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or if they're online, where can i find them?
Google search. I'm sure we can't directly link the files here, but they're an easy find on Google, just search for the file names.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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kirbymastah wrote:
Hm how would I dump them from my wii? Is there a homebrew app? I got my ISOs from the discs themselves... or if they're online, where can i find them? I do have a DSPTool but it's an application...
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I'm still getting "SetupWiiMem Cant find setting file" I had the dsp files in the wrong spot, so it threw an error that i couldn't find the files, but once I put them in the correct filepath, it throws the above error now. I've made sure that dual core mode and idle skipping are unchecked, and that eurgb60 is unchecked. After dolphin throws the above error, it then freezes. Any suggestions? It may be that my ISOs are wrong, since I ripped them onto a 8GB sd card, but the ISOs are about 4GBs big each... (I do want to try TASing Kirby's Dream Collection challenge rooms as well). My ISO files are also in archive/zip files, yet it says I can't zip them, so it might be a problem with those; I may need to re-rip them... Sorry about all the questions, I've never TASed before so this is all pretty new to me ^^;
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It could be a problem with the ISOs, like you said. If you dumped them from your Wii, they shouldn't be in a zip folder. You might have WinRAR or something similar, in which case they would look like archives, even though they have the file extension *.iso and can't be unzipped. It's worth re-dumping them though.
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Ugh I don't know, I may just give up on this... I extracted my iso in parts this time, and combined then, and I'm getting exactly the same error...
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I hope you don't decide to give up on this. You didn't change anything else in Dolphin?
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Nope, settings should be the same. I'll try again sometime soon; been busy trying to beat my WR in this game's any% P
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Patashu wrote:
Derakon wrote:
But every Quick Join uses up a life. Would extra lives be worth detouring for?
Do you get the life back when you Quick Leave?
Only if the helper is at full health
I quit TASing.
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As an update: A while ago, I got a new any% WR (1:40:34): I've been taking a bit of a break from it, but I'll be trying to record it and get a submittable attempt to SDA. I lost over 30 seconds thanks to crappy luck from trollgalor, and after counting my visible mistakes, there were 2 minutes of mistakes (and that's an underestimate). I know that sub 1:39 is possible, and if TAS'd, 1:38 is also definitely possible. Meanwhile, something more potentially TAS-related, during a race against yoshifan, I encountered this glitch: I'm not sure what happened. It was completely by accident. It seems like maybe I did a flap following the end of condor head, and it carried me over through the water or something like that. Before I do more serious any% attempts, I'll look into this glitch, but it seems like it's probably something frame-perfect. Probably not that helpful either, as from what I can tell, it only works if you condor head into a body of water from the side, and you only see that in that level (4-3) and dimensional rifts (which in those cases, you can't have wing, and even if metaknight can do it, the camera follows kirby and not metaknight). This is just off the top of my head though. It'll certainly save a bit of time for a TAS.
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kirbymastah wrote:
thanks to crappy luck from trollgalor
You mean Magtrollor?
kirbymastah wrote:
(which in those cases, you can't have wing, and even if metaknight can do it, the camera follows kirby and not metaknight)
What about having Kirby sit on Meta Knight's head? That could work in a TAS at least, even if it would be difficult to do a 2-player speedrun.
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I messed with the trick a bit, and I'll record what kind of things you can do in 4-4 with Wing Kirby. But it's surprisingly easy to do on console (just mash 2 while condor heading into a waterfall and you'll fly). Here's what I know: You can basically do whatever you want while in water, as long as you don't take damage. You don't have to continuously flap; you just have to be in "flap-mode". Furthermore, you can dive bomb inside waterfalls. And if you jump-cancel a dive bomb, you go back into "flap-mode," meaning your'e still flying underwater. Now, if you do a dive bomb to fling kirby out of the waterfall... you'll see once I get my video posted. As far as I know, you can only do the wing-swim glitch off of a condor head. I haven't been able to do it out of a combo dive (haven't tested condor dive, but they're basically the same move). Maybe it's possible but frame-perfect (or very hard); after all, it's easy to do the condor head method on console because you can't jump cancel it (thus you can mash 2) unlike condor dive, which are jump-cancellable, and thus you can't mash 2. Metaknight can't condor head, he can only condor dive, but I'd imagine it works the same way. Furthermore, I don't know if Kirby can still ride MK while he condor dives (haven't really tried it); if he can't, then the point is moot. Of course, I haven't tested Metaknight yet, nor have I done extensive testing (only about 10 minutes), so what I said about MK is just theory. I'll post a video of wing-kirby applications for level 4-4, as there are a few cool things you can do on console. I'm sure even cooler things can be done on TAS. Anyways, if I find out that you CAN do the wing-swim glitch out of a combo/condor dive, AND that kirby can continuously ride on MK while he dives, then it can be very useful for water sections in TAS. Of course, assuming you can activate the glitch out of dives, then you'd have to test if it's possible to dive into the TOP of a body of water and activate it... which I don't know about. If it's possible, though, then that'd be HUGE, and would make world 3 so much faster... and would make my life hell for optimizing console any%. And haha, Magtrollor is a better name XD But yeah, for the magolor fight, you can see my ideal console strat here: it's not perfect of course, just because it's so random, but it's very good.
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So I decided to try to get back into this again. I redownloaded dolphin, got the two files required for LLE, and basically followed all the directions on I ripped the game again (it's around 4GB; does that sound fishy or ok?) And it says it's running but I only get a black screen. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put for graphics settings in the URL above because it tells me to go to to check for KRtDL but obviously it's not there... Also I downloaded dolphin from the link above, not the wiimote fix from this post... though it has options for using the wiimote so it should be fine? Finally, is it a problem if my computer is 32-bit?
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kirbymastah wrote:
I ripped the game again (it's around 4GB; does that sound fishy or ok?) And it says it's running but I only get a black screen.
Your dump is incomplete. The ISO should be around 4.4 GB. You may have to format your flash drive in NTFS to be able to support >4GB files (worked for me with my copy). Then, when you dump the game again, make sure Chunk Size is set to Max (assuming you're using CleanRip).
kirbymastah wrote:
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put for graphics settings in the URL above because it tells me to go to to check for KRtDL but obviously it's not there...
It's right here.
kirbymastah wrote:
Also I downloaded dolphin from the link above, not the wiimote fix from this post... though it has options for using the wiimote so it should be fine?
You will want to use the latest development version of Dolphin 3.5 or possibly one of the old Wiimote-fix revisions. Any other revision will have constant desyncs.
kirbymastah wrote:
Finally, is it a problem if my computer is 32-bit?
Not at all, as long as you're using a 32-bit revision (a 64-bit binary will not even run on your machine). Great to hear you're picking this up again! Good luck!
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Don't use 3.5, use the latest development build.
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My bad, it's fixed now. Thanks RachelB.
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Hm under the latest development builds, there're only options for 64-bit and 86-bit dolphin... not 32-bit.
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kirbymastah wrote:
Hm under the latest development builds, there're only options for 64-bit and 86-bit dolphin... not 32-bit.
x86 is 32-bit, it makes absolutely no sense, but that is how it works.
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Warepire wrote:
kirbymastah wrote:
Hm under the latest development builds, there're only options for 64-bit and 86-bit dolphin... not 32-bit.
x86 is 32-bit, it makes absolutely no sense, but that is how it works.
Sure it does. The name comes from intel's 8086 cpu, which was the first x86 cpu.
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RachelB wrote:
Warepire wrote:
kirbymastah wrote:
Hm under the latest development builds, there're only options for 64-bit and 86-bit dolphin... not 32-bit.
x86 is 32-bit, it makes absolutely no sense, but that is how it works.
Sure it does. The name comes from intel's 8086 cpu, which was the first x86 cpu.
Don't I feel like a moron now. I should have figured that out easily.
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Holy crap, I got it working! Just a few quick questions: It's running at like 50% speed. Are there any options I can use to speed it up? Is there also a hotkey for frame advance? I know there are hotkeys for save/load states but not frame advance... And also, the TAS input UI seems to be for gamecube, not for a wiimote... =/ It'd be great if someone can send me a save with a complete file so I can try TASing something simple, like a challenge room =) (I think sending save files are ok?)
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1) yes, dual core, idle skipping, and HLE dsp emulation will, but all will cause problems (desyncs mostly). 2) options-> hotkey settings 3) There's no wiimote tas input yet :(
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Ah, so it it impossible to TAS with wii? or can I just use a controller when the game is paused, frame advance while holding down the button?
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kirbymastah wrote:
Ah, so it it impossible to TAS with wii? or can I just use a controller when the game is paused, frame advance while holding down the button?
Yes, you can do that.
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There are some 100% saves available here. Just go to Tools > Wii Save Import and answer Yes to all prompts to import the save file.