Post subject: Metal Gear 2
Joined: 4/22/2011
Posts: 12
Now that I have openMSX actually working, (finally...) I think it's time for me to open this thread. I've been interested in doing this game for quite some time now, but due to being too stupid to ask people for help some emu problems I never actually started it until today. Now, first question on the floor: all items or only the essentials? I really want to do a "collector" run that collects all items but I don't know if it'd take away from the run at all. What d'ya think I should do?
Current projects: FDS Nazo no Murasamejou (hiatused), MSX Metal Gear 2, Arcade Rygar Possible Projects: MSX Nemesis 2, PCECD (NES?) Gofer no Yabou
Editor, Emulator Coder, Active player (265)
Joined: 10/17/2010
Posts: 125
I'd first do a minimal run. It's hard enough as it is.
Joined: 4/22/2011
Posts: 12
Alright, so which items should I actually take? I'm playing through the game again to see what I absolutely need or what I could skip, but that might be a while, so if anyone already knows or has any info, please give your input! also i'm not sure, but do you actually have to follow the green beret man to gain access to the room where you have to look in the manual for the code?
Current projects: FDS Nazo no Murasamejou (hiatused), MSX Metal Gear 2, Arcade Rygar Possible Projects: MSX Nemesis 2, PCECD (NES?) Gofer no Yabou
Editor, Emulator Coder, Active player (265)
Joined: 10/17/2010
Posts: 125
It has been more than a decade ago that I played and finished the game (on real hardware), so I can't tell you, really. But try to ask Vampier, he probably knows more about it than I do :) There are probably already videos on YT which play the game in its entirety... There are also maps online and information pages...
Joined: 10/31/2010
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Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Circlekyuu wrote:
Alright, so which items should I actually take? I'm playing through the game again to see what I absolutely need or what I could skip, but that might be a while, so if anyone already knows or has any info, please give your input!
I played MG2 a lot when I was working on the translation, but that's 15 years ago and I've hardly played it since. I think there are very few items you can actually skip. Even most of the rations have uses other than restoring health.
also i'm not sure, but do you actually have to follow the green beret man to gain access to the room where you have to look in the manual for the code?
The map is actually different if you follow him compared to when you ignore him. I don't know how far you have to follow him for the map change to occur, maybe you can save some time by following him only part of the way.
openMSX developer
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Circlekyuu wrote:
Alright, so which items should I actually take? I'm playing through the game again to see what I absolutely need or what I could skip, but that might be a while, so if anyone already knows or has any info, please give your input!
I'll refer to this post I made on Gamefaqs about what items are needed for a non-TAS speedrun.
A-ration from the first truck Gun w/ 30 bullets Keycard 1 Keycard 2 11 mines from the minefield keycard 3 6 stinger missiles cardboard box B-ration (hidden in the second room after you enter tower building) 10 plastic explosives from B1 of tower building keycard 4 30 grenades from floor 10 of tower building keycard 5 keycard 6+brooch 15 mines from the truck one screen south of the bridge Hangglider C-ration from the cool storage, (it's the one furthest down, and you're waiting for the brooch to cool anyway) 15 mines from the truck one screen south of the bridge keycard 7 15 grenades on the first screen of the Predator fight, hidden left between the wall and the box keycard 8 egg (the one to the left) 50 bullets from the first truck between the bridge and detention center 15 grenades + A-ration from the second truck between the bridge and detention center A-ration from the upper right corner of the detention center outer wall Keycard 9 Cartridge 30 grenades Cartridge A-ration + keycard 1,2,3,4,5,6 + spray can + lighter gun.
This list is made with the no-kills Big Boss ranking in mind (on the PS2 version), so depending on what level of stealth you settle on you could just punch guards to death rather than pick up those rations listed above.
Circlekyuu wrote:
also i'm not sure, but do you actually have to follow the green beret man to gain access to the room where you have to look in the manual for the code?
Yes you do have to do that, and you can't skip the conversation with dr Petrovich either, or Running man won't show up.
Emulator Coder, Player (31)
Joined: 4/24/2010
Posts: 73
Location: California here is a 2 hour walk through which will show the most important parts of the game as well as some tricks (screen swap with enemy without being detected etc) the route is not optimized Annoying TAS preventing parts: 1) follow the green berret through the jungle. 2) hatch the owl egg. 3) freeze the key (loads of backtracking).
MSX Game specialist / openMSX team member
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Problem 1 is hell, most boring part of the game with a huge margin, nothing to do with it. Problem 2 is also bad, but at least you can use the spare time to pick up the B1 Rations you need for later Problem 3 is solved by going to floor 4 and freezing the key right after you get the hang-glider, and then use the elevator in the womans bathroom as a shortcut to get back to the tower building and fight UltraBOX. This means you don't have to backtrack after you use the hang-glider, and saves a lot of time.
Joined: 9/13/2011
Posts: 3 This is a non-TAS of the PS2 version, could still be useful though.
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I found a way to save four minutes off the Green Beret jungle section by alerting and desyncing the Green Beret: This may be able to save time for a speedrun of the Virtual Console version, but I am not able to test that version on emulator. Can someone else please test this? There are two things here: 1) Moving to the next screen must be done at the same time as Green Beret. 2) The punch in the upper left screen(second punch) must be done right before he changes direction in that corner. That is what causes the Green Beret to desync. The first and last punches are done so that Green Beret does not outrun Solid Snake. I also found a way to save a couple minutes on the egg by using a deathwarp, and also the deathwarp can be used in quite a few places to save multiple minutes. I have been busy planning the route, but because drops are on a running timer that does not reset, I am unable to make a test TAS that will reflect what the final will look like. So I decided to start the actual TAS and hope everything works out. I just got done with the Black Color fight, which looks cool. I found some other miscellaneous stuff as well: I can make a guard float off the screen. The game gets confused when doing a double KO at the end. Speaking of getting confused, how about a game crash? Here is a glitch in the swamp, but is not useful unfortunately.