You being unable to beat the human 'submitted' times has me a bit suspicious. Perhaps after all this is done, you'd be able to do some Boss ILs to obtain the best time from them, to see what else could happen? Outside of story mode of course.
Wait, you dont think i made that, did you? No way! You can tell cause the user who uploaded that video doesn't have the username "zwataketa" :P
Joined: 3/2/2010
Posts: 2178
Location: A little to the left of nowhere (Sweden)
zwataketa wrote:
Cruizer wrote:
You being unable to beat the human 'submitted' times has me a bit suspicious. Perhaps after all this is done, you'd be able to do some Boss ILs to obtain the best time from them, to see what else could happen? Outside of story mode of course.
Wait, you dont think i made that, did you? No way! You can tell cause the user who uploaded that video doesn't have the username "zwataketa" :P
It happens sometimes that a members YouTube nickname is different from their forum nickname. Therefor you can never really know unless someone says specifically that it's not their video or if it's widely known that their channel has a different name.
You being unable to beat the human 'submitted' times has me a bit suspicious. Perhaps after all this is done, you'd be able to do some Boss ILs to obtain the best time from them, to see what else could happen? Outside of story mode of course.
Wait, you dont think i made that, did you? No way! You can tell cause the user who uploaded that video doesn't have the username "zwataketa" :P
It happens sometimes that a members YouTube nickname is different from their forum nickname. Therefor you can never really know unless someone says specifically that it's not their video or if it's widely known that their channel has a different name.
Well, trust me when i say: ALL my usernames are zwataketa. Never nuthin else :)
Yeah, I'm far enough along now as of last night (Trying to make it entertaining but keeping in a zone is tough lol) that I'm confident in saying that I'll be able to beat sonicandamy's time (but it won't be by a large margin). There's 3 hits to go as of right now and I'll most likely finish it sometime tonight.
Been slacking, will have it done monday for sure.
Another trick :)
In water palace, whenever you need enough speed to go to the upper path instead of the lower path at those sideways waterweel things, you'll either immediately get out when you reach the top or you'll touch the top on the left side and have to waste time waiting to be swept to the right and exit. Try to manipulate it so you always come put on the right side. Also, the faster you go into the waterwheel, the faster up you go, but that may affect the exit point manipulation, so be careful about that. :)
In the mirage road boss, try to time your jump at the ball just right so that it hits him EXACTLY AS HE TURNS AROUND (you can see that in my boss run on youtube), because that means he won't catch it, and I don't think he'll be able to jump since he'll still be in the turning animation.
In the egg emperor v7 boss (original name egg king), when he hits you in the beginning (or anytime in the battle) with one of his hands and then the other, hit the first one on the first moment possible, which will make him skip using the other two hands and instantly go into his side punch phase. Prevent him from using the laser attacks where he fires a few lasers that get faster each time (the one where he fires only 4 is the fastest version, so that ones okay if it appears) and the one where he tries to hit you with the same laser over and over. Try not to let him use the two arm smash attack, since its super slow. Definetly dont let him use the electric trap attack AT ALL!
I'm confident in saying that I'll be able to beat sonicandamy's time (but it won't be by a large margin). There's 3 hits to go as of right now and I'll most likely finish it sometime tonight.
Been slacking, will have it done monday for sure.
I've got it down to the final hit, which isn't hard to finish or anything (I can play the rest in real time and beat sonicandamy's record, so that's not a problem).
My classes this semester are a lot harder than I thought they would be (Figured I could sneak in an extra two classes for a total of six, bad idea). Once I'm better acclimated to this semester, I'll continue working on it. At least I'm not actually stuck for once lol.
I can play the rest in real time and beat sonicandamy's record, so that's not a problem).
Great news VC. I had feared from your previous posts and nitsuja's dropping of the game at this point that, for whatever reason, this was a road block that couldn't/was never going to, be overcome. Really great work man, grats.
VanillaCoke wrote:
At least I'm not actually stuck for once lol.
Ha, can't remember the last time that was. Makes you miss the drill wisp...
Another trick :)
In water palace, whenever you need enough speed to go to the upper path instead of the lower path at those sideways waterwheel things, you'll either immediately get out when you reach the top or you'll touch the top on the left side and have to waste time waiting to be swept to the right and exit. Try to manipulate it so you always come put on the right side. Also, the faster you go into the waterwheel, the faster up you go, but that may affect the exit point manipulation, so be careful about that. :)
Yeah, you're right about manipulating coming out on the right side. It's actually possible to come out so low that you'll touch the ground and be able to boost for a shortways before triggering the "swept away" animation (which caps out at 1600*16 x-velocity), which is a bit faster. However, the speed you hit the wheel doesn't effect how fast you go up (although it'd make sense in theory). Y velocity is always -384*16 as long as the wheel was hit with enough x-velocity to take the upward path.
Thinking about the whale skip in Colors, I think that a similar skip is possible in Mirage Road 2. It's possible to briefly touch the platform (specifically, for one frame) to remove the invisible wall on the right, then take a leap of faith off to the right. There's two problems, one is that there's no solid ground and the slopes leading down to the platform are too steep to do the slope glitch on, so Sonic doing the skip just isn't possible. However, I think that with careful manipulation with hover and full tension gauge, Blaze should be able to hover all the way to the exit ring. The other problem is that there isn't solid ground, so Blaze is going to die after touching the ring. Not sure which would take priority, touching the goal ring or dieing.
Anyways, the route planning and practice runs are done for Water Palace 1. Almost sub 38 in the last attempt. Should have the level done in a couple of days. I'm also going to finish the verification movie I started awhile back for a Blaze run so that I can work on both runs at once.
There's a "pause" that makes blaze stay in place for a few frames when using hover with a high positive y-velocity. It also resets any stored Speed and becomes the current x-velocity value unless backwards is held. I'm going to have to figure out what y-velocity value triggers the pause and avoid it.
It turns out that regular hovering also resets speed to x-velocity's value when R is released unless the opposite direction is held for two frames. It can potentially be useful, I'll have to wrap my head around it some more. Hover also extends the hurtbox that interacts with objects (Springs, Tubes, etc) but not enemies, which is pretty useful. Still experimenting with the route for Night Carnival 1 for Blaze, will probably get it done by Monday.
Water Palace 1 is done, viola.
Link to video
Glad to see you're taking my advice into consideration. Also, your welcome. :)
I do have one question though, for the boss, since his health is higher, and it isnt the type of game where you can hit the boss almost anytime, wouldn't it be faster if the game was on easy mode? I know normally this isnt a good idea, but since you have to wait so long between hits, and you can him only once at a time, it makes sense why i think this, right?
Also, ill post up the link to my boss run so that you can see that trick in the mirage road boss i mentioned. Its the third hit of that boss.. (it hits him the MOMENT he turns around, and I was only accidently semi-tasing (slowdown only due to emulator lag while i was trying to play casually)) :
If you find any tricks that dont realize are tricks, you can use those too. Remember, i was SUPER at this game when i recorded the bossrun, but i blame emulator lag for making the bosses harder. Obviously, you wont see that trick at sonic vs blaze fight, since i dont know how to implement it, but you get the idea. And how did she use her special attack twice in that fight? SHES NEVER SUPPOSED TO DO IT TWICE! ... *ahem* sorry, talkin to myself
Also, i think ill record on the emulator walkthroughs of how to do some of the tricks for you :) with COMMENTARY! :D
Also, dont forget, the guy who claims to have found the backwards jump dash isnt the original founder. I found it in sonic rush in real time WAY before sonic colors was ever released, i was just never able to tell the public.
Link to video
This ended up a lot faster than I initially thought it was going to (Almost 20 seconds ahead of the fastest Blaze time on TSC). There's plenty of slopes and springs that made planning the route take awhile. For instance, the section at 0:15 - 0:17, I optimized about eight different strategies in the test run until I finally squeezed out the last one that skips the switch entirely with the R + Right trick (5300*16 x-velocity) rather than the slow Up+Right R trick (2300*16 x-velocity).
The hardest part in the route planning was picking the route starting at 0:47, since it's possible to jump down to the bottom route and do the slope glitch in the loop and slope afterward, horizontal R-trick onto the last platform and get a much bigger slope glitch on the final slope before the ring. While it isn't as flashy or high speed as the bottom route, the middle route ended up being 26 frames faster since it avoid using the pressure spring (The object at 0:21/0:38. The longer down is held, the higher Sonic/Blaze will be sent upward, up to 4300*16 y-velocity). The bottom route could be faster for Sonic since he's not able to hover over the swings like Blaze in the middle route. Boosting right before releasing the pressure spring will easily allow Sonic to skip them and the floating platforms.
I'm taking a break for a few days and then I might work on Sonic some more, but probably Blaze. Blaze is a lot more fun to work on since the moveset is a lot more flexible for creative routes, so I might end up finishing NC2 first instead.
Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 52
Location: Sydney, Australia
zwataketa wrote:
Cruizer wrote:
You being unable to beat the human 'submitted' times has me a bit suspicious. Perhaps after all this is done, you'd be able to do some Boss ILs to obtain the best time from them, to see what else could happen? Outside of story mode of course.
Wait, you dont think i made that, did you? No way! You can tell cause the user who uploaded that video doesn't have the username "zwataketa" :P
Actually that was at VanillaCoke in regards to him being unable to beat Leaf Storm's boss.
The last levels you've uploaded here are amazing, it's great to see such progress :P
Here ya go. I'll make more, too! ;)
Btw, I'm working on beating sonicandamy's record as Sonic in Point-W (Unknown) Zone. After it's done, I want you to beat THAT record, Vanillacoke. I've giving you the tips, so I don't want you to be lazy. *nods to show point*
I caught your reply before the edit, I just didn't get a chance to reply to it. I used "slow" was because using the diagonal trick would've taken 20+ frames since I would have had to fallen low enough to not go over the loop. I've never encountered a delay on either of Blaze's tricks besides the one that occurs naturally when traveling too far with the horizontal trick (but I know that's not what you were talking about). My guess would be that doing B tricks before doing the R tricks cancels the delay on the Up/Diagonal tricks, which would explain why I never came across it.
Paused wrote:
Was not expecting that.
Going to be very interesting comparing the Sonic/Blaze times and routes.
Yeah, I think so too. Blaze has a lot of potential to get big speed with slope glitching in places where Sonic might not be able to. In most situations though, Sonic is going to be able to get more out of most slopes compared to Blaze provided there's enough room before the slope to get up to 4300 x-velocity. A good example is the first slope in NC1.
Cruizer wrote:
The last levels you've uploaded here are amazing, it's great to see such progress :P
Thanks, I appreciate it. Your maps are a huge help, as always. Sorry I hadn't been making good use of them sooner haha. If you want, I could PM you how to do the slope glitch so you could take some of those top times for yourself over on TSC haha.
zwataketa wrote:
I appreciate the tips and the video you provided. I most likely won't use your trick, but not because it's bad or anything like that. The route I've loosely thought about for AL1 will be abusing the initial rail for speed (since iirc it's possible to keep landing on it without touching the ground first) and then the right curve on the top of the loop to get some big x-velocity and speed. I've actually got a really awesome route for AL1 I've roughly thought out, it'll be interesting to see if it's possible when I get to that point in the run (If it is, easily sub 1 minute). Keep the tricks coming though.
As for being blocked, I don't know what's the issue <_<. My blocked users list is blank lol. Also, in the future if you want to tell me about something that that doesn't relate to Rush, just send me a PM rather than posting here.
I've got my route finished up for Sonic WP2. Hopefully no boss trouble *crosses fingers* once I get to the Water Palace Boss lol.
guess what? IVE FINALLY BEATEN UNKNOWN ZONE ON NORMAL MODE IN REAL TIME! WITH SONIC AND NOT BLAZE! You do realize how much of an accomplishment that is, right? FINALLY! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
EDIT: almost forgot I GOT AN S RANK ON IT!
Another one, this time with commentary ... but I'm questioning whether that's a good thing or a bad thing now -.-' also, I forgot to mention one thing, stunning the boss might help with the luck manipulation to time the hit right as he turns around :)
Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 52
Location: Sydney, Australia
VanillaCoke wrote:
Cruizer wrote:
The last levels you've uploaded here are amazing, it's great to see such progress :P
Thanks, I appreciate it. Your maps are a huge help, as always. Sorry I hadn't been making good use of them sooner haha. If you want, I could PM you how to do the slope glitch so you could take some of those top times for yourself over on TSC haha.
Please do. If it's acheiveable in real time, I -want- to be the one that breaks the charts. It'd give me drive to single segment this game alongside SRA and SCDS.