picking up unnecessary treasure. and the menu scrolling for upgrading is done very suboptimally because i dont like the way this game scrolls and leaves remnants on the same frame it should be moving things. if all goes well, i might have this finished tomorrow or saturday (its honestly not hard at all). oh, and i kind of went back on the RANDOM BATTLE thing. FEOKs will fight some in order to upgrade. well, night everyone.
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