Player (208)
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But you only get limited continues. Limited continues make games hard.
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Player (67)
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I've never met nor seen anyone who even claims to be able to beat Battletoads on the console. But I think everyone here knows how horrible that game is. Still, it belongs in that article. Wizards & Warriors 2 was, indeed, the easiest in its series. It was still an arduous task to defeat, though. I've beaten Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts like twice in my life without the warp thingie. It's not hard, but you have to go through it twice, which is trying of your patience. Never played the NES version, so I can't comment on it. Space Ace. That game's first level was ok. Then you get to this high-speed maze thing and you're lucky if you can even find the next level. And I've been lead to believe that there are levels after you finish everything in that maze, but I wouldn't know since I never beat it. I'll go ahead and say that the first Contra was really hard. I never finished it, myself, but then again that was so many years ago I might be mis-remembering how hard it was. Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, Crazy Mode in particular. I have never literally feared a video game before I took it upon myself to get 100% in Crazy Mode for that game. I swear, "Crazy" is apparently the code word for "masochistically difficult" at Konami. I wouldn't actually believe that I've beaten it were it not for the saved game I have on my memory card to prove it.
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Fro Jackson wrote:
Impossible Mission for the C64. I played that so much as a little kid, then again sometime last year and I STILL couldn't beat it. In fact, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do except avoid scary robots and pick up stuff from vending machines. "Stay a while... STAY FOREVER!"
I have beat that game many times. You have to search for pieces of a puzzle. Then, you have to form rectangles using 4 of the pieces on each. This is somewhat difficult, because you don't know what 4 pieces are the ones used in a given rectangle, and because they aren't in their correct position, you have to rotate them. Once you finish all 7 rectangles, you only have to enter on the Metallic Door that is somewhere on the base. And you have few time to accomplish that mission. Very difficult game, but I have played some even more impossible. The ones I found the hardest were: - Dragon's Lair for C64. Think about a game as hard as Dragon's Lair, and add that every time you die, you have to rewind the cassette and reload the game. No one has so much patience. (and I can beat all the other Dragon's Lair games with my eyes closed) - Blackwyche for C64. Impossible. I don't think the programmer himself could beat it (well, maybe it could be done, but that's beside the point) - The last Ninja. - The Tofu Survivor. Currently, I'm playing the awfully difficult Wrath of the Demon. If I remember another one, I will post it later.
Active player (329)
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Unbeatable game: Microsoft Russian Square, on hardest difficulty. The only thing good about that game is the music. I played it on easiest difficulty a lot, and it was fun. I only beat medium difficulty once by pure luck, and tried to beat it again another day but only wound up spending about an hour stuck on the last 5x5 square and being unable to line up a row before the timer went out. Hardest difficulty is just freaking impossible, with about 6 blockers on the board at one time. Dragon Warrior 3 for the Game Boy Color I would call unbeatable, not because of difficulty, but because of sheer length. That game takes YEARS to play. I played for about a year and a half before I got fed up with finding the monster medals. And that's AFTER I abused the seeds that certain enemies dropped to get all my party's stats to 255.
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Mega Man - Jumping up the disapeparing blocks on iceman's stage was a certain time of danger for my control pad to be smashed to bits. Also, the moving lifts on gutman's stage were designed by satan. Finally, Dr Wily's stage is still a challenge for me. (Brian B) hahaha! that comment was this day's big laugh :DD
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I beat battletoads its not big deal (see speedruns forum) Ghosts'n Goblins on the NES is a hard game, but i've beat it as well, and the snes version. I've also beat Adventure island (massive use of continues). Also beat batman, punchout, ninja gaidens, rush'n attack, super pitfall. (just mentioning some games that i find quite hard and are on that list, even though there are easy games on it. My votes to hardest games go to: Ghostbusters (NES) Gauntlet (NES) Holy diver (NES) (sure some of the difficulty belongs to the controller failing, but still a hard game) Rolling Thunder (NES) Top Gun (NES) I have never seen that last level for those games, and believe me, i tried, except rolling thunder, thanx to the timeattack heh.
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Has anyone played the original Castlevania game: it's an arcade game called Haunted Castle. Boot it up in MAME and try to beat the first level. Adjust the dipswitches to give yourself the best possible advantage. Also feel free to use save states. Now try to beat level 1. (You're going to need a LOT of time, heh heh).
Joined: 8/3/2004
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ive beaten a lot of games mentioned in here but if theres one game that i suspect no human being , including the creators, as ever seen the ending of it as to be Azure Dreams for PSX. I swear i rented that game an went insane after 3 days of playing it, i was still back on the 1st floor =/ but i dont think there are any real unbeatable games ( published games... not flash games that someone decided to make impossible or not ending ) , just really annoying ones. They usually arent all that hard too, but if you make a mistake and die your sent back like 1 hour ago and your bound to screw up again later
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Renegade and Athena need to be mentioned here. Both games have final levels which trap the player in a loop for ALL OF ETERNITY. The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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Mlandry wrote:
ive beaten a lot of games mentioned in here but if theres one game that i suspect no human being , including the creators, as ever seen the ending of it as to be Azure Dreams for PSX. I swear i rented that game an went insane after 3 days of playing it, i was still back on the 1st floor =/
I completed that... but it wasn't easy. I really hate it how the game has a trillion ways to screw you over at the last few floors. It's easier if you abuse the saving trick (save & quit, go to the memory card manager, copy the save file to some other card, play game, if you die, copy it back). The GBC version is more evil though... there are no easy ways to get anything interesting.
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I think that Space Invaders is the hardest game ever. I don't know anyone who has beaten it.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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Megafrost wrote:
The parts of the game I consider to be hard are the level 3 boss and level 8.
Level 3 boss? I don't think I've ever died there, but the level 6 boss is another matter. I never got past it. Blaster Master was one of the few games I owned as a kid and played it for years without making it past level 6. I don't understand how anyone can dodge those white things it throws.
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I'd like to add this one and see if anyone has finished it: Athena (NES)
Player (87)
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My hardest games i have ever played.. Holy Diver. After many continues after continues.. ive only beaten level 2 once. Quake 3 Arena Full game completion on Nightmare mode.. Still haunts me. Perfect Dark (Nintendo 64) Beat 8 Dark sims on yourself. With these settings. All weapons set as CMP120. Limits: first team to 100 kills. Played in Complex. No Radar. One hit kills. The farthest i got with it was 80 kills. I beat 8 Perfect sims though.
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Quake 3 Arena Full game completion on Nightmare mode.. Still haunts me. I used to play Q3A a lot a few years ago and I beat everything on nightmare with ease. If I remember it correctly, there is a video of 10-year-old kid beating xaero 10-0.
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Crazy.. Maybe i just plain suck :P
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No, you just need someone to teach you the quirks of the AI. Beating Xaero in The Very End of You is a particularly easy battle, even on Nightmare, because all you have to do is hide behind a pillar, wait for Xaero to (try to) cross the chasm, and rail his ass in midair. If he spawns on your side, cross over to the other side while he is grabbing weapons, rinse and repeat.
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Oh.. that battle was easy yes but.. Tier 4-6... I found Impossible..yet easy on the next difficulty down.
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there is no such thing as an unbeatable game on NES. the following games i write here is games i have real cartridges on and have beaten them many times as a kid. Kid Icarus, this is an very easy game, can't beleave that they thought it was unbeatable. Battletoads, played this game with an childhood friend(couldn't play with my brother because we would allways start fighting at the stages where you hung by a rope), anyway, beat this game several times with training and a daily(4-5) glasses of cola. Castelvania(speaking for all the games), they were hard at the start, but it was the same all the time you played so you could play the games at the same time ur fighting a big brother;>. Icari Warrior, damn i hate it, how long we even tried (single or multi playing) we couldn't beat the game. haha just looked at my old nintendo controll and I found.......................Bite marks;>
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I recommend playing Abuse on the hardest skill level. The levels 11-16 are lovely! Not unbeatable game, but extremely challenging and fun and cool. Maybe it was a bit too difficult to gain any more popularity.
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Torus Trooper Level 1 to 25 in one stretch, no deaths on "extreme" mode. So far, I've managed to get to level 4 in one stretch with deaths.
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Blaster Master is not that difficult until the 8th world but I've beaten the game allright. And what's that about W&W2? Only really difficult part in that is the final fight.
Player (208)
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But it has limited continues, so the game is hard if you keep falling down and getting hit. Yeah.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Active player (256)
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The arcade version of Raiden is probably the only game I can think of where you have infinite continues and you STILL can't beat it. At least I never could, anyway. I considered it a good day when I got to level 3.
[URL=]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Hmm... They put Ikaruga in their top 5 unbeatable game, that's true that's hard but i think that many Shoot-em-up are really hard especially arcade Shoot-em-up... I'm recalling Viewpoint on Neo-geo and it was really hard to beat this game... (or R-type on GB) Though imo the hardest game i played and i've never beaten was surely Tunnel-B1 on Saturn... This was truly hard...
Not dead yet... still very busy... damn...