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This is an improvement of 18360 frames to the published glitched run and an improvement of 4494 frames to MUGG's unsubmitted, faster glitched run.
I started it immediately after I saw TASeditor's post in the Kirby's Adventure thread about a glitch he had recently found to clip through sloped hills. As soon as I watched his video demonstrating the glitch, I was motivated to spend the rest of my afternoon and night creating this improvement to the glitched run of my favorite game.

About the run

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.1 (Old PPU)
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses glitches
  • Genre: Platform

Room by room comments

Room 1

  • I tried and tried to improve the beginning of this level, and almost did by 1 frame, but I just couldn't manipulate those Waddle Doos to jump toward Kirby and also not use their laggy attack, so I just hand-copied the same (apparently perfect) input over.
  • I discovered a little trick to turn Kirby around right before he swallows the Mix, saving a few frames because he doesn't have to turn around after the transformation.
  • I had some trouble sliding off of the tall mesa and not taking damage from the Hot Head and losing my ability or killing it and bouncing very high (both scenarios would waste time). By sliding off the mesa at just the right frame, I bounce low enough to enter the door without wasting a whole bunch of time.

Room 2

  • Kirby moves slower on slopes, so I jump over all of them in this room and all but one in the next (you'll see why).
  • The way I puff up and spit at the Bronto Burt is the fastest I found to do it without accidentally manipulating the Sparky at the end of the room to use his very laggy attack.

Room 3

  • I jump once at the very beginning to manipulate the Hot Head to not use his laggy attack on screen (he uses it after I leave the screen, but the level doesn't lag).
  • By jumping very high over the Poppy Bros. Jr., I make the Waddle Doo jump too, preventing him from using his laggy attack and just getting in the way of the glitch.
  • You can't clip through the slope with just one jump. You need at least two 1-frame jumps, one right after the other. The first jump pushes you into the line of the slope (where the game can push you back out if it wants to), and the second one decisively puts you on the other side of the line.
  • Once Kirby is inside the slope, I turn to stone to slow his lateral movement to move him slowly into the water (so he doesn't skip right to a swimming animation) and then use the stone glitch to skip to the credits.

Suggested Screenshots

1232, 1801, 1858

Thanks to

  • TASeditor for finding, sharing, and demonstrating this clipping glitch
  • MUGG for his previous glitched runs

feos: Setting to delayed until the frame war ends and we finally have a new movie.
feos: The framewar is over, CoolKirby promised to cancel this submission in favor to the final one, I guess it won't harm is I do so while he is away.

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TASeditor wrote:
Anyone else up for framewars?
No thanks. I'll just keep updating it every-time when I see a newer faster time (or when I wake up).
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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Wow, I picked the wrong day to take a vacation. I'll see if I can join this frame war.
GeminiSaint wrote:
Um, how does that glitch work? What makes the game skip to the credits like that?
It's not yet known.
MetalStorm wrote:
Could that little waterfall inside of the slope be considered "water" as well?
Unfortunately, no.
MUGG wrote:
Uh...what are you trying to say? I'd like to know what you think of it if you have something you wanted to say.
Joined: 3/14/2013
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This syncs on PRG1 too. I just thought that was worth noting.
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Uh...what are you trying to say? I'd like to know what you think of it if you have something you wanted to say.
"eeeh" means "eeeh!? didn't see that one coming"
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That. Was. Friggin. Awesome. Yes vote. Great job, CoolKirby!
So yea, how's it going? Currently TASing: Nothing
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Spikestuff wrote:
Still think it can be improved.
I hate myself.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
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Posts: 1317 Finally that 4 frame improvemt in the first room didn't cause much lag.
Favorite animal: STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,EGFP)Nagy Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb Tg(tetO-SMN2,-luc)#aAhmb/J YouTube Twitch
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Why don't you guys improve SMB by a couple dozen frames as well? We wouldn't need to wait for years this way.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I am joining this frame war.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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Saved another frame over TASeditor's movie. I'm impressed with the ingenious improvements you all found. To think I was trying improve this for hours last night but didn't find anything like this. :P
MUGG wrote:
"eeeh" means "eeeh!? didn't see that one coming"
Oh, okay. Thanks for your comment!
Spikestuff wrote:
Spikestuff wrote:
Still think it can be improved.
I hate myself.
Don't. This is a good thing. The new run looks a lot better than my old one, and won't be obsoleted as quickly.
Post subject: CoooooooooooooooooooooooolKirby
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WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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1 2 3 4. I declare a frame war.
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
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hegyak wrote:
1 2 3 4. I declare a frame war.
This was already a frame war. Didn't you see the previous comments?
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CoolKirby wrote:
hegyak wrote:
1 2 3 4. I declare a frame war.
This was already a frame war. Didn't you see the previous comments?
Especially the foreshadowing of it.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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That's right, Spikestuff called "suboptimal" before anyone else. And I know it doesn't matter which ROM version it was made on, but I went ahead and made a version of MUGG's improvement on PRG0 that also ends on the frame with the Start button press, just to make things easier.
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Oh man, this once against brings up the question of what it means to actually finish the game... In the normal game completion there's almost 2 minutes of ending scenes between the final hit to the boss and the beginning of the end credits, and this run completely skips this. One could argue that this is ok, because the game still progresses to the "The End" scene, which is all that counts. Anyway, voting yes but on the condition that this is published on its own category and doesn't replace the full game run.
Editor, Skilled player (1512)
Joined: 7/9/2010
Posts: 1317 Saved a frame over MUGG's improvement by pressing specific buttons at the end.
Favorite animal: STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,EGFP)Nagy Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb Tg(tetO-SMN2,-luc)#aAhmb/J YouTube Twitch
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Don't worry, Warp, it'll obsolete the current glitched run. Nice work, TASeditor.
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So now what are we voting yes to? P: Need more runs!
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Spikestuff wrote:
So now what are we voting yes to? P: Need more runs!
Vote: Did you find this frame war entertaining? (Vote after watching!) edit: here's 1 frame improvement to level 1-1 for MUGG's version Have absolutely no idea it really saves frame for the TAS (it loads the next level 1 frame earlier). Looking forward the next TAS to optimize.
PhD in TASing 🎓 speedrun enthusiast ❤🚷🔥 white hat hacker ▓ black box tester ░ censorships and rules...
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edit: here's 1 frame improvement to level 1-1 for MUGG's version Have absolutely no idea it really saves frame for the TAS (it loads the next level 1 frame earlier). Looking forward the next TAS to optimize.
There's to much lag. I only got finished the second room 7 frames later.
Favorite animal: STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,EGFP)Nagy Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb Tg(tetO-SMN2,-luc)#aAhmb/J YouTube Twitch
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TASeditor wrote:
edit: here's 1 frame improvement to level 1-1 for MUGG's version Have absolutely no idea it really saves frame for the TAS (it loads the next level 1 frame earlier). Looking forward the next TAS to optimize.
There's to much lag. I only got finished the second room 7 frames later.
How many lag frames did you get and how close are you to MUGG's "RNG" (enemies actions on different frames)?
PhD in TASing 🎓 speedrun enthusiast ❤🚷🔥 white hat hacker ▓ black box tester ░ censorships and rules...
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How many lag frames did you get and how close are you to MUGG's "RNG" (enemies actions on different frames)?
After trying alot I managed to remove some lag frames. So this is now three frames faster. The enemies are not hard to manipulate.
Favorite animal: STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(rtTA,EGFP)Nagy Grm7Tg(SMN2)89Ahmb Smn1tm1Msd Tg(SMN2*delta7)4299Ahmb Tg(tetO-SMN2,-luc)#aAhmb/J YouTube Twitch